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Descriptive 4 3 2 1

Writing Rubric
Conjunctions Student used a Student used a Students used Student did not
number of couple of only one use any
different conjunctions in his conjunction in conjunctions in
conjunctions in or her paragraph. their paragraph. her or her work.
his or her
Sentences Student used Student used There were some Student rarely
simple and mostly simple sentences in used sentences in
complex sentences that student work that his or her writing.
sentences that made sense. were not actually
made sense. sentences at all.
Punctuation Student Student mostly Student Student rarely
consistently used used periods, sometimes used used periods,
periods, capital capital letters, and periods, capital capital letters, and
letters, and commas in his or letters, and commas in his or
commas in his or her work. commas in his or her work.
her work. her work.
Spelling Student rarely Student misspelled Student Student
misspelled words. more than a few misspelled misspelled many
words. several words. words.
Understanding Student’s writing Student’s writing Student’s work Student’s work
made sense. made sense but was not always was virtually
there were areas easy to incomprehensible.
where the work did comprehend.
not “flow” or was
difficult to

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