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Unit 4 Spanish 2 Apuntes 4

Fecha: Hoy es __________________________, el ____________ de __________________________________________

Objetivo: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Esto: __________________________________________
Eso: __________________________________________
Aquel/Aquella: __________________________________________

Put the demonstrative adjectives in the correct box:

(esto, esta, estos, estas, eso, esa, esos, esas, aquel, aquella, aquellos, aquellas)
Singular Plural



You will be working in pairs to write a 16+ line Spanish dialogue between a
salesperson and a customer at a clothing store.
Your dialogue should include:
 Clothing vocabulary  The verbs: querer (e->ie) and comprar
 Clothing description vocabulary  Money and prices

Helpful vocab and phrases:

En qué puedo servirle? __________________________________________________________
Có mo le gusta(n)? __________________________________________________________
Algo má s? __________________________________________________________
Podria ayudarme? __________________________________________________________
Talla __________________________________________________________
Dialogue: (AT LEAST 16 LINES!!!!)
Write the form of this, that and that over there, that you would use to match the subject.

This/these that/those that/those over


Ex. Los bolígrafos estos esos aquellos

1. la computadora

2. los pantalones

3. el vestido

4. los guantes

5. el cinturó n

6. las gafas

7. la mochila

8. los jeans

1. That is my bathing suit.
2. Those socks are hers.
3. He bought that jacket over there.
4. The store sells (vender) these sweaters.
5. I brushed my teeth with this toothpaste.
6. Those glasses over there are cheap!

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