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Reflection in Araling Panlipunan (First Grading)

This is where it all begins. Fourth Year High School Araling Panlipunan
(Social Studies) is different from the Arpan of the previous years. As what we have
tackled, First Year Social Studies deals with the Philippine History, Second Year
Asian History and Third Year World History. When I knew that Fourth Year deals
with Economics, my mind was shattered. Math and Science includes Numbers and
also Economics that why I thought Economics was also a difficult subject but now
not for me.

We discussed about the History of Economics, from Adam Smith, the

Father of Economic Discipline to John Maynard Keynes, the Father of the Modern
Macroeconomics. They contributed the concept of Economics in Industry and
Commerce. The interpretation of some Economist about Economics, from Paul
Anthony Samuelson to Clifford James. They have contributed to the uses of

We also discussed about Neo-classical and Radical Economics that is also

studying Sociology, Physiology, Geography, and Safety. The environment, the
classification of land, the metal and nonmetal minerals, source of energy,
population, Labor Force with the different kinds of Industry and Job and the laws
protecting the environment. And lastly, we also concentrated in the study of
Insufficiency and Inadequacy of Products, topics concerning the uses of wants of

This is just the beginning. In the First Grading, we have quizzes, seatworks,
homeworks, group activities and also the First Grading Periodical Examination and
will continue until the end of the School Year. The subject was discussed goodly at
the start, it will remain goodly at the end.

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