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CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biology REVIEWING MAIN IDEAS 1. Biology is the organised study of living onganisms and their interactions with the environment, 2, The study of Biology encompasses the entire biosphere as well as the microscopic world of cells and molecules. 3. The various fields of study in Biology include zoology, botany, microbiology, genetics, biotechnology, biomedicine, ecology and physiology. 4, Careers that are related to the study of Biology include doctors, dentists, SECTION A 1. The study of animals is known as A. botany € ecology B histology D zoology 2. Which of the following careers are related to the study of Biology? I Biochemist If Ecologist I Pharmacist. IV Geologist A’ Land Hl only B_ Mand IV only € I,Hand Il only D I, Wand IV only 3. Research in Biology includes 1 finding cures for diseases TM saving animals and plants from extinction IIL a better understanding of how the physical world works IV a better management of problems. related to the environment A LandIVonly C I,Hand1Vonly B WandIfonly D_U, Wand IV only 4. A general statement that can be tested to determine its validity is called nurses, physiotherapists, biotechnologists, pharmacists, environmentalists, marine biologists and biochemists. . Biologists use the scientific method to make observations about life. The scientific method is the process of gathering facts based on an observable event or a phenomenon, ; When conducting scientific experiments, it is important for a Biology student to practise positive scientific attitudes and noble values as part of his or her culture and value system. of 1/ Assessment A. ahypothesis B_ atheory © aninguiry D aproblem . Which of the following are problem statements related to scientific investigations? I Are ants more attracted to sugar or honey? II Are daisies more beautiful than roses? TIL What is the basis for memorising facts in preparation for examinations? IV. Which perfume lasts the longest? A Tandillonly © Mand lTonly B [andIVonly D WandIVonly . Which of the following scientific attitudes and noble values should be applied when conducting an experiment? I Beobjective II Be trustworthy Il Beirresponsible IV Be analytical A. I, Iand IM only BI, UlandIVonly C_ IL, IMland IV only D 1,11, Wand IV e, 2 CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Biology SECTION B 1. The graph in Figure 1 shows the growth rate of bacterial cells ina culture. Analyse the graph and answer the following questions, (@)_ Describe the pattern of the graph in Figure 1. (b)_ Whats the relationship between the number of bacterial cells and time? (©) Predict the number of bacterial cells after 30 minutes, (@ Do you think the growth curve of yeast will be similar to the growth curve of bacteria in Figure 1? Explain youranswer. number of bacterial cells | sine inutes) Figure 1 SECTION C 1. (a) Suppose someone told you that you can get rid of lizards in your house by using eggshells, Explain how you would carry out a scientific investigation to test the validity of the statement. (b) A student carried out an experiment using the scientific method to study the population of frogs and grasshoppers found in a farm in the months of March, June, September and December. He presented his observations in the form of a bar graph as shown in Figure 2 e a aaa i. : “doo i i i ll ; oo ‘The'student then compared and contrasted the population of the frogs and grasshoppers in each month. (@_Inyour opinion, whats the aim of the student’s study? ii) Based on your biological knowledge, explain the possible causes that might have air contributed to the situation in the month of September. es

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