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TIME : 15 min

LEVEL : intermediate

GENDER : f/m

AGE : 15-16

MATERIALS : pictures , role cards


ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS : Ss may make mistakes in grammar structure

while speaking

OBJECTIVES : By the end of the lesson the students ;

1) Will have practised ‘enough ‘ and ‘too’ subjects

2) Will be motivated to speak


TIME : 3 min

MATERIALS : Pictures


WHAT THE Ss DO : Ss answer the questions asked by the teacher

GROUPING: Whole class

AIMS : -To motivate the Ss to get to the topic.

-To guide Ss to speak by using the structure of ’ too ’and ‘enough’ ‘

STEPS : 1) T sticks the poster of ‘Çocuklar Duymasın ‘ and ‘some actor and
actresses playing in the series

2)T asks some questions about the series and the characters

e.g by showing the picture (when Emre was a child)

* Is Emre old enough to use a mobile phone?

3)T writes some of the answers on the board to show the usage of ‘too’
and ‘enough’.

TIME: 7 min

MATERIALS : role cards given by the teacher


WHAT THE Ss DO : Ss read the role cards and write a dialogue.Then they
will act it out.

GROUPING: group of 4 students

STEPS: 1) T gives the role cards to the students.

2)Ss write a dialogue according to the situation written on the card

3)Ss act out the dialogue

POST-SPEAKING: T wants Ss to think the difference between their

childhood and now.They weren’t allowed to do anything because they
were young. For example: They were too young to cook,work or go to
school. Now They are old enough to cook,work or go to school.Write 5
sentences like in these examples.

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