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The main punctuation marks are:

Full stop .
Comma ,
Question mark ?
Exclamation mark !
Open/closed inverted commas “ “
Colon :
Semi-colon ;
Capital letter A B C
Apostrophe ‘

Capital letters are used :

• to write the pronoun I, eg: I am
• names of persons, eg: Matthew, Anne-Marie
• pets, eg: Fluke
• days and months, eg: Monday, January
• countries, eg: Malta, Spain
• after full stops and at beginning of sentence, eg: Matthew
is playing. He is………
• to begin Direct Speech, eg: He said, “I want to buy sweets.”

The Apastorphe :

When the word is in singular the apostrophe is written between

the first noun and the s.
Eg: the boy’s book

Prepared by Ms M. Borg Chircop (LSA) Year 6

When the word is in plural the apostrophe is written after the
first noun.
Eg: the boys’ books
The girls’ dresses

When we use the negative in short or talking in the future tense:

Eg: I cannot  I can’t
We should not  we shouldn’t

I will  I’ll
You shall  you’ll

Prepared by Ms M. Borg Chircop (LSA) Year 6

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