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Unit 5 – Forces and Space

Lesson Two – On the Shoulders of Giants

"Bernard of Chartres used to say that we
are like dwarfs on the shoulders of giants,
so that we can see more than they, and
things at a greater distance, not by virtue of
any sharpness of sight on our part, or any
physical distinction, but because we are
carried high and raised up by their giant
- John of Salisbury, 1159
• learn about the gravitational pull between bodies; how it
depends on the masses of bodies and the distance
between them
• relate the movement of planets around the Sun, and that of
satellites around the Earth, to gravitation
• study how artificial satellites are used to observe the Earth
and provide information about the solar system and the
• find out about space exploration
• consider different views of the nature of the
solar system and evaluate them against
relevant evidence
• discover how scientists work together to gather
and interpret evidence from space
• make predictions from patterns in data
• consider and evaluate conflicting evidence
The Great Works of Physics and Astronomy
• Quietly Read Pages 108 – 118, paying particular attention to
the contributions from famous scientists
• Create an Astronomy Timeline from he information in this
chapter, and if you would like, from the internet. Include major
discoveries, ideas, theories and the people involved on your
timeline (even if these discoveries or ideas were later refuted)

HOMEWORK (due Tuesday)

• pg 104 # 5 (black), 1 (blue)
• Pg 105 “reasoning” definitions
• Pg 106 # 2, 4, 5
• Pg 107 “Mars Experiment”
HOMEWORK (due Friday)
• Finish your timeline

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