Penghinaan Bangsa Denmark Terhadap: Rasullullah Shallallahu Alaihi Wassalam

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Penghinaan Bangsa Denmark

Rasullullah shallallahu
‘alaihi wassalam
Para makhluk yang bertanggung jawab atas penghinaan itu.
Although that Islam and Muslims respect all religions and the means of media of
Islamic countries did not contempt any religion.
revile not ye those whom they call upon besides god *lest they out of spite revile
god in their ignorance thus have we made Alluring to each people its own doings
In the end will they return to their lord And we shall then Tell them the truth of all
that they did

the holy quran –Anam (cattle)-NO*108))

The Danish newspapers exposed to Islam and prophet Mohammed in insolent and
sarcasm method. So that Muslims are very offended. We protesting and claiming
to stop these newspapers also we claiming to apologize immediately

Please sign the petition to defend Islam and his great prophet (peace be upon
him) by visiting this link:
Semoga laknat ALLAH subhanahu wa ta’ala
senantiasa atas orang-orang kafir yang
menghina Rasul-NYA.

Ya ALLAH, berilah tempat yang tertinggi

kepada Muhammad Rasullullah shallallahu
‘alaihi wassalam sebagaimana yang telah
ENGKAU janjikan kepadanya.
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