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I. Fill In the blank with the correct form of the word in the bracket!

1. Those are my ____________ cakes. (friends)

2. We are reading ____________ story. (Ani)
3. My sister is wearing my ____________ old dress. (mother)
4. Bobby is washing ____________ dishes in the kitchen. (Dimas)
5. My teacher is checking the ____________ homework-book. (students)
6. Vani is driving my ____________ car. (father)
7. They are sitting on ____________ and ____________ chairs. (Rika ; Anis)
8. The zookeeper is feeding the ____________ puppy. (dog)
9. Dika and Dimas are visiting their _________________ house in the village. (grandparent)
10. Tina is playing with my ____________ kitten. (cousin)

II. Look at the pictures and rewrite the words in the correct order!

1. Are – eating dinner – the children – their parents – with


2. His dog – Mr. Bruno – is – with – jogging


3. Danis’ brother – I – Mr. Sue’s house – with – cleaning - am


4. With – I – brushing – am – the toothbrush – my teeth


5. Fork – with – knife – the king – having lunch – is

III. Look at the pictures and underline the correct answer in the bracket!

1. There are (children’s , children’) toys.

2. I am watching (clowns’s , clowns’) performance.
3. The zoo keeper is cleaning the (tigers’ , tigers’s) cage.
4. The (boys’ , boys’s) shoes are in the shoes wardrobe.
5. Your kitten is fighting with (Ali’s , Ali’) puppy.

IV. Answer the following question with the clues in the bracket.

1. Who are playing with you? (my new friends)


2. Who is swimming with your cousin? (my classmate)


3. Who is studying with Randy? (my neighbor)


4. Who is in the car with your sister? (my grandmother)


5. Who is in the room with you? (Diar)


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