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Zack Lee

Ms. Fabriz
2nd Period
15 September 2009

Karl Marx

 Marx became introduced to Communism in the early years of his life

 Went to Berlin, where he learned about socialism ideals
 Met Friedrich Engels in Paris, while writing his first book
 Wrote The Communist Manifesto, which was published in 1847
 The Manifesto became one of the most famous books in history

Karl Marx is known as the most prominent thinker during the 19 th century, and is
known to most as, “the Father of Communism”. Although he did not invent the idea of
Communism, he was one of the first to make it widely known, with his book: The
Communist Manifesto. Marx was born on May 5th, 1818. He first became introduced to
leftist ideals when he was in Berlin, when he became associated with, and even began
writing for, a socialist newspaper. He then went to Paris, where he began to write his first
communism-associated book, titled the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. Here, he
also was introduced to Friedrich Engels, who will later become his long-time partner and
friend. He then went to England, where he and Engels wrote the most famous and
prominent of his works, The Communist Manifesto. It was published in 1847. In this
manuscript, Marx and Engels explained and declared their position on the basis of
Communism. This book would later be a very important book, respected by politicians and
historians alike, as a study for Communism.

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