Self Help - The Human Calculator Plus - Workbooks 1-2 - (Scott Flansburg, Victoria Hay) Youth Enterprises 1992

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So Youth Enterprises, Inc. ( Scottsdale, Arizona Introduction You, to0, can bea Human Calculator, when you KNOW, BELIEVE, and LOVE what you're doing. Thisis the message that you will hear in my audiocassette, The Human Calculator Plus, Itis the message have taken across the United States and Canada for the past several years. The five keys to Human Calculating, which I introduced in my book, The Magic of Math, are understanding numbers, thinking aboutnumbers, memory, practice, and creativity. give you this workbook so that you can use those keys—thinking, memory. practice, creativity and understanding numbers. Remember: it's 0.k. to be wrong. The important thing is to try. Even though the strategies I will show you are simple to learnand use, you can’t expect to hear them once and then work them like magic. Practice builds your confidence. Once you get to KNOW what you are doing, you will come 1 LOVE it. Copyright 1992 by Scott Flansburg and Youth Enterprises, Inc. ‘All rights reserved. Youth Enterprises, Inc. 7898 East Acoma Drive, Suite 100 Scotisdale, Arizona 85260

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