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Roaming the

By: ________________
What do you want to learn about the Grasslands?
Two Kinds of Grasslands
Grasslands are often flat places with few or no trees. There are
two types of grasslands:
1. A SAVANNA is grassland that is hot all year, and has a rainy
season. Savannas are located between the TROPIC OF CANCER
and the TROPIC OF CAPRICORN. Find the Savannas on the map
and trace them in green.
2. A PRAIRIE is a grassland that has hot summers and cool
winters. Rain can fall at any time of the year. Prairies are
located above the TROPIC OF CANCER and below the TROPIC OF
CAPRICORN. Find the prairies on the map and trace them in brown.
Which continents have savannas? Which continents have prairies?
Products from the Grasslands
You can find many things in grasslands that people use or eat. Draw and label 4
things below that you use or eat that may have come from grasslands.
What is a Grassland?
Use 3 of your 5 senses to describe a grassland




The Grassland habitat is home to many different types

of animals. You can find mammals, birds, reptiles, and
invertebrates. List the animals that you would find next
to the correct category.


Herbivore vs. Carnivore
Herbivores are:
Here are some examples:

Carnivores are:
Here are some examples:
Plants Herbivores Carnivores
Draw and label a food chain that exists in the grasslands
WaTCH Out!
There are many predators in the grasslands.
Write what would happen if you met a predator:

Prairie Dog Town
Have you ever seen a prairie dog town? There are no houses or buildings, but it is
where prairie dogs live. Prairie dogs live underground! They dig deep into the dirt in
a grassland and create a home called a burrow. The burrows are tunnels, and
here and there are chambers for storing food, sleeping, or even one for raising
babies! Draw a prairie dog town below and label the chambers.

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