Daily Commodity Newsletter by CapitalHeight - 21-03-11

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Daily Newsletter


Phone- (0731)4295950

Copper failed to extend gains into a third day Friday
LME copper inventories to their highest level since last July
Aluminium LME stockpiles saw an outflow of 6,575 tonnes
Gold up on safe-haven bid as Libya ceasefire questioned
Oil prices slipped on Friday after two days of gains
Natural gas trading near recent high

Gold rose for a third straight day on Friday after a unilateral ceasefire declared by
Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi failed to calm investor nerves as political tensions
remained elevated across the Arab world. Copper failed to extend gains into a third day
Friday, ending lower, as further tightening moves in China, Middle East unrest and
Japan's nuclear crisis kept investor risk at a minimum. Oil prices slipped on Friday after
two days of gains, as Libya declared a ceasefire, easing for the moment the threat of a
Western air attack that could escalate the conflict and further damage oil facilities.

Date Time Currency Economic Data Forecast Previous

Mon All Day EUR ECOFIN Meetings

Mar 21
7:30pm EUR ECB President Trichet Speaks
7:30pm USD Existing Home Sales 5.15M 5.36

Phone- (0731)4295950


Trend • Consolidate Trend • Consolidate

• Buy on dips Strategy • Buy on dips
• R2 -21180 • R2 - 54750
Resistance Resistance
• R1 -20930 • R1 - 53850
• S1 -20630 • S1 - 52450
support support
• S2 -20450 • S2 - 51400


Trend • Consolidate Trend • Consolidate

Strategy • Buy on dips • Buy on dips
• R2 - 453 • R2 - 4770
Resistance Resistance
• R1 - 441 • R1 - 4690
• S1 - 431 • S1 - 4570
support support
• S2 - 423 • S2 - 4490


Trend • Consolidate Trend • Consolidate

Strategy • Buy on dips Strategy • Buy on dips
•R2 - 201 • R2 - 125.5
Resistance Resistance
•R1 - 193 • R1 - 123.3
•S1 - 182 • S1 - 119.7
support support
•S2 - 173 •S2 - 116.5


Trend • Consolidate Trend • Consolidate

Strategy • Sell on high Strategy • Buy on dips
•R2 - 109.3 •R2 - 1255
Resistance Resistance
•R1 - 106.5 •R1 - 1228
•S1 - 103.2 •S1 - 1186
support support
•S2 - 99.3 •S2 - 1143

Phone- (0731)4295950


Trend • Consolidate
Strategy • Buy on dips
•R2 - 117.7
•R1 - 115.4
•S1 - 113.2
•S2 - 110.3

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