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Presented by:

Abhinav Agrawal
 IMF was established after the world war II as a result of
conference of 44 countries held at Bretton woods, in july 1944.

 IMF is an international organization of 184 member countries.

 It was established to promote international monetary

cooperation, exchange stability and orderly exchange
arrangements to foster the Economic growth & high level of

 It was established to provide temporary financial assistance to

countries to help ease balance of payment adjustment.
1. To promote international monetary cooperation.

2. To facilitate the expansion & balanced growth of

international trade.

3. To promote the exchange stability.

4. To assist in the establishment of a multilateral system of

5. To give confidence to member countries.

6. Providing loans for rectifying adverse balance of payment

is the main objective of IMF
1. Maintain exchange stability.

2. Determination of par value.

3. Credit facilities.

4. Balancing Demand and Supply of a currency.

5. Maintenance of liquidity.

6. Technical Assistance.

7. Allocation of profit.
1. The fund has failed to achieve its basic objectives of international
exchange stability.

2. The IMF provides only short term credit facility.

3. The fund has adopted a favorable attitude towards USA.

4. The fund has been criticized as being the


5. The fund has also been criticized for interfering in the economic
policies of the poor countries.

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