Creative Strategy: How To Position Your Product: Chapter 2, Part II

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Creative Strategy: How to Position

Your Product

Chapter 2, Part II

The Marketing Strategy

 Marketing Strategy or Master Plan: Spawns

sub-strategies for packaging, pricing, and

 Creative Strategy or Creative Platform:

Determines what is said in the advertising.

Developing the Creative Platform

 Conduct research.
 Develop a good strategy.

Creative Platform

A Creative Platform (Creative Strategy)

Discusses Five Topics:
 Objectives
 Target Market
 Major Selling Idea (Key Consumer Benefit)
 Other Usable Benefits (Support)
 Creative Strategy Statement (Tone and Manner)


 A statement of goals or expectations

Target Audience

Define Your Prospect (Intended Consumer):

 Demographics: Age, gender, income, educational
level, marital status, number of children, race, etc.
 Psychographics: Psychological characteristics of the

Major Selling Idea

 The major selling idea (USP, brand image, or

position in the market) is the crux of the
campaign; it is the idea on which the
ads/commercials are based.

Other Usable Benefits

 Related benefits should be mentioned in your

ads/campaign, in addition to the major selling
 Number these benefits 1, 2, 3, or A, B, C, etc.

Creative Strategy Statement

 Strategy: Explains the tactics you plan to use

in convincing your target audience of the
merits of the product/service.

 Strategy Statement: Sets the stage for the

entire campaign and explains the continuing
thread that will hold all parts of the creative
strategy together.

The Creative Strategy

A Creative Strategy Covers Five Points:

 Objective: What the advertising should do
 Target Market: Who the consumer is
 Key Consumer Benefit: Why the consumer should buy
the product/service
 Support: A reason to believe in that benefit
 Tone and Manner: A statement of the product’s


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