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Engineering ethic is a subject taken by the final year student as a preparation before enter
real jobs world after finish the studies. The engineering ethic most be important to study because
the subject can teach about the basic important knowlegde to be professional engineer.

From the engineering ethics, the student can learn about ethical problem at many case at
malaysia. Engineering are cases oriented. The engineering ethic can compare ethical problem in
the real case and to employ the same model to the similar situation in order to predict the
consequences of the ethical problem, thus avoid unneccessary mishap or damage.

Engineering ethics is the field of applied ethics which examines and sets standards for
engineers' obligations to the public, their clients, employers and the profession. The engineering
ethic can inpire engineer to improve the performance in desicion making skills and interpersonal

The most important to study engineering ethic is can produce the engineer honestly and
can do the work well. The problem about ethics can be reduce.


To study about the causes the cases at Malaysia

To know about the ethics engineering
To do through study and discuss ethical problem at Malaysian
To carry out search and survey in order to get the relevant case ethical problem

Sultan mizan zainal abidin stadium had been officially opened on 10 mei 1008. it's a multi
purpose stadium which been build at Gong Badak, Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia. It can be used
for football games and also athetic games. The stadium itself can stand 50,000 spectators and
make it the biggest stadium ever built in the east cost Malaysia.

State Sports Complex Construction was started in 2005 with the overall cost of RM452 million,
more than the original cost due to higher prices of construction materials. Cost includes the
Stadium Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin itself of RM292 million while other RM160 million indoor
stadium with a variety of other recreational and sports facilities. However, after only a year
opened, the main roof structured of the stadium had collapsed and brought a major damage
which 50% of the structure had completely failure.

Figure 2 : The picture showing the

Figure 1: Stadium of Sultan Mizan after the
structure of the roof.

Figure 4: Top view of the stadium roof

Figure 3: Side view of the stadium roof
Causes of the Disaster

On 2 Jun 2009, exactly at 7.30 a.m, the roof had collapsed on a car and four other motorcycle
park beneath the roof. however, thanks god that there was no injury or death in the accident. The
accident covered the colllapsing of 80 meter long from over 134 meter overall which covred the
grand stand area. However, 17 workers in the bowling center "Si Diman" and other two security
guard managed to save themself.

This acciden happened started from the unstable roof structure. This whole project was
under supervision of "Jabatan Kerja Raya Malaysia" (JKR). Actually, the early damage of the
building had been detected earlier, however, from the unidentified sources stated that JKR had
kept it in silence. The main roof of the stadium had been build by foreign contractor from South
Korea because of there were no qualified local contractor can mange the job. However, the
failure of the roof to stand for only a year had been questioned. Why the designed is such a
failure when the expert in the expertise area been used for the design and construction? Why the
building with cost so pricy include additional cost can have a failure such an embrassement like

According to the Utusan Newspaper on 3rd Jun, the problem regarding the roof structure
had been detected since the official oppening "Sukan Malaysia (SUKMA) 2008. However, there
are no immediate action been taken from the report itself. The JKR claiming that the there will
be an investigation and process of rehabilation after the SUKMA finished. According to Ahmad,
the weakness of the structure been detected when the structured seem vibrating more than usual
once the commando installing a rope to do an abseiling show in front of the "Yang di-Pertuan
Agong", Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin. The commando also didn't want to take the risk, so they
just do an abseiling from a helicopter. Ahmad also stated that a meeting had been made and the
vice director of Terengganu JKR had been contacted for the immediate action because he
worried the warranty period will be past.

Another claim been made from JKR stated that the roof doesn't get the approvement
certificate (Sijil Siap Kerja) which will be provided by the JKR. The vice director of JKR, Ir.
Ghazali Hashim stated that the roof is one of the several part of the stadium which still not had
been awarded with the certificate. He also stated that once project completed, JKR will do a
checking procedure before awarding the project with the certificate.

According to the Terengganu Ministry, Dato' Ahmad Said, the roof failure cause by the
design was made not according to the specification. He also stated that all parties involved in
building the stadium are the major contributors for the failure. The statement was made based on
the investigation which been made on the stadium. The report stated that the main contractor is
fully responsible on designninig the structure and then leading the failure to the sub contractor.
The main causes are the material and the quality of the building are not according to the
specification, design factor not enough considered and the roof designed was not according to
the specification. Another major contributor for the failure are the lack of expert workers and
monitoring of the project progress.

Unethical Aspect Leading to the Disaster

From the section above, there are lots of causes been claimed as the contributor for the failure of
the stadium roof. However, each of the causes comes from unethical aspect of either engineering
or themself which considered as small problem, but finally leading to the disaster.

The first unethical aspect can be seen from this event is dishonesty. Dishonesty in
themself in completing the work given according to the deal such as using in appropriate
material to reduce the cost, using a material lack of quality, and not performing a job in 100%
cocentration had cost so much to the project it self. starting from the the small problem, to reduce
the budget, use a material of low in quality eventhough in the tender stating will be used a
material of a better one, it finally had caused a total losses and shame to them. honesty come
from ourself, we can't ask people to be honest, but they themself must be honest to any work
they did.

The second unethical aspect in this problem is lack of professionalism. The

professionalism behavior should be in every person especially some one who had been
recognized as a professional engineer. The unproffesionalism behavior is the starting for every
aspect of unethical problem, once someone had been unprofessional, they will tend to do a thing
not with a full of heart, do thing just in a less consideration and finally the problem will occured.
From the problem mentioned above, the design specification not according to the specification,
as a professional engineer, that problem can't be happened. as someone who had been given the
responsibilities to design the structure, failure is not an option. he should give his full of
commitment to the project itself to prevent the disaster from happened.

Another unethical aspect found is that the problem bribery. Eventhough the bribery was
not stated either in the report or any statement been made regarding to the disaster, but bribery
always been one of the major problems to any kind of event. It like had been in the human vein,
from the government sector to the private sector. If you want project, you have to bribe the
project manager, or the owner. The problem regarding to the unethical aspect will caused
unqualified contractor or consultant in the project process. the inexperienced
contractor/consultant will be cause a bad result to the project itself, and Stadium of Mizan Zainal
Abidin is one of the example of human failure.


There will always be a solution for any kind of problem in the world and unethical aspect is one
of it. However, unethical is come from human's heart and thinking. it can't be change drastically
because human live through society, if one person change, 90% or more still in the same way of
thinking. The revolution of thinking can't happened immidietly, it should be train in human's
heart and way of thinking.

As the first problem is about the dishonesty, dishonesty can't be seen from the human
face. it deep's down in human's heart. how to recognize the dishonesty? by learning and know
the people we will work with. Every person have their own reputation and profile, try to know
them amd ask for other's advise. Normally, the person's involved had link with other company
through a working or other kind of relationship, so try to gain as much as information about
him/her. Another possibiliry way to eliminate the possibility of failure is by the employer
themself trained their workers, send them to any kind of program or seminar which can build
their self esteem, work respect and other ethical aspect.

The second solution is regarding the lack of professionallism in the engineer themself.
This problem should not happened, as an engineer, they must know their responsibility. In
designing the structure or building or anything related, the most important factor should be
highly considered is the safety of people. Are the structure design safe enough for people to be in
the area? Are the structure design is comfortable enough for human comfort?. all things thing
should be the first priority to the engineer to think. The engineer can't blame others for the
disaster because they are the one who designing and build the building.

Last but not least, is the solution to the bribery. Bribery had been something commoned
in the world of construction. Starting from the owner, they have to bribe others to get the project
approval, then at the architect or the consultant, the contractor have to bribe them in order to get
the project. Bribery comes in many ways, from giving a money, to give a present. the questioned
is how to eliminate the bribery from our mentality? It can be done by teaching or training the
future engineer since kid that bribery is not an option for success, ask for the government to
tightening the laws regarding to the bribery problem and do a lot of seminar or program on how
bribery can affect ourself to be a better person.

Based on this study, it can be concluded that unethical problem will cause lots of problem to
asny kind of project or the human themself. It is important to teach about ethics to young
engineers and professional earlier to ensure they know their responsibility when they start to
work. For ethics in politics, the main problem that face by professional are bribery and extortion.
Sometimes the professional is forced against the law and code of ethics in order to protect their
job and priority. This problem can be solving if there is a law protect the professional.

For ethics in social, the problem is the professional always dishonest to the public. As an
example they not telling the truth fact about the project that have been done especially if the
project is not very successful. To solve this problem, the professional must think the safety,
awareness and welfare to the public.

For ethics in economy, one of the problem is the professional is cheating about quality of
the product that want to sell to clients. For example is construction project, always occur
cheating about the quality and prizes of construction material. This will cause the project not
follow the quality and specification that have been decided before.

Therefore to solve the entire ethical problem above, the professional must follow all the
laws, code of ethics and moral values to protect professional institution to improve the national

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