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Name:_________________________________ Date:_________________ Period:_____

The Civil War: North vs.

Attack on Fort Sumter
 On April 10, 1861, Brig. Gen. Beauregard, in command of the
Confederate forces at Charleston, South Carolina,
demanded the surrender of the Union garrison of Fort
 When the Union army refused, the Confederate army
surrounded the fort in order to cut off supply lines and
starve the troops.
 When President Lincoln sent troops to re-supply the fort, Confederate forces
opened fire, and U.S. troops surrendered the fort.


Known as: The Union, The United Known as: The Confederacy, The
States Confederate States of America

Slave States
Free States
Economy: ____________________
Economy: ____________________

Northern States (list) Southern States (list)

Northern Advantages Southern Advantages

Northern Strategy Southern Strategy

A Soldier’s Life (summarize)

Northern Military Leaders Southern Military Leaders

 General Ulysses S.  General Robert E.

_________________ _________________

The North’s President The South’s President

The North’s Capital The South’s Capital

The Battle of Bull Run aka The Battle of Manassas

July 21, 1861

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