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BEAR BRYANTS 1975S ALABAMA PLAYBOOK OFFENSIVE TERMINOLOGY DEFINITION: POINT OF ATTACK ~ Spot where ball crosses, ine of scrimmaye. iba > Direction in which most of the backs start. Ga SIDE - Linemen on side of point of attack. US ibe - Linenen on side away from point of attack. TERR BACK - Halfback on side of point of attack. TAR BACK - Halfback away from point of attack. rao Bofensive man on 1.0.8. over any part of offensive mane Seeba ~ First man approached with different color jersey. GAP - Space between two offensive men. HEAD ON - Man nose on nose. PURSUER — Defensive man pursuing ball carrier. UR WEE form used to tell tight end to move out 2 to 4 yards ELEX Wine - Term used to tell tight end to nove out 8 to 12 yds. ELEN Wipe va used in passing game to tell backs to “stay” on and block. SER Npenm used to tell. Split End to line up 2 1/2 yards from tackle. sre FON LATERAL - Get in perfect position on quarterback be receive saree (4 ya. deep ana 4 ya. in front of quarterback.) XE, ABBREVATIONS : wen = No one there. TB ~ Linebacker Wil - Middle Linebacker E, 0. S. - Line of scrimmage ‘SAN ~ Strong Linebacker MIKE - Middle Linebacker Wild: - Weak Linebacker P,0.A. - Point of Attack TIX, BLOCKS AND RELATED CALTS: DRIVE BLOCK - A vicious head and shoulders block. Bain BLOCK - Drive block at knee of opponent. See eeEOcK - A low drive block with upyard action ained at the defensive = man's groin. cuoe BLOCK - Open field block on’men in the secondary PY throwing your body (Bxtendea at his throat.) guod BIOCK - Slow, deliberate block used to maintain relative position on Sofender tight enés use mostly on Sweeps! SGUALK BLOCK ~ Block used to block secondary people = Gee close to man and oo onen he commits, take him, don't leave feet.) CRACK BACK BLOCK ~ A vicious high Grive block used Py wide people or inside defenders. prt - Protect the area to your inside. SBT - Fake pass protection block: See, - pntertain defensive man with shoulder ana Toren Sora - call to tell tackle and guard to switch assignments. Gide - call to tell, guard and tackle ta.change assignments Breck — call to end and tackle to switci-assignnentss : FED - Call to off tackle and guard to lock #1 and #2 on weak side. (Game as SCOOP.) “otp - Call between center and either guard. SOEs — cali to center to block:a man in 1 tech. to onside. GaP ~ Call to on guard and tackle and’end £0 block 1st man to inside. ghIDE - Call between center and guard to Jubb - Guard pull and lead at P. 0. A. GRCRSIDE - Center block away from play call. EMI UE — Off guard and tackle going downfield and peels back. Foor TO FOOT - Guard and tackle vs. 90 SOCK WERK Pass protection block when offside line man is uncovered HINGE — Call to off tackle on pass protection. WALL OFF - Guard influence linebacker and block inside FLAT - Center vs. 90 OOD - Call to tackle on veer GNSTbe — Call to guard and tackle on veer HELP - Call to guard on veer Z TECH LINEBACKER - Call to tackle on veer FIP TO MIKE - Call to tackle on 70 Def. HEP TO BACKER - Call to tackle on 90 Def. alert for area pass protection. oF Fensue. Tv Formation General | q4qds fiom a. BOS. see | “OOS Oo a =O Oru a 9 o, . die A. ihe cxctir wak With cnn ack mp the Paddle 9 gdo. behead ths 1.0.5. dhe Rati BU 8. weld ptip mn Hi uddte and entt te ploy Koch gpoey oonth chen. Whee QB call: the Real the Costin, oud coh wise oie wll Leave tho. Anddte \ bowers cash o~ fC. On Cc words “Becak HARD” He. rumeuidy ofthe by, berate fhe tree with 4 wignour bag onthe waa Yared, PS dachia ond We berm wall opt Bt bn amt Barr wp, Wenn tat in Ud eaapethint Bless TL Cobl of Th Play bn the Unley A. ae fiom Richt 7 . Thea cath tts th, team ithe porn scirn Foor was s < e caren, els 6 eadentis the are om be nem, actlitimral words mag M4 mecel pte - Oxtea, Aovntir , Jue , Casn Ege & auton he antun ¢ chigrrnreeet fr th. backs are Meads She #2 area otnege behind te bt grand ond taoté thy #8 orca ve alive behing the Contin; Ue td ace eo abarouse behind Ce ug oC fe ees ee . © cbatuy biclons the cheep tel tha E "forma Oo © © Gi © © © ° Q De offenses Likes «ont. revubecd with the woen rembtrc th oburgs tt th. ecg wide anh he. oad bine obedouyp on he Left acike 4 78s oO OOo toh sod 4 NN s, ° ° _ 34 gh ae 7G ES Gk als g2 oe Be ale 23 3 Be ae oS fla oe oa. Bo ag as oe re oo 83 as a8 a2 J @ | Y Va «PbO “> O io ep MOO PO oO ae) D> POO O g0.0 “~O 80 10 80 Tight “PDO “sb MS IVE OLY? : a "Right ~ Left oO OOuU000 y oO x oO Oo oO “Right Wide’- Left Wide Oo O©OCHOSe Oo Y Oo x 0 © Oo “split Right Split Left © (Wide) © © © Ho @ Oo : oO Oo 7 oO Oo "Slot Riydt ~ Slot Lett oO (6) ©) [El (@) (©) Oo y oO oa x Oo oO Covete 42 (Rott) a. Cover Ft (invert To Bom swwes) Z wwe OU Oo Buz = Gd Fracece US.75 ~ wicoueeep mand Goes Fu Sa OT 9 who 2 os SPUR PLE © Cenrez Z Put «+ Q. LS, pol ye oO Fold: ee ROUNDS sino8s. a CAL 45 hehe mae UR CuT Side Yau must | Bloc, Down : wx Xw 2 : OO JOR SIDE ozone BLocKS AWAy Lo Rom pray Cae RED 3é : — = , : ItK WEA ~ protection WH Vv Vv UM — BLOCK E ie UNCouE, ae) oO BLACK = Qi FAVRE saa re fo ps ea S 295 tm 1 Paine Down. Fier peer aade 4 oe Ow nada do 4 : : d 9.00000 : " . aistinddntse, “9op0e8 “fo geno000 cocesb eda. oon000 | °.,00000° naAnaoo “900000 _Blocks Used. By OFF. -Arue. rg . Blue. Xx oO Yp ¥ bey OS This Shék ts good fon b4 40 fo the playside TP gives. _ te. Lb. oh tlewen? ok. 0% ho p00 on ihe bikie altel! alays. because tt feuds 10, x[ow, the ALfe2 Sows) Zr ta ccopssrousls be sel ow. backside pass plerect pe a CM bg OF IIL] ova HD Blocks Used By OFF. -Aiue ; ef x ° ook 3 0° Oo |. Ce Mog jitside Hest punt Ctdd (elo pel hin up. ve. show bam Covad Mout pgeble CAL, go Ahesd ot Loop ths etmiites DI ~eont causlig A ollie wth both te fulldscl - BB, . - +=—=—=SCOCOeemMS—s | ae F2ALZ3 (tel Moudile Te The FB) S 7 ‘ B e ss N E Cewtere — Zewo , facksi ow Hund — 7 / on Tackle —#-2 Op Encl = ws 2 uted — = 1 OFF Fickle. te 2. 2, wd — _dowftield Wen back — Fake seer (Hee oe. Lead etre) warbick - lec fale vec 4, ell back = bell onesic® Meck talk + bul for diy Lyd OB. — veer execution) Bt (Eph Qetiow ~ £6, 08, NB) ELE Bh KEE 6 S Cevtere — Keach Pickup ew Huard — Lulside Block o@ ##/ on-Jackle — Bhek 4 Tech Lhe fT 1 Enside LEER: ow Cue — febrise. bloke ts) Le lP5) 066 Muted = ketck Luck 4p. OLE Pickle —~ #2, Dowsdtrelel OLE End — Down field MenRback — x. aebick —Ptchmor bs ait Lor. position Joteed, ) | Fullback ~ Bellen‘iee , Blbep (ben ,SAt) OB. — Key HE + execute Veep: FEBI (FE yok ot with Lead Bleck ~ £8, 68,8) Cevtee — ov Huard — Lusile Shek ee 1 on Tackle. Shek t Tick tfe0 WTI sastele bbe on Emel — bE shm pis nelesse 3 bluck HINGE side Block as) 2 yee — Keach Pickup OLE Tickle — #2 owalfield OF Eud — Dov field pene bite = Blache oe 5.(.P- Recossige’ Cyult-ed Ste) a pebick — tAckma, Soaivl tor upitius [ptebs. t, Tall hack = teen spoth.,Ballearvie Blokee— off Li. Wp Sah PB. — hay ttB. _PE/39 (Bal 1s going outsicla — @B,NB) & c ss + tevtere — S/axt Dick “up. ow Huaed — HES on Fickle — #2 of Loop Zeck Dp End = AS upleel — Stat Pickup OLE Fiokle.—#¢ 2 ,Powtreld 2, wd — Dowsfield Men back — Ht # apbick — 2c tio. (elect! Ll 2 Le LL Ud bick =stee de pole hale ath tehblock HQ. OB. — fe font hall +o re ae 401 (Cath Mook Te En Ss | dH H Bin ® 7 E ss ve o eee Cevter — Lo, an ole” en Munied — Hk / on Fickle ~ #2 On End — 243 2 ped — #1 Cblue. it possible) OFF Fickle. — #2. (hue 1 f passible OE kud = Lows Field. Menk back — bell tuber Brock oft Suskds bhek. apbick ~ Zz veek. ‘s Cull fyek — uv 6 epposite side ot called. Oss : 26/7 Be thy (Bead) 5 : H H AY oe % 5 La bs BOS Cevtere —~ © , ob Hap Racks ‘de ow HMuaed — Luiside. Block on Tackle — Block 4 tech LBen. re plock I$t Tusile LBer. oy End ~ Shh cud util : nec Lusted ~ He /. OFF Fiokle.~ te 2 OLE Eud = Dousfield Wenk. back = #2 f 2 gees tiside j mw) pit ALCL, hack — polloapeick . tl £005 uth, shouldees seushe C wd back — ball. bbl ele Mycllele ~o£€ 1 BeR- OB. — Key #2 execute Son CFRO@NB on ead!) Cf ABSL9 op tio ss Cewtere — zeeo , hacktide ow Hunied — 7 on Tackle. — #2 . ov End — belesll ~thele Lben.§ while call = Block 2 lyplecl ~ A# L OLE Fiokl.—H#2 _, duowFierd 2) ‘ud _— Down Field Meare bick — Fite divesvicl op troth ithe is slavting insides Lee ies faebick - LM saeiel ittosd Late, / all back tt» Bhek tt Ys. tspake 5 Block 2 vs. 3 deep» OB. — Otet pub sppessuee onl He Ge SELIG 07 ib (Bells gong cotgide ~ 08,48) H B B N ei ELIESS Cewtere — zevo , Grckside. ow Huaed — 7% on Fackle = #2 Cr acc Habel ~ AL. : Ore Tiokle— we, Dow field OfE bud = Dewntield Men. back — Ct apsiementt + block. ee sapbick — ot meme vepailt tar, position tatecel G Cull back =~ #3 fo, Melee beter). Sepl riside £ he doeswt OB. — ct step v exohde fo 3. Be whet fre Haed bk 6 4 * oa L 8 3 a 4 a g : se naeoe x _ Y o ——— _ xX Eud Lutes Wey) —¥ Fuld Routes _ ). Requlae 4 staut (5) 2. Deep Regulak 2. out ey 3.x Post 3. Cizcle Ue) eee 4 Ho SS Cross 5 Post (vary) A 6. Z-outlvaey) 7. Hook &. Take of F TASS 2 Ll? vy &B o YS bese = => en Tackle — over OM Huped - oh | Letter Mass OveR OFF Tackle _- Hisge (Take (lost Dangerous 7084) o£e Huned ,~ Pall» Pick jf uncovered P34 [5 ~ stret with 3 Routes. — Pest, Hort the ou / Juatios thet we ca miss-mate outside A/T 48eR ft, Use A PBYS i Si our backs with def. peesoudlels LE off FE. 50 you Cae Aaudle. pads — Far back bome #i Def: Fud: jhe hakd by rhe a Feott BL LbeR. otherwise Pick up: P3t/sn - FB vs. 8 ma, (ISS PtLES H e bp pas pe Ss. > ee Cewtere — a oer ow Huaed ~~ 1 yhoo _ceotee jt uscoseneel on Tackle — over outside, Mr ser Ov Cud — S45. kote . ore Huse ~ Lull Pick if wicovered OLE Frokle— Hinge Cake meet Dadse rous an) 08 BEA 19.15 OLE kod — Bhck sud) mas 0B pass lowe» Nene. bitch — Elie ot zote Cat valve) pebick - fleck end orgs to lag side,lome tilt off FB Be UM bah Sell, bud tbilacheits Stel fap bet lier othewise pick wp OR. — 2. Shp cleo Lass BEET (ea eet Be Ss H a a B 8 ss eye is a a d> $ s . fowler = 1d sve, ew Huaied — Ae 4 adeovered a) OSE + on Tackle — over outsicle, Wi here Qu End — ass Lo pel ~ pull » Pick bickele ct uslcovercd, OFF Fickle — #- 2 hs: 20 Merge.» tthe rst cfasephius yan.) Ore Eud — Li ot ts Rows Mene.back ~ beck #3 Crdmau) ebick — Speimt fo ertside wv Fla C Ullhyck — xe aw vthek: 8 mit bautblecl tee, theenise pice, PRs LL Lua, te eon hey #4, Of AEE. Via hag Hyon! Ss H H a 2 eS | pe gbSEg a a rs Cevtere — zero pW Hap chs ide. ev Huaed — 1 on Fickle ~ #2 On End ~ ass Lode : pee Matted — Blake # I) MT Pick weak OLE Fickle — oer, Outsid: OLE End — Block on. fiass, hoscte. Wear. bach = Fi seback - Char) apes) tothe plo ide. wlhsck — Block =k. i WB. SEW uw. hut 15 rheowr) on the. 41He « LASS SS? 5 H H B 8 E ss Sig IS tevtere — 2cf0, © a tie on Huaed — #4 7 - oa Tackle ~# 2 yw Eve — Leute. 266 Muted —_ BA LMT pik wk OFF Fickle. — 26 Lud — Block op Rout: ok — F: ow Theouback be moce. under 09 webick - Flee. Tiewup fe. theoulbacle C BMbik #3. Th bibs be mope urrder contgol. OB. — 3 Step SRop. oS OFFENSIVE KICKING GAME PUNTING GAME Formation - 1, Lineman head can be no further off line of scrimmage than bottom of number on center's back. Backs must have clearance between your head and linemen rear. Pull Back - Six yards deep. splits — L. Guards - "24 2, Tackles - "36 3. Ends - "36" Regular Call 1. Everyone keep inside foot in place, until instant you explode into your block and you always block your outside gap. 2. If two men rush in your outside gap, you will explode across ‘the inside man and get solid contact with the outside of the two. 3. You never Block inside on regular protection. 4. Backs - Man over center, with minimum rush, Converge and take nose man if he rushes to your side. Important on any Call ~ 1. On all protection you will explode and hit a blot Do not catch. 2. As you take your quick set read the rusher and be alert for the hold-up technique. 3. Time of block is one second, then you are sprinting to cover kick. Normal Coverage 1 Fair Catch Signal - First man in coverage (Guards, Backs, Center) run by safety, break down in position to cover fumble in rear of safety. Always expect him to fumble. Others break down as close as possible to the safety without interfering with his catch. Always expect a fumble. In case of fumble one man block safety, others fall on ball. Safety field punt and begins return. Always use sliding technique to pursue, Never cross your feet over and turn your body. If you slide for position you prevent a legal block by the down field blockers who are rolling back. 3. After you clear the Linebackers on your coverage, take a quick glance to find the ball. As you continue to sprint, the Gntire team will adjust so that coverage is balanced on the ball. FIELD GOAL Formation - Guards ~ Inside foot inside centers foot - 4" behind his foot. tackles - Split 6 Ends - Split 6" Backs - Face 45 degree angle. Line up approximately two feet behind end with inside foot spliting his stance! Blocking — Everyone responsible for inside gap. Linemen — On movement of ball drop step inside foot and explode on rusher. You must get your head across the middle of rusher. Backs - Pivot to inside. Read the rush outside the ends block. Tf two are rushing outside, you will block the inside man and the outside will have to step over your intended leg. You must sprint and cover every field goal, regardless of the distance. ‘ire, called by holder, alerts everyone that kick will not take place. Ends - Run regular pass route until holder hollers block. Backs - Sprint flat to outside looking for pass until holder hollexs block. Guards and ‘Tackles - Reach block to your outside and do not cross the line of scrimmage unless you hear block. Center - block to your right. Holder ~ On fire call, sprint either way, run or throw but cannot throw interception. EXTRA POINT Everything is the same as field goal except you do not have to cover. Fire - Only difference in field goal is holder never gets tackled with ball. Defense cannot score with interception. If you cannot score running, get rid of the ball to a receiver in any manner possible. in order to have a real effective offense it is impe: that, you know cach defensive techni the responsibility it carries! its alignn (even numbers are head on ~ Odd Aunbers axe in the Gap! @ O 8.9 5 YIN OOO 5 l Vv a Vv fo TECMIQUE - Line up head on center. Never lot the center Bleck you. you are responsible pursuit on wide plays. area on each cide of center and = Line up in Gap petween center and guard. Keep splits cut‘dow, keep guard end c! and get penetration. er off Linebacker, #2 TECUNIQUS - Line up head on to ins: , sesponsible So outside, 50% inside NEVE! INSIDE f3 TECIMIQUE - Line up splitting sive guard or slightly te. jonsibility - never be, blocked in by guare, ke: re tackle off linebacker. 4 TECHNIQUE - Line vp head on offensive tackle about 1-l's fect OFF ene OLS. ~ can Read but will slant 80% of time from 4 technique. $5 TECHNIQUE ~ Line up on the 1.0.5. ‘on the outside eye of the offense —— Lackle. can not be blocked in! Keep tackle off Linebacker. Responsible for O:f-Tackle Hole. 46 TECINIQUE - Linc up head on offensive end; deliver blow on end - Seep end off Linebacker and keep end from go! routes ~ responsible for cff on option. g out on pass ackle Hole; has quarterback #7 TACIRIQUE - Line up on inside eye of offensive end ~ can be ono yard off Fe Ee TL 0.8., step into end delivering blow inside out on end - jrave sane responsibility as a #6 techni x0 ° #9 TECHNIQUE = Line up Ty yards outside nozna for containing wide phys - have piteh hard outside rush on drop back 9955 or may - coverage. Tine up 18 inches off the Linc of ser. eye of offensive end, whip Bad! contain sp ‘on option. nL offensive eF an on ception mage Close off int, outside rush oa drop back - gop off in on outside tackle holt sible Ley. ey quarterback + Rod Right Red, oo © 6 c COOomOO 00 0OHO00 = ec | . oO O O o O ° ° 000800 oO 008000 Oo oO c O Q - 5600800 elo aoHOoo oO ain fee ° oO ° 7 o y ° e@o8o000 ©) @) ©) :3](@) ©) G aft Black over ~ ight slack Over = 2: o oO Oo a ° O ° Q > eaohoo°o |. c C c o | o. | | | Oo | om | UO 8 \ Ooo j on ° Oo | | ye | Oo ig \ ° | @ Oo ° i oo | 0 | oe Oo | Oo 1 ° | o oon | a | yO fae \ ° Oo © On ° 0 oO i ° ‘| 4 oO ° 3° oO _ © oO Of oO oO o | ‘Spread Left wbalanced Left Qo CcoHoOO 0 0 0 | te a . \ e<" ty aa 70 Def. 1 Cov. o- x= be Jo Def. 41 Cov. i Oo oO "Ws JO Def. 41 Cov. WS Ys ieee a os : LY Bouck up . safety : “ punt Block ss eL.B.T HBS é ine Wp approxin poay pointed te eyot xely ene foot off the ball, 4p 2 sprinters stance, head and Going. Ko offeides. Hove on hs pall. Go to a spot Pee gS yas, out jn front of punters Q9p maing on steps he takes. Wins ve ie, scoop kt up and run, Anyone WO preaks through, except tI go inside the fullback Sf he locks to your side. @ to outside Nove back 2! » out. «Hake sure ball is punted. Cover end, Han for Hany Me he should yo out for pass. Tf we ‘go not block punt, block £2" Gpponent off Line to your side. Lett ip - Move back and out Make ‘sure ball is punted. Cover middle zone or fixst wp back to coie ove on Any pass. Tf we do not block punt, pieck first man off in middle.

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