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Fibroid Uterine

Fibroid uterine growths which are also referred to as leiomyoma or myomaare

are non-cancerous growths that are found on the uterus. These growths often
appear within the uterus or along the uterus wall. The can grow as a single
tumor or as a cluster. Many women are affected by fibroid uterine! To learn
more about these tumors, read the following facts!

 Women over the age of 30 are commonly affected by fibroid uterine

 50% of all women are affected by fibroid uterine
 These tumors can lead to excessive menstrual bleeding and pelvic pain
 Affected women may also experience pain during sex and lower back pain
 Sometimes a woman may feel constant “fullness” because of fibroid
 Many times fibroid uterine is seen in families
 These growths are often caused by genetics or by hormonal effects (high
levels of estragon)
 Many times fibroid uterine goes undetected because a woman may feel no
pain or notice any symptoms
 Fibroid uterine may be detected during a pelvic exam
 Fibroid uterine can cause pregnancy complications because there may not
be enough room for the baby
 In many cases a cesarean section birth is required
 These tumors often stop appearing after a women reaches menopause
 Women are more likely to be affected by fibroid uterine if they suffer from
obesity or if they began their menstrual period before the age of 10
 African American women are at a greater risk than Caucasians
 Pain medication may reduce some of the symptoms associated with
fibroid uterine
 Some women receive surgery to remove the growths
 Fibroid uterine has been mistaken for pregnancy and ovarian tumors
 If a woman is old enough, she may receive a hormone treatment that
stops menstrual periods and shrinks the fibroids
 Fibroid uterine can be detected through cat scans, x-rays and ultrasound
 Women who take birth control pills are less likely to have fibroid growth
 Fibroid uterine growths are classified by the location in which they are
found in the uterus
 Myometrial fibroids are found along the wall of the uterus
 Submucosal fibroids develop under the interior surface of the uterus
 Subserosal fibroids grow on the outside wall of the uterus
 Pedunculated fibroids are generally seen growing outside of the uterus
 Fibroid uterine does not lead to cancer

Read my Fibroid Uterine story and how I got naturally cured in less than two
months now at

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