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We are examining the volunteerism among UiTM Shah Alam students. We are very glad
if you could spend your precious time fulfilling this simple questionnaire. Your answers
will help us in gaining relevant information and completing our analysis. Please answer
the following questions by providing us short answers and/or tick ( ) in the boxes
provided. Thank you for your co-operation.


1. Do you know about voluntary activities?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If your answer is YES, please proceed to the next questions.

If your answer is NO, please proceed to Section C and Section D

2. Are you involved in voluntary activities?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If your answer is YES, please proceed to the next questions. (No.3- 10)
If your answer is NO, please proceed to the Section B.

3. Are you involve in voluntary work under UiTM?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

4. If yes, how many times have you been involved in voluntary work?

[ ] 1-3 times [ ] 4-6times [ ] 7-9 times [ ] Above 10 times

5. What is your organization? (You may tick more than 1 answer)

[ ] Res-Q Team
[ ] Kelab Penyayang
[ ] Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung (GPMS)
[ ] Kor Sukarelawan Siswa/i (Kor Suksis)
[ ] Others (please specify) ______________________________
6. Who encouraged you to be involved in the voluntary work? (You may tick more than 1

[ ] Parents
[ ] Friends
[ ] Lecturers
[ ] College/Universities/Hostel
[ ] Club/Association
[ ] Own initiative and awareness
[ ] Others (please specify) ______________________________

7. What kind of voluntary work have you attended?

[ ] Helping in welfare of people

[ ] Relief efforts
[ ] Gotong-royong
[ ] Helping in collecting donations
[ ] Organizing an exhibition on awareness
[ ] Others (please specify) ________________________

8. Have you organized a voluntary activity or program?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If your answer is YES, please proceed to the next question.( No. 9-10)
If your answer is NO, please proceed to question 10.

9. What kind of voluntary activity do you organized?

[ ] Collecting donation for those who in needs

[ ] Exhibition on awareness of health and so on
[ ] A visit to places such as village, school, and urban places
[ ] Gotong-royong
[ ] Sending team to do some relief efforts and welfare help
[ ] Other (please specify) _________________________
10. Why are you involved in voluntary work? (You may tick more than 1 answer)

[ ] Have interest in doing it.

[ ] Following friends
[ ] Because of allowance that comes with it
[ ] For the popularity only
[ ] From advertisement in the mass media
[ ] As an obligation to give back to the communities
[ ] Others (please specify) ____________________


11. Why are you not interest to be involved in volunteer activity? (You may tick more
than 1 answer)

[ ] Do not have time (have a lot of assignment or other activity)

[ ] Do not know about volunteer activity in our campus
[ ] Do not want to involve any activity.
[ ] Waste my time
[ ] Not interesting
[ ] It makes me tired

12. Are you interested to join the volunteer club in our university?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

If your answer is YES, please proceed to the next questions.

If your answer is NO, please proceed to Section C and Section D

13. What are the factors that can influence you to join volunteer club?

[ ] Get allowance for every activity that you attend

[ ] Get an experience in managing an activity or program
[ ] Get to visit a lot of places
[ ] Encouraged from parents, friends and lecturers
[ ] To get the popularity and known by everybody
[ ] To learn how to manage and handle any program

In your opinion, what should be done to encourage student to involve in volunteer



14. Faculty: _____________________________________

15. Course Code: ______________________________________

16. Part/ Year: ___________________________________

17. Accommodate:

[ ] College (Please specify which college) _________________

[ ] Non-Resident

18. Gender:

[ ] Male [ ] Female

19. Age:

[ ] Under 20 [ ] 21-25 [ ] 26-30 [ ] Above 30

20. Religion: _____________________________________________

21. What is your parents’ range of income per month?

[ ] ≤ RM1, 000
[ ] RM 1, 001 – RM 3, 000
[ ] RM 3, 001 – RM 5, 000
[ ] RM 5, 001 – RM 7, 000
[ ] RM 7, 001 – RM 10, 000
[ ] > RM 10, 001

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