Bio Sweat Gland Lab

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Judy Slow

February 25, 2011


Distribution of Sweat Glands Lab

Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to determine whether there is a difference in distribution of sweat
glands on the palm of the hand versus the forearm.

Null Hypothesis: There will be no difference between the distribution of sweat glands on the palm and

Hypothesis: There will be a denser distribution on the palm of the hand because the palm has more
sweat glands than the forearm.


 2 squares of bond paper (per person)

 Adhesive tape
 Betadine (iodine) swab/ Lugol’s iodine
 Cotton-tipped swab


1. Paint an area of the medial aspect of your left palm avoiding the crease lines.
2. Then paint an area of your forearm about the same size.
3. Allow it to dry thoroughly.
4. Make sure the painted area is slightly larger than the squares of bond paper.
5. Have your lab partner securely tape a square of bond paper over each iodine-painted area.
6. Leave them in place for about 20 minutes.
7. After 20 minutes, remove the paper squares.
8. Count the number of blue and black dots on each square.
9. The presence of a blue-black dot indicates an active sweat gland. Record the data in the data
table below.


Table 1:

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 AVERAGE

Palm 130 277 71 205 170.75
Forearm 4 14 0 20 9.5

Student 1 Student 2

Palm Palm
Forearm Forearm

Student 4 Student 3

Palm Palm
Forearm Forearm




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