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Monday, March 21, 2011Survivor Testimony - Quinn Walsh

The first testimony I watched was Edith Coliver, born July 26, 1922. She was born in Karlsruhe,
Germany. In 1938 she left Germany with her family to come to America on a visa her father managed to
obtain. She went to George Washing ton High School. She was a member of their first graduating class.
In 1945 she was a translator during the trial of Hermann Goering. She met her husband in Germany
shortly after the Georing Trial. At the time of the interview in ’99 she was working with the Free Asia
foundation. She spent a lot of the interview speaking of her family, which I rather enjoyed. When talking
about her parents she says “My mother met him when she was twelve, he was maybe sixteen. She knew
she wanted to marry that man.”

My second Interview was that of one Ursula Levy. She was born, May 11, 1935 in Osnabrück, Germany.
She lived with her family in Lippstadt where her father managed a family-run textile business. Until 1943
when she and her family were sent to Vught Concentration Camp. From there she was sent to Westbork
transit camp in October of the same year. After this she was sent off to Bergen-Belsen concentration
camp in early 1944. She was then put on a train and sent around the camp, in a circle, for thirteen days
until her liberation near Tröbitz. Her appreciation for her family was apparent and probably stronger for
the fact that her mother died in the Stutthof Concentration Camp. She states her appreciation by saying
"Those early beginnings helped us through the rest of our lives."

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