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c PB/54053873.


×rea = 200km2 ~ 


Remote rural populations in the UK are declining whereas 2.6% Purbeck
$&    5.5% England
accessible rural- urban fringe areas are expanding (Eg Gower 46.2% over 45 years in
Peninsular ,decline near coast / growth near Swansea). Purbeck, compared to 39.6%
            in England.

          In migration of older aged

!  " #$"
%" people is an important factor;
Deprivation sets in, Creation of several small, as is out migration of younger
many people cannot new housing estates that mobile working aged people.
move away. locals cannot afford.
Many homes brought as Many people have 2 cars ± '&Church Knowle, Dorset.
2nd homes ± Ghost towns
for much of the year.
increased traffic and
congestion / pollution.
Elderlyc & Poor left Dormitory villages with
c becomes
× modern village is defined as behind. little activity during the day.
a small group of houses, non Isolation Conflict between µlocals¶
of which can get pizza £ 
BR = 10.1
pervasive. and µnewcomers¶.
delivered. Breaking the spiral of Maintaining rural identity in
declinec becomes key.
DR = 11.9 £339,500 ~ 3 bed detached
    an increasing urban
Bungalow. Who can afford this?
 ND = -1.8 environment is key.
c England ×verage = £314,000.

  c ONS
Main changes to services in rural UK.
×verage income
per week £640.00,
compared to South
×verage of
Number of CCJ¶s in
Ethnic minorities are significantly
Purbeck was 414,
low in proportion compared to the
compared to
rest of the country.
England 745,226.
Purbeck England
White 98.8 90.9
Deprivation indices are Mixed 0.4 1.3
good, except Living ×sian 0.1 4.6
Environment Black 0.1 2.3
Deprivation which takes Chinese
into account pollution. 0.6 0.9
/ Other

   The well-being of communities. It
relates to the access that groups of people, or individuals,
have to job opportunities, housing, health care, education,
an unpolluted environment, a safe environment and
freedom to practise one¶s culture, religion.

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