Luther 2 Pgs.

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LUTHER SIDES) ~ INT. LUTHER'S ROOM ~ LIMESTONE PLANT — CONTINUOUS PAST A GHOST (hulking, in SHREDDED BLOOD STAINED COVERALLS) standing in a corner, Blair Witch style. Sam doesn't see it, but DEAN DOES. So scared he can't even SPEAK, just POINTS. Sam whips around, bringing the SHOTGUN to bear. The ghost DOESN'T MOVE. In fact, it TREMBLES--the GHOST’S SCARED TOO! SAM Hey! No reaction. Sam takes a step forward, WARY-- “ BAM! The ghost SPINS—-revealing its terrifying VISAGE: filthy, BLOOD SPACKLED FACE, greasy hair and rotted teeth. IT’S LUTHER! Sam shoots a worried glance to DEAN-- BUT DEAN’S GONE! Through the room's door we can see him SPRINTING AWAY, little more than a dot on the horizon. Luther LUNGES--BLAM! Sam gets off a shot, DISSIPATING HIM. EXT./INT. LIMESTONE PLANT - NIGHT (PLASEBACK) A PICK-UP TRUCK skids to a stop in front of the factory, and Frank O’Brien climbs out, ANGER and FEAR in his eyes. JOHN (V.0.) One night Frank drove out to the factory and confronted Luther. Maybe he was drunk, probably he was sober. A SERIES OF QUICK CUTS: Luther sits in his room, SKETCHING a portrait of Jessie. BAM! Luther spins as Frank RICKS OPEN the door. He's crazed and carrying a SHOTGUN. \okZ. a \Yarudusedas u wh Frank scans the room, and its dozens of CHARCOAL DRAWINGS of his wife. A GRIM look spreads across his face. CHOK! Frank racks his shotgun, leveling it at Luther. Luther, frightened, stumbles from the plant. Frank followa; the shotgun pressed into the big mans back. WHAM! Prank kicks Luther in the back of the knee, sending” him to the ground. Luther, on all fours, looks up as--KRAKI ‘The butt of the shotgun crunches into his face, dropping him. OUT COLD. Frank WRAPS A CHAIN around his neck, the TERRIFIED big man STRUGGLES TO GET FREE-—but CAN'T. CLOSE ON: The tires of Frank’s truck as they PEEL OUT. END Z&Z-

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