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Andrew’s Episcopal Church Family

Ministers: Priest:
All the People of St. Andrew’s Rev. Carol Parker
Vestry: Rev. Steve Uffelman
Sr. Warden-Nancy Condron
Jr. Warden-Scott Cooper Rector Emeritus:
Pat Tennant, Bud Maxwell, Rev. Larry Ferguson
Seth Crawford, Irene Stiles, Jan Uffelman
Executive Committee: Rev. Al Wintermute
Nancy Condron Rev. Janet Warner
Scott Cooper
Jerry Parker - Treasurer Musicians:
Karen Berg
Secretary: Sally Burger - Coordinator
Debi Allen Gary & Rita Bowne

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 8am–noon Diocesan Web Site:

Phone/Fax 1-541-447-5813 Diocesan E-mail:
Web Site: National Church Web Site:

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church

East First & Holly St.
PO Box 299
Prineville, OR 97754

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Mission: We, being in love with Christ,

worshiping as Episcopalians,
share our joy by reaching out to all and
caring for one another.
Green Ministry Column Let Us Dream of a Church
Submitted by Anna Ferguson
Weeds Parish Commission on Ministry

The groundhog didn’t see his shadow, so

spring will be here very soon. Unfortunately, Will you join me in prayer for the church in the
with spring come weeds. There are ways to ei- morning when we have our first cup of coffee?
ther stop weeds before or after they pop-up. In This meditation is distilled from a book, Reshap-
the marketplace there are many products for ing Ministry, by the late Wesley Frensdorff, Bish-
weed control. Tragically for the most part, they op of Nevada.
end up in our water aquifers. Protecting our wa-
ter supply is very important, so here are some Let us dream of a church
alternatives to those many harmful products. in which all members know surely and
simply God's great love, and each is
 Plant a thick lawn cover to crowd out weeds. certain that in the divine heart we are all
 Re-seed lawns in the fall to prevent open known by name.
niches which weeds take advantage of to
propagate. In which Jesus is very Word, our window
 Maintaining healthy soil will promote the into the Father's heart, the sign of God's
growth of desirable plants making less avail- hope and his design for all humankind.
able open spaces for weeds to grow.
 Tilling and hoeing the soil around your grow- In which the Spirit is not a party symbol,
ing garden is a way to manage weeds. but wind and fire in everyone,
 Mulching is very good for preventing weed gracing the church with a kaleidoscope
growth and can be done with dried leaves, of gifts and constant renewal for all.
cardboard, newspapers, straw, hay, etc.
Mulches also keep the soil cool and reduce More to come next month. In the meanwhile,
the water usage. PRAY DRINK COFFEE LOVE
 Use sheets of burlap or other natural fibers
or recycled plastics or landscape fabric un-
der the mulch to block weed growth.
 Pull weeds before they go to seed. An Invitation…….
 Torch weeds with a small landscape flamer.
 Use vinegar and other organic herbicides on The Worship Committee would like to invite all
weeds those currently serving and all those who would
Since weeds are tough to control, it is best to like to explore serving during Sunday Worship to
use more than one remedy to get rid of them. attend an informal gathering Sunday March 6th
after services. This will be a time for conversa-
Peace & Blessings, tion about all the Worship Ministries. Greeters,
Hospitality, Altar Guild, Preachers, Lectors, Musi-
Denise cians and Worship Assistants / Leaders. We
hope to see everyone there!

St. Andrew’s Annual Blessings,

Shrove Tuesday St. Andrew's Worship Committee

Pancake Supper
Tuesday, March 8th
Date 3-06 3-13 3-20 3-27

Service MP HE MP HE

Greeters Janet Warner

Musician Sally Burger Karen Berg Sally Burger Sally Burger

Worship Leader Jeff Spreier Steve Uffelman Scott Cooper Paul Morton

Acolyte Olivia Cooper Meredith Cooper

Preacher Jeff Spreier Larry Ferguson Jeff Spreier Paul Morton

Worship Nancy Condron Laura Cooper Jeff Spreier

Eucharist Visitor

Lector RD Pat Tennant

Altar Guild Cindy Wiggins Nancy Myers PolliAnne Grover Nancy Condron

Hospitality Coopers

Flowers Condron None None None

Please contact Cindy Wiggins regarding openings on the schedule.

Or visit our web site at:

Birthdays Dates to Note

Lester Allen 3-01 TBA 3:30 pm PCOM Meets

Robert Fickardt 3-05 1st 7:00 pm Worship Committee Meets
Bob Wilson 3-12 6th 10:00am Worship Servants
Brian Allen 3-16 Gathering
Zola Bond 3-20 18th Bishop Nedi’s Annual

Vestry Meeting No Vestry meeting in March

Please let Debi in the office know if you

would like to use the building. If it is a non-
church meeting forms will need to be filled
Date 4-03 4-10 4-17 4-24
Palm Sunday Easter
Service HE MP HE HE

Musician Gary & Rita Bowne Gary & Rita Bowne Sally Burger Sally Burger

Worship Leader Carol Parker Laura Cooper Steve Uffelman Carol Parker

Acolyte Olivia Cooper Meredith Cooper Olivia Cooper

Preacher Carol Parker Laura Cooper Scott Cooper Carol Parker

Worship Assis-
Lector Laura Cooper RD RD

Altar Guild Dorless Reid Cindy Wiggins Nancy Myers PolliAnne

Flowers None None Palm Sunday Easter

Please contact Cindy Wiggins regarding openings on the schedule.

Or visit our web site at:

Birthday Dates to Note

Shelly Pierce 4-05 TBA 3:30 pm PCOM Meets
Quinn Warner 4-09 5th 7:00 pm Worship Comm. Meets
Laura Cooper 4-14 13th 6:00 pm Vestry Meets
Susan Crawford 4-22
Bill Steffenhagen 4-24
Al Wintermute 4-28
like to receive this newsletter needs to send their
Meeting in Fellowship e-mail address to Jeanie Senior, Diocesan Com-
Episcopal Church Women (ECW) munications Coordinator at
and ask to subscribe. This will also be posted in
Each month on the first Thursday Sally Burger has the Fellowship Room.
suggested there be a no host luncheon. This is an
opportunity for those who wish to attend to meet in
fellowship. The March luncheon will take place on the
3rd. Contact Jean Gillis 541-447-7125 for more infor- Seeking to Serve
Discretionary & Outreach
Bits –n– Pieces
Meeting times: The Worship Committee meets the
1st Tuesday at 7:00pm. The Vestry meets the 2nd Because of your generosity in January we were
Wednesday at 6:00pm. PCOM & Altar Guild meet- able to help:
ings will be announced in the bulletin. Please check
your weekly bulletin for any changes. 1 family with their Water Bill $ 89.28

Home Eucharist: if you are unable to attend services 1 family with their Electric Bill $ 25.00
and would like to receive communion at home please
contact: Debi in the office 541-447-5813. We thank you for your generosity and ask that
you continue to support and pray for those in
Opportunities need within our community and the world.

If anyone is interested in being a server of

lunch at the Senior Center on the fourth Friday of January Financial Information
every month while representing St. Andrew's Episco-
pal Church, please call Al Wintermute at 541-350-
3286. The serving time required is 10:30am to 1pm Total Income: $ 7,135.39**
and includes a free lunch. Total Expense: $ 4,561.64
Balance: $ 2,573.75
We have more people coming to the church
for assistance each month. To help members of your
community, please donate to the St. Andrew’s Dis- Date Attendance General Operating
cretionary Fund. These monies help people within Funds/Donations
our community who are struggling financially. With
the economy the way it is we have more requests 1-02 35 430.00
then ever for help. Please note your donations
“Discretionary Fund” any help you can give will be 1-09 ??? *4,709.00
greatly appreciated. Thank you. Reflects 2 yearly dona-
tions paid in full.
Did You Know!!! 1-16 26 695.00

First Plate Offering The first plate offering each 1-23 30 747.00
month is deposited into the St. Andrew’s Discretionary
Fund. These funds can be accessed by our Ministry 1-30 33 320.12
Team for community or individual needs in emergency
To meet our expenses we need to receive
Offerings of Thanksgiving Offerings to the little $ 835.00 a week.
church go out into our community to assist those that
are in need. We call this the Outreach Fund or the **Income reflects:
Birthday/Thank Offering. $ 35.00 to the Outreach Fund, $ 633.00 St. An-
drew’s Discretionary Fund and $ 5.00 to Cove
A weekly e-mailed diocesan newsletter and an- Scholarship
nouncements is available to all. Anyone who would
St. Andrew’s Announcer

Highlights of the Vestry Meeting

St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church March Meeting: The scheduled meeting will be
February 9, 2011 cancelled If needed we can communicate via e-
mail or phone. A meeting will be scheduled if need-
Present: Nancy Condron, Pat tenant, Jan Uffelman,
Irene Stiles and Scott Cooper Vestry Retreat: The retreat was set for May 14th.

Scott opened the meeting with Prayer. Member Orientation: Irene voiced her concern
that new member orientation is needed. This can
January Minutes: Jan moved to accept the be included at the scheduled retreat.
minutes as presented, Pat seconded, all in favor.
Bishop Visitation: The bishop will be here on Fri-
Building Repairs: The rain gutter in the courtyard day, March 18th for her annual visit.
needs an extension to prevent water from going into
the basement. The rug in the project room needs to PCOM: They are working on finalizing plans for
be removed. Lenten study. Jan noted that the cost of the re-
source books has been donated. The focus of
Finances: Discussion took place regarding the chil- study will be our mission statement.
dren’s ministry monies in the Designated Funds ac-
counts. It was decided that we would find out its Nancy proposed e-mail the vestry packet infor-
origin then decide if the money could be moved. Fi- mation, it will get to the members earlier and save
nancial reports were accepted as presented on copy cost. She encourage all to review the by-
laws. Nancy also asked all member to view the
video on energy trust (Debi will send link). It was
Parish Coordinator: PCOM is still working on the shared that a donation in the amount of $500 was
details. They have reviewed the responses and made to Ascension School in St. Andrew’s name
feedback from the Annual Meeting and the congre- by a former member of St. Andrews.
gation. It was suggested when ready to get a pro-
posal out early noting that a information meeting is Seth is on schedule to open and close the April
being planned. meeting.

Appointments: Scott moved to appoint Jan as Next Meeting April 13th at 6:00 pm
Clerk of the Vestry and Debi as Parish Clerk, Ire-
ne seconded, all in favor. Jan will sign paperwork as
Clerk of the Vestry when needed. Debi will continue Bishop Nedi Here
to take minutes and prepare the paper work for the
Vestry. Jan moved to extend and invitation to Jerry March 18th
Parker to continue on as Treasurer, Pat seconded,
all in favor. Jan proposed Nancy Condron as Sr. The Bishop will meet with the Vestry from
Warden and Scott Cooper as Jr. Warden with the 4:00-5:00pm.
understanding that a strong building committee will
be formed for building maintenance, Irene second- The Bishop will then preside at a Holy Eucha-
ed, all in favor. rist Rite III service followed by a potluck dinner
and conversation.
Reports: The Executive Committee will meet to pre-
pare the Parochial report. The Diocesan Office will
be contacted regarding the Annual Review of Minis- All are invited and encouraged to attend.
tries report. We received a Mutual Ministry review
form for members to fill in.
Come and join in the fireplace room for a light supper and a time to
pray, discuss and learn in preparation for the joyous Easter to come.

Wednesdays March 16 –April 20

Supper at 6:00 PM
Devotions and Study/Discussion at 6:30 PM

We’ll be using Sacred Spaces, a daily devotional book.

The study/discussion time will be focused around the
St. Andrew’s Mission statement divided into six separate topics.

Being in love with Christ
Worshiping as Episcopalians
Share our joy
Reaching out to all
Caring for one another

Each Wednesday session will be led and facilitated by a different person.

The preceding Sunday’s sermon will be tied into the topic for the week’s discussion.

Sunday Sermon Wednesday Facilitator Focus

3-13 Larry Ferguson 3-16 Larry Ferguson We
3-20 Jeff Spreier 3-23 Jeff Spreier Caring for one another
3-27 Paul Morton 3-30 Paul Morton Being in love with Christ
4-03 Carol Parker 4-06 Carol Parker Reaching out to all
4-10 Laura Cooper 4-13 Gary & Rita Bowne Share our Joy
(Laura Cooper)
4-17 Scott Cooper 4-20 Scott Cooper Worshiping as Episcopalians
4-24 Carol Parker St. Andrew’s Mission

Future Services

Ash Wednesday, March 9th - Services to be held at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church at 7pm.

Maundy Thursday, April 21st - Services will be held here at St. Andrew’s at 7pm.

Good Friday, April 22nd - Services will be at Prineville Presbyterian Church at 7pm.

A 1 page schedule for Lent & Holy Week for your convenience.

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