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DOS Exercise

1. Create two files in Word. The files should be called Word1 and Word2. The files do
not need to contain any writing. They should be on your disk.
2. Create two files in Excel. The files should be called ExcelA and ExcelB. The files
do not need to contain any data. They should be on your disk.
3. Go into DOS.
4. At the prompt C:\Windows> type CD.. to go to the root directory.
5. At the prompt C:\> type A: to go into A drive.
6. Create a subdirectory “DOCS”. At the prompt A:\.> type MD DOCS
7. Check to make sure that the subdirectory has been made. At the A:\> type DIR /p.
The subdirectory DOCS should appear in the listing.
8. Change the directory to A:\DOCS by typing at the A:\> CD DOCS
9. At the prompt A:\DOCS> type MD WORD to make the subdirectory “WORD”
10. Check to make sure that the subdirectory has been made. At the A:\DOCS> type
DIR /p. The subdirectory WORD should appear in the listing.
11. At the prompt A:\DOCS> type MD EXCEL to make the subdirectory “EXCEL”
12. Check to make sure that the subdirectory has been made. At the A:\DOCS> type
DIR /p. The subdirectory EXCEL should appear in the listing.
13. At the prompt A:\DOCS> type CLS to clear the screen.
14. At the prompt A:\DOCS> type CD.. to get the A:\> prompt
15. At the A:\> type COPY Excel?.* A:\DOCS\EXCEL
16. At the A:\> type CD \DOCS\EXCEL
17. At the A:\DOCS\EXCEL> type DIR /p to check if the files ExcelA and ExcelB have
been copied to the subdirectory.
18. At the A:.\DOC\EXCEL> type CD..
19. At the A:.\DOC\EXCEL> type CD..
20. At the A:\> type COPY Word?.* A:\ DOCS\WORD
21. At the A:\> type CD \DOCS\WORD
22. At the A:\DOCS\WORD> type DIR /p to check if the files Word1 and Word2 have
been copied to the subdirectory.
23. At the A:\DOCS\WORD> type DEL Word1.doc
24. At the A:\DOCS\WORD> type DEL Word2.doc
25. At the A:\DOCS\WORD> type DIR /p to check if the files Word1 and Word2 have
been deleted from the subdirectory.
26. At the A:\DOCS\WORD> type CD..
27. At the A:\DOCS> type RD WORD to remove the subdirectory “WORD”
28. At the A:\DOCS> type DIR /p to check if the subdirectory WORD has been removed
29. At the A:\DOCS> type C:
30. At the C:\> type EXIT to leave DOS

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