Example Vibration Report

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Machine Monitoring Systems Ltd

Unit 4, Business Point, P.O. Box 92, Bicester, Oxon, OX26 5EW
Tel: 01869 250801
Fax: 01869 250802
E-mail: Office@MachineMonitoring.co.uk

Machine Condition Report

Power Plant
Client: Power Plant Plant: General
Report to: Joe Bloggs Date: June 2009


Data collected by: R. Nelson

Report Author: R. Nelson
Machine Monitoring Systems Ltd.

Control Room
Machine ID Machine Name Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 June-09
GT 711 Gas Turbine No. 711
GT 712 Gas Turbine No. 712
GT 713 Gas Turbine No. 713
GT 714 Gas Turbine No. 714 Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor
GTBT 711 Gas Turbine Temps No. 711
GTBT 712 Gas Turbine Temps No. 712
GTBT 713 Gas Turbine Temps No. 713
GTBT 714 Gas Turbine Temps No. 714

Generators, Manual Data Collection

Machine ID Machine Name Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 June-09
GT 711 Generator No. 711
GT 712 Generator No. 712
GT 713 Generator No. 713
GT 714 Generator No. 714

Gas Compressor
Machine ID Machine Name Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 June-09
Gas Comp Gas Compressor
GCOP Gas Compressor Oil Pump

Water Pumps
Machine ID Machine Name Feb-09 Mar-09 Apr-09 May-09 June-09
NWIP 711 Nox Water Pump 711
NWIP 712 Nox Water Pump 712
NWIP 713 Nox Water Pump 713
NWIP 714 Nox Water Pump 714

Confidentiality and Liability.

This document is confidential; no part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted to a third party without permission. The user of this document has the obligation to employ safe
working practices for any activities referred to and to adopt specific practices appropriate to local conditions. MMS shall have no liability for any loss, damage, injury, claim, expense, cost,
liability or other consequence howsoever arising, as a result of use or reliance upon any information contained in or omitted from this document.
Machine Monitoring Systems Ltd.

Gearbox Observations
December 08 Overall vibration has decreased this survey to acceptable levels. The GT had not been
running long which may account for this reduction. Continue to monitor developing trend.
January 09 No new data collected this survey. This GT will remain on the report until the acceptable
amplitudes seen last month are confirmed.
February 09 Run speed vibration at the Gas Generator Exit (X axis) has increased after work carried
out. This remains within acceptable limits so will be monitored closely. Gearbox vibration remains a
little high but at historic values.
March 09 Run speed vibration at the Gas Generator Exit (X axis) remains at the increased amplitude
seen in February. This remains within acceptable limits so will be monitored closely. Gearbox vibration
remains stable although a little high.
April 09 No increased vibration recorded at the gearbox. Levels remain slightly elevated but stable. The
Gas Generator Exit (X axis) remains consistent. Monitoring will continue for any change.
May 09 No new data collected this survey.
June 09 No significant changes seen this survey. Monitoring will continue for any change.

Gearbox Observations
February 09 Epicyclic gearbox vertical peak vue readings appear to be sensing a bad signal. Check
sensor and cable for obvious signs of fault.
March 09 No new data taken this survey.
April 09 The epicyclic gearbox sensor still appears to have a bad signal, has the sensor and cable been
May 09 Sensor continues to give bad signal.
June 09 Data appears un-changed has any work been done on the sensor?

Reservoir Oil Temperature Observations

December 08 Temperature has increased slightly again to 105°C. Also the reservoir oil temperature is
just above alert. Check oil level and monitor change.
January 09 The temperature has decreased to more historical values this survey at 91°C. The reservoir
oil temperature remains stable at 62°C, just above alert.
February 09 The temperature has remained stable at 92°C this survey. The reservoir oil temperature
remains constant at 62°C, just above alert.
March 09 The temperature at this bearing has decreased to 84°C this survey, the lowest it has been
since December 07. The reservoir oil temperature remains stable at 63°C, just above alert.
April 09 Temperature is stable at this bearing. The reservoir oil temperature increased slightly to 65°C.
May 09 The reservoir oil temperature remains just above alert but stable at 65°C.
June 09 A slight increase in the reservoir oil temp.

Confidentiality and Liability.

This document is confidential; no part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted to a third party without permission. The user of this document has the obligation to employ safe
working practices for any activities referred to and to adopt specific practices appropriate to local conditions. MMS shall have no liability for any loss, damage, injury, claim, expense, cost,
liability or other consequence howsoever arising, as a result of use or reliance upon any information contained in or omitted from this document.
Machine Monitoring Systems Ltd.
CRTV - Gas Turbine Temps No.711
GTBT 711 -ROT Reservoir Oil Temp
Trend Display

60 ALERT -- Baseline --
Value: 55.00

Date: 29-MAY-98





Date: 22-JUN-09
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Time: 09:24:23
Days: 29-MAY-98 To 22-JUN-09 Ampl: 67.00

Reservoir Oil Temperature Observations

June 09 A slight increase in the reservoir oil temp to just above the alert level to 63ºC.

CRTV - Gas Turbine Temps No.714

GTBT 714 -ROT Reservoir Oil Temp
Trend Display

-- Baseline --
60 ALERT Value: 54.00
A MPLIT U D E in D e gC

Date: 24-NOV-97





Date: 22-JUN-09
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 Time: 09:18:17
Days: 24-NOV-97 To 22-JUN-09 Ampl: 63.00

Confidentiality and Liability.

This document is confidential; no part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted to a third party without permission. The user of this document has the obligation to employ safe
working practices for any activities referred to and to adopt specific practices appropriate to local conditions. MMS shall have no liability for any loss, damage, injury, claim, expense, cost,
liability or other consequence howsoever arising, as a result of use or reliance upon any information contained in or omitted from this document.
Machine Monitoring Systems Ltd.

Gas Compressor Oil Pump Observations

July 08- Indications of wear on or around the coupling on this machine. Carry out visual checks initially
and report.
October 08. No new data since July.
Nov 08 Increased activity can be seen from the pump, will monitor for condition worsening
June 09 No new data since November 08.

Confidentiality and Liability.

This document is confidential; no part of this document may be used, reproduced, or transmitted to a third party without permission. The user of this document has the obligation to employ safe
working practices for any activities referred to and to adopt specific practices appropriate to local conditions. MMS shall have no liability for any loss, damage, injury, claim, expense, cost,
liability or other consequence howsoever arising, as a result of use or reliance upon any information contained in or omitted from this document.

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