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Message of Condolence

22 March 2011, Kuala Lumpur - It is with great sadness that we learned of the
passing of a great lady, the late Tan Sri Datuk Paduka Dr. Hajjah Saleha binti Mohd
Ali, a member of ASLI’s Advisory Panel.

“On behalf of the Asian Strategy & Leadership Institute (ASLI), I would like to
express our heartfelt deepest condolence to the late Tan Sri Datuk Paduka Dr Hajjah
Saleha’s family”, said Dato’ Dr. Michael Yeoh in a statement today.

Dato’ Dr. Michael Yeoh, Chief Executive Officer and Director of the Asian Strategy &
Leadership Institute (ASLI) also added that “we would like to express our deepest
condolence, thoughts and prayers to the late Tan Sri Saleha’s family during their
moment of bereavement”

Dato’ Dr Michael Yeoh commented that the late Tan Sri Saleha was a leader of
strong principle respected by all. “We lost a very dedicated Advisor, a committed
leader, and a close friend,” said Dato’ Yeoh.

“We treasure Tan Sri Saleha’s contribution to ASLI. Her dedication, guidance and
wisdom will continue to inspire us.”

The late Tan Sri Saleha’s passing is a great loss not only to ASLI but for all
Malaysians and the whole country, so many of whom share her values and principle.


Issued by
Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Unit

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