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Workflow and Document Management

Infrastructure towards Integrated University

Description of processes in the University

Management System

Skopje, April 2007


Description of processes in the University Management System..................................1

Apply for position......................................................................................................5
Realize a visit ............................................................................................................7
Publish a teaching material.........................................................................................8
Project proposal........................................................................................................10
Thesis submission.....................................................................................................11
Realization of teaching.............................................................................................13
Service request ........................................................................................................14
Resource reservation................................................................................................15
Annual reporting.......................................................................................................16

This document describes the processes in the University Management System (UMS)
as they exist at the University Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje. The processes are
similar and applicable to the other partner universities in the project with minor
adaptation and changes in the workflow.

The document consists of UML use cases, activity diagrams and sequence diagrams
for the processes as described in the mind map of the UMS DOW documentation.The
use case diagram shown in Figure 1 embraces the processes of:
• Apply for position – this use case describes the process of election of the best
candidate when there is an open position at the university.
• Realize a visit – this use case describes the steps conducted in the realization
of a visit.
• Publish a teaching material – this use case describes the process conducted to
get a teaching material approved.
• Project proposal – every project as a working idea is to be approved by the
university bodies before it is submitted.
• Thesis submission – the process of getting a thesis approved for defense is
described in this use case.
• Realization of teaching – this use case describes the reporting during the
teaching process.
• Service request – all the requests at the university are handled in this use case.
• Resource reservation – this use case describes the process of reserving
resources (technical and material) which are shared resources at the university.
• Annual reporting – the process of per annual reporting is described in this use

Every use case is supported by a separate activity and sequence diagram that are
explained in more details in the following sections. The main actors in the system are
the academic staff, the university administration and the candidates (student and
teachers) that interact with the system.
Figure 1 Use case diagrams for the UMS
Apply for position

The process of electing a candidate at the university is a complex flow that consists of
several steps. The main organization, mainly the department foresees that additional
human resources are needed and files a request to the academic council. When the
academic council approves the position, mainly after the ministry of finance grants
additional funding, then the department is expected to propose a commission. The
commission is approved by the academic council. The position is published in the
daily newspapers. The candidates apply. The commission writes the evaluation report
and proposes the best candidate. The candidate is approved by the department and
elected by the academic council. The sequence diagram and ti activity diagram are
presented in the two following figures.

D epartm ent C ouncil C andidate s A cadem ic C ouncil C om m ision U ni. B ulletin U M S- D oc A rchive

D em and P ossition

R equest Ap proval

R equest G ranted
A pplications

R equest C om m ision
P ropose C om m ision

Approve Com m ision

S ubm it R eport

Publish R eport

R eport published

R equest A pproval

Approval O pinio n

Approval Proposition

R eport Appro val

- C a ndidate Selection

Inform ation aobut selection

-Sign of C ontract

Figure 2 Sequence diagram for Apply for position

Figure 3 Activity diagram for Apply for position
Realize a visit
Every employee at the university is supposed to be granted permission to realize a
visit. They file a request that is approved by the department and permitted by the
academic council at the faculty. The sequence diagram and the activity diagram are
presented in the two following figures.

A cadem ic S taff D epartm ent C ouncil A cadem ic C ouncil U M S- D oc U ni. B ulletin

D em and T ravel leave

R equest D ecision

R equest O pinion
O pinion


Info on D ecision

Subm it R eport after visit

P ublish R eport

Figure 4 Sequence diagram for Realize a visit

Request leave for travel

Not Approved
Is Approved

Visit approved

Submit Visit Report

Publish Visit Report

Figure 5 Activity diagram for Realize a visit

Publish a teaching material
The process of approval a teaching material as official course notes is conducted as
the material is submitted for evaluation. The department proposes commission. The
commission is approved by the academic council. The commission writes a report
with recommendations and conclusion. The department approved the repost. The
academic council votes upon the recommendations of the department and approves or
rejects the material as official teaching notes for a specific subject. The sequence
diagram and the activity diagram are presented in the two following figures.

Department Council Academic Staff Academic Council Commision Uni. Bulletin UMS - Doc Archive

Application for approval of manuscript

Request Commision
Propose Commision

Approve Commision

Submit Report

Publish Report

Report published

Request Approval

Approval Opinion

Approval Proposition

Report Approval - Book Selection

Information aobut approval

Figure 6 Sequence diagram for Publish Teaching Material

Application for approval of manuscript

Propose committee

Not Approved

Is approved

Report from the committee is published

Is approved Not Approved

Report approved - Candidate selected

Approve Publishing

Figure 7 Activity diagram for Publish Teaching Material

Project proposal
Every project idea must be approved before the proposal is submitted. The project
proposer files for granting and the academic council lead by the department’s opinion
approves the project idea. The sequence diagram and the activity diagram are
presented in the two following figures.

A ca dem ic S ta ff D epa rtm ent C ounc il A cad em ic C ou ncil U M S- D oc

D e m a n d A p pro val

R eque st D ecision

R eque st O pinio n
O pin io n

D ecision

Info o n D e cision

Figure 8 Sequence diagram for Project Proposal

Submit Proposal

Is Approved Not Approved

Decision reached

Figure 9 Activity diagram for Project Proposal

Thesis submission
The process of thesis approval consists of several steps. The candidate with the
mentor proposes a working title and submits his/her resume. A commission is formed
that evaluates the capacity of the candidate and the appropriateness of the title. The
candidate later submits the thesis. A new commission is formed that writes a report.
The department based on the opinion of the commission proposes and the academic
council approves the defense. The sequence diagram and the activity diagram are
presented in the two following figures.

Academic Staff Department Council Academic Council Commision Uni. Bulletin UMS - Doc Archive

Application for approval of candiate and thesis title

Request Commision
Propose Commision
Approve Commision
Submit Report
Publish Report

Report published
Submit thesis

Request Commision
Propose Commision
Approve Commision
Submit Report

Publish Report

Report published

Request Approval

Approval Opinion

Approval Proposition

Theseis cleared for defence

Information about approval

Request Commision confirmation

Confirm Commision



Submit report

Store report

Figure 10 Sequence diagram for Thesis submission

Candidate Apropriatnes for thesuis and thesis title

Propose committee

Not Approved

Is approved

Report from the committee is published

Is approved

Not Approved
Submit Theses Manuscript

Propose committee

Is approved Not Approved

Report from the committee is published

Is approved Not Approved

Report approved- Candidate cleared for defence

Thesis Defence

Figure 11 Activity diagram for Thesis submission

Realization of teaching
After the teaching is conducted, the academic staff is supposed to submit report. The
report is evaluated and the academic council approves or rejects the report. The
sequence diagram and the activity diagram are presented in the two following figures.

Academic staff Students Academic Council & Dean UMS - Doc Archive Portal

Submit Report

Submit Survey

Report for approval


Info on approval Publish Report

Figure 12 Sequence diagram for Realization of teaching

Submit Report

Not Approved
Is Approved

Report Published

Figure 13 Activity diagram for Realization of teaching

Service request
The academic staff can request service from the university. They request service and
the administration grants or reject the request. The sequence diagram and the activity
diagram are presented in the two following figures.

U niversity Service User Adm isnitration UMS

Request resource


Approval granted
Request repsonse Alocation of resources
Fill in customer satisfaction sheet

Figure 14 Sequence diagram for Service Request

Demand Service

Approved Rejected

Fill in Customer Satisfaction

Figure 15 Activity diagram for Service Request

Resource reservation
The academic staff can request technical resources from the university. They request
resource and the administration grants or reject the request, based mainly on the
availability. The sequence diagram and the activity diagram are presented in the two
following figures.

Figure 16 Sequence diagram for Resource reservation

Demand Resource

Approved Rejected

Fill in Customer Satisfaction

Figure 17 Activity diagram for Resource reservation

Annual reporting
Every employee at the university files a one year report for his activities in the
previous year. The academic council evaluates the reports and approves them. The
surveys from the students are included in the evaluation. The sequence diagram and
the activity diagram are presented in the two following figures.

Academic staff Customers (Students) Academic Council UMS - Doc Archive Buletin

Submit Report

Submit Survey

Report for approval


Info on approval Publish Report

Figure 18 Sequence diagram for Annual reporting

Demand annual report

Approve report

Is approved Not approved

Present Report with Cusstomer sutisfaction

Figure 19 Activity diagram for Annual reporting

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