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CONTROL-M® for OS/390

OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC
Conversion Guide

Version 6.0.00

March 1, 2001
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iv CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

About This Guide

About the Conversion Tool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xii
Conventions Used in This Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii

Chapter 1 Conceptual Overview

Application Definition and CONTROL-M Group Scheduling . . . . . . . . 1-2
Job Predecessor and Successor Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Quantitative (Workstation) Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Data Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3
Run Cycles, Calendars and Periods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
JCL Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
CONTROL-M New Day Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
Event-Trigger Tracking (ETT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Catalog Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
Automatic Event Reporting (AER) Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
Job Completion Checker (JCC) Facility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9
JCL Repository Facility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10

Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow

JOB0: Produce OPC Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Application Description Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2
Workstation Description Report. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Operator Instruction Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
Calendar Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
Period Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
JCL Variable Table Report (for OPC/ESA Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
JOB1: Extract Workstation and Application Info. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-6
Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Output. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
JOB2: Construct CONTROL-M Calendars and Scheduling
Table Libraries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12

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Contents v

Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12
JOB3: Convert JCL Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-16
JOB4: Convert OPC JCL RECOVER Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Input . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps

Step 1 - Create the Conversion Source and
Load Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Step 2 - Copy OPC and PSS JCL Libraries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Step 3 - Produce OPC Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
Step 4 - Check and/or Modify Parameters in Member DEFAULTS . . . . . 3-4
Step 5. Check and/or Modify Conversion Tool
Support for Different OPC Language Reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Step 6. Modify and Run Member ASMLINK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
Step 7. Modify and Run Member JOB1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
Step 8. Check and Modify the Application,
Owner, and Calendar Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
Step 9. Modify and Run Member JOB2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-11
Step 10. Modify and Run Member JOB3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14
Step 11. Modify and Run Member JOB4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16
Step 12. Add CONTROL-M Quantitative Resources and Conditions . . . 3-17
Step 13. Check Conversion Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Step 14. Customize the New Day Processing Job. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17
Step 15. Execute CONTROL-M Utility IOALDNRS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Step 16. Copy Members SYSTEM and GLOBAL
(for OPC/ESA Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-18
Step 17. Final Adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-19

Chapter 4 Conversion Details

Component Conversion Summaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
1. Job Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
2. Appl ID and Job Grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
3. Owner ID . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
4. Data Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4
5. Operation Dependencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-5
6. Manual Workstations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
7. Workstation Resources, Workstation Servers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
8. Run Cycle (Offset-based) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
9. Calendars, Periods (Offset-based run cycles) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
10. Arrival-Time, Deadline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
11. Priority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
12. Operator Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11

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vi CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

13. SEARCH and TABLE Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11

14. FETCH Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
15. BEGIN and END Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
16. & and % Variables (for OPC/ESA Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-13
17. SRSTAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
18. Started Task Option (for OPC/ESA Only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
19. DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
20. Automatic Submission Option (for OPC/ESA Only) . . . . . . . . . 4-15
21. DEADLINE WTO Option (for OPC/ESA Only). . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-15
22. ERROR TRACKING Option. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
23. Catalog Management (for OPC/ESA Only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
24. SCAN Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
25. OPSTAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-16
26. Highest Return Code – HRC (for OPC/ESA Only) . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
27. Rule/Period Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
28. Suppress If Late . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-18
29. Run Cycle Valid From/To . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
30. //*%IJ, //*%1V, //*%1S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
31. //*%2V, //*%2S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20
32. %Snn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22
33. //*%IP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-22
34. %-variables (PSS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
40. RECOVER Directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
41. ADRULE (Rule-based Run Cycle) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-28
Unique CONTROL-M and CONTROL-R Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31
AUTO-ARCHIVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31
DO SYSOUT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-31
SHOUT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32

Appendix A Conversion Parameters

Appendix B Messages and Codes

Appendix C Problem Reporting


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Contents vii

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viii CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Table 2-1 Jobs in the Conversion Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

Table 2-2 File CTM.OPC.APPL.NAMES Record Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
Table 2-3 Conversion of OPC Files Containing Application Names and
Owner IDs 2-8
Table 2-4 CTM.OPC.CAL.NAMES File Format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
Table 2-5 Sample CTM.OPC.CAL.NAMES File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-10
Table 2-6 JCL Parameters to Convert Special PSS Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
Table 3-1 Parameters to be Adjusted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3
Table 3-2 The Contents of OPC Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
Table 3-3 Languages Supported for Versions of OPC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6
Table 4-1 Job Schedule Definition Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2
Table 4-2 JCL LIbrary Conversions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Table 4-3 PSS Special JCL Statements Conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3
Table 4-4 CONTROL-M Free Days Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
Table 4-5 Conversion of OPC OPSTAT Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-17
Table 4-6 Conversion of the OPC Suppressed If Late Parameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
Table 4-7 Conversion of PSS Logical Date Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-21
Table 4-8 Conversion of RECOVER Directive Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-23
Table 4-9 Conversion of ERRSTEP Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-24
Table 4-10 Conversion of JOBCODE Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25
Table 4-11 Conversion of RESSTEP Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-27
Table 4-12 Conversion of Free-day Rule Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Table 4-13 Conversion of Rule-based Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-29
Table 4-14 SHOUT Situations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-32

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Tables ix

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x CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

About This Guide

This conversion guide reviews basic concepts relevant to converting from the
OPC/A and OPC/ESA products to CONTROL-M and CONTROL-R, and
provides step-by-step instructions on how to use the conversion tool.

Note: Throughout this guide, the term OPC is used to refer to information
that is relevant to both the OPC/A and OPC/ESA products. If a
particular feature is unique to a specific release of OPC, this is so

The guide is divided into the following sections:

Chapter 1 – Conceptual Overview

Overview of basic concepts describing the conversion from OPC to


Chapter 2 – Conversion Process Flow

Description of the conversion process batch jobs are provided

Chapter 3 – Conversion Installation and Operation Steps

Step-by-step procedure for installing and operating the conversion tool

Chapter 4 – Conversion Details

Definitions of relevant OPC data parameters in relation to corresponding

CONTROL-M parameters, and a description of unique CONTROL-M and
CONTROL-R options that can be automatically set in the CONTROL-M
scheduling tables

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About This Guide xi

About the Conversion Tool

Appendix A – Conversion Parameters

Various parameters for the conversion process

Appendix B – Messages and Codes

Messages and codes of the conversion process

Appendix C – Problem Reporting

Instructions on reporting problems to BMC Software technical support


About the Conversion Tool

The conversion consists of a sequence of batch jobs. Although these jobs run
independently of OPC and CONTROL-M, CONTROL-M must be installed
in order to perform the conversion.

The conversion tool performs the following functions:

• Converts OPC application definitions to CONTROL-M Group

scheduling tables

• Converts OPC rule-based run cycles to CONTROL-M basic scheduling


• Converts OPC offset-based run cycles, in conjunction with calendar and

period definitions, to CONTROL-M calendars

• Converts OPC operator instructions to the CONTROL-M documentation


• Enables the customer to set unique CONTROL-M and CONTROL-R

options in the job scheduling definitions

• Creates a CONTROL-M AutoEdit variables library from the OPC/ESA

JCL Variable tables report

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xii CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Conventions Used in This Guide

• Converts JCL libraries to CONTROL-M format

• Issues messages about problems and errors found in the OPC definitions

The conversion tool is delivered in source code format and may be locally
tailored to fit specific requirements.

Conventions Used in This Guide

Notational conventions used in this guide are explained below.

Standard Keyboard Keys

Keys that appear on the standard keyboard are identified in boldface, for
example, Enter, Shift, Ctrl+S (a key combination), or Ctrl S (key

Field, File, Function, Job, Member, Mission, Option, Report, and User

The names of fields, functions, jobs, members, missions, options, reports,

users, and most files, are shown in standard UPPERCASE font, for example,
user DEMO, file CTM.AUTO.OUTLST, mission DEMO1D, and so on.

Command and Parameter Names

The names of the commands and parameters used in the CONTROL-M

environment are identified in this UPPERCASE font. Examples: &CTR, DOWN,
HELP, MEMNAME, or UP. The names of commands and parameters used in
OPC, and in the products of third parties, are identified in standard

User Entries

In situations where you are instructed to enter characters using the keyboard,
the specific characters to be entered are shown in this UPPERCASE BOLD
text, for example, type EXITNAME.

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About This Guide xiii

Conventions Used in This Guide

Screen Characters

JCL calls, code examples, control statements, and system messages are
shown in a font that emulates characters as they appear on the screen.
Examples of this are:

• calls, such as

• code examples, such as

FOR TABLE USE option, . . . ;

• control statements, such as


• system messages, both stand-alone, such as

You are not logged on to database database_name
and those embedded in text, such as the message
You are not logged on to database database_name
are displayed on the screen


Variables are identified with italic text. Examples of this are:

• In syntax or message text, such as

Specify database database_name
• In regular text, such as
replace database database_name1 with database database_name2 for the
current session
• In a version number, such as

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xiv CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Chapter 1 Conceptual Overview

This overview is intended for production control personnel who are familiar
with OPC terminology. Experience with CONTROL-M is recommended.

The conversion tool converts OPC application information to appropriate

CONTROL-M job scheduling definitions. OPC concepts and parameters are
translated to similar CONTROL-M concepts and parameters.

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Chapter 1 Conceptual Overview 1-1

Application Definition and CONTROL-M Group Scheduling

Application Definition and CONTROL-M Group

OPC applications are converted to CONTROL-M Group scheduling tables.

In OPC, job grouping is performed by connecting a group of logically related

operations into a single application. In CONTROL-M, logically related jobs
are grouped into CONTROL-M Group scheduling tables, and each
application is converted to one Group scheduling table.

The conversion tool supports the handling of related jobs as a group by

creating them in a special scheduling table called a Group scheduling table.
Each Group scheduling table has a special job scheduling definition, called a
Group Entity. Group handling criteria for the entire group of jobs are
specified in this Group Entity.

For additional information on Group Scheduling, see the discussion of

handling of job groups in the CONTROL-M for OS/390 User Manual.

The conversion tool creates one schedule tag, which contains basic
scheduling criteria in the Group Entity for each normal run cycle defined in
the OPC application. The OPC Period name is specified as the schedule tag
name. OPC applications not containing run cycles are converted with a
schedule tag name $TAGDFLT, which contains default values for the basic
scheduling parameters. All jobs in the Group table refer to schedule tags
defined in the Group Entity, using the generic schedule tag name ‘ * ’.

The Group Entity also controls the runtime scheduling criteria of the entire
application, by specifying CONTROL-M FROM and UNTIL times derived
from the OPC arrival and deadline times.

Job Predecessor and Successor Relationships

OPC predecessor and successor job relationships are translated to appropriate

CONTROL-M prerequisite IN and/or OUT conditions.

In CONTROL-M, each OPC operation dependency, that is, job flow, is

implemented using prerequisite conditions. A prerequisite condition is a
descriptive name given to a specific situation, event, or condition. A
prerequisite condition can be defined as an IN condition or an OUT condition
for the job. A condition date reference is associated with each condition.

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1-2 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Application Definition and CONTROL-M Group Scheduling

• An IN condition for a job is a prerequisite condition that must exist, in a

file called the IOA Conditions file, before the job can be executed. The
job is submitted for execution only if all IN conditions with the required
date exist in the IOA Conditions file.

• An OUT condition for a job is a prerequisite condition that is added,

generally, to the IOA Conditions file upon completion of the job. A job is
considered to be ended OK if it terminates with a condition code of less
than 5 in all its steps. This is the default.

OPC manual workstation operations (GENERAL and PRINT) are converted

to CONTROL-M Manual dummy jobs containing IN conditions.

Quantitative (Workstation) Resources

OPC operations may require a maximum of three different workstation

resources: server, resource 1, and resource 2. These resources are converted
to CONTROL-M Quantitative resource statements. For more information,
see Item 7 in Chapter 4, “Conversion Details.”

Data Dependencies

OPC data dependencies (special resources) are converted to CONTROL-M

Control resources.

In OPC, SHR or EXC allocation status is assigned to each special resource.

The resource availability status can be changed from YES to NO by a
program. The resource is considered in use by the operation until the
operation is rerun and reaches completed status.

In OPC, data dependencies perform the following functions:

• they control parallel execution of operations (jobs). In CONTROL-M,

this is implemented by using control resources.

• they validate availability of the resource. In CONTROL-M, resource

validity is performed using IN conditions.

In CONTROL-M, Control resources can be used in exclusive or shared state.

If a Control resource is used in an exclusive state, then only the job that
requires it can use the Control resource. A Control resource that is used in a
shared state can be used to control the parallel execution of jobs.

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Chapter 1 Conceptual Overview 1-3

Application Definition and CONTROL-M Group Scheduling

Run Cycles, Calendars and Periods

OPC provides two methods for specifying date-based scheduling criteria. In

OPC/ESA version 1, release 3 (and later), you may specify rule-based run
cycles. This provides you with the ability to define date-based scheduling
criteria through a rule-based language. These rules are converted into
CONTROL-M basic scheduling criteria. For example the OPC rule:


is converted into the CONTROL-M parameter DAYS=D5,D7,D9 and

subparameter DCAL=WORKDAY. The OPC free-day rule is also converted
into the CONTROL-M CONFCAL and SHIFT parameters. In all other
versions and releases of OPC, scheduling is specified by Offset-based run
cycles. In this case, the conversion tool creates CONTROL-M calendars only,
based on the OPC offset run cycle, calendars, periods, and free-day rule.

When an OPC application utilizes Offset-based run cycles, you are given the
opportunity of converting OPC calendar and period information into
CONTROL-M basic scheduling parameters to reduce the number of
calendars that must be defined to CONTROL-M. For more information and
examples, see JOB1 in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow,” and Item 8 in
Chapter 4, “Conversion Details.”

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1-4 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
JCL Processing

JCL Processing
1. OPC JCL batch operations that issue the SRSTAT and OPSTAT
commands are converted to equivalent CONTROL-M JCL steps. The
default is IOACND.

2. OPC JCL directives and variables operations are converted to

CONTROL-M AutoEdit statements and JCL steps.

A. OPC JCL directives, namely BEGIN, END, FETCH, SEARCH,


• Allow the conditional execution of blocks of JCL statements

• Allow the inclusion of external JCL statements
• Allow the inclusion of variable tables used to assign initial
values to JCL variables
• Enable job rerun and restart
• Determine whether OPC/ESA variable substitution is to occur

These OPC directives are converted to equivalent CONTROL-M

AutoEdit statements and job scheduling parameters, as follows:

• %%GLOBAL defines a member that contains a set of user-

defined variables and their assigned values
• %%LIBSYM defines a library that contains a set of user-defined
variables and their assigned values
• %%INCLIB defines a library that is to be included in the current
job stream
• %%IF, %%ELSE, and %%ENDIF provide the CONTROL-M
AutoEdit facility with powerful Boolean logic capability
• %%GOTO provides the CONTROL-M AutoEdit facility with
GO TO logic, permitting simple inclusion or exclusion of job
steps, DD statements, input statements, and so on
• ON PGMST... DO job scheduling parameters define post-processing
parameters for job rerun and restart actions

B. The & and % OPC/ESA variables are converted directly to

CONTROL-M %% AutoEdit variables and are placed in a
CONTROL-M AutoEdit variable library. For more information, see
Item 16 in Chapter 4, “Conversion Details.” ?-variable types are not

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Chapter 1 Conceptual Overview 1-5

JCL Processing

3. PSS (MVS Production Shop Support Program: Job Preparation and

Submission) special JCL comment statements and JCL variables are
converted to CONTROL-M AutoEdit statements and variables.
The special PSS JCL comment statements are converted to %%SET
AutoEdit statements and % variables are converted directly to %%
AutoEdit variables. For more information, see Items 30 through 34 in
Chapter 4, “Conversion Details.”

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1-6 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
CONTROL-M New Day Processing

CONTROL-M New Day Processing

CONTROL-M production jobs are scheduled using New Day processing,
performed once each day at a predefined time, according to your local site
requirements. CONTROL-M, using New Day processing, presumes that
workdays do not always begin at the start of a calendar day. Instead,
CONTROL-M enables you to define a logical workday that begins at a
specified time. Other scheduling products, such as OPC, begin every
workday at the first moment of a new calendar day. The CONTROL-M OPC
conversion tool is designed to convert OPC scheduling data so it can be used
in CONTROL-M scheduling.

The following example illustrates how the OPC scheduling method is

converted to the CONTROL-M scheduling method.

Figure 1-1 New Day Processing Example

The above example assumes that your logical business date changes at 8:00
A.M. You want to take a job scheduled in OPC to begin at 4:00 A.M. on
March 15th, and convert it to be run as a CONTROL-M job. The conversion
tool converts this OPC job to a CONTROL-M job that begins at 4:00 A.M.
on the March 14th logical business day.

Note: CONTROL-M enables you to define logical workdays that begin at a

time best suited to the scheduling requirements of your organization,
without being subject to the limits that might be imposed by strict
adherence to calendar days.

The conversion tool handles this conversion process automatically.

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Chapter 1 Conceptual Overview 1-7

Event-Trigger Tracking (ETT)

For OPC/ESA Version 1, Release 2.1 and later, set the CTMPARM DAYTIME
parameter New Day time to the Work-Day End Time in the OPC/ESA
Calendar that controls most of the work at the site.

For more details on how the conversion tool handles this product difference,
see Step 17 in Chapter 3, “Conversion Steps.”

Event-Trigger Tracking (ETT)

The OPC/ESA ETT facility corresponds to the CONTROL-M CMEM
facility. It is your responsibility to manually convert OPC/ESA ETT events to
corresponding CMEM events by coding the appropriate CMEM rule
definitions. For more information see the CMEM chapter in the
CONTROL-M for OS/390 User Manual.

Catalog Management
The catalog management (CM) function in OPC/ESA (Version 1, Release 2
and later) can be used to automatically delete, uncatalog, or catalog datasets
that have been created or modified in a job or started task that has ended in
error, or requires rerun. In addition, references to relative generation data
group (GDG) numbers are reset.

In CONTROL-M, the equivalent function is performed by setting the

CONTROL-R PREVENT-NCT2 parameter. Conversion parameter &CTR must
be set to Y (Yes) and conversion parameter &NCT2 must be set to OPC to
activate this feature. These conversion parameters are described in
Appendix A.)

When converting from a previous release of OPC, you have the opportunity
of utilizing the CONTROL-R PREVENT-NCT2 feature on a global basis, rather
than on a job-by-job basis as in OPC/ESA Release 2, by setting conversion
parameters &CTR and &NCT2 (described in Appendix A) to Y (Yes).

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1-8 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Automatic Event Reporting (AER) Facility

Automatic Event Reporting (AER) Facility

The OPC Automatic Event Reporting facility (AER) can help coordinate a
variety of tasks that are not normally seen by OPC. For example, AER can be
used to trigger the start of an operation when a particular step in a job is
complete, or as acknowledgment that a file has been received across the
network. The OPC OPSTAT command provides a portable method of using
AER, by enabling the setting or changing of the status of an operation.

The OPC OPSTAT command in JCL steps can set a “job successfully
completed (C)” status. The conversion program converts this to a
CONTROL-M batch JCL IOACND step, which adds a condition to the IOA
Conditions file. For more information, see Item 25 in Chapter 4, “Conversion

Job Completion Checker (JCC) Facility

You may be utilizing the JCC feature of OPC to scan the sysout dataset of a
job or started task to set an error code for an operation. After converting to
CONTROL-M, you may obtain the equivalent functionality by using
CONTROL-M Exit 3 to

• alter the way in which a job in CONTROL-M finishes

• turn on an event for the current job
• write a message to the CONTROL-M log
• extract data from the sysout and write it to an external file for use later.

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Chapter 1 Conceptual Overview 1-9

JCL Repository Facility

JCL Repository Facility

OPC stores JCL in the JCL repository (JS) dataset when the JCL is edited
and saved, or when the job is submitted. This enables you to dynamically
make temporary changes to the JCL of a job without changing the original
source of the JCL. The same functionality can be obtained in CONTROL-M
using REXX procedures CTMIMACx in the IOA CLIST library, where x is
1, 2 or 3.

Using procedure CTMIMACx, JCL is dynamically copied from the

MEMLIB library to the OVERLIB library, if no member by that name
already exists, and is then edited in option J in the CONTROL-M Status
screen (screen 3).

CONTROL-M Exit 15 can be used to optionally delete the JCL member from
the OVERLIB library after successful completion of the job.

For more information and installation instructions, see the discussion of the
OVERLIB parameter in the CONTROL-M for OS/390 User Manual, and
source members CTMIMACx in the IOA CLIST library, and sample Exit
CTMX015O in the IOA SAMPEXIT library.

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1-10 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow

This chapter describes in detail the components of the conversion process

from the perspective of jobs, programs and datasets.

A familiarity with the conversion process helps in understanding the

conversion logic and the installation and operation steps discussed in
Chapter 3, “Conversion Steps.”

The process comprises the following primary jobs:

Table 2-1 Jobs in the Conversion Process

Job Description
JOB0 Produce OPC reports.
JOB1 Extract workstation and application information, build a list of all defined
calendars and periods, and create JCL for adding special resource
prerequisite conditions.
JOB2 Construct CONTROL-M calendars and scheduling table libraries.
JOB3 Convert JCL members and create the CONTROL-M AutoEdit variable
statements in the CONTROL-M job scheduling definitions.

These jobs are described in detail on the following pages.

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Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow 2-1

JOB0: Produce OPC Reports

JOB0: Produce OPC Reports


No JCL is supplied in the conversion source library for JOB0. Use the
information below to create and customize your own JOB0. Produce a print
image of the following OPC reports:

• Application Descriptions
• Workstation Descriptions
• Calendars
• Periods (for OPC/A Release 2 and OPC/ESA only)
• Operator Instructions
• JCL Variable Tables (OPC/ESA only)

The reference to these reports in JOB1, JOB2, JOB3, and JOB4 is made by
the following file names. To use other names, tailor the JCL of the job.

• File CTM.OPC.APPL.REPORT is the Application Description report.

• File CTM.OPC.WS.REPORT is the Workstation Description report.
• File CTM.OPC.CAL.REPORT is the Calendar report.
• Files CTM.OPC.PERIOD.REPORT are the Period reports.
• File CTM.OPC.OI.REPORT is the Operator Instruction report.
• File CTM.OPC.JCLVAR is the JCL Variable Table report (OPC/ESA

The following examples specify how to produce these reports.

Note: In the PGM and PARM parameters of the following examples, in the
place of ***, substitute characters CSY for OPC/A and EQQ for

Application Description Report

Produce this report for all applications that are defined to OPC. The report
provides application description data, such as common data, run cycle data,
operation data, and internal operation logic.

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2-2 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
JOB0: Produce OPC Reports

To produce the report, run the following JCL:



Workstation Description Report

Produce a report of all Workstation Descriptions by executing the following



//SYSIN DD DUMMY,DCB=BLKSIZE=80 (No SYSIN stmts required)

Operator Instruction Report

Produce the Operator Instruction report, in application ID order, by executing

the following JCL:



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Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow 2-3

JOB0: Produce OPC Reports

Calendar Report

Produce a Calendar report through the year 2005 by executing the following



Note: When OPC calendars are defined, they begin as of the day the
Calendar report is produced. It follows that any corresponding
CONTROL-M calendars only contain working days beginning that
same date. This may have implications if customers use these
calendars when adding or changing basic scheduling parameters of
job scheduling definitions.

For example, you run the Calendar report on May 24, 2001, which is
a working day. In a job scheduling definition utilizing this calendar,
the DAYS parameter is changed to specify D1 (the first working day
of the month). For the month of May in 2001, the job will be
scheduled on the 24th, which may surprise you.

Period Report

Produce the Period report through the year 2005. The report must be
produced for every calendar that is defined to OPC. To produce the report,
execute the following JCL:



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2-4 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
JOB0: Produce OPC Reports

Note: To prevent the creation of extraneous calendars by the conversion

tool, periods that do not have run days beyond the actual conversion
date must be deleted prior to producing the Period report and the
Application Description report.

The cautionary information regarding the Calendar report contained

in the preceding Note is applicable to the Period report, as well.

JCL Variable Table Report (for OPC/ESA Only)

Produce the JCL Variable Table report by executing the following JCL:



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Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow 2-5

JOB1: Extract Workstation and Application Info

JOB1: Extract Workstation and Application Info


JOB1 reads the Workstation Report file, the Period Report files, and the
Application Description Report file created by JOB0, and produces

1. A list of all workstations defined in OPC

2. A list of Quantitative resources that the customer has to add to the

CONTROL-M Resources file

3. A list of all application names and owner IDs

These names are converted to a new format. Each newly formatted

application name must be unique and valid, so that it can be used as a
member name in the CONTROL-M scheduling library. The application
names are modified to valid member names, with a maximum of eight
characters, starting with an alphabetic or national character, and followed
by alphanumeric and/or national characters. The owner ID must also be
valid, with a maximum of eight characters, and no embedded blanks. For
more details, see conversion parameter &TBLUNIQ, described in
Appendix A.

4. Extraction of a file from the Application Description report for creating

CONTROL-M scheduling tables and calendars

5. A list of all defined calendars and periods

These calendar names are converted to a new format and are subject to
the same restrictions as the newly-formatted application names. These
restrictions are set out in Item 3 in this job

6. An application name or job name cross reference file

7. A JCL job for adding special (CONTROL-M Shared and Exclusive

Control) resource prerequisite conditions to the IOA Conditions file

8. The CONTROL-M Calendar library, of calendars based on valid date

ranges for run cycles

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JOB1: Extract Workstation and Application Info


• CTM.OPC.WS.REPORT file created by JOB0

• CTM.OPC.APPL.REPORT file created by JOB0

• CTM.OPC.PERIOD.REPORT files created by JOB0


1. File containing OPC workstation names

Default file name: CTM.OPC.WS
File attributes: sequential, record length 80; block size 800

2. File containing CONTROL-M Quantitative resources that must be added

to the CONTROL-M Resources file
Default file name: CTM.OPC.QUANTITY
File attributes: sequential, record length 133; block size 1330

3. File containing OPC application names and owner IDs with their
converted names
Default file name: CTM.OPC.APPL.NAMES
File attributes: sequential, record length 133; block size 9044

Table 2-2 File CTM.OPC.APPL.NAMES Record Layout

Position Data Description

01 16 Original Application name
18 25 New Application name
28 43 Original Owner name
45 52 New Owner ID used by all jobs in the table
55 78 Application text
81 104 Owner text
105 112 Original Calendar name

ISPF EDIT can be used to modify the application names and the
owner ID assigned to each application. The scheduling table names must
be unique. The conversion tool ensures that the scheduling table names
are valid PDS member names by

• Deleting embedded blanks

• Converting illegal characters to #; only the following are legal: A–Z,
0–9, $, #, @
• Converting leading numerics 1 through 9 into A through I and 0 to #

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Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow 2-7

JOB1: Extract Workstation and Application Info

The following table is an example of the file structure, and shows how
application and owner names are converted. The file contains six fields,
as illustrated in the table.

Table 2-3 Conversion of OPC Files Containing Application Names and Owner IDs

Old New Application

Application Application Old Owner New Owner Text Owner Text
CARGO01 CARGO01 130 130 Salary Ship Ship Dep.
ARC/3 ARC#3 SYS 1 SYS1 Archive Proc Archive Dep.

4. File containing relevant information about applications and operations

for creating CONTROL-M scheduling tables and calendars
Default file name: CTM.OPC.APPL
File attributes: Sequential; record length 236; block size 23,364

5. File containing OPC calendar names with their converted names (for
offset-based run cycles only).
Default file name: CTM.OPC.CAL.NAMES
File attributes: sequential; record length 236, block size 23,364

Table 2-4 CTM.OPC.CAL.NAMES File Format (Part 1 of 2)

Name Position Data
NEW CAL 01–07 CONTROL-M new calendar name.
OLD CAL 09–24 OPC calendar name.
OLD PER 26–33 OPC period name.
PER TYPE 35–42 OPC run cycle type (NORMAL or NEGATIVE).
OFFSETS 44–139 OPC offsets.
R 141 OPC free day rule. Valid values:
• 1–Free days included: Run on the nearest day
before the free day.
• 2–Free days included: Run on the nearest day after
the free day.
• 3–Free days included: Run on the free day.
• 4–Free days included: Do not run at all.
• E–Free days excluded: Only work days are taken
into account.
W/D 143 CONTROL-M DAYS or WDAYS indicator. Valid
• D–Use CONTROL-M DAYS or DCAL parameters.
CALENDAR 147–154 CONTROL-M calendar name.

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2-8 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
JOB1: Extract Workstation and Application Info

Table 2-4 CTM.OPC.CAL.NAMES File Format (Part 2 of 2)

Name Position Data
WDAYS OR 156 CONTROL-M WDAYS or DAYS parameters.
M= 221–234 When columns 221–2 specify ‘M=’, then the following
12 columns contain MONTHS specifications (Y, N or

ISPF EDIT can be used to specify different calendar names, and/or

specify run days as CONTROL-M WDAYS or DAYS, or no calendar at all
(remember that the calendar names must be unique, valid member
names). To do so, in column 143 specify D to define DAYS, or W to
define WDAYS. In column 147 you may specify the CONTROL-M
calendar name to be used. The WDAYS or DAYS parameters are specified
in columns 156 through 236. Insert the calendar name, DAYS or WDAYS,
in the proper CONTROL-M format. In addition, you may optionally
specify CONTROL-M MONTHS by coding M= in columns 221 through
222 followed by 12 month specifications. For more information on these
parameters, see the CONTROL-M for OS/390 User Manual.


Assume the OPC calendar contains a DEFAULT calendar, where:

• work days are Monday through Friday

• the OPC periods contain:

— a cyclic period DAY with a length of one day

— a cyclic period WEEK with origin date on Monday and a length
of seven days
— a non-cyclic period MONTH with origin dates on the first day of
each month
— a non-cyclic period HOLIDAY with origin dates of holidays.

Note: If you do not specify the run days in CONTROL-M terms,

the Conversion Tool automatically creates a calendar for
each different offset-based run cycle. Wherever possible,
specify run days in CONTROL-M terms, using basic
scheduling parameters.

In this example, three CONTROL-M calendars are created, named

NAMES file containing these calendars appears in the following

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Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow 2-9

JOB1: Extract Workstation and Application Info

Table 2-5 Sample CTM.OPC.CAL.NAMES File

New Old Old Period Off- WDAYS

Calendar Calendar Period Type sets R W/D Calendar or DAYS M=


To schedule every work day (the first line in this Table), the OPC
calendar definition was specified as: NORMAL run cycle with the
period DAY, the free day rule that suppresses the start on a free day
(4), and a run day offset of one (+001).

In the CONTROL-M WEEKDAY calendar, this is specified as:

W (WDAYS) 2,3,4,5,6 (Monday through Friday).


To schedule “each week on Friday” (the second line in this Table),

the OPC definition was: NORMAL run cycle with the period
WEEK, the free day rule that schedules the start even if it is free day
(3), and run day offset of five (+005). In CONTROL-M terms this is
specified as: W (WDAYS) 6 (Friday).

• CONTROL-M Calendar MONTH15

To schedule “on the 15th of the month except for holidays” (the third
and fourth lines in this Table) , the OPC definition was: NORMAL
run cycle with the period MONTH, the free day rule that schedules
the start even if it is free day (3), and run day offset of 15(+015);
NEGATIVE run cycle with the period HOLIDAY that has the run
days on which the applications are to be suppressed. In
CONTROL-M terms specify: D (DAYS), 15 (15th of the month)
with calendar NOTHOLI (“not holidays”).

6. File containing the OPC application name and/or job name cross
reference report
Default file name: CTM.OPC.XRF
File attributes: sequential; record length 80; block length 8000

Note: Do not modify this file.

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2-10 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
JOB1: Extract Workstation and Application Info

7. Sequential file containing JCL, which adds IN conditions to the IOA

Conditions file
Default file name: CTM.V600.COND
File attributes: sequential; record length 80; block size 3120

The format of the JCL is



For a complete list of conditions created by the conversion tool, use

CONTROL-M utility CTMXRF (XRF=CND), details of which are found
in the INCONTROL for OS/390 Utilities Guide).

8. File containing all conversion exception messages (DAEXCEP)

9. Sequential file containing OPC Special Resources whose names exceed

20 characters and the corresponding 20 character CONTROL-M Control
resource, which the conversion tool ensures is unique
Default file name: CTM.V600.RESNAME
File attributes: sequential; record length 65; block size 6500

Note: For a complete list of Quantitative and Control resources created

by the conversion tool, use CONTROL-M utility CTMXRF
(XRF=RES). For details of this utility, see the INCONTROL for
OS/390 Utilities Guide.

10. A library containing CONTROL-M calendars

Default library name: CTM.V600.CAL
Library attributes: PDS, record length 80, block size 3120

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Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow 2-11

JOB2: Construct CONTROL-M Calendars and Scheduling Table Libraries

JOB2: Construct CONTROL-M Calendars and

Scheduling Table Libraries


JOB2 reads the Calendar and Period reports created by JOB0, and the
Calendar Period Names file created by JOB1, to update the CONTROL-M
Calendar library. The files created by JOB1 are read by JOB2 to create the
CONTROL-M scheduling tables. JOB2 also creates the CONTROL-M
Documentation library from the Operator Instruction report created by JOB0.

If you are not utilizing rule-based run cycles, delete STEP5 from JOB2.


1. File CTM.OPC.CAL.REPORT created by JOB0

2. File CTM.OPC.PERIOD.REPORT created by JOB0
3. File CTM.OPC.PERIOD.OI created by JOB0
4. File CTM.OPC.APPL created by JOB1
5. File CTM.OPC.APPL.NAMES created by JOB1
6. File CTM.OPC.CAL.NAMES created by JOB1
7. File CTM.OPC.XRF created by JOB1
8. File CTM.V600.CAL created by JOB1


1. A library containing CONTROL-M job scheduling tables

Default library name: CTM.V600.SCHEDULE
Library attributes: PDS, record length 80, block size 3120

2. File containing the JCL for the New Day procedure, which must be
customized for the daily runs
Default file name: CTM.V600.DAILY
File attributes: sequential; record length 80, block size 3120

3. A library containing CONTROL-M documentation members

Default library name: CTM.V600.DOCMEM
Library attributes: PDS, record length 80, block size 3120

4. File containing all conversion exception messages (DAEXCEP)

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2-12 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
JOB2: Construct CONTROL-M Calendars and Scheduling Table Libraries

5. The CONTROL-M calendar library is updated with additional calendars

created from the OPC Calendar and Period reports

6. For OPC/ESA Version 1, Release 3 or later, if you utilize rule-based run

cycles, STEP5 creates a JCL job stream that contains multiple
invocations of utility CTMTBUPD. The JCL job stream created by this
job updates basic scheduling parameters in the job scheduling definitions
of the CONTROL-M scheduling library. This JCL job stream must be
customized, and an appropriate CTMTBUPD procedure must be created.
This file can contain multiple jobs that require customization and

For details of utility CTMTBUPD see the INCONTROL for OS/390

Utilities Guide.

Default file name: CTM.V600.TBUPD

File attributes: sequential, record length 80, block size 9040.

Each step in the JCL job stream must end with a condition code of 0. Any
steps in the job stream that do not end successfully must be rerun. If the job
abends on an Sx37 abend, the scheduling library must be compressed and the
job restarted from the abending step.

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Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow 2-13

JOB3: Convert JCL Members

JOB3: Convert JCL Members


JOB3 converts JCL members to CONTROL-M format. For details of how

the OPC/ESA JCL directives (//*% OPC statements), OPC commands
(SRSTAT and OPSTAT), and PSS statements are converted to CONTROL-M
format, see Chapter 4, “Conversion Details.”

JOB3 also creates the CONTROL-M AutoEdit variable library from the
OPC/ESA JCL Variable Table report.

Program CTMOP015 is called to perform modifications to the JCL members

containing OPC Batch Steps. If OPC Batch Steps are not used in the standard
OPC manner, local modifications may be necessary.


If the JCL libraries contain special PSS statements that must be converted to
CONTROL-M AutoEdit format, then a JCL PARM parameter must be coded
on the EXEC statement, which executes program CTMOP014, as follows:

Table 2-6 JCL Parameters to Convert Special PSS Statements

Parameter Description
PARM=‘PSS’ The JCL libraries contain both PSS statements and OPC
directives and/or commands.
PARM=‘PSS/’ The JCL libraries contain only PSS statements and no OPC
directives and commands.


1. List of all OPC and PSS JCL library names

Each name is entered on a separate line, beginning in column one. Before

entering the dataset names of the JCL libraries, create copies, as
described in Step 2 in Chapter 3, “Conversion Steps.”

2. Dynamically allocated copy of the OPC JCL and PSS JCL and
PARMLIB libraries

3. File CTM.OPC.JCLVAR.REPORT created by JOB0 (OPC/ESA only)

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

2-14 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
JOB3: Convert JCL Members

4. File CTM.OPC.APPL.NAMES created by JOB1

5. File CTM.V600.RESNAME created by JOB1

6. OPC Batch parameter file

The OPC Batch parameter file provides program and procedure names
used by the OPC JCL batch jobs that issue the SRSTAT and OPSTAT
commands. The program and procedure names must appear in column 1,
one per record.

Note: The conversion tool is delivered with OPCBATCH as the batch

program and procedure name. If desired, this name may be
modified and/or additional names may be added, to conform to
the naming conventions followed at your site.

7. OPC Case Code parameter file.

The OPC Case Code parameter file supplies the conversion tool with
OPC JCL Case Codes used by the OPC RECOVER directive. The
RECOVER directive uses these case codes to augment system and user
abend codes specified as OPC job and/or step codes.

Case codes are defined in OPC EQQCASEC macros that are link-edited
to create non-executable load module EQQCASEM. For more
information, see the OPC/ESA Customization and Tuning Guide.

A maximum of 20 Cases can be specified for the Case Code parameter

file, and each Case can have a maximum of 10 Codes. The Case Code
parameter file must be an 80 byte, card image dataset in the following

case1 code11 code12 ... code1n

case2 code21 code22 ... code2n
. . .

• Cases and codes can be from one to five characters in length with at
least one blank or a comma separating the codes for each case.

• Cases must begin in column 1 and the codes may not extend beyond
column 72.

• Codes for a single case may not continue on a second line.

• Codes must be entered in CONTROL-M format. For example, user

abend codes must be entered as Unnnn, where nnnn is a four-figure

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow 2-15

JOB3: Convert JCL Members


1. JCL libraries in CONTROL-M format

2. A report containing all the JCL conversion exception messages

3. The CONTROL-M AutoEdit variable library (OPC/ESA only)

Default file name: CTM.V600.AEVAR
File attributes: PDS, record length 80, block size 3120

4. File containing OPC JCL RECOVER directive extract information used

to build CONTROL-M ON PGMST job rerun and/or restart statements
(in JOB4)
Default file name: CTM.V600.RECVEXT
File attributes: sequential, record length 393, block size 3930

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2-16 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
JOB4: Convert OPC JCL RECOVER Directives

JOB4: Convert OPC JCL RECOVER Directives

JOB4 converts OPC JCL RECOVER Directives to CONTROL-M
ON PGMST statements, which control job rerun and/or restart functions.

For more information on how the OPC RECOVER subparameters are

converted to CONTROL-M format, see Item 40 in Chapter 4, “Conversion


1. File CTM.OPC.APPL.NAMES created by JOB1

2. File CTM.OPC.XRF created by JOB1

3. File CTM.V600.RECVEXT created by JOB3

4. File CTM.V600.SCHEDULE created by JOB2


Updated CONTROL-M job scheduling table library

Note: The CONTROL-M job scheduling table library must be backed up

prior to running this job, to enable recovery in case JOB4 does not
end successfully, for example, due to an Sx37 abend.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 2 Conversion Process Flow 2-17

JOB4: Convert OPC JCL RECOVER Directives

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

2-18 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps

Installation and operation of the conversion tool consists of the following

steps. Read through the remainder of this chapter before performing the
steps. To ensure a successful conversion, it is important to follow the outlined
steps in sequence.

The following is a summary checklist of the steps:

Step 1 Create the conversion source and load libraries

Step 2 Copy OPC and PSS JCL libraries

Step 3 Produce OPC reports

Step 4 Check and modify parameter in member DEFAULTS

Step 5 Check and modify conversion tool support for different OPC languages

Step 6 Modify and run member ASMLINK

Step 7 Modify and run member JOB1

Step 8 Check and modify application names, owner names and calendar names

Step 9 Modify and run member JOB2

Step 10 Modify and run member JOB3

Step 11 Modify and run member JOB4

Step 12 Add CONTROL-M quantitative resources and prerequisite conditions

Step 13 Check conversion results

Step 14 Customize the New Day procedure

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-1

Step 15 Run CONTROL-M utility IOALDNRS (for details of this utility, see the
INCONTROL for OS/390 Utilities Guide)

Step 16 Copy members SYSTEM and GLOBAL (for OPC/ESA only)

Step 17 Final adjustments

Note: The source code for all programs resides in the conversion source
library, and can be locally tailored.

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3-2 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Step 1 - Create the Conversion Source and Load Libraries

Step 1 - Create the Conversion Source and

Load Libraries
1. Run job $$INIT in the IOA CONV library to create the OPC conversion
source library and allocate the conversion load library.

2. Tailor the following parameters in the member in accordance with your

local site conventions:

Table 3-1 Parameters to be Adjusted

Parameter Description
Job statement
INLIB IOA CONV library name
OUTLIB OPC conversion source library name
LOADLIB OPC conversion load library name
UNIT Unit name of DASD device
VOLSER Volser of DASD device

3. Submit the job for execution. The job must finish with a completion
code of 0.

Step 2 - Copy OPC and PSS JCL Libraries

To prevent changes to the current production environment, create copies of
the OPC and PSS JCL production libraries. A sample job that performs this
task is provided in the conversion source library in member COPYLIBS.

For CA-PANVALET or CA-LIBRARIAN libraries, use the utilities supplied

by CA-PANVALET or CA-LIBRARIAN to create and copy the production
JCL libraries into PDS libraries for use by the conversion tool.

The new libraries must be sufficiently large to enable update of all the

In addition, the PSS parameter library, containing members specified in

PSS //*%IP comment statements, must also be copied.

Additional libraries and sequential datasets may need to be copied. For more
details see conversion parameter &PNIBJSD in Appendix A.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-3

Step 3 - Produce OPC Reports

Step 3 - Produce OPC Reports

Create and submit JOB0 as described in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process
Flow.” Check the sysout for completion code and error messages. The job
must finish with a condition code of 0.

Step 4 - Check and/or Modify Parameters in Member

Edit member DEFAULTS in the conversion source library. Adjust the
parameters in accordance with your site requirements. For a detailed
description of these conversion parameter see Appendix A.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

3-4 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Step 5. Check and/or Modify Conversion Tool Support for Different OPC Language Reports

Step 5. Check and/or Modify Conversion Tool

Support for Different OPC Language Reports
The conversion tool may be modified to support any OPC report language
and any version of OPC.

Members LR1APPL, LR1WS, LR1DOC, and LR1RUN contain the titles

and/or values that appear in the OPC reports and are needed to process the
reports in each supported language. You can add the titles and/or values for
your language according to the instructions that appear before each title
and/or value. The only requirement is to ensure that the contents of the
members are valid Assembler instructions.

The following is a list of the contents of each member:

Table 3-2 The Contents of OPC Members

Member Contents
LR1APPL Titles and/or values that appear in the Application Description report.
LR1WS Titles and/or values that appear in the Workstation Description report.
LR1DOC Titles and/or values that appear in the Operator Instruction report.
LR1RUN Titles and/or values that appear in the Calendar and/or Period reports.

Check if the members listed above support the language and version of your
OPC report. If they do, proceed to the next step (Step 6). Otherwise, modify
the members according to the following instructions.

For each title that you want to add or modify in a different language

• Locate the title and/or value line that needs to be modified

If you need to add your language to the list, copy an existing line,
changing the first three characters of the line to the code designated for
your language.

Note: The three-character code designated for your language is the

code specified in conversion parameter &LANG in member
DEFAULTS (for more information on this parameter, see
Appendix A).

• Replace the title and/or value by substituting the existing ‘ x ’s or title

with the title translated into the new language.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-5

Step 5. Check and/or Modify Conversion Tool Support for Different OPC Language Reports


The following title and/or value appears in member LR1RUN, in Assembler

Instruction format:


For English, this is the main title in the general information section of the
Period report. The title starts in column 26 of the report.

To support Spanish language OPC reports, add the following definition:


The corresponding Spanish text begins in column 26 of the general

information section of the Periods report.

The table below indicates which languages are fully supported for the various
versions of OPC.

Table 3-3 Languages Supported for Versions of OPC

Language OPC/A V1.1 OPC/A V1.2 OPC/ESA

English x x x
German x x
Spanish x
French x

A blank entry in the above table indicates that you must complete some titles
and/or values in the language members (LR1xxx).

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

3-6 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Step 6. Modify and Run Member ASMLINK

Step 6. Modify and Run Member ASMLINK

Member ASMLINK is used to assemble and link-edit all the conversion
programs. This assembly uses the option member described in Step 3 in this

Re-execute Step 6 whenever a change is made to the parameter or language

members (DEFAULTS, LR1xxx), or if any fixes are applied to the conversion
source library.

Modify the JCL of this member according to your local naming conventions:

• Job statement
• IOA MAC library (parameter MAC2)
• Conversion source library (parameter SRCLIB)
• Conversion load library (parameter LOADLIB)
• IOA LOAD library (parameter LOADIOA)

Note: This step must be re-executed whenever changes are made to

parameters in member DEFAULTS, to the language members
(LR1xxx), or when a source fix is applied to any module. It may also
be necessary to perform an LLA REFRESH after changes are made.

Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for condition code and
error messages. The job must finish with a condition code of 0.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-7

Step 7. Modify and Run Member JOB1

Step 7. Modify and Run Member JOB1

JOB1 executes

1. Program CTMOP001 to create the Workstation list and the Quantitative

Resource list

2. Program CTMOP002 to create the Application and Owner ID table, the

Applications and Operations Extract file, and the CONTROL-M
Calendar library

3. Program CTMOP006 to create the Calendar and Period Names table

4. Program CTMOP009 to create the job that adds conditions to the IOA
Conditions file; for additional information, see Item 2 under Step 12 in
this chapter

Modify the JCL in member JOB1 of the conversion source library. Adjust the
following specifications according to your local conventions:

1. Job statement

2. Conversion load library (in STEP0, DD statement CTMLOAD)

3. IOA LOAD library (in STEP0, DD statement IOALOAD)

4. IOA PARM library (in STEP0, DD statement IOAPARM)

5. Workstation Description Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0,

DD statement WSREP)

6. Application Description Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0,

DD statement APPLREP)

7. Period Report files created in JOB0 (in STEP0, DD statements


One DD statement is created for each Period report file. Specify only as
many DAPERRP DDs as are necessary, and remove all references to the
unused ones.

— If more than three Period Report files exist, update the backward
references as specified in STEP2 of JOB1, DD statement

— For OPC/A Release 1, this is the Calendar report file created in JOB0
(in STEP0, DD statement DACALREP)

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3-8 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Step 7. Modify and Run Member JOB1

8. Name and location of the Workstation List file (in STEP0, DD statement

9. Name and location of the Quantitative Resource file (in STEP0,

DD statement DAOUT)

10. Name and location of the Applications and Operations Extract file (in
STEP0, DD statement DAAPPL)

11. Name and location of the application and owner ID file (in STEP0,
DD statement DACHANGE)

12. Name and location of the cross reference file (in STEP0, DD statement

13. Name and location of the calendar names file (in STEP0, DD statement

14. Name and location of the IN conditions file (in STEP0, DD statement

15. Name and location of the Special Resource Name file containing special
resources whose names exceed 20 characters (in STEP0, DD statement

16. Name and location of the CONTROL-M Calendar library (in STEP0,
DD statement DACAL)

Submit the job for execution, and check the sysout for completion code and
error messages. The job must finish with a condition code of 0 or 4.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-9

Step 8. Check and Modify the Application, Owner, and Calendar Names

Step 8. Check and Modify the Application,

Owner, and Calendar Names
Check and modify the Application and Owner ID table (file
CTM.OPC.APPL.NAMES) and the Calendars Name table (file
CTM.OPC.CAL.NAMES) created in Step 7.

ISPF EDIT may be used

• To modify application names and the default owner assigned to each

• To modify calendar names and/or to insert run days in CONTROL-M


file structures, see JOB1 in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow.”

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3-10 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Step 9. Modify and Run Member JOB2

Step 9. Modify and Run Member JOB2

JOB2 executes

• Program CTMOP007, to update the CONTROL-M calendars

• Program CTMOP003, to build new CONTROL-M Group scheduling


• Program CTMOP012, to create the CONTROL-M Documentation


• Program CTMOPRUL (for users running OPC/ESA Version 1, Release 3

or later).

This creates a JCL job stream that executes CONTROL-M utility

CTMTBUPD, to update the CONTROL-M Group scheduling library. For
details of utility CTMTBUPD, see the INCONTROL for OS/390 Utilities

Modify the JCL in member JOB2 of the conversion source library. Adjust the
following specifications according to your local conventions:

• Job statement

• Conversion load library (in STEP0, DD statement CTMLOAD)

• IOA LOAD library (in STEP0, DD statement IOALOAD)

• IOA PARM library (in STEP0, DD statement IOAPARM)

• IOA LOG library (in STEP0, DD statement IOALOG)

• Application Description Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0,

DD statement APPLREP)

• Calendars Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0, DD statement


• Period Report files created in JOB0 (in STEP0, DD statement


BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-11

Step 9. Modify and Run Member JOB2

One DD statement is created for each Period report file. Specify only as
many DAPERRP DDs as are necessary and remove all references to
those that are not used.

— If more than three Period Report files exist, update the backward
references as specified in STEP2 of JOB2, DD statement

— For OPC/A Release 1, this is the Calendars report file created in

JOB0 (in STEP0, DD statement DACALREP, already referred to in
this list).

• Operator Instructions Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0,

DD statement DAOIREP)

• Applications and Operations Extract file created in JOB1 (in STEP0,

DD statement DAAPPL)

• Applications and owner names file created in JOB1 (in STEP0,

DD statement DACHANGE)

• Calendars names file created in JOB1 (in STEP0, DD statement


• Name and location of the cross-reference file (in STEP0, DD statement


• Name of the CONTROL-M Calendar library (in STEP0, DD statement


• Name and location of the CONTROL-M Scheduling library (in STEP0,

DD statement DATABLE)

• Name and location of the CONTROL-M Documentation library (in

STEP0, DD statement DADOC)

• Name and location of the daily schedule file (in STEP0, DD statement

• Name and location of the JCL job stream, which is used to execute utility
CTMTBUPD. For details, see the INCONTROL for OS/390 Utilities
Guide (in STEP0, DD statement DATBUPD)

Submit the job for execution and check the sysout for completion code and
error messages. The job must finish with a condition code of 0 or 4.

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3-12 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Step 9. Modify and Run Member JOB2

After JOB2 has successfully executed, users running OPC/ESA Version 1,

Release 3 or later, and utilizing rule-based run cycles, must execute the JCL
job stream generated in the file pointed to by DD DATBUPD, to update the
Group scheduling library. These jobs must finish with a condition code of 0.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-13

Step 10. Modify and Run Member JOB3

Step 10. Modify and Run Member JOB3

JOB3 executes program CTMOP014 to convert the JCL libraries to
CONTROL-M format and to create the CONTROL-M AutoEdit variable
library (OPC/ESA only).

Modify the JCL in member JOB3 of the conversion source library. Adjust the
following specifications according to your local conventions:

• Job statement

• Conversion load library (in STEP0, DD statement CTMLOAD)

• IOA LOAD library (in STEP0, DD statement IOALOAD)

• IOA PARM library (in STEP0, DD statement IOAPARM)

• JCL Variable Table Report file created in JOB0 (in STEP0, DD statement

• Application and owner names file created in JOB1 (in STEP0,

DD statement DACHANGE)

• Special resource names files created in JOB1 (in STEP 0, DD statement


• Name and location of the CONTROL-M AutoEdit variable library (in

STEP0, DD statement LIBSYM)

• Name and location of the OPC JCL RECOVER directives extract file (in
STEP0, DD statement RECVEXT)

• Indication whether the JCL libraries contain special PSS statements (in
Step 2, the PARM= field of the EXEC statement)

For details, see JOB3 in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow”

• List of names of the copied JCL libraries

Each name must start on a new line and begin at column one (in STEP2,
DD statement DAJCLIN)

• List of the program and procedure names used in OPC batch steps (in
STEP2, DD statement DABATCH)

• List of OPC JCL Cases and their corresponding Codes (in STEP2,
DD statement CASECODE)

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3-14 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Step 10. Modify and Run Member JOB3

• Name and location of a work library (specified in STEP0, DD statement

WORK); the same dataset name must also be specified in STEP2,
DD statement SYSINLIB (but do not delete the member name)

For OPC/A, DD statement DAREPORT must be specified as a DUMMY


To prevent changes to the current production environment, you should use a

copy of JCL libraries, and not the OPC and PSS production JCL libraries.

Submit the job for execution, and check the sysout for completion code and
error messages. The job must finish with a condition code of 0 or 4.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-15

Step 11. Modify and Run Member JOB4

Step 11. Modify and Run Member JOB4

JOB4 executes program CTMOP017, which converts OPC JCL RECOVER
directives to CONTROL-M ON PGMST statements for job rerun and/or
restart purposes.

Modify the JCL in member JOB4 of the conversion source library. Adjust the
following specification according to your local conventions:

• Job statement

• Conversion load library (in STEP0, DD statement CTMLOAD)

• IOA LOAD library (in STEP0, DD statement IOALOAD)

• Application and owner names file created in JOB1 (in STEP0,

DD statement DACHANGE)

• Application ID and/or jobname cross reference file created in JOB1 (in

STEP0, DD statement DAXREF)

• OPC JCL RECOVER directive extract file created in JOB3 (in STEP0,
DD statement RECVEXT)

• CONTROL-M scheduling library created in JOB3 (in STEP4,

DD statement DASCHD)

Submit the job for execution, and check the sysout for completion code and
error messages. The job must finish with a condition code of 0.

If the job terminates abnormally, JOB4 must be rerun using a fresh (backed
up) copy of the CONTROL-M scheduling table library. For more
information, see JOB4 in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow.”

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

3-16 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Step 12. Add CONTROL-M Quantitative Resources and Conditions

Step 12. Add CONTROL-M Quantitative Resources

and Conditions
1. Use the CTM.OPC.QUANTITY file created in JOB1, described in
Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow,” and discussed in Step 7 in this
chapter, to add Quantitative Resources to the CONTROL-M Resources
file through CONTROL-M screen 4.

2. Run the CTM.V600.COND JCL (job IOACOND) created in JOB1

(discussed in Step 7 in this chapter, and Item 4 in Chapter 4, “Conversion
Details”) to add conditions to the CONTROL-M Resources file.

Step 13. Check Conversion Results

Enter the CONTROL-M environment, order one of the scheduling tables that
was just created, and run the job. You may also use the graphic job flow
(Option 2G) to access the job flow of any OPC application as it appears in
CONTROL-M, and the Plan option (option P in the Job List screen) to show
a calendar of the days a job is scheduled.

Note: If you experience error message IOAE33E (Insufficient storage)

when trying to view a job scheduling table online, simply split the
job scheduling table into multiple tables.

Step 14. Customize the New Day Processing Job

Customize the CONTROL-M New Day Processing job. Use the JCL created
by JOB2 in the file pointed to by DD statement DADAILY.

Note: OPC applications in P (pending) status are specified as comments in

the DAJOB DD statement.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-17

Step 15. Execute CONTROL-M Utility IOALDNRS

Step 15. Execute CONTROL-M Utility IOALDNRS

Execute IOA utility IOALDNRS to create and load the CONTROL-M
Manual Conditions list (screen 7), which lists the conditions that must be
added manually. For details of utility IOALDNRS, see the INCONTROL for
OS/390 Utilities Guide.

This utility is usually run every day after the New Day processing finishes
executing. To implement daily execution, create a CONTROL-M job
scheduling definition to run this job daily.

Step 16. Copy Members SYSTEM and GLOBAL

(for OPC/ESA Only)
1. Copy member SYSTEM from the conversion source library into the
library specified by conversion parameter &INCLIB (described in
Appendix A).

This member contains the translation of OPC/ESA system variables to

CONTROL-M AutoEdit format.

2. After creating the CONTROL-M AutoEdit variable library (JOB3), place

the GLOBAL table member (named in conversion parameter &GTABLE,
described in Appendix A) into the library specified in the DAGLOBAL
DD statement of the CONTROL-M procedure.

To utilize the full potential of CONTROL-M, users converting the

OPC/ESA JCL variable tables may want to implement the CONTROL-M
Parameter Prompting Facility, described in the CONTROL-M for OS/390
User Manual, as an alternative to utilizing the AutoEdit variable library
created in JOB3.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

3-18 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Step 17. Final Adjustments

Step 17. Final Adjustments

1. Ensure that parameter SCHPREVD (member CTMPARM in the IOA
PARM library) is set to Y.

Parameter SCHPREVD operates on jobs scheduled between midnight and

the CONTROL-M CONTDAY procedure time. It shifts these jobs to the
previous day, to avoid date discrepancies. It is only operative when the
CONTROL-M job scheduling parameter SAC is set. For more
information, see the discussion of CONTROL-M New Day processing in
Chapter 1, “Conceptual Overview.”

2. If conversion parameter &HIDATE (described in Appendix A) is set

to ‘ * ’, ensure that CONTROL-M User Exit 1, the job submission exit, is
installed. This exit is supplied, with its documentation, in member
CTMX001 in the IOA SAMPEXIT library.

If Exit 1 is currently being used, the supplied exit must be incorporated

into the current exit.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 3 Conversion Steps 3-19

Step 17. Final Adjustments

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

3-20 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Chapter 4 Conversion Details

This chapter details the conversion of relevant OPC parameter definitions

and JCL to corresponding CONTROL-M job scheduling definition and
AutoEdit parameters, and also describes unique CONTROL-M and/or
CONTROL-R parameters that may be specified for the conversion.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-1

Component Conversion Summaries

Component Conversion Summaries

The tables below list OPC fields and JCL directives and parameters that are
found in application definitions, and the corresponding CONTROL-M
statements to which they are converted. Following the tables is a detailed
explanation of how each field is converted.

Note: Item number (Item no.) in the charts below refers to the topic number
in this chapter.

Table 4-1 Job Schedule Definition Conversion (Part 1 of 2)

CONTROL-M Job Scheduling Item

OPC Field Definition Parameter No.
Jobname MEMNAME 1
Appl ID Scheduling table name, GROUP, 2
Owner ID OWNER 3
Data dependencies (special IN condition (manual), CONTROL 4
resource) resource
Operation dependencies IN condition, OUT condition 5
Manual (GENERAL and PRINT) IN condition (manual) 6
workstation type
Workstation resource (R1,R2) Quantitative RESOURCE 7
Workstation servers (PS) Quantitative RESOURCE 7
Run Cycle (Offset-based) DAYS,WDAYS, 8
Calendars, periods DCAL 9
Arrival time, Deadline FROM or UNTIL time, DESC, 10
Priority PRIORITY 11
Run Cycle Valid From/To DCAL, SET VAR 29
Operator instructions DOCMEM, DOCLIB 12
Started task option TASKTYPE 18
(for OPC/ESA only)
Application/Operation text DESC 19
Automatic Submission option CONFIRM 20
(for OPC/ESA only)
Deadline WTO option SHOUT WHEN LATE 21
(for OPC/ESA only)
Time Dependent option FROM time 10
Suppress if Late option UNTIL time, MAXWAIT, RETRO 28
Error Tracking (Control) Option ON PGMST 22

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4-2 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

Table 4-1 Job Schedule Definition Conversion (Part 2 of 2)

CONTROL-M Job Scheduling Item

OPC Field Definition Parameter No.
Catalog Management PREVENT-NCT2 23
(for OPC/ESA Release 2 and
above only)
Highest Return Code ON PGMST 26
(for OPC/ESA Release 2.1 and
above only)
Rule/Period Name SCHEDULE TAG 27
ADRULE (Rule-based run cycle) Basic scheduling parameters 41
(for OPC/ESA Release 3 and later

Table 4-2 JCL LIbrary Conversions

AutoEdit and Control Item

JCL Directives and Variables Statements No.
SCAN — 24
& and %-variables %%-variables 16
(for OPC/ESA only)
RECOVER directive ON PGMST...DO 40

Table 4-3 PSS Special JCL Statements Conversion

PSS Special JCL Statements AutoEdit Statements No.
//*%IJ Ignored 30
//*%1V Ignored 30
//*%1S Ignored 30
//*%2V %%SET 31
//*%2S %%SET 31
%Snn — 32
//*%IP %%INCLIB, %%INCMEM 33
%-variables %%-variables 34

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-3

Component Conversion Summaries

1. Job Name

The conversion tool converts the OPC job name to the CONTROL-M
MEMNAME parameter.

In CONTROL-M, the job scheduling definition parameter MEMNAME

contains the JCL member name. The job name is determined at time of

For OPC manual operations, that is, for non-computer workstations, when an
OPC job name does not exist, the MEMNAME is formed according to the
following format:


2. Appl ID and Job Grouping

The conversion tool converts each OPC application to one CONTROL-M

group scheduling table. The CONTROL-M scheduling table name is created
from the OPC application ID, which may be changed manually during the
conversion process. Scheduling tables are members of a partitioned dataset
(PDS) library. Therefore, all application names must be unique and valid
PDS member names. For more information, see conversion parameters
&DELCHAR and &TBLUNIQ in Appendix A.

The OPC application ID (unchanged) is also used to determine the

CONTROL-M GROUP and APPL job scheduling parameters. For more
information on Group Scheduling, see Chapter 1, “Conceptual Overview.”

3. Owner ID

An owner ID is assigned to each application. This field may be used for

security in CONTROL-M. The CONTROL-M OWNER is the OPC
application owner ID. During the conversion process, you can change the
owner ID, as described in JOB1 in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow.”

4. Data Dependencies

Resources in OPC are converted under CONTROL-M to both

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4-4 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

• Control resources in the format resource-name where resource-name is

taken from the special resource name defined in OPC. The held status is
the same as required in OPC: S (shared) or E (exclusive). Special
resources with names containing more than 20 characters are converted
to unique 20 character Control resource names


• IN conditions, when conversion parameter &SPECCND, described in

Appendix A, is set to Y. The condition name is the same as the resource
name. This condition is present in the CONTROL-M Resources file
whenever the resource is available. As in OPC, the first time you use
CONTROL-M after installation, you must inform the system that the
resource is available. Step 12.2 in Chapter 3, “Conversion Steps,” can be
run to automatically add all the prerequisite conditions that are used to
specify resource availability.

Whenever the resource becomes unavailable because a job ends

NOTOK, CONTROL-M automatically deletes the prerequisite IN
condition that represents the special resource. This occurs only if the
resource is exclusively held for the job. The &SPECCND conversion
parameter, described in Appendix A, controls whether the conversion
program creates the scheduling tables with this capability. You must
determine the value of &SPECCND by reference to the ONERROR
parameter of the OPC JTOPTS initialization statement.

5. Operation Dependencies

The format of CONTROL-M IN and OUT condition names created from

OPC operation dependencies is

appl-new-name_job-name ODAT

where appl-new-name is the new application name taken from the application
name file, which is discussed in JOB1 in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process
Flow.” When the job name of an operation cannot be determined or is blank,
job-name is replaced by:


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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-5

Component Conversion Summaries

As in OPC, CONTROL-M can differentiate between internal and external

dependencies. Internal dependencies are established for operations in the
same application, which are ordered on the same day, by specifying IN or
OUT conditions using the ODAT value, which is the date on which the job
was ordered. For external dependencies between applications, however,
ODAT is not used, since the applications can be ordered on different dates.
External dependencies are created by specifying IN or OUT conditions using
the reference-date STAT. However, an external predecessor of an operation,
which specifies the operation itself or another operation within the same
application, is converted to an IN condition with a date specification of
PREV, rather than being treated as an external condition with a STAT date.

In OPC, for all occurrences where an external predecessor is specified in the

application description, the closest previous occurrence of the predecessor
application is selected as the specific predecessor.

Note: If an application waits for the previous run of a job in the same
application ID, the Group Entity waits for this external condition.

When an application is to add external conditions, a special dummy

job ($DELCOND) is placed into the Group Scheduling table to
delete all the external conditions from the IOA Conditions file when
the application starts. This dummy job deletes conditions with
DATE=STAT that may have remained in the IOA Conditions file
from a previous run.

6. Manual Workstations

Manual operations (PRINT and GENERAL workstations) are converted to

dummy job schedules that wait for manual IN conditions. For more
information, see conversion parameter &MANLCND, described in
Appendix A.

If the manual operation does not have a job name associated with it, the
dummy job schedule name format is:


The condition name format is:


where wstype is either a P (PRINT) or G (GENERAL workstation).

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4-6 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries


If an OPC definition states that application CICS, operation 003, workstation

MAN1 is a GENERAL workstation, a dummy job schedule is created in
CONTROL-M with the name MAN1#003. This dummy job waits for IN
condition G_MAN1_CICS_003, which is considered ended OK when the
condition is added to the CONTROL-M Conditions file.

7. Workstation Resources, Workstation Servers

The number of parallel servers (PS), R1, and R2 workstation resources

required by an OPC operation are shown in the Operation Data section of the
Application report. The conversion tool converts these resources to
CONTROL-M Quantitative resources using the respective quantities from
the Application report.

The format of the server Quantitative resource is:


The format of the R1 and R2 workstation Quantitative resources is:


where workstation-name and resource-name are taken from the Workstation


The conversion forces every job in CONTROL-M to require at least one

server Quantitative resource, even if the OPC job did not require a server.
This enables implementation of “closed” workstations in CONTROL-M. To
close the workstation, set the server resource quantity to 0 in the CONTROL-
M Resources file.

If the CONTROL parameter in OPC for the server resource is NO, the
conversion sets the quantity of this resource to 9999.

By default, the conversion adds an additional Quantitative resource called

INITIATOR to the CONTROL-M Resources file, which enables easier
migration to CONTROL-M concepts. To suppress the creation of some or all
of the above CONTROL-M resources, use conversion parameters &INIT and
&RESOURC, described in Appendix A.

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-7

Component Conversion Summaries

8. Run Cycle (Offset-based)

OPC calendars, periods and free-day rules are translated to CONTROL-M


The conversion process creates a file that contains OPC RUN CYCLE
information, such as the new calendar name, period, offsets, and free-day rule
for each OPC calendar. The new calendar may be used by CONTROL-M or
can be modified by changing the new name of the calendar. Instead of
creating a calendar for each run cycle, specify run days in CONTROL-M
terms (WDAYS or DAYS). For more information, see the discussion of file
CTM.OPC.CAL.NAMES in JOB1 in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow.”

An OPC application can be defined with a number of different run cycles.

Each run cycle defines different scheduling criteria. For details about how
this is handled by the conversion tool, see Item 27 in this chapter.

9. Calendars, Periods (Offset-based run cycles)

OPC calendars and periods are translated into CONTROL-M calendars. Final
calendars are calendars that are used by the applications. Temporary
calendars assist the conversion tool in creating additional calendars.

The sequence of stages in the calendar conversion process is shown below.

1. OPC calendars are translated to CONTROL-M work and/or free day

calendars that contain a Y for each working day. OPC periods are
translated to CONTROL-M calendars that contain a Y for each day that
was specified in the period definition. These are temporary calendars.

2. A calendar is created for each RUN-CYCLE. The run days in the

calendar are calculated as follows:

A. For each day that was specified in the period, the conversion tool
adds the OFFSETS that were defined in OPC and marks them in the
CONTROL-M calendar with an appropriate sign. The appropriate
sign is determined by the OPC free day rule, as shown in the
following table.

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4-8 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

Table 4-4 CONTROL-M Free Days Values

Sign Description
+ or - Free days are included. Schedule the start day on the closest work day
after or before the free day.
Y Free days are included. Schedule the start day on the specified free day.
This is a final calendar.
N Free days are included. Do not schedule the start day if it occurs on the
specified free day.

When free days are excluded, only workdays are taken into account
in calculating where to place the appropriate sign.

The temporary calendar names that are created at this stage begin
with $.

B. If a free day rule is run before or after a free day, or is not scheduled
on a free day, utility IOABLCAL is invoked to create a final calendar
by combining the CONTROL-M working day calendar created in
stage 1 with the run cycle calendar created in stage 2.A. For details
of utility IOABLCAL, see the INCONTROL for OS/390 Utilities

3. If the application has both NORMAL and NEGATIVE run cycles, the
conversion executes utility IOABLCAL (described in the INCONTROL
for OS/390 Utilities Guide) to create a final calendar, by logically
subtracting all the NEGATIVE calendars created in stage 2 from the
NORMAL calendars.

4. All resultant calendars are, by default, placed into the CONTROL-M

DCAL and CONFCAL parameters. You can change this by editing the
Calendar Names files, which are described in JOB1 in Chapter 2,
“Conversion Process Flow.” For an exception to this rule, see Item 29 in
this chapter.

Note: After the conversion, temporary calendars must be deleted.

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-9

Component Conversion Summaries

10. Arrival-Time, Deadline

The conversion tool handles OPC time definitions in the following manner:

• The CONTROL-M FROM and UNTIL time definitions are set according
to the OPC arrival time and/or deadline time of the operation or

The OPC deadline is also used to create the CONTROL-M SHOUT WHEN
LATESUB parameter (described under conversion parameter &SHOUTL in
Appendix A) when the Suppress If Late option (described in Item 28 in
this chapter) is set to Y.

If the OPC Time Dependent MVS Job Option is set to N (No), the
CONTROL-M FROM time is not set.

• If the OPC arrival time is less than New Day time (the CONTROL-M
DAYTIME installation parameter in member CTMPARM), the
CONTROL-M SAC parameter is set to P. For more details, see Step 17 in
Chapter 3, “Conversion Steps.” In addition, if the OPC deadline time is
also greater than the New Day time, the CONTROL-M UNTIL time is
set to blank, unless the OPC Suppress If Late field specifies N, in which
case it is set to the OPC deadline time. For more information, see “28.
Suppress If Late” on page 4-18.

Warning! When multiple normal run cycles are specified for an

application, and they have different arrival and/or deadline times,
the conversion tool uses the arrival and/or deadline time of the
last run cycle for the CONTROL-M FROM and UNTIL times.
The last arrival and/or deadline time is also used for operations
that do not specify their own arrival and/or deadline time.

11. Priority

The OPC priority is copied unchanged to the CONTROL-M PRIORITY


The conversion tool supports OPC urgent priority, that is, operations defined
with priority 9, by defining the job as a critical path, which is accomplished
by specifying *9 in the CONTROL-M PRIORITY parameter. For more
information, see the PRIORITY parameter in the CONTROL-M for OS/390
User Manual.

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4-10 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

12. Operator Instructions

In CONTROL-M, documentation can be specified for each job. The

documentation data of each job is contained in one library member.

The conversion tool converts the OPC operator instructions by creating a

member (DOCMEM) in the CONTROL-M documentation library
(DOCLIB) for each job. The documentation member is created only for those
jobs having operator instruction data. The member name is the job name.

13. SEARCH and TABLE Directives

The OPC JCL SEARCH directive is converted to the CONTROL-M

%%LIBSYM AutoEdit statement. The member names in the NAME
parameter are converted to member names in the %%MEMSYM parameter
The NOAPPL, NOGLOBAL, and APPL subparameters are not supported.
The GLOBAL variable table is always included in the JCL member through
the CONTROL-M %%GLOBAL AutoEdit statement.

The OPC TABLE directive is converted in the same manner as the SEARCH

The OPC JCL variables contained in the SEARCH and TABLE variable
tables are automatically converted to a CONTROL-M AutoEdit variables
library based on the OPC JCL Variable Tables report. The OPC TABLE ID is
used as the CONTROL-M AutoEdit member name, and the AutoEdit
variable is simply the OPC variable name with %% prefixed to it. The
description of the variable is also placed in the AutoEdit member as a
comment preceding its variable definition.

Warning! In OPC, the order-of-search of the variable tables, including the

GLOBAL variable table, can be adjusted depending on whether
the variable table is specified in a SEARCH or TABLE directive.
For example, variable tables defined in the TABLE directive are
always searched before variable tables specified in a SEARCH
directive, even if the SEARCH directive is specified first in the
JCL member. In CONTROL-M, the variable tables are searched
in the order that the %%LIBSYM statements are specified in the
JCL member. The CONTROL-M Global variable table is always
searched last; the GLOBAL variable table is defined in the
%%GLOBAL AutoEdit statement, discussed in relation to
conversion parameter &GTABLE in Appendix A.

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-11

Component Conversion Summaries

14. FETCH Directive

The OPC JCL FETCH directive is converted to the CONTROL-M

%%INCLIB AutoEdit statement. The member name in the MEMBER
parameter is converted to a member name in the %%INCMEM parameter.
The COMP parameter is also supported; this parameter is discussed in the
following item.

15. BEGIN and END Directives

The OPC JCL BEGIN and END directives are converted to CONTROL-M
AutoEdit statements. These directives are used to either conditionally or
unconditionally include or exclude JCL and/or data statements within the
JCL run-stream. For example, the following OPC directives:

//*%OPC BEGIN COMP=(&var..EQ.(express-1, express-2)),


generate the following AutoEdit statements:

//*%%IF %%var EQ express-1

//*%%GOTO LABELmmnn
//*%%IF %%var EQ express-2
//* %%GOTO LABELmmnn
//* %%ELSE
//* ...
//* %%ELSE
//* %%ENDIF
//* ...
//* %%ENDIF
//*%%LABEL LABELmmnn

When the COMP parameter uses an NE comparison operator, the logic is

changed to nested IF statements as follows:

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4-12 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

//*%%IF %%var NE express-1

//*%%IF %%var NE express-2
//* %%GOTO LABELmmnn
//* %%ELSE
//* %%ENDIF
//* %%ELSE
//* %%ENDIF
//*%%LABEL LABELmmnn

If ACTION=EXCLUDE is specified, rather than INCLUDE, the LABELs

on the GOTO AutoEdit statements are reversed (that is, LABELmmnn is
switched with LABELmmXX).

The OPC/ESA END directive is converted to the following CONTROL-M

AutoEdit statement with all the INCLUDEd and EXCLUDEd JCL preceding
this statement:


The ACTION=NOSCAN subparameter is not supported.

16. & and % Variables (for OPC/ESA Only)

When the &AUTSCAN conversion parameter is set to Y (Yes), all OPC/ESA &
and % symbols in the OPC/ESA directives and embedded in the JCL stream
(whether in JCL statements or in the data stream, that is, following DD *) are
converted to AutoEdit variables.



is converted to:


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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-13

Component Conversion Summaries

When &AUTSCAN is set to N (No), the translation of the OPC/ESA variables

to AutoEdit variables depends on the presence or absence of the OPC/ESA
SCAN directive in the JCL member. For more details, see Item 24 in this

Note: The OPC/ESA variables &ODAY and &CDAY are converted to the
CONTROL-M %%ZZZZ and %%CDAY variables respectively. For
these variables to be resolved to the proper day of the week value,
you must specify the SWEEK=MON initialization parameter when
installing IOA (for more information, see the INCONTROL for
OS/390 Installation Guide).

?-variables are not supported.


The OPC SRSTAT command allows changes to the availability status of

special resources. OPC SRSTAT commands in JCL steps are converted to
ADD or DELETE COND statements in a JCL step that executes utility
IOACND. These statements add or delete conditions in the IOA Conditions
file. The special resource name in the SRSTAT command is converted to a
CONTROL-M condition name, as described in Item 4 in this chapter. When
the special resource names are longer than 20 characters, the name specified
in the RESNAME file created in JOB1 is used. For more information, see
JOB1 in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow.”

The OPC AVAIL subparameter of the SRSTAT command determines the

form of the IOACND command: AVAIL(YES) is converted to an ADD
command, AVAIL(NO) is converted to a DELETE command. If no AVAIL
subparameter is specified, AVAIL(NO) is assumed.

The condition-date is always set to STAT. The same limitations that apply to
OPSTAT also apply to SRSTAT, as described in the note in Item 25 in this

18. Started Task Option (for OPC/ESA Only)

The OPC/ESA Started Task option in the Workstation report determines the
setting of the CONTROL-M TASKTYPE parameter. When the Started Task
Option is NO, TASKTYPE is set to JOB. When the Started Task Option is
YES, TASKTYPE is set to STC and the PREVENT-NCT2 parameter is set to N
(for non-DUMMY type jobs only).

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4-14 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries


The Application text or the Operation text from the OPC Application report
is placed in the CONTROL-M DESC parameter. If the OPC job is a DUMMY
job, that is, if the operation number is 0, only the Application text is used.
Otherwise, the Operation text is used and, in addition, the workstation name
and operation number are placed in the DESC parameter starting at
position 42.

20. Automatic Submission Option (for OPC/ESA Only)

The Automatic Submission MVS Job option from the OPC/ESA Application
report specifies whether jobs and/or started tasks automatically start when all
predecessor jobs have been satisfied and all required resources are available.
The CONTROL-M CONFIRM parameter is set to Y (Yes) when the Automatic
Submission option is set to N (No), to force manual confirmation before the
job is submitted.

21. DEADLINE WTO Option (for OPC/ESA Only)

The Deadline WTO MVS Job option from the OPC/ESA Application report
specifies whether an operator message is issued when the operation passes its
deadline and the operation is in started status, that is, the operation has been
started, but has not been marked as completed within the deadline time. A
CONTROL-M SHOUT WHEN LATE time post-processing parameter is placed
into the job scheduling definition when the Deadline WTO option is set to Y
(Yes) using the deadline time.

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-15

Component Conversion Summaries


The Error Tracking (Control) MVS Job option from the OPC Application
report specifies whether an error in a job and/or started task is to cause the
operation representing the job and/or started task to be marked as E (ended-
in-error). If N (No) is specified, the separation is marked as C (complete)
when the operation ends, regardless of the outcome, except for certain errors
occurring during job submission. For more information, see the OPC/ESA
User Guide.

When Error Tracking is set to N (No), the following CONTROL-M post-

processing statement is added to the job scheduling definition:



23. Catalog Management (for OPC/ESA Only)

The Catalog Management MVS Job Option can be used to automatically

delete, uncatalog, or catalog datasets that have been created and/or modified
in a job and/or started task that has ended in error or requires a rerun. This
facility is available on a job-by-job basis and is converted to the
CONTROL-R PREVENT-NCT2 parameter. For more details, see the discussion
of catalog management in Chapter 1, “Conceptual Overview,” and
conversion parameter &NCT2 in Appendix A.

24. SCAN Directive

When conversion parameter &AUTSCAN is set to N (No), the conversion tool

only translates OPC variables to CONTROL-M AutoEdit variables in a JCL
member if it encounters an OPC SCAN directive (//*%OPC SCAN) in the
member. Translation of the OPC variables to AutoEdit variables only takes
place in lines of the member after the SCAN directive is encountered.

When &AUTSCAN is set to Y (Yes), the SCAN directive is ignored and all
OPC variables are translated to CONTROL-M AutoEdit variables.


The OPC OPSTAT command provides a method of using the OPC automatic
event reporting (AER) facility to set operation statuses and coordinate tasks.
For example, it may be used to trigger the start of an operation when a
particular step in a job is complete.

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4-16 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

The OPC OPSTAT commands in JCL steps are converted to ADD COND
statements in CONTROL-M JCL steps (IOACND) that add conditions to the
IOA Conditions file.

The conversion tool only converts OPSTAT commands that specify the
following subparameters to identify the operation whose status is to be

Table 4-5 Conversion of OPC OPSTAT Commands

Subparameter Description
ADID(applid) Application name. The conversion tool uses the
Application/Owner Name file, discussed under JOB1
in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow,” to find the
new application name corresponding to applid.
JOBNAME(job name) Name of job associated with the operation.
STATUS(C) New operation status to indicate that the operation
has completed successfully. No other status beside C
is supported. If no STATUS subparameter is
specified, STATUS(C) is assumed.

The conversion tool converts the OPSTAT command to the IOACND ADD
COND command with a condition name in the format described in Item 5 in
this chapter.

The condition-date associated with the above condition-name is ddmm (or

mmdd, depending on the value of IOA installation parameter DATETYP)
where dd and mm are derived from the CONTROL-M AutoEdit variables
%%ODAY and %%OMONTH.

Note: The conversion tool only converts Batch commands in SYSIN and
SYSTSIN DD statements. The Batch command must be completely
contained on one line, must begin in column one, and can appear in-
stream, that is, following //SYSIN DD *, in a PDS member, or in a
sequential dataset. For more information, see conversion parameter
&PNIBTSD, described in Appendix A. Non-supported Batch
commands in SYSIN and extraneous DD statements in the converted
IOACND steps are deleted.

26. Highest Return Code – HRC (for OPC/ESA Only)

The Highest Return Code field from the OPC/ESA Application report
specifies the highest acceptable return code from any step in the operation. If
a return code for a step in the job exceeds this value, the operation is set to
ended-in-error status.

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-17

Component Conversion Summaries

The CONTROL-M default is that the job is considered as having an ended

OK status if no step has a condition code higher than 4. The conversion tool
converts the OPC/ESA HRC value to the following CONTROL-M



If the HRC is less than 4, the CONTROL-M parameters created are:



27. Rule/Period Name

An OPC application can be defined with a number of different run cycles

defining different scheduling dates. Each run cycle is given a Rule/Period
Name. The conversion tool assigns the Rule/Period Name to a schedule tag
in the Group Entity of the Group Scheduling table that defines the basic
scheduling criteria of the run cycle. For an overview of CONTROL-M Group
Scheduling, see Chapter 1, “Conceptual Overview.”

If there are multiple schedule tags assigned in a Group Table, the Scheduling
Tag has a suffix of _n, where n is an alphanumeric character, either 2 through
9, or A through G.

28. Suppress If Late

The Suppress If Late MVS Job option from the OPC Application report is
used when OPC may not be able to submit or release a job at the appropriate
time, for example, if predecessors have not completed, or if there is a system
outage. This option is used to determine whether the job is to be submitted or
released when it becomes possible, or whether it is not to be submitted or
released at all.

In CONTROL-M the corresponding parameters are a combination of

MAXWAIT, RETRO and TIME UNTIL. When, due to a delay, a job does not
finish executing on the logical day it was ordered, CONTROL-M may be
instructed to leave it an additional number of days in the Active Jobs File,
according to the MAXWAIT value. The RETRO parameter specifies whether to
schedule a job when its original scheduling date has passed. You should also
choose an appropriate value for parameter DUEINCHK in member CTMPARM
in the IOA PARM library to determine if job submission should be
suppressed after the due-in time of a job has passed.

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4-18 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

The OPC Suppressed if Late parameter is converted according to the

following table:

Table 4-6 Conversion of the OPC Suppressed If Late Parameter


N &MAXWAIT conversion Y >
Y OPC Deadline day relative N OPC Deadine is
to start day discussed in Item
10 in this chapter

Note: If the CONTROL-M MAXWAIT parameter is set to a value greater

than 00, the UNTIL time is set to ‘ >’ . For more information, see the
description of the MAXWAIT parameter in the CONTROL-M for
OS/390 User Manual.

29. Run Cycle Valid From/To

If a Julian Date Has Been Specified for Conversion parameter &HIDATE

OPC Run Cycle Valid From/To dates specify the date range of the run cycle.
Normally, a run cycle definition is in effect as long as the application to
which it is attached exists. However, it is sometimes desired to limit the
period during which the run cycle definition is valid, by limiting the run
cycle date range. The conversion tool supports this feature by creating a
calendar in the following circumstances:

• the run cycle valid ‘From’ date is after the current date


• the run cycle valid ‘To’ date is before the conversion parameter &HIDATE
(described in Appendix A).

When a calendar satisfying the above is created, it is placed into the DCAL
job scheduling definition parameter in the schedule tag associated with the
period definition of the run cycle. The name of the calendar is RCVnnnnn
where nnnnn is a sequence number. The original calendar created for the run
cycle remains in the CONFCAL parameter, unless the Calendar Names file was
edited for this calendar.

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-19

Component Conversion Summaries

If ‘ * ’ Has Been Specified for Conversion Parameter &HIDATE

OPC Run Cycle Valid From/To dates are always converted to CONTROL-M
AutoEdit variables in the job scheduling SET VAR statements as follows:


Together with User Exit 1, which is in the conversion source library and is
discussed in Step 17.2 in Chapter 3, “Conversion Steps,” these SET VAR
statements determine the date range within which the job may be submitted.

When a job is associated with more than one normal run cycle, the valid
From/To dates of the first run cycle are used to create the %%FROM and
%%TO SET VAR statements.

Note: Specifying &HIDATE=‘* ’ provides the advantage that no

additional calendars are created, as is the case with
&HIDATE=yyddd. Specifying this value can, however, be a
disadvantage in the case of jobs that have multiple normal run cycles
with different From/To dates.

30. //*%IJ, //*%1V, //*%1S

The PSS special JCL comment statements //*%IJ, //*%1V, and //*%1S are
ignored by the conversion tool. The ‘ % ’ in column 4 is simply replaced by
an ‘ * ’ to prevent confusion when the conversion tool converts OPC
&-variables to CONTROL-M AutoEdit variables.

31. //*%2V, //*%2S

The PSS special JCL comment statements //*%2Vnn and //*%2Snn that
define JCL and SYSIN variables are converted to CONTROL-M AutoEdit
%%SET statements.

The %%SET statements are formed as follows:

1. When a default value of dd...d is specified in columns 35 through 36 of

the PSS comment statement the %%SET statement formed is:

%%SET %%Vnn = dd...d

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4-20 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

2. When a variable, %Vmm, is specified in the variable format code field

(columns 60 through 64) of the PSS comment statement, the %%SET
formed is:

%%SET %%Vnn = %%Vmm

3. When a logical run date is specified in the variable format code field
(columns 60 through 64) of the PSS comment statement, the %%SET
formed is:

%%SET %%Vnn = autoedit date variable

The PSS logical date formats are converted to AutoEdit formats as


Table 4-7 Conversion of PSS Logical Date Formats

PSS Format CONTROL-M Format


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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-21

Component Conversion Summaries

4. For SYSIN variable definitions, the //*%2S special JCL comment

statement is converted only if columns 68 and 69 specify %x. In this
case, the %SET formed is:

%%SET %%x = yyy

where yyy is of the form described in paragraphs 1, 2 and 3 in this Item.

Note: Other forms of //*%2V and //*%2S are not automatically

converted. For more information, see Item 34 in this chapter, and
message CTMOPPSS-03W in Appendix B.

For any variable defined with B (blank) in its validation mask, you must
ensure that the variable value is converted to AutoEdit format using the
%%BLANKn AutoEdit variable.

32. %Snn

A %%Snn statement identifies a SYSIN job instream file for which

preparation (variable insertion and/or substitution) is necessary. The
conversion tool deletes this statement from the input stream.

33. //*%IP

The PSS special JCL comment statement //*%IP allows for the insertion of
one or several statements from a member of the PSS Parameter library. The
conversion tool converts this statement to the following CONTROL-M
AutoEdit statement:

%%INCLIB parmlib %%INCMEM member-name


• parmlib is set from the &PARMLIB conversion parameter

• member-name is taken from column 8 of the IP comment statement.

A member-name beginning with the character P indicates a user exit, and
is not supported.

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4-22 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

34. %-variables (PSS)

All PSS %-variables embedded in the JCL stream, whether in JCL statements
or in the data stream, that is, following DD *, are converted to %%AutoEdit

The AutoEdit concatenation symbol, %%., is used to convert PSS variables

that are concatenated with constant data. For example, %V99xxx is converted

Implicitly defined variables on //*%2S comment statements, that is, where

the variable relative position is defined in columns 68–69, are not supported
by the conversion tool.

Nos.35-39 are not currently in use.

40. RECOVER Directive

The OPC JCL RECOVER directive specifies job rerun and/or restart actions
for various situations. This directive contains many parameters and
subparameters. The table shown below summarizes how the conversion tool
converts each parameter to CONTROL-M job scheduling parameters.

Note: The conversion tool may not accept as many parameter values as are
allowed in OPC. For example, OPC allows you to specify up to 40
application IDs for parameters ADDAPPL and RELSUCC, but the
conversion tool supports only 5 in each parameter.

“Note” in the table below refers to the number of the corresponding note
immediately after the table.

Table 4-8 Conversion of RECOVER Directive Parameters (Part 1 of 2)

RECOVER Directive CONTROL-M Job Scheduling

Parameter Definition Parameter Note

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-23

Component Conversion Summaries

Table 4-8 Conversion of RECOVER Directive Parameters (Part 2 of 2)

RECOVER Directive CONTROL-M Job Scheduling

Parameter Definition Parameter Note


1. Parameter ERRSTEP restricts the RECOVER directive so that it is active

only for certain specified steps.

Values for parameter ERRSTEP can be specified in several different

formats. They are converted according to the following table:

Table 4-9 Conversion of ERRSTEP Values


Stepname ON PGMST stepname
stepname.procstep ON PGMST stepname
PROCST procstep
stepx – stepy STEP RANGE RNGEnnn
FR stepx TO stepy

If parameter ERRSTEP is not specified in the RECOVER directive, the

following statement is generated by the conversion:


The ON PGMST statement built using the ERRSTEP value serves as the
basis for all other parameters in the RECOVER directive, which is
described in the following note.

2. Parameter JOBCODE restricts the RECOVER directive so that it is

active only for certain specified job completion codes and return codes.

Values for parameter JOBCODE can be specified in several different

formats and are converted according to the following table:

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4-24 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

Table 4-10 Conversion of JOBCODE Values


Sxxx Sxxx
Uxxx Unnnn
Xxxx Case Codes
N Cnnnn
x–y >C(x-1) AND <C(y+1)

• Generic abend codes, which specify an asterisk to represent any

character, are supported.

• The OPC user abend code, Uxxx, is specified with a three-digit

hexadecimal number. CONTROL-M coverts this number into a four-
digit decimal number.

• A Case Code used as a value for parameter JOBCODE must be

defined in the CASECODE file created in JOB3, as discussed in
Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow.”

• Range values (x-y) specified in parameter JOBCODE are converted

to multiple ON PGMST statements connected by an AND
relationship, as follows:



STEPCODE values are converted in the same manner as JOBCODE

values. However, value FLSH is not supported.

If neither JOBCODE nor STEPCODE parameters are specified, the

conversion uses the following defaults:

CODES S*** U**** >C0004 AND

CODES S*** U**** <C4096

3. Parameter DELSTEP specifies a step or range of steps to be deleted from

the inline JCL before rerunning a failed operation.

The conversion tool modifies both the JCL of the job and the relevant
scheduling definition. This is illustrated by the following example:

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-25

Component Conversion Summaries

Example 1

If the JCL of a job consists of:

//jobname JOB
//STEP1 EXEC ...
//STEP2 EXEC ...

and the following is specified for parameter DELSTEP:


the conversion tool modifies the JCL, by adding AutoEdit statements, in

the following way:

//jobname JOB
//* %%IF %%STEP1 NE 1
//STEP1 EXEC ...
//* %%ENDIF
//* %%IF %%STEP2 NE 1
//STEP2 EXEC ...
//* %%ENDIF
//* %%IF %%STEPX NE 1
//* %%ENDIF

In addition, the conversion tool adds the following parameters to the job
scheduling definition:



and in the ON PGMST statement the following is added:



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4-26 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

4. Parameter ADDPROC specifies a name, or list of names, of JCL

procedure library members to be added to the inline JCL before a failed
operation is rerun.

The conversion tool modifies both the JCL of the job and the relevant
scheduling definition, as illustrated by the following example.

Example 2

If ADDPROC=(PROC1) is specified, the following AutoEdit statements

are added to the JCL following the job statement:

//* %%IF %%PROC1 EQ 1

//* %%INCLIB eqqprlib %%INCMEM PROC1
//* %%ENDIF

where eqqprlib is the value specified in the &INCLIBP conversion

parameter in the DEFAULTS member of the conversion source library.

In addition, the conversion tool adds the following parameters to the job
scheduling definition:


and in the ON PGMST statement the following is added:


5. Parameter RESSTEP specifies the name of the job step at which point
the operation must be restarted.

Values for parameter RESSTEP can be specified in several different

formats and are converted to DO IFRERUN statements according to the
following table:

Table 4-11 Conversion of RESSTEP Values


stepname FROM stepname
stepname.procstep FROM stepname.procstep
* FROM $FIRST (default)

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-27

Component Conversion Summaries

6. Parameter RESTART specifies whether a job must be restarted. When

RESTART=YES is specified, the conversion tool adds a DO RERUN
parameter to the end of the ON PGMST block.

7. Parameter ADDAPPL specifies an application, or list of applications, to

be added to the OPC current plan.

The conversion tool translates the application IDs in the ADDAPPL

parameter to CONTROL-M table names using the application and/or
owner ID name list file (created in JOB1). Table names are then used in
DO FORCEJOB statements that are added to the ON PGMST statement.

8. Parameter RELSUCC specifies the application ID of a successor

occurrence (or a list of IDs). The conversion tools translates the
application IDs in the RELSUCC parameter to CONTROL-M table
names using the application and/or owner ID name list file created in
JOB1. Table names are then used to form condition names with the
following format:


DO COND statements with these condition names and specifying a date

of STAT+ are added to the ON PGMST statements.

9. Parameter TIME restricts the RECOVER directive so that it is only valid

during a specified time range.

If TIME=0000-2400 is specified, the DO IFRERUN parameter (the

product of conversion of OPC parameter RESSTEP, as described in Note
5 in this Item) is created with CONFIRM=N specified. If any other range
is specified, CONFIRM=Y is specified in the DO IFRERUN parameter.

41. ADRULE (Rule-based Run Cycle)

In OPC/ESA Version 1, Release 3 and later, it is possible to specify

scheduling criteria through rule-based run cycle parameters. Unlike Offset-
based run cycle criteria, these are converted directly to CONTROL-M basic
scheduling parameters that minimize both the number of CONTROL-M
calendars required and the need to edit the Calendar Names table, which is
discussed under JOB1 in Chapter 2, “Conversion Process Flow.” The rule-
based parameters, in conjunction with the OPC Free-day rule, are converted
according to the general principles outlined in the following tables.

Note: Because of the free-form nature of the OPC Rule-based parameters,

some unusual combinations of parameters may not be described in
the tables, or converted exactly as described in the tables.

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4-28 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Component Conversion Summaries

Table 4-12 Conversion of Free-day Rule Parameters

Before (1) Calendar-id <
After (2) Calendar-id >
No move (3)
Cancel (4) Calendar-id
No free (E) Calendar-id

Table 4-13 Conversion of Rule-based Parameters

OPC Rule-based Parameter CONTROL-M Basic

combinations Scheduling Parameter Note
EVERY, DAY(Monday,...,Sunday) WDAYS 2
ONLY, DAY(Monday,...,Sunday) WDAYS=DmWn 4
DAY(Monday,...Sunday) WDAYS=n 2
ORIGINSHIFT Not supported


1. The OPC ONLY and YEAR Rule parameter combination is converted to

CONTROL-M DATES parameters ddmm or mmdd depending on the value
of IOA installation parameter DATETYP.

The YEAR parameter is not supported in combination with the LAST,

MONTH, WEEK, DAY(WORKDAY) or DAY(specific-days) parameters,
except with the EVERY parameter.

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-29

Component Conversion Summaries

2. When IOA installation parameter SWEEK is set to MON, the days

Monday, Tuesday, ..., Saturday, Sunday are converted to WDAYS=1, 2,
...,6, 0 respectively. When SWEEK=SUN, these days are converted to 2,
3, ..., 6, 0, 1 respectively.

3. When the OPC LAST parameter is specified with ONLY and a non-
specific day (DAY or WORKDAY), the conversion tool converts it to
DAYS=Ln. When a specific day is specified in the OPC DAY parameter
(Sunday, Monday, ...) the conversion tool converts it as follows:

DAYS=L1,L2,L3,L4,L5,L6,L7 And/Or A

where n is set as described in Note 2 in this Item.

4. When the OPC ONLY parameter is specified with a specific DAY, the
conversion tool converts it to WDAYS=DmWn


• m is chosen as in Note 3 in this Item

• n is the number specified in ONLY.

A WCAL calendar, taken from the OPC calendar-id, is also specified.

5. When the OPC DAY(WORKDAY) parameter is specified, the

CONTROL-M DAYS are specified as workdays (Dn or Ln) and a DCAL
calendar, taken from the OPC calendar-id, is also specified.

6. Specific weeks, for example, WEEK (1, 4), are not supported, nor is the
WEEK parameter supported in combination with YEAR or MONTH,
except in certain situations, such as when used with OPC parameter
EVERY (referred to in Table 4-13, “Conversion of Rule-based
Parameters,” on page 29).

7. The OPC PERIOD parameter is supported only when no more than one
period name is specified in the rule.

8. You must create the HOLIDAY calendar, based on the applications base

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4-30 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Unique CONTROL-M and CONTROL-R Parameters

Unique CONTROL-M and CONTROL-R Parameters

Several unique CONTROL-M and CONTROL-R job scheduling definition
parameters that do not have corresponding OPC capabilities can be set by the
conversion tool during creation of the CONTROL-M scheduling tables.

The parameters member DEFAULTS in the conversion source library

contains the default settings for these parameters, and must be reviewed and
modified to specify your local CONTROL-M and CONTROL-R preferences.
For additional information regarding these parameters, see Appendix A, the
CONTROL-M for OS/390 User Manual, and the CONTROL-R for OS/390
User Manual.

The parameters are set out in the following paragraphs.


This CONTROL-R parameter archives the three SYSDATA files of the job
for CONTROL-R use and online viewing. The archive parameters, such as
retention period or archive dataset type, are determined by CONTROL-R
installation parameters.

This parameter has a subparameter, SYSDB, which is set to Y (Yes). Each job
scheduling definition archives the three SYSDATA files to a common
dataset, instead of a unique dataset.


This CONTROL-M parameter specifies how the job output is handled.

At job completion, CONTROL-M analyzes the job output. To enable

CONTROL-M to locate the job output on the system spool, CONTROL-M
modifies the JCL MSGCLASS parameter of the job at the time of submission to
the automatically held output class. After analyzing the sysout,
CONTROL-M may be ordered to requeue the sysout. For more information
regarding DO SYSOUT options, see the CONTROL-M for OS/390 User

The conversion tool can be instructed to specify various actions, using the

Conversion parameter &TOCLASS specifies the output class to which

CONTROL-M requeues the job output. For more information on this
parameter, see Appendix A.

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Chapter 4 Conversion Details 4-31

Unique CONTROL-M and CONTROL-R Parameters

Conversion parameter &RELEASE instructs CONTROL-M whether to release

the output of the job for printing on the system spool. The default is Y (Yes).
For more information on this parameter, see Appendix A.


This CONTROL-M parameter specifies messages to be sent, “shouted,” to

different destinations on different occasions.

The conversion tool supports the following SHOUT situations:

Table 4-14 SHOUT Situations

Situation Description
WHEN NOTOK CONTROL-M sends a SHOUT message when a job fails.
WHEN CONTROL-M sends a SHOUT message when a job has not
LATESUB been submitted by a specified time.
WHEN LATE CONTROL-M sends a SHOUT message when a job is still
executing at a specified time.

The &SHOUT conversion parameter specifies the SHOUT message text for
failed jobs. The default message text is:


The &SHOUTL conversion parameter specifies the SHOUT message text for
late jobs. The default message text is:


When the OPC/ESA Deadline WTO MVS Job Option is set to Y (Yes), a
SHOUT message for jobs that are still executing after a specified (deadline)
time is placed in the job scheduling definition. The message text is:


A variety of addresses can be specified as CONTROL-M SHOUT message

destinations. For more information, see the CONTROL-M for OS/390 User

Conversion parameter &SHOUTD specifies the destination of the SHOUT

message texts for failed, late-executing and late-submitted jobs.

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4-32 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Appendix A Conversion Parameters

Member DEFAULTS in the conversion source library contain various

parameters for the conversion process. These parameters must be modified
according to your site requirements:

Table A-1 Conversion Options (Part 1 of 8)

Parameter Description
&APPLMAX Specifies the maximum number of applications that are
defined to OPC. Default: 15000
&AUTSCAN When the OPC VARSUB initialization parameter of the
OPCOPTS statement is set to SCAN, this conversion
parameter may be set to N (No) in order to instruct the
conversion tool to perform the following:
• Process the OPC JCL SCAN directive.
• Translate OPC variables to CONTROL-M AutoEdit
variables in the JCL member. The translation occurs
beginning from the line on which the SCAN appears.
When the OPC VARSUB parameter is set to YES, this
conversion parameter may be set to Y (Yes) to instruct the
conversion tool to perform the following:
• Ignore OPC JCL SCAN directives.
• Always translate OPC variables to CONTROL-M AutoEdit
variables in the JCL member.
However, even if the OPC VARSUB parameter is set to
SCAN, it is recommended that &AUTSCAN be set to Y (Yes),
to avoid problems of unresolved JCL variables in the future.
Default: Y (Yes)
&CALENDAR The calendar name to be used when the name of the
calendar does not appear in the OPC Application Description
report. If an OPC default calendar is not defined in the OPC
Calendar report (usually named DEFAULT), an alternate
calendar name must be specified in this option, to serve as a
default calendar.
Default: DEFAULT
&COMBINE Reserved, not for customer use. (Value must specify ‘N’.)

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Appendix A Conversion Parameters A-1

Conversion Parameters

Table A-1 Conversion Options (Part 2 of 8)

Parameter Description
&CTMCND Name of the CONTROL-M JCL procedure that adds
conditions. Default: IOACND
&CTR CONTROL-R parameter. Indicates whether CONTROL-R is
being implemented with CONTROL-M. Valid values:
• Y (Yes) – CONTROL-R is implemented with CONTROL-M.
The CONTROL-R parameters (discussed in Chapter 4,
“Conversion Details”) are automatically set in the job
scheduling definition. Default.
• N (No) – CONTROL-R is not implemented with
CONTROL-M. The CONTROL-R parameters are not set.
&DATE Date format in OPC Calendar and Period reports. Valid
• DDMMYY – Default.
• YYYYMMDD – 4-digit year format.
If you are currently using a date format other than the above,
you must
1. modify the OPC DATEFORM parameter in the
BATCHOPS member of the OPC Installation PARM library
to specify one of the above date formats
2. reproduce the OPC reports
&DATESEP Indicates whether the dates in the Calendar and Period
reports contain a separator character (for example, /) between
the month, day and year fields.
• Y (Yes) – Dates contain a separator character. Default.
• N (No) – Dates do not contain a separator character
&DELCHAR Specifies characters to delete from the OPC application name
when creating CONTROL-M scheduling table names.
In OPC, the application name may not exceed 16 characters
in length, while in CONTROL-M the scheduling table name
may not exceed 8 characters. To reduce the OPC names to 8
characters, the characters to be omitted from the OPC
application names are specified in this conversion parameter.
For names longer than 8 characters, even after the omission
of the characters specified in this parameter, the leftmost
characters in the name are used. This parameter affects all
characters of the application name except the first.
The default specification is the vowels (A, E, I, O, and U) and
the national characters (@, #, and $). If no embedded
characters are to be omitted, specify nulls in this parameter.
Note: Specifying the &DELCHAR does not necessarily
guarantee the creation by the conversion tool of unique
CONTROL-M table names. For more information, see
conversion parameter &TBLUNIQ (in this Table).

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A-2 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Conversion Parameters

Table A-1 Conversion Options (Part 3 of 8)

Parameter Description
&DELCOND Specifies whether conditions must be deleted from the IOA
Conditions file at successful end-of-job. Valid values:
• Y (Yes) – All IN-conditions (including manual conditions)
must be deleted.
• N (No) – Do not delete conditions. Default.
When many jobs run more than once per day, this parameter
is useful for cleaning “used” conditions from the IOA
Conditions file, so that a condition that triggered a successful
job run does not trigger subsequent job runs.
Warning! Do not specify &DELCOND=Y if different jobs wait
for the same IN conditions. These jobs may be prevented
from executing after the conditions are deleted. For more
information on possible deletion of conditions, see parameter
&SPECCND in this table.
&DIRMAX Maximum number of members contained in OPC JCL library.
Default: 10000
&FROMC Specification as to which of the held sysout classes must be
requeued. Specify ‘ ’ (blank) if all Held sysouts must be
Default: blank
When &TOCLASS is blank, this parameter is ignored.
&GLBLMEM Name of the PARMLIB member containing global JCL PSS
variable definitions. An AutoEdit %%INCLIB statement
specifying this member is inserted into all PSS JCL members
that contain PSS variables. Default: PSSGLBL
&GTABLE Name in the OPC/ESA GTABLE initialization parameter of the
(for OPC/ESA OPCOPTS statement that specifies the Global variable table
only) name. This name is used as the member name in a
CONTROL-M %%GLOBAL name AutoEdit statement that is
inserted at the beginning of every JCL member utilizing
OPC/ESA variables. Default: GLOBAL
&HHMM Time format in OPC reports. Options:
• HHMM – For hhmm format. Default.
• MMHH – For mmhh format.

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Appendix A Conversion Parameters A-3

Conversion Parameters

Table A-1 Conversion Options (Part 4 of 8)

Parameter Description
&HIDATE Date (in Julian format – yyddd) used in determining whether a
Run Cycle Valid date range is to create a calendar in a job
scheduling definition Schedule Tag DCAL parameter for the
associated run cycle period. All run cycle valid ‘To’ dates that
precede the &HIDATE value cause calendars to be created
and placed into the DCAL parameter. The &HIDATE value, in
effect, serves as the point after which the run cycle is
considered permanent and no limiting calendar is necessary,
subject to the run cycle valid ‘FROM’ date; for more
information, see Item 29 in Chapter 4, “Conversion Details.”
When a calendar is created, its name has the format
RCVnnnnn, where nnnnn is a sequentially assigned number.
To suppress creation of Run Cycle validity calendars, specify
&HIDATE=00000. Default.
If &HIDATE=* is specified:
• No calendars are created. The conversion uses the run
cycle valid FROM and TO dates to create SETVAR
AutoEdit variables %%FROM and %%TO. For more
information see Item 29 in Chapter 4, “Conversion Details.”
• CONTROL-M User Exit 1 must be installed. This exit
activates date range processing as specified by SETVAR
variables. For more information, see Step 17.2 in
Chapter 3, “Conversion Steps.”
&HISTORY History Active Jobs file feature. Valid values:
• blank – The History Active Jobs file feature is not being
used (Default).
• Dnnn – Retention period is specified in number of days
• Gnn – Retention is specified in number of generations (nn).
&INCLIB Library name to be specified in the CONTROL-M %%INCLIB
AutoEdit statements that are converted from OPC FETCH
directives. Specify the dataset name of the library allocated to
the OPC DD statement EQQJBLIB. Default: CTM.EQQJBLIB
&INCLIBP Library name to be specified in the CONTROL-M %%INCLIB
AutoEdit statements that are converted from OPC RECOVER
ADDPROC statements. Specify the dataset name of the
library allocated to the OPC DD statement EQQPRLIB.
&INIT Initiator resource name. With this resource you can control
how many jobs can run simultaneously under CONTROL-M.
Specify ‘ ’ to suppress adding this resource to the job
scheduling definition.
&JOBMAX Specifies the maximum number of JOBS that are defined to
OPC. Default: 41000
&LANG OPC reports language. For additional details, see Step 5 in
Chapter 3, “Conversion Steps.”” Valid values:
• ENG – English (Default)
• SPA – Spanish
• GER – German
• FRN – French

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A-4 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Conversion Parameters

Table A-1 Conversion Options (Part 5 of 8)

Parameter Description
&LINMAX Maximum lines in a JCL member. Default: 3000
&MANLCND Manual operation parameter. Valid values:
• P – Operation on PRINT workstation must wait for manual
• A – All manual operations, on both PRINT and GENERAL
workstations, must wait for manual confirmation. Default.
• G – Operation on GENERAL workstation must wait for
manual confirmation.
• N – Manual operations, whether on PRINT or GENERAL
workstations, need not wait for manual confirmation, that is,
the operation does not require an IN condition.
Operations that must wait for manual confirmation require IN
&MAXCALS The maximum number of calendars to be created due to the
OPC Run Cycle Valid From/To date field. For more
information, see parameter &HIDATE in this table.
Default: 1000
&MAXRRUN The maximum number of automatic reruns to be performed
for non-STC jobs when rerun is required. Default 002
&MAXWAIT When the OPC Suppress if Late Option is set to No, the
number of additional days CONTROL-M leaves the job on the
Active Job File. Default: 01
For more information, see Item 28 in Chapter 4, “Conversion
&MEMLIB JCL Library name. Default: GENERAL
For more information, see the CONTROL-M for OS/390 User
&NCT2 Automatic setting of the CONTROL-M PREVENT-NCT2
parameter. Valid values:
• Y (Yes) – Sets PREVENT-NCT2 to Y (Yes) for all jobs.
• N (No) – Sets PREVENT-NCT2 to N (No) for all jobs.
• OPC – For OPC/ESA Version 1, Release 2 and later only.
Sets PREVENT-NCT2 to either Y (Yes) or N (No) based on
the OPC/ESA Catalog Management MVS option setting for
the job; a setting of D – Deferred – is treated as Y (Yes).
For earlier releases of OPC, a setting of ‘OPC’ is treated as
Y (Yes).
For a discussion of catalog management, see Chapter 1,
“Conceptual Overview.”
This parameter is ignored for jobs whose TASKTYPE is STC
(that is, for STCs, PREVENT-NCT2 is always N).
PREVENT-NCT2 is also set to N if &CTR is set to N.
&OVERLIB Name of the CONTROL-M JCL Override Library.
&PARMLIB Library name of the PSS Parameter library that contains
members specified on the //*%IP special JCL comment
statements. Default: CTM.PSS.PARMLIB

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Appendix A Conversion Parameters A-5

Conversion Parameters

Table A-1 Conversion Options (Part 6 of 8)

Parameter Description
&PNIBTSD Process Non-Instream Batch SYSIN Data indicator. Specifies
whether the conversion program converts OPC batch
commands SRSTAT and OPSTAT that are not contained
instream in the SYSIN DD statement of an OPC batch step,
that is, are pointed to by a sequential dataset or a member of
a partitioned dataset.
Valid values:
• Y (Yes) – Convert the commands.
• N (No) – Do not convert the commands. Default.
At sites where references to batch commands are from within
JCL procedures, meaning the SYSIN DD statement does not
appear in the JCL member being converted, you may run the
JCL conversion (JOB3) against the affected procedure-library.
Note: If &PNIBTSD=Y is specified, in addition to the JCL
libraries defined in the DAJCLIN DD statement of JOB3, you
should copy all PDS and sequential datasets containing OPC
batch commands to preserve the original PDS and sequential
datasets. For more information, see Step 2 in Chapter 3,
“Conversion Steps.”
&REL When conversion parameter &VER is set to E, &REL
(for OPC/ESA specifies the release of the OPC/ESA product from which you
only) are converting: Valid values:
• 1 – OPC/ESA Version 1, Release 1.
• 2 – OPC/ESA Version 1, Release 2 and 3. Default.
• 3.1 – OPC/ESA Version 1, Release 3.1 and later, including
Version 2.
&RELEASE Sysout release indicates whether the sysouts of the job must
be released for printing after they are analyzed by
CONTROL-M. Valid values:
• Y (Yes) – Release sysouts for print. Default.
• N (No) – Do not release sysouts.
&RESMAX Maximum number of OPC special resources whose names
exceed 20 characters. Default: 2000
&RESOURC Workstation resources: Valid values:
• A – Create CONTROL-M Quantitative resources from OPC
workstation server and R1 and R2 resources. Default.
• S – Create CONTROL-M Quantitative resources from OPC
workstation server resources only.
• R – Create CONTROL-M Quantitative resources from OPC
workstation R1 and R2 resources only.
• N – Do not create CONTROL-M server and R1 and R2
Quantitative resources.
For more information, see Item 7 in Chapter 4, “Conversion
&SCHMAX Specifies the maximum number of lines in a CONTROL-M
TABLE member. Default: 8000

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A-6 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide
Conversion Parameters

Table A-1 Conversion Options (Part 7 of 8)

Parameter Description
&SHOUTD Destination for SHOUT messages. Valid values:
• SYSUSER – Uses the owner ID for each scheduling table,
as specified in the Application Names file created by JOB1.
• OPER – Issues the SHOUT message to the console.
• OPER2 – Issues the SHOUT message to the console, as
highlighted and unrollable.
• TSO-uid – Issues the SHOUT message to a specific TSO
user ID named uid (a maximum of eight characters).
For more information, see parameter SHOUT in the
CONTROL-M for OS/390 User Manual.
&SHOUTL SHOUT message for when a job is late. Specify the text, to a
maximum of 50 characters, for SHOUT WHEN LATESUB
messages. The message is sent when the submission time of
the job, that is, the OPC/ESA deadline time, has passed.
Specify ‘ ’ (blank) to suppress the message.
&SHOUTT SHOUT message for when a job fails. Specify the text, to a
maximum of 50 characters, for SHOUT WHEN NOTOK
Specify ‘ ’ (blank) to suppress the message.
&SPECCND Specifies whether to implement the OPC SPECIAL
RESOURCE (data dependency) availability feature.
Valid values:
• Y (Yes) – Special resource implementation is required. Jobs
that require special resources require IN conditions. For
more information, see Item 4 in Chapter 4, “Conversion
Details.” Special resources in exclusive held status remain
available after the job ends NOTOK, that is, the IN condition
is not deleted. Default
• N (No) – Special resource implementation is not required.
Jobs that require special resources do not require IN
• D – Special resource implementation is required but the
resources in exclusive held status are not available after the
job ended NOTOK. The conversion tool places the following
CONTROL-M post-processing parameter in the job
scheduling definition to delete the special (control) resource
from the CONTROL-M Resources file:
DO COND CONTROL-resource-name STAT -

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Appendix A Conversion Parameters A-7

Conversion Parameters

Table A-1 Conversion Options (Part 8 of 8)

Parameter Description
&TBLUNIQ The conversion tool does not necessarily guarantee that all
CONTROL-M table names that were created in the
Application Name file are unique. You may manually edit the
Application Name file in response to error messages
CTMOP321E, or you may utilize this conversion parameter to
ensure that the conversion tool automatically creates 8
character CONTROL-M table names uniquely. This is done by
specifying a value of 1–5 in this parameter. This number
represents the number of characters from the OPC
Application ID (after taking into account the effects of the
&DELCHAR conversion parameter) to use as the table name
prefix with the remaining characters formed by a sequential
number suffix.
A value of 0 indicates that this parameter must be ignored.
Note: It is recommended that this parameter be activated only
if the number of CTMOP321E error messages is excessive.
&TOCLASS New output class to which CONTROL-M is to requeue the
JCL MSGCLASS sysouts of the job. Valid values:
• ‘ ’ (blank) – reroute is not required.
• * – if the sysouts of the job are to be requeued to its original
MSGCLASS after they are analyzed by CONTROL-M.
Default: *
&VER Version and release of the OPC product from which you are
converting. Valid values
• 1 – OPC/A Version 1.1
• 2 – OPC/A Version 1.2
• E – OPC/ESA (all versions and releases). Default
&WSMAX Specifies the maximum number of WORKSTATIONS that are
defined to OPC. Default: 50

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A-8 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Appendix B Messages and Codes

This list contains messages produced by the components of the conversion


A message code usually consists of the following parts:


where CTM indicates that the message pertains to CONTROL-M for OS/390,
and where:

Item Explanation
yyy is a 3-character identifier of the conversion tool component that
produced the message.
nn is a 2-character numeric identifier for the message
x is a 1-character alphabetic identifier for the severity of the message
• A: Action
• E: Error
• I: Information
• S: Severe
• W: Warning.

Message descriptions contain any or all of the following:

Explanation: Description of the cause of the message, and other related


System Action: System action when this message is issued.

User Response: Recommended actions to correct the problem.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Appendix B Messages and Codes B-1


BCLnnnS message text

Explanation: An error occurred in utility IOABLCAL.

Utility IOABLCAL is invoked when necessary during conversion, to combine two

calendars. It is invoked by program CTMOP008. For details of this utility, see the
INCONTROL for OS/390 Utilities Guide.

BCLnnn messages are generated by the utility, not the conversion programs. nnn
represents any message code issued by the utility. All BCL messages are individually
documented and explained in INCONTROL for OS/390 Messages and Codes.

System Action: Processing continues. However, the validity of succeeding

calendars built by the conversion cannot be guaranteed until all errors have been

User Response: Check INCONTROL for OS/390 Messages and Codes for the
meaning of the specific message, and perform the corrective action indicated. Then
rerun the job.

CTMOPnnnE BAD RC[=rc] FROM routine [FOR val AREA/FUNCTION] [member]

Explanation: One of the following routines failed: GETMAIN, FREEMAIN,

SORT or the PUTMEM, GETDIR, or GETMEM function of CTMMEM.

This description applies to messages CTMOP305E, CTMOP307E, CTMOP401E,

CTMOP810E, CTMOP1204E, CTMOP1207E, CTMOP1401E, CTMOP1403E, and

The return code, when present, is rc.

For GETMAIN, val is the area that the program attempted to obtain.

For CTMMEM, val is the function attempted and member is the PDS member for
which the function failed.

The meaning of the CTMMEM rcs are explained in the following table:

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B-2 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Table B-1 The Meaning of CTMMEM Return Codes

RC Reason
4 End of file (in GETLINE operation)
8 Insufficient memory to continue
12 Member not found in library
16 Dataset not a library
20 Dataset not fixed format
24 LRECL not 80
28 Dataset in use
32 Internal error, such as insufficient directory blocks, or file not allocated
36 Dataset not found in catalog
40 Dynamic allocation failed, such as insufficient directory blocks
44 Invalid request to CTMMEM
48 Maximum lines or directory entries exceeded
52 Error opening or processing directory, such as insufficient directory
56 STAE has intercepted an abend. Examples are: Insufficient region, out-
of-space condition, security violation, invalid PDS structure, third party
coded in the JCL SPACE parameter, and so on
60 Member does not exist during save
64 Member already exists
68 Format parameter does not match library type

User Response: If a GETMAIN error occurred, increase the REGION size. For the
other functions, take appropriate action based on the return code.


Explanation: The maximum number of OPC special resources whose names

exceed 20 characters has been exceeded. This maximum number is defined in
parameter &RESMAX in the DEFAULTS member of the conversion source library.

User Response: Increase the value of &RESMAX and rerun ASMLINK and JOB1.


Explanation: The maximum number of workstations, as defined in the

DEFAULTS member of the conversion source library in parameter &WSMAX, has
been exceeded.

User Response: Increase the value of &WSMAX and rerun ASMLINK and JOB1.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Appendix B Messages and Codes B-3




Explanation: An OPC application is defined with no operations in it. The

conversion converts it to a CONTROL-M group scheduling table containing a group
entity only, without any job scheduling definitions.

User Response: Group scheduling tables containing no job scheduling definitions

are an anomalous situation, as CONTROL-M Screen 2 always expects every group
scheduling table to contain at least one job. You may want to add a dummy job
definition to the table.



Explanation: Workstation wsname comprises part of an Operation name for

application appl, but it does not exist in the Workstation Report

Operation names for each application are listed in the Application report. An
Operation name is composed of both a workstation ID and an operation code. Any
workstation ID that comprises part of the Operation name for an application must
appear in the Workstation report for that application.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check the indicated application in the OPC Application report.
Add the missing workstation definition using OPC, rerun the Workstation Report,
and then rerun JOB1.



Explanation: Either application appl has more than 16 run cycles (if rcycname is
blank) or run cycle (period) rcycname does not exist in the OPC Period reports.

System Action: If rcycname is blank, only one CONTROL-M job scheduling

definition is created for the application, and it does not contain any scheduling
information. If rcycname does not exist in the Period report, the run cycle is ignored
in creating the CONTROL-M job scheduling definition for the application.

User Response: If rcycname is blank, reduce the number of run cycles to 16 or less.
Otherwise, define run cycle rcycname and produce the Period report again, or delete
the run cycle definition from Application appl. In either case, produce the
Application Detail report again, and rerun JOB1.

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B-4 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide


Explanation: An error requiring user intervention has occurred.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check the DAEXCEP file for detail error messages, and proceed


Explanation: The maximum number of applications in OPC, as defined in the

DEFAULTS member of the conversion source library by the conversion parameter
&APPLMAX, has been exceeded.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Increase the value coded for &APPLMAX, rerun ASMLINK and
rerun the failing job.


Explanation: The full 16 character application ID applid1 was not found in the
application table built from the OPC Report.

The probable cause is that old Application ID applid1 in the Application Names
table has been modified (which is not permitted), or applid1 is named as an internal
or external predecessor of an application but was never defined to OPC as an

System Action: The first eight characters of the application ID are used in
constructing a CONTROL-M schedule table name.

User Response: Correct the Application Name file and rerun JOB2, or define
applid1 as an application to OPC and rerun the conversion.


Explanation: The maximum number of jobs in OPC, as defined in the

DEFAULTS member of the conversion source library by the &JOBMAX parameter,
has been exceeded.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Increase the value coded for &JOBMAX to a number greater than
the number of records in the cross reference report created in JOB1, and rerun
ASMLINK and the failing job.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Appendix B Messages and Codes B-5



Explanation: During conversion of an OPC application name to a CONTROL-M

scheduling table name, the name encountered in the DACHANGE file was a
duplicate of a previously processed name.

CONTROL-M scheduling table names must be unique.

User Response: Modify the problematic name in the DACHANGE file and rerun

CTMOP501E text

Explanation: You have supplied invalid values for CONTROL-M parameters

DAYS and/or WDAYS and/or for the new calendar name. This information is supplied
in the Calendar Names file produced by JOB1.

The message text specifies the exact error.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Depending on the problem, correct invalid parameters (DAYS,

WDAYS, or the new calendar name) in the Calendar Names file, and rerun JOB2.


Explanation: The Calendar Names file has probably been incorrectly modified.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Correct the Calendar Names file and rerun the job.



Explanation: Calendar cal has more than 15 negative run cycles associated
with it.

User Response: Edit the Calendar Names file to ensure that calendar cal has no
more than 15 negative run cycles associated with it.


Explanation: In the process of converting an OPC calendar name to a

CONTROL-M calendar name, the name encountered in the DACHANGE file was a
duplicate of a previously processed name.

CONTROL-M calendar names must be unique.

User Response: Modify the problematic name in the application detailed report file
and rerun JOB1.

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B-6 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide


Explanation: While processing an OPC calendar name, the name encountered

was blank or not a legal PDS member name.

User Response: Modify the problematic name in the Calendar Names file and rerun
the job.


Explanation: A new calendar could not be built for period per because calendar
cal was not found in the Calendar Names file (CALNAME).

The probable cause is that the Calendar Names file has been incorrectly modified.

User Response: Correct the Calendar Names file and rerun the job.


Explanation: A new calendar could not be built by the IOABLCAL utility using
an existing period because calendar cal was not found in the Calendar Names file
(CALNAME). For details, see the INCONTROL for OS/390 Utilities Guide.

The probable cause is that the Calendar Names file has been incorrectly modified.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Correct the Calendar Names file and rerun the job.



Explanation: New calendar cal could not be built by the IOABLCAL utility
because either the NORMAL or NEGATIVE (that is, one of the negative run cycle
components) calendars used as input to the utility could not be found in the Calendar
Names file (CALNAME).

The probable cause is that the Calendar Names file has been incorrectly modified.
See the discussion of the Calendar Names file in JOB1 in Chapter 2, “Conversion
Process Flow.”

User Response: Correct the Calendar Names file and rerun the job.

CTMOP1201E APPL ID appl OPER ID operid WS ID wsid. reason. DOCMEM NOT


Explanation: Member DOCMEM in the DOCLIB library was not created, for
one of the reasons set out in the following table:

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Appendix B Messages and Codes B-7


Table B-2 DOCMEM NOT CREATED Message Reasons

Return Code Description

NOT IN XRF TABLE The application name appl was not found in the
cross reference job table built from the OPC
JOBNAME IS MISSING The job name for application appl is blank.
MEMBER ALREADY EXISTS Member name DOCMEM already exists in the
DOCLIB library.

User Response: For the first two reasons, manually create the DOCMEM members.
For reason 3, no action is required.


Explanation: The maximum number of members contained in a JCL library, as

defined in the DEFAULTS member of the conversion source library by the parameter
&DIRMAX, has been exceeded.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Increase the value coded for &DIRMAX, rerun job ASMLINK, and
rerun the failing job.


Explanation: The maximum number of lines contained in JCL member

memname, as defined in the DEFAULTS member of the conversion source library by
the parameter &LINMAX, has been exceeded.

User Response: Increase the value coded for &LINMAX, rerun job ASMLINK and
rerun the failing job.


Explanation: This information message indicates that a JCL library conversion

process has ended.



Explanation: This information message indicates that JCL member memname

has been modified. Note that lines may have been deleted without conversion from
member memname due to their function not being supported by the converted
CONTROL-M utility.

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B-8 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

CTMOP1501E member line-in-error

Explanation: In the process of converting the OPC or PSS JCL library to

CONTROL-M format, the conversion tool encountered an invalid or unsupported
command or JCL directive.

The member in which the error occurred and the member line in questions are
displayed in the message.

Some typical error situations are:

• An unsupported OPC JCL directive was encountered

• An unsupported PSS JCL comment statement was encountered
• SRTAT command, the special resource name is not enclosed in quotes
• In an OPSTAT command, ADID, or JOBNAME is not specified, or a STATUS
other than C was specified

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Correct the invalid command or manually convert the unsupported
command or directive.


Explanation: A CONTROL-M calendar has been created without a full year

span in the Calendar and Period reports.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the calendars in the reports are defined for a full year.

CTMOPPSS-02E member line-in-error

Explanation: In the process of converting the OPC or PSS JCL library to

CONTROL-M format, the conversion tool encountered an invalid or unsupported
command or JCL directive.

The member in which the error occurred and the member line in questions are
displayed in the message.

A typical error situation is where an unsupported PSS JCL comment statement was

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Correct the invalid command or manually convert the unsupported
command or directive.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Appendix B Messages and Codes B-9




Explanation: A PSS variable in a member defined in a //*%2V or //*%2S JCL

comment statement requires operator intervention or processing using a PSS exit

User Response: In the job scheduling definition corresponding to this member, set
the CONFIRM parameter to Y, and define the variables and their default values in SET
VAR parameters. This allows manual intervention to set the proper variable values at
submission time.


Explanation: In OPC application appl, a rule-based run cycle specifies an

ADRULE parameter (text) that is not supported by the conversion tool.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: In the CONTROL-M scheduling table corresponding to the OPC

application, manually supply the appropriate basic scheduling criteria and/or
calendar to support the OPC ADRULE parameter.


Explanation: In OPC application appl, a rule-based run cycle specifies a

combination of ADRULE parameters that cannot be converted by the conversion

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: In the CONTROL-M scheduling table corresponding to the OPC

application, manually supply the appropriate basic scheduling criteria and/or
calendar to support the OPC ADRULE parameter.

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B-10 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Appendix C Problem Reporting

Please supply all the information requested below when reporting a problem
related to the conversion process:

1. Version number of CONTROL-M (for example, 6.0.00) and the MVS

operating system (for example, OS/390 2.4).

2. Release number of OPC and PSS (for example, OPC/A Version 1,

Release 2; OPC/ESA Version 1, Release 3.1) from which you are

3. Last PTF applied to the conversion tool.

4. Copy of member DEFAULT.

5. Any source fixes or zaps applied to the conversion tool. Also, whether
REFRESH LLA was performed after changes were made.

6. The language of the OPC reports, such as English, Spanish, German or


7. The full text of all Job Log messages, in addition to all error messages in
the conversion tool error files (DAPRINT, DAEXCEP, and so on).

8. All changes made to the Application Name List file and the Calendar
Names List file (from JOB1).

9. If an abend has occurred, send a copy of the symptom dump and have a
full dump (SYSUDUMP) available for use by BMC Software technical
support staff use.

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Appendix C Problem Reporting C-1

Problem Reporting

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

C-2 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide


Symbols %%SET Statement, Converting PSS Statements

$DELCOND Job, External Conditions 4-6 %Snn Card, SYSIN Job Instream File 4-22
$TAGDFLT Schedule Tag 1-2 & Variable (OPC), CONTROL-M Parallel 4-13
% Value, RESSTEP Parameter 4-27 &APPLMAX Conversion Parameter A-1
% Variables &AUTSCAN Conversion Parameter A-1
OPC/ESA 4-13 & and % Variables 4-13
PSS 4-23 SCAN JCL Directive 4-16
%%ELSE AutoEdit Statement &CALENDAR Conversion Parameter A-1
Generally 1-5 &COMBINE Conversion Parameter A-1
OPC Parallel 4-12 &COND Conversion Parameter 4-5
%%ENDIF AutoEdit Statement &CTMCND Conversion Parameter A-2
Generally 1-5 &CTR Conversion Parameter 1-8, A-2
OPC Parallel 4-12 &DATE Conversion Parameter A-2
%%GLOBAL AutoEdit Statement &DATESEP Conversion Parameter A-2
Generally 1-5 &DELCHAR Conversion Parameter A-2
OPC Parallel 4-11 &DELCOND Conversion Parameter A-3
%%GOTO AutoEdit Statement &DIRMAX Conversion Parameter A-3
Generally 1-5 &FROMC Conversion Parameter A-3
OPC Parallel 4-12 &GTABLE Conversion Parameter 3-18, A-3
%%IF AutoEdit Statement &HHMM Conversion Parameter A-3
Generally 1-5 &HIDATE Conversion Parameter
OPC Parallel 4-12 CTM Exit 1 3-19
%%INCLIB AutoEdit Statement Generally A-4, A-5
Generally 1-5 Run Cycle Valid Dates 4-19
OPC Parallel 4-12 &INCLIB Conversion Parameter 3-18, A-4
%%INCMEM Statement &INCLIBP Conversion Parameter 4-27, A-4
OPC Parallel 4-12 &INIT Conversion Parameter A-4
%%LIBSYM AutoEdit Statement &JOBMAX Conversion Parameter A-4
Generally 1-5 &LANG Conversion Parameter A-4
OPC Parallel 4-11 &LINMAX Conversion Parameter A-5
%%MEMSYM Statement, OPC Parallel 4-11 &MANLCND Conversion Parameter A-5
&MAXCALS Conversion Parameter A-5
&MAXRRUN Conversion Parameter A-5

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Index 1

&MAXWAIT Conversion Parameter A-5 ADID Subparameter, OPSTAT Command

&MEMLIB Conversion Parameter A-5 Conversion 4-17
&NCT2 Conversion Parameter 1-8, A-5 Ampersand Variable (OPC)
&OVERLIB Conversion Parameter A-5 CONTROL-M Parallel 4-13
&PARMLIB Conversion Parameter Appl ID (OPC) and CONTROL-M Parallel 4-4
Generally A-5 Application Definition, CTM Group Scheduling
JCL Comment Statement 4-22 1-2
&PNIBTSD Conversion Parameter A-6 Application Descriptions, OPC Report 2-2
&REL Conversion Parameter A-6 Application Names
&RELEASE Conversion Parameter Checking/Modifying 3-10
Generally A-6 Generally 2-6
Job Output 4-32 Application Report, Information Extraction 2-6
&RESMAX Conversion Parameter A-6 Application/Operation Text (OPC),
&RESOURC Conversion Parameter A-6 CONTROL-M Parallel 4-15
&SCHMAX Conversion Parameter A-6 Archiving, CONTROL-R 4-31
&SHOUT Conversion Parameter 4-32 Arrival Time (OPC), CONTROL-M Parallel
&SHOUTD Conversion Parameter 4-10
Generally A-7 ASMLINK Member, Assembling/Link-Editing
SHOUT Destinations 4-32 Conversion Programs 3-7
&SHOUTL Conversion Parameter 4-32, A-7 AUTO-ARCHIVE Parameter
&SHOUTT Conversion Parameter A-7 CONTROL-R 4-31
&SPECCND Conversion Parameter SYSDB Subparameter 4-31
Generally A-7 AutoEdit Statements
IN conditions 4-5 JCL Conversions 4-3
&TBLUNIQ Conversion Parameter A-8 PSS Special JCL Statements 4-20
&TOCLASS Conversion Parameter AutoEdit Variable Library 3-18
Generally A-8 Automatic Event Reporting 1-9
Job Output 4-31 Automatic Submission Option (OPC),
&VER Conversion Parameter A-8 CONTROL-M Parallel 4-15
&WSMAX Conversion Parameter A-8 AVAIL Subparameter, SRSTAT Command
//*%1J JCL Statement 4-20 (OPC) 4-14
//*%1S JCL Statement 4-20
//*%1V JCL Statement 4-20
//*%2S JCL Statement 4-20 B
//*%2V JCL Statement 4-20
//*%IP JCL Comment Statement 4-22 Basic Scheduling Parameters (CTM)
?-Variable 1-5, 4-14 Default Values 1-2
Parallel OPC Concept 4-8
Batch Commands, Conversion Parameter A-6
A BEGIN JCL Directive
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-12
Abend Code and RECOVER Directive 4-24 Generally 1-5
Directives 4-13
ADDAPPL Parameter, RECOVER Directive C
ADDPROC Parameter, RECOVER Directive Calendar Names
4-27 Checking/Modifying 3-10

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

2 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Generally 2-8, A-1 JOB3 3-14

Calendars JOB4 3-16
CONTROL-M 2-9 CTMOP001 Program, JOB1 3-8
Generally 2-6 CTMOP002 Program, JOB1 3-8
OPC Report 2-2 CTMOP003 Program, JOB2 3-11
Calendars (OPC), CONTROL-M Parallel 4-8 CTMOP006 Program, JOB1 3-8
CA-LIBRARIAN Libraries, Copying 3-3 CTMOP007 Program, JOB2 3-11
CALNAME DD Statement, JOB2 3-12 CTMOP009 Program, JOB1 3-8
CA-PANVALET Libraries, Copying 3-3 CTMOP012 Program, JOB2 3-11
Case Code Parameter File, Creation/Format 2-15 CTMOP321E Message, CONTROL-M Table
Case Code, RECOVER Directive 4-24 Names A-8
CASECODE DD Statement, JOB3 3-14 CTMX001 Exit 3-19
Catalog Management (OPC) Customer Support C-1
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-16
Generally 1-8
Century, PSS Date Format 4-21 D
Characters, Converting Illegal Characters 2-7
Checklist of Conversion Steps 3-1 DAAPPL DD Statement, JOB2 3-12
CMEM Facility, Event Trigger Tracking 1-8 DABATCH DD Statement, JOB3 3-14
Codes (Messages), Descriptions B-1 DACAL DD Statement, JOB2 3-12
COMP Parameter DACHANGE DD Statement
BEGIN/END JCL Directive 4-12 JOB3 3-14
FETCH JCL Directive 4-12 JOB4 3-16
Completion Code, RECOVER Directive 4-24 DACHANGE DD Statement, JOB2 3-12
Conditions, Job Predecessor/Successor 1-3 DADAILY DD Statement, JOB2 3-12, 3-17
CONFCAL Parameter, Calendar Conversion 4-9 DADOC DD Statement, JOB2 3-12
CONFIRM Parameter 4-15 DAJCLIN DD Statement, JOB3 3-14
Control Resources, Parallel OPC Concept 4-4 DAJOB DD Statement, New Day Processing
Control Statements, JCL Conversions 4-3 3-17
Group Scheduling 1-2 DAREPORT DD Statement, JOB3 3-14
Parameters 4-31 DASCHD DD Statement, JOB4 3-16
Parameters and OPC Fields 4-2 Data Dependencies (OPC)
Conversion Parameter A-2 Description 1-3
Parameters 4-31 DATABLE DD Statement, JOB2 3-12
PREVENT-NCT2 Parameter 1-8 Date Format
Conventions Used in This Guide xiii Conversion Parameter A-2
Conversion PSS 4-21
Checking Results 3-17 DAXREF DD Statement, JOB4 3-16
Steps Checklist 3-1 DAXRF DD Statement, JOB2 3-12
Conversion Parameters, Descriptions A-1 Day, PSS Date Format 4-21
Conversion Programs, Assembling/Link-Editing DAYS Parameter, CONTROL-M 2-9
3-7 DAYTIME Parameter and OPC Arrival Time
COPYLIBS Member 3-3 4-10
CTMIMAC1 REXX Procedure and JCL DCAL Parameter, Calendar Conversion 4-9
Repository Functionality 1-10 Deadline (OPC) and CONTROL-M Parallel
CTMLOAD DD Statement 4-10

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Index 3

Deadline WTO Option (OPC), CONTROL-M Event-Trigger Tracking 1-8

Parallel 4-15 EXC Allocation 1-3
DEFAULTS Member Exit 3, CONTROL-M 1-9
Adjustment 3-4
Generally 4-31
Deleting, JCL Steps 4-25 F
DELSTEP Parameter, RECOVER Directive
4-25 FETCH JCL Directive
DESC Parameter (CTM), Parallel OPC Field CONTROL-M Parallel 4-12
4-15 Generally 1-5
DO COND Statement, RELSUCC Parameter FLSH Value, STEPCODE Parameter 4-25
4-28 Free Day Rule, OPC Run Cycle 4-8
DO FORCEJOB statements, RECOVER French Language OPC Reports 3-6, A-4
Directive 4-28 FROM Time Parameter (CTM), Parallel OPC
DO IFRERUN statements, RECOVER Directive Concept 4-2
DO RERUN statements, RECOVER Directive
4-28 G
Parameter 4-31 GENERAL Workstation 4-6
DOCLIB Parameter (CTM), Parallel OPC Generic Abend Code, RECOVER Directive
Concept 4-11 4-25
DOCMEM Parameter (CTM), Parallel OPC German Language OPC Reports 3-6, A-4
Concept 4-11 GLOBAL Member, OPC/ESA 3-18
Dummy Job Graphic Job Flow 3-17
Deleting Conditions 4-6 Group Entity 1-2
Manual Operations 4-6 GROUP Parameter, Parallel OPC Field 4-4
Group Scheduling
Application Definition 1-2
E Schedule Tag 4-18
Table 1-2
Editing JCL 1-10 GTABLE Initialization Parameter, OPCOPTS
Embedded blanks in Scheduling Table Names Statement A-3
END JCL Directive
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-12 H
Generally 1-5
English Language OPC Reports 3-6, A-4 Held Sysout Classes, Requeuing A-3
EQQCASEC Macros, Case Code Parameter File Highest Return Code (OPC), CONTROL-M
2-15 Parallel 4-17
EQQCASEM Load Module, Case Code
Parameter File 2-15
EQQJBLIB DD Statement A-4 I
Error Messages, Descriptions B-1
IN Condition
Error Tracking Option (OPC), CONTROL-M
Definition 1-3
Parallel 4-16
Parallel OPC Concept 4-4
ERRSTEP Parameter, RECOVER Directive
IN Conditions A-3
INITIATOR Quantitative Resource 4-7

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4 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Initiator Resource Name, INIT Conversion

Parameter A-4
IOABLCAL Utility, Calendar Conversion 4-9 Language, OPC Reports A-4
IOACND Utility Leading Numerics in Scheduling Table Names
OPC Parallel 4-14 2-7
OPSTAT Command Conversion 4-17 Libraries, Backup 3-3
IOALDNRS Utility 3-18 LIBSYM DD Statement, JOB3 3-14
IOALOAD DD Statement LR1APPL Member, Application Report Values
JOB3 3-14 3-5
JOB4 3-16 LR1DOC Member, Operator Instruction Report
Values 3-5
LR1RUN Member, Calendar/Period Report
J Values 3-5
LR1WS Member, Workstation Report Values
Directives 1-5
Editing Before Rerun 4-25
Library Conversions 4-3
Member Conversion 2-14
Processing 1-5 Manual Conditions List, IOALDNRS Utility
Variable Tables 2-2 3-18
JCL MSGCLASS Parameter, DO SYSOUT Manual Confirmation, Conversion Parameter
Parameter 4-31 A-5
JCL Repository Facility 1-10 Manual Workstation Type (OPC),
Job Completion Checker 1-9 CONTROL-M Parallel 4-6
Job Connection Conditions A-3 MAXWAIT Parameter, Parallel OPC Concept
Job Output 4-18
Archiving 4-31 MEMBER Parameter, FETCH JCL Directive
DO SYSOUT Statement 4-31 4-12
Job Predecessor/Successor Translation 1-2 MEMNAME Parameter and Parallel OPC Field
JOB1 4-4
Information Extraction 2-6 Messages and Codes, Descriptions B-1
Modifications 3-8 Modification of OPC Report Values 3-5
Running 3-8 Month, PSS Date Format 4-21
JOB2, Running 3-11 MSGCLASS Parameter, DO SYSOUT
JOB3 Statement 4-31
Description 2-14
Running 3-14
JOB4, Description 2-17 N
JOBCODE Parameter, RECOVER Directive
4-24 NEGATIVE Run Cycle, Calendar Conversion
Jobname Concept (OPC), CONTROL-M 4-9
Parallel 4-4, 4-7 New Day Processing, Scheduling Tables 3-17
JOBNAME Subparameter, OPSTAT Command NORMAL Run Cycle, Calendar Conversion 4-9
Conversion 4-17

BMC Software, Inc., Confidential and Proprietary Information

Index 5

O Plan Option, Check Conversion Results 3-17

Predecessor/Successor Relationships,
ON PGMST Parameter Translation 1-2
Highest Return Code 4-17 Prerequisite Conditions
Parallel OPC Concept 4-16 Generally 4-4
ON PGMST Statement, RECOVER Directive Operation Dependency 1-2
Parameters 4-23 STAT Date Reference 4-6
Initialization Statement 4-5 Automatic Setting A-5
OPC Fields, Parallel Parameters 4-2 CONTROL-R 1-8
OPC Language Reports, Checking/Modifying Parallel OPC Concept 4-16
3-5 PRINT Workstation 4-6
OPC Reports 3-4 Priority (OPC), CONTROL-M Parallel 4-10
JCL Examples 2-3 Problem Reporting C-1
JOB0 2-2 Process Flow 2-1
Title/Value Modification 3-5 PSS
Operation Dependency JCL Comment Cards 1-6
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-6 JCL Member Conversion 2-14
Prerequisite Conditions 1-2 Logical Date Formats 4-21
Operator Instructions Parameter Library Name A-5
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-11 Special JCL Statements 4-20
OPC Report 2-2
OPSTAT Command
Automatic Event Reporting 1-9 Q
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-16
Quantitative Resources 1-3
Conversion Parameter A-6
Adding 3-17
JCL Processing 1-5
Conversion Parameter A-6
OUT Condition
Parallel OPC Concept 4-7
Definition 1-3
Production 2-6
Generally 4-6
Output, DO SYSOUT Statement 4-31
OVERLIB Library, Editing JCL 1-10
Owner ID (OPC)
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-4 RECOVER Directive
Names 2-6 Case Code Parameter File 2-15
Owner Names, Checking/Modifying 3-10 Conversion 2-17
OWNER Parameter, Parallel OPC Field 4-4 Description 1-5
Parameter Conversion 4-23
RECVEXT DD Statement
P JOB3 3-14
JOB4 3-16
Parameters, RECOVER Directive 4-23
RELSUCC Parameter
Pending Status 3-17
DO COND Statement 4-28
Period Name (OPC), CONTROL-M Parallel
RECOVER Directive 4-28
Successor Occurrence 4-28
REPFILE DD Statement, JOB2 3-12
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-8
OPC Report 2-2

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6 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

Languages 3-5 Spanish Language OPC Reports 3-6, A-4

OPC 3-4 Special Characters, Scheduling Table Names 2-7
RESNAME File Special Resource
JOB1 4-14 CONTROL-M Parallel 4-4
JOB3 3-14 Conversion Parameter A-7
Resources SRSTAT Command
Adding Quantitative Resources 3-17 CONTROL-M Parallel 4-14
Special Resource Implementation A-7 Conversion Parameter A-6
RESSTEP Parameter, RECOVER Directive 4-27 JCL Processing 1-5
RESTART Parameter, RECOVER Directive Started Task Option (OPC), CONTROL-M
4-28 Parallel 4-14
RETRO Parameter, Parallel OPC Concept 4-18 STAT Date Reference, Prerequisite Conditions
Return Code, RECOVER Directive 4-24 4-6
Run Cycle STATUS(C) Subparameter, OPSTAT Command
Calendars 4-8 Conversion 4-17
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-8 Step Range, ON PGMST Statement 4-24
Valid From/To Dates 4-19 STEPCODE Parameter, RECOVER Directive
Runtime Scheduling, Control via Group Entity 4-25
1-2 Successor Occurrence, RELSUCC Parameter
Successor Relationships, Translation 1-2
S Support, Problem Reporting C-1
Suppress if Late Option (OPC), CONTROL-M
SCAN JCL Directive Parallel 4-18
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-16 SYSDATA Files, Archiving 4-31
Generally 1-5, A-1 SYSDB Subparameter, AUTO-ARCHIVE 4-31
SCHEDULE TAG Parameter (CTM), Parallel SYSIN Job Instream File, %Snn Card 4-22
OPC Concept 4-18 SYSINLIB DD Statement, JOB3 3-15
SCHEDULE-PREV-DAY and DESC Field 4-10 System Code, RECOVER Directive 4-24
Scheduling Tables SYSTEM Member, OPC/ESA 3-18
Names Conversion Parameter A-2
New Day Processing 3-17
Unique Names A-8 T
SEARCH JCL Directive
CONTROL-M Parallel 4-11 TABLE JCL Directive
Generally 1-5 CONTROL-M Parallel 4-11
SHOUT Destinations Generally 1-5
&SHOUTD Conversion Parameter 4-32 TASKTYPE Parameter, Parallel OPC Concept
Conversion Parameter A-7 4-14
SHOUT Messages 4-32 Technical Support C-1
SHOUT WHEN LATE Parameter Time Dependent Option (OPC), CONTROL-M
Parallel OPC Concept 4-15 Parallel 4-2
SHOUT WHEN LATESUB Parameter Time Format Conversion Parameter A-3
Conversion Parameter A-7 TIME Parameter, RECOVER Directive 4-28
OPC Deadline 4-10
SHOUT WHEN NOTOK Messages, Conversion
Parameter A-7
SHR Allocation 1-3

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Index 7

UNTIL Parameter (CTM), Parallel OPC
Concept 4-18

Variables, Conversion 1-5
VARSUB OPC Initialization Parameter, SCAN
Value A-1
Verification of Conversion Results 3-17

WDAYS Parameter, CONTROL-M 2-9
Work Flow 2-1
Maximum Number Defined A-8
OPC Report 2-2, 2-6
Resources 1-3
Servers 4-7

Year, PSS Date Format 4-21

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8 CONTROL-M for OS/390 OPC/A, OPC/ESA, and Tivoli OPC Conversion Guide

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