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Theaterzaal Oceania Oceania Europe 1&2 Asia Antartica Africa

12:00 12:00- 12:00
12:30 – 13:30 20:30
13:00 12:00 – Lezing “Smiles of Kinder 13:00
17.30 the Prophet” Mawlid
Mawlid 13.46 – 14.30 Festival
14:00 Bazaar 14:00 – 15:30 Dhohr gebed 14:00 – 15:30 14:00
Seminar “Islam & 14:30 – 15:30 Lezing: “Traditi-
15:00 Milieu: Koning of 15:00 – 16.30 Q&A sessie onele Islam in 15:00
Kalief op Aarde” Nasheed de modern

16:00 16:00 – 17:00 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00 – 17:30 16:00
Mawlid Talentenjacht Seminar: “Jihad Lezing: “The need Fotopresentatie
17:00 tegen Terrorism” 17:12 – 17:45 of Muhammad “Meeting with 17:00
Asr gebed in our time” Mountains”
17:30: Inloop
18:00 18:00 – 20:30 18:00
Mawlid Festival hoofdprogr.
Speakers: Sh. Hassan Qadri, Sh.
19:00 19:00
Abdulaziz Fredericks / fotopre-
sentatie P. Sanders / Nasheed:
20:00 Mesut Kurtis en Hicham Karim 20:00 – 20:06 – 21:00 20:00
21:15 Maghrib
Mawlid Jama’ah:20.45
21:00 21:00

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