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King’s Gambit

1. e4 e5
2. f4

Basic Theme: White announces war and initiates a

violent assault on the Kingside. White intends to
overwhelm Black from the outset and is not afraid
to sacrifice material to do so. Black’s options
include accepting the Gambit with 2…fxe4,
declining the pawn with 2…Bc5 (Classical
Defence) or countering with another Gambit line
(3…d5). Either way, this opening is full of
 A powerful weapon in the hands of an attacking player.
 Attacks involving sacrifices are not easy to predict and therefore complications and is not for the faint-hearted.
difficult to defend against.


 White’s attack may prove premature and the style of play required
to play this well often involves taking extreme risks.
 Due to the volatile nature of this opening, King safety is often
neglected or compromised, leading to double-edged positions.

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