Document #9C - Facilities Report

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Facilities Report

Board of Library Trustees Meeting

Martin Luther King Jr., Memorial Library

• The replacement window for the third floor has been installed after a long
wait because of weather conditions in up- state New York where the glass
is made.
• The new digital controls system for air handler number 1 is about 90%
compete. Contractor is waiting for a new damper to be installed so the
remainder of the project can be completed.
• New locks were installed on A9 and A10 for the tax preparation program.
• All preventive maintenance was completed for the months of January and
• The lighting retrofit project for the fourth, third and some portions of the
second floor was completed on February 18, 2011. We are looking for
available funds to complete the remaining lights.
• Preventive maintenance has also begun on the cooling system in
preparation for May 15 change-over to cooling.

Neighborhood Libraries
• On March 11, the Chevy Chase Neighborhood Library lighting project was
completed. West End, Palisades, Lamond-Riggs, Woodridge, Southwest
and Cleveland Park Neighborhood Libraries were all completed before
March 1, 2011. Palisades received new lighting and ceilings on both the
first and second floors.
• All preventive maintenance was completed during the months of January
and February. Our staff and HVAC contractor have begun work on all
cooling system maintenance so the cooling system change-over can occur
on May 15.

Miscellaneous Items
• Facilities Department is working with Contracts and Procurement to award
the final solicitation from the Energy Stimulus Funding. This award will be
for door replacements at six neighborhood libraries. The award package
will be posted around March 30, 2011. The following neighborhood
libraries are included:

a. Chevy Chase
b. Cleveland Park
c. Lamont-Riggs
d. Southwest
e. West End
f. Woodridge

Document #9C
Board of Library Trustees Meeting
March 23, 2011

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