TT Grumpyvoki2

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Everyday Annoyances

1. Do you regard yourself as a considerate person? Do you generally consider

others before you do something which might annoy another person?
2. Why do some people behave anti-socially and others don’t?
3. Is noise a problem where you live? Does it bother you when people speak loudly
or listen to very loud music in public places?
4. How do you react when you are in the cinema and somebody sitting near you is
talking or eating popcorn loudly?
5. What would you do, if you were in the street and you were desperate to go to the
toilet? Are there enough public toilets where you live?
6. How do you react when you see somebody spitting?
7. Have you ever written on a wall, desk, toilet door etc? What is your general
opinion of graffiti? Do you think it should be allowed in some places?
8. Do you ever drop litter?
9. Why do some people shout when they are talking on the phone?
10. Do you think the majority of dog owners pick up their dogs’ excrement?
11. What do you do when you are travelling on public transport and the person sitting
next to you starts listening to loud music on their mp3 player?
12. What do you do if somebody tries to push in when you are queuing up for
13. How often do you swear? In which contexts would you swear and not swear?
14. Is there much vandalism where you live?
15. Do you think smoking should be banned in enclosed public spaces like bars and
restaurants? What about outdoors?
16. When you’re driving how often do you stop at a pedestrian crossing?
17. Do you think fare-dodging is ever justified?
18. Do you ever blow the horn when you are driving? How often? In what situations?
19. When you go out on a Saturday night do you ever behave anti-socially?
20. Do you think drinking alcohol in public places should be banned?
21. Do you ever park on the pavement or in other places where it is not allowed?
22. Do you young people are more likely to behave anti-socially than older people?

tefltecher /’tefəltekə/

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