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> The pofot ‘pts ASmm abow HP, 6omm bebted VP Ord Bdmm form RPP- Diato te thace vieos of te poiot Pleo State te quandsant tm tohtcds it dies, 2D Drow all the thre isos af O potot “p' Sying Come below He, tomm én Ftont of VP omd Aomm D A potat & Sy eng Om HP, 20 mem behind VP and 35mm inftesr a Rpe, Drew bs ptejedins Cod ame “the Gide Vier, A> Daow the prejedtions af te Pollowoteg points om te same Xy Ling Kaaping Comenient divinece behosan each projectors, piso stale the quadsant tn tekich thay Lie. P- 25mm above He 4 25mm infdmmt of VP Q—3omm akon AP & Home behind VP Ra home alow HP act on VP § 35mm below NP Amd Somm Ink rook ob ve. 5B) The point B afa Line DB fs on the hoxsontal plane, the topvieo oh tHe Line makes an ange of 30° sith XY Dine, baieg Fomm, The point A is 0? the Vettel plane Amd Sdrmm alcove the hoscaontt plane, D&aro the Bop amd Piont vies oh-the Utne aed ebtatn the fave Legis oh the Line. Bilge Hod the jnelinahons of the Line Ustth the to planes, Dano he phajedtians ah a stanight Utne Ae toomen Loug, inclined ar ns? to He aed ao? to VP. The ema A ts in HP Gand the He end @ is to YP. Eind the CAortest distance between the Steaight [ine AB ord the Gre af fatercectin af ples of paryedion, D A sroigt Line PR b5m— Qoug % inchtnad at As” £0 He awd So'VP, The point P te tomm Som both the Repartnce planes aod the potat a & toads the Sefeunte planes, Deaw te pisjetmns. D The fep vieo of a skaotget Line fra fs Gomm Song ond mares an anges of oo Lofts the xy Lene. The emt A is tn VP Aad Zomm abou ne. The end 8 fs 65mm obow ‘tie AP. D&ao te prsjechens ah the Line AG and adeteimine »> Lergh of te front vieo YD te bane Lengts oad tine tnebiontions asith the Achemence planes. g 5 : I> The cheyakin af a Line pe do mm log is éncbind ab So’ fo HP and meannes FOmm. The ewd A is 20MM aleve. HP And i to Ve, DAaw tte pigjections Bf tte Line aot Bind Hs incknab'en astth NP, I) ke top view of a Line pa Fomm Dory meotenss Somm md the Qaent vied Measiats Gomm. The end p is 3mm abow HP oad Ismm tobtont ot VP, Dias the projectors af tte Ene and Rind ts tane indinebonc ustlh Hp amd vp, Rind Lergtr af £8anr Vie amd Distance betoeen the end prajestoas,

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