Islamic-Chpter Expedition of Tabuk

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1.the campaign of tabuk took place in the month of rajab 9H

2.the immediate cause of the expedition was the information that the Byzantines were assembling large
forces to march against madina and over throwing the Muslims ͙

3.the prophet (saw) clearly declared that he was preparing against the Byzantines because of the
journey was long and the weather difficult and the army in strength so that the men could make
necessary arrangements͙.

4.when prophet Muhammad (saw) was preparing for the expedition ,some of his companions came up
with genuine reasons of staying back .either they were too weak or poor to take up arms or they had no
one to look after their families͙

5.some of the believers approached the prophet with false reasons to stay back that had been
encollaged by the hypocrites for the participation in expedition ͙

6.among the few companions who absented themselves from the expedition were three men of ansars
namely ka͛b ibn malik,marrah ibn ar Rabi, hilal bin ummayyah <RA>
They did not deliberately decide to stay back or even dint give false excuses .but it seemed to them so
undesirable to leave madina at this time of the year ,they could not bring themselves to make
preparation and they put off the task from one day to other until it was too late and the troops had
already left ..But these three were ,indeed, among the devout believers .afterward they spontaneously
repented their sin and Allah forgave them

7.the prophet urged his companions to donate for the expedition .all the devout belivers poured the
costliness of donations .Abu Bakr donated all that he possessed for the expedition ͙

8.the army was called Jaysh AL-Usrah because the army gathered there despite of hardships and high
temperatures ͙..this army was called Jaysh al usrah ͙the army of distress͙͙͙͙͙͙.. consisted more than thirty-one thousand soldiers equipped with arms and ammunition ͙͙͙

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