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Maybe if I

Were a Millionaire,
Senator Martins
would look
out for
ME too.
Strong Economy For All Coalition
94 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12206

Why is Senator Jack Martins giving a

tax break to millionaires but cutting education?
When Senator Jack Martins was given the choice to protect
children or millionaires, he chose millionaires.

Last Tuesday Senator Martins voted to cut $1.2 billion from our
schools—the largest cut to public education in New York’s
history. That will mean larger class sizes, teacher layoffs and
fewer after-school programs. At the same time, he voted to give
millionaires a $1 billion tax break, which could have gone
toward making sure our kids get the education they deserve.

Cut funding from our schools or give millionaires a tax break?

There’s still time to get the Senate and the Assembly to pass a
compromise bill. Tell Senator Martins to extend the millionaires’ tax.

Tell Senator Jack Martins to Put Kids Before Millionaires: 518.455.3265

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