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National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Statement of Financial Position

As of January 31, 2009

Dec 31, 2008 Jan 31, 2009

Cash $ 2,409,943 $ 1,441,498
Investments 24,031,788 24,358,528
Accounts Receivable 430,324 463,426
Promises to Give 4,538,853 4,524,004
Inventory 135,731 139,902
Prepaid and Other Assets 628,383 665,344
Property and Equipment 78,483,460 78,140,818
$ 110,658,481 $ 109,733,519

Accounts Payable $ 231,472 $ 122,878
Accrued Expenses 269,016 269,845
Interest Payable 351,400 199,994
Deferred Revenue 224,368 213,194
Debt 46,000,000 46,000,000
47,076,255 46,805,911
Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets 62,406,513 61,835,101
Temporarily Restricted 1,155,713 1,072,507
Permanently Restricted 20,000 20,000
63,582,226 62,927,608
$ 110,658,481 $ 109,733,519

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