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National Underground Railroad Freedom Center

Statement of Financial Position

As of March 31, 2009

Feb 28, 2009 Mar 31, 2009

Cash $ 196,502 $ 351,887
Investments 25,017,175 24,635,129
Accounts Receivable 634,913 736,684
Promises to Give 4,451,575 4,435,306
Inventory 138,822 134,935
Prepaids and Other Assets 561,094 661,994
Property and Equipment 77,776,509 77,418,700
$ 108,776,590 $ 108,374,635
Accounts Payable 86,289 211,754
Accrued Expenses 259,785 231,237
Interest Payable 238,972 311,033
Deferred Revenue 210,068 184,080
Debt 46,000,000 46,000,000
46,795,114 46,938,104
Net Assets
Unrestricted Net Assets 60,893,920 60,412,452
Temporarily Restricted 1,067,556 1,004,079
Permanently Restricted 20,000 20,000
61,981,476 61,436,531

$ 108,776,590 $ 108,374,635

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2009 March Financial Statements - Bank Group.xls
Printed on 1/11/2011 Statement of Financial Position
At 1:18 PM

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