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Kingston Title Agency LLC

William Kays
Quot e Number: 1300718243 6 0 9 -6 83-9 27 0
wkays@ kingst o n-t it le .co m
Fees For NJ Refinance:
LOAN AMOUNT: $168,000.00
PRIOR LOAN AMOUNT: $101,000.00
T IT LE INSURANCE PREMIUM ONLY: $517.00 Results in: HUD1 Form | GFE Form

Settlement to be conducted by: Paid From

Title Agent Authorized Attorney Borrower's
Funds at
110 0 . T it le Charge s
110 1. Title Service and lender's title insurance (fro m GFE#4) $1,279 .0 0
110 2. Settlement o r clo sing fee to Age nt $350 .0 0
110 3. Owne r's t it le insurance (fro m GFE#5)
110 4. Le nde r's t it le insurance $59 2.0 0
110 5. Lender's title po licy limit $16 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0
110 6 . Owner's title po licy limit $16 8 ,0 0 0 .0 0
110 7. Age nt 's po rt io n o f t he t o t al t it le insurance pre m ium $439 .45
110 8 . Unde rwrit e r's po rt io n o f t he t o t al t it le insurance pre m ium $177.55
110 9 . Clo sing Service Letter to Underwriter $25.0 0
1110 .
120 0 . Go ve rnm e nt and Re co rding Transf e r Charge s
120 1. Go vernment reco rding charges (fro m GFE#7) $240 .0 0
120 2. Deed $0 .0 0 Mo rtgage $240 .0 0
120 3. Transfer taxes (fro m GFE#8 )
120 4. Realty Transfer Fee Deed Mo rtgage
120 5.

To t al Charge s f o r T it le and Clo sing $ 1,5 19 .0 0

110 1. It e m izat io n
110 1. Title Service and lender's title insurance (fro m GFE#4) $1,279 .0 0
Lender's Premium $517.0 0
Settlement Fee $350 .0 0
Search and Examinatio n Fee $10 0 .0 0
Clo sing Service Letter $25.0 0
No tice o f Settlement $25.0 0
Tideland Search $30 .0 0
Upper Co urt Search $20 .0 0
Tax Search $35.0 0
No tary Fee $25.0 0
Wire Fee $25.0 0
Overnight Charges $25.0 0
E-Do c's, Co pies $25.0 0
Patrio t Search per Name $2.0 0
Alta 8 .1 $25.0 0
Alta 9 $25.0 0
Survey o r No Survey Endo rsement $25.0 0

Disclaime r: T he above T it le Rat e Calculat ion has be e n pre se nt e d by kingst on- t it le .com. All Calculat ions are save d and should be
ve rif ie d by t he T it le Age nt t o e nsure t he validit y of t he input crit e ria wit h t he calculat ion. Accordingly, MyT it le Rat e will not
be he ld liable f or any use of t he se calculat ions in your part icular re al e st at e t ransact ion.

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