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Day 1 (bread)

Jesus broke the bread and said, "this is my body...". Luke 22:19

Day 2 (three dimes)

Judas betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver. Mark 14:11

Day 3 (sword)
The soldiers came to get Jesus. They carried swords. John 18:3

Day 4 (feather)
Peter, Jesus' friend, said that he didn't even know Jesus then a rooster crowed just like
Jesus had said. Mark 14:16-72

Day 5 (thorns)
They made a crown of thorns and put it on Jesus' head to make fun of him. John 19:2

Day 6 (cross)
Jesus hung on a cross and died for our sins. John 19:18

Day 7 (sponge)
The soldiers offered Jesus a drink on a sponge. John 19:29

Day 8 (dice)
Some soldiers played with dice to see who would get Jesus' robe. John 19:23-24

Day 9 (picture of a globe)

The world was covered in darkness for three hours. Also, Jesus came to save the whole
world. Luke 23:44, John 3:16

Day 10 (white cloth)

The body of Jesus was wrapped in white cloth for burial. Mark 15:46

Day 11 (stone)
Early on the third day, the women found the stone of the tomb rolled away. Matthew 28:2

Day 12 (empty)
The tomb was empty! Jesus is risen! Matthew 28:6

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