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(A Gs 2011 Federal Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program Application For Reservation Deadline for Submission ‘9% Competitive Credits [Applications Must Be Received At VHDA No Later Than 2:00 PM Richmond, VA Time On March ‘1, 2011 Tax Exempt Bonds ‘Applications should be received at VHDA at least one month before the bonds are priced (if bonds issued by VHDA), of 75) days before the bonds are issued (i bonds are not issued by | VHDA) fatten Vieni Housing Developmen Autor VHDA Rich, Vina 252206500 Low Income Housing Tax Credit Application for Reservation sided with you application by checkng the appropriate boxes. Your assistanoa in. oraanzing me suorissen nie folowng over and acualycang ats to mark nen ag shawn wn hae rev Of You tg eka =e Electronic Copy of the Mierosoft Excel Based Application (MANDATORY) Scanned Copy ofthe Signed Tax Credit Applicaton with Attachments (excluding market study and plans & specs} (MANDATOR Electronio Copy of the Market Study (MANDATORY--Application wil be disqualified if study not submited with application) Electronic Copy ofthe Plans (MANDATORY) Eleczonic Copy of the Specifications (MANDATORY) Electronic Copy of the Unit By Unit Work Writeup (MANDATORY. 5] $750 Applicaton Fee (MANDATORY) Tab A: Documentation of Development Location (ALt Qualified Census Tract Certification (A2 Revinlization Area Certification Location Map Surveyor's Certification of Proximity To Public Transportation Pararership or Operating Agreement, including chat of ownership structure with percentage of interests (MANDATORY, ‘Virginia State Corporation Commission Certication (MANDATORY) Principal's Previous Participation Certitication and Resume (MANDATORY) Nonprofit Questionnaire (MANDATORY for points or pool) ‘The following documents need not be submitted unless requested by VEDA: Nonprofit Aniles of Incorporation IRS Documentation of Nonprofit Stas -loint Venture Agreement (if applicable) -For-profit Consulting Agreement (if applicable) Arohiteots Certitication (MANDATORY) Relocation Pan (MANDATORY, it rehab) PHA / Section 8 Notification Letter Local CEO Letter Homeownership Plan Site Control Documentation d& Most Recent Real state Tax Assessment (MANDATORY) an of Development Certification Letter Zoning Certification Lener Copies of 8609s To Certify Developer Experience (Reserved) Pans and Specifications an Work Wrte-Up (MANDATORY) Documentation of Rental Assistance Documentation of Operating Budget Documentation of Project Budget [)TabT: Documentation of Financing Sources Haoae rehab) Documentation To Request Exception To Restrction-Pools With Little/No Increase In Rent Burdened Population LJ Documentation of site location in an urban development area as defined in §15.2-2223.lof the Code of Virginia [Documentation of the development participating in a locally adopted affordable housing dwelling unit program area as described in either §15.2-2304 or §15.2-2305 of the Code of Virginia Nonprofit or LHA Purchase Option or Right of First Refusal Attorney's Opinion (MANDATORY) (Reserved) Marketing Plan for units meeting access ty requirements of HUD section $04 viA2011 submission Checklist Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Appi VHDA TRACKING NUMBER A. Development Name and Locat wa201 ‘General Tformation ‘late Revoe Clee 185 warded ‘Date of Apaheabony |. Name of Development lkmont Manor 2 Adress of Development 101 Elkanon’ De Eton va, . . 207 Tar ‘say Tip ca 3, Tfeomplete ares isnot avalble provide longitude and latitude coordinates (x3) fom location on ste your surveyor deems appropriate Documentation fom surveyor atsched (TAB A) (Only necessary aret adr or Suet TESTOR 4 TheCieuit Court Clerk’ office in which the deed to the prope iso wil be recorded CCuyiCounty of Reckingham County ____(e: Richmond City. Chesterfield Coumy, see pplication manvsl) 5 Docs the sit overtap one or more jurisdictional Poundanes” D Ye @ No ‘Eyes what oer City-County is the ste located in besides the one mentioned above? 6. Census Trt the development is leated in 02 {stis a Qualified Census Tract ves © No. (Ifyes, attach required form in TAB A) 7. Iste development loestd its Ditfeult Development Ares? Ne] no, applicant may quest hathe propery be treated asif1ts located in a DDA. Iso, indicate by checking tusbox: (vote This powson NOT appli to tax exempt bond dels) 8 Isthe development loeated ina revtalzation aca” Yes @_No (ifyes. tach requzed form a TAB A) 9, Isthe dovelopment an exising RD or HUD SW/236 development?” 2 Yep___No (i'ys, attach requied form in TAS. Q) Noteio# there an exty of ees berwce he apheant an he sell ths props and the appear seking pos thiscategon. hen the aplcan mus eter waive the nhs tothe developers eo theres assed ith aqustion andor rehab, oobi s waver of ts reqserment fee: VEDA poco sean SuBSSIOn oer Heep 1 Applicant agrees o wate al rights any developer fee oF ter fes associated wih aquisition andor reba, Des 0 wa '. Applicant has obtained a waiver ofthis reqirement from VHDA Prior tothe aplication submission deadline Yes O wa 10. Isthe development located ina census tt with a poverty rate <10% with no tax edit unis curently preset? 2 Yes Ne Yes 0 No 11, Bethe development sted onthe RD SIS Rehabilitation Print List? 12 Isthe proposed development located in an whan development areas defined in §152-2228 ofthe Code of Vegi 5 Yes © No (lfyes, attach required form in ABU) 13. Willthe proposed development pancipate ina locally adopted affordable Yousng Ovelling unit program area as described in either $152-2304 or §152-2308 ofthe Code of Virgina? [Mes No (Uys, tach required form in TABU) 14. Congressional District, 5 tet ws Planning Dist 6 mm asc APO State Senate District, 24 maa sseanenceDracana st State House Dist 25 tata wa atecaniniueseccaTa 15, Location Map Atached (TAB A) Poject Description: In the space rovided below, give a bret desription af the proposed project, [Acquistion and enovaion oF M4 uni Elmont Apartments Manned renovation melas a cuban: wih Kitchen, Energy Sa Windows and appliances new doo (cabinets, coutenopebih eficieney ax pup FIVAC sytem, wale saving Sxtres, ointing.and lor covering. a eqs a closed hallways wih HVAC, Page| Low Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation C._ Reservation Request |. ‘Total annual credit amount request (Must be the same as Part IX-D8) $229,176 2. Credits requested from: 9% Credi Nonprofit Set-Aside (All nonprofit owned developments which meet rests eseribed in Part IED hereof may selec his) Local Housing Authorities 1D Richmond MSA Poot (Planning Distit 8 (Inner Washington MSA) Pool Tidewater MSA Pool Northwest /North Central VA Arca Poa! Balance of State Pool (Remaining Geographic | seintpeitiee Beat ePreser vation) (J NonCompettive Pool (Disability) [Tax Exempt Bonds new construction, of D rehabititation, (acquisition and rehabititaton Federal Subsidies Cl The developmen wil not reseve federal subsidies. [This development wll rceve federal subsidies fr: lal bulaings or (some buildings. D. Type(s) of Allocation/Allocation Vear 1, Regular Atlocation CIAII of the buildings inthe devetopment are expected to be placed inservice this year. For those buildings the owner will, this year, request an allocation of 2011 credits for] rew construction, or 1 rehabilitation, or, acquisition and rehabilitation, 2 Carryforward Allocation IAM of the buildings inthe development ace expected to be placed in service within two years after te end ofthis calendar year, 2011, but the ‘owner will have mare than 10% basis inthe development before the end of twelve months following allocation of credits. For those buildings, the owner requests a carryforvard allocation of 2011 credits pursuant to Section 42(h) 1) E) for: Cinew construction, or rehabilitation, or acquisition and rehabilitation (even ifyou acquired building this year and placed icin service” forthe purpose ofthe acquisition ere, you cannot receive the 8609 form fo it until the rehap R609 is issued for that building once the rehab work is "placed in service” in 2012 0° 2013). 3. Federal Seis “The development will not recive federal sbsicis. 5) This development wil receive federal subsidies for ‘lal buildings or some buildings Page 2 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation ion Credit Information E. Aca [NOTE: Ifno credits are being requested for existing buildings being acquired forthe development, so indioate and go on to Part F: No Acquisition ‘Ten-Year Rule For Acquisition Credits All buildings satisfy the 10-year look-back rule of IRC Section 42 (4)(2XB), including the 10% basis/S15,000.00 rehab costs ($10,000 for Tax Exempt Bonds) per unit requirement. 1 All buildings qualify for an exception to the 10-year rule under IRC Section 42(AX2\D\G), ‘Subsection (1) Subsection (II Subsection (II). Subsection (IV) Subsection (V) oooo0 (5 The 10-year rule in IRC Section 42 (4)(2\(B) for all buildings does not apply pursuant to IRC Section 42(4\(6), CZ Different circumstances for different buildings: Attach a separate shest and explain for each building. F. Rehabilitation Credit Information [NOTE: If no credits are being requested for rehabilitation expenditures, so Indicate and go lon to Section IL (No Rehabilitation Mi jum Expenditure Requirements All buildings in the development satisfy the rehab costs per unit requirement of IRC Section 42(e\(3(AXii) All buildings in the development qualify for the IRC Section 42(e(3)(B) exception to the 10% basis requirement (4% credit only}, All buildings in the development qualify for the IRC Section 42(f(5)(B\ii)(I1) exception. a 1 Different circumstances for different buildings. Attach a separate sheet and explain for each building, G. Request For Exception ‘The proposed new construction development (including adaptive reuse and rehabilitation that ereates additional rental space) is subject to an assessment of up to minus 20 points for being located in a pool identified by the Authority as a pool with little or no increase in rent bardened population. "] N/A - Does not apply to this proposed development. in accordance with one of the following provisions under 13VAC10-180-60 Applicant seeks an exception to this rest (1. Proposed development is specialized housing designed to meet special neds that cannot readily be addressed uilizing existing residential structures. [Documentation Attached (TAB U) a Proposed development is designed to serve as a replacement for housing being demolished through redevelopment. Documentation Attached (TABU) [Proposed development is housing that is an integral part of neighborhood revitalization project sponsored by a local housing authority [Documentation Attached (TABU) v.2011 Page 3 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation I_ OWNERSHIP INFORMATION [NOTE VHDA ray asso cee ony ha I papna omy whit owns a GesoaTar al he toa he gioco. Th eh "Onna? Taran esto al iy Pear] Inte legal nel te owe The owas erty man be formes pr taming ths sppiton Aryan, dre! or ndee of pars area (ce how ‘ecg the acon tet pater pi fo the Becer-serdce dae of Ie propos develomen shal be phd, nese anf scone fo by VDA In ‘os dscen| IMPORTANT: The Owner name sted on this page must Mate exactly the net ram Isted on te Vga Sato Corporation Commission A. Owner Information: Name Elkmont Manor, LLC Contact Person Fist: David Middle: M. Last: Koogler Address 26302 Oak Ridge Dr, Suite 100 — Ba Spring texas 77380 Tay Saey Tipo) Federal I. D. No. Pending (fnot available, obtain prior to Allocation) Phone ___281-292-1 ax 1991 Email address ‘Type ofzatity: (Limited Partnership TH Other Limited Liabify Company 1 Individuals) Corporation 3) Owners orgamzational documents (eg. Partnership agreements & ownership structure chat) tached (Mandatory TAB B) (3) Cemitication trom Virginia State Corporation Commission attached (Mandatory TAB C) Principal(s) involved (e.g. general partners, LLC members, controlling shareholders, etc): ‘Names ** Phone ‘Type Ownership 9% Ownership Mark-Dana Corporation (MDC) 281-292-1940 __ Managing Member 90.00% David Mt. Koogler 92-1940 “Chairman of MDC_ TO, ‘David Mark Kooglet 281-292-1940 Presidentof MDC_ 0.00% Margery C. Roogler 281-292-1940 Exec VP of MDC 0.00% Dana R. Roogler 281-290-1940 “VP of MDC 0.00% ‘Va United Methodist Housing Development $40-825-7684 ‘Managing Member 10.00% Tulus Malinowskr S40-825-7684 President VUMHDC 0.00 “This should be 100% of the GP or managing member interest: 100.00%6 ** These should be the names of individuals who comprise the GP or managing ie simply the 3S oF Corporations which mav comprise those components. Principals’ Previous Participation Certification attached (Mandatory TAB D) & resumé. B. Seller Information: Name _Elkmont Partners LP Contact PerionDavid M. Koogler ‘Address 26302 Oak Ridge Dr Satie 100 Spring, Texas 77380 Phone SEZ Is there an identity of interest between the seller and owner/applicant? Yes 1) No Ifyes, complete the following: Principals) involved (e.g, general partners, controlling shareholders, etc.) Names Phone ‘Type Ownership % Ownershi David M. Koogler 281-292-1940__PresidenvOwner of GP 1.00% David Mark Koogler 281-292-1958 Officer of GP 0.00%. Margery C. Koogler 291-292-1940 “Officer of GP 0.00%. Dana R. Koogler 703-548-0969 Officer of GP 0.00% vi.1.2011 Page + Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation Development Team Information: Complete the following as applicable to your development team, 1. Tax Attorney Hugh T. Harrison 11 ____Related Entity? 1 ‘Yes I No Firm Name: Willams Mullen Address: 300 South Toth Stree, Sule 1600, Richmond, VA T3211 Phone: 804-120-6451 Fax 804-420-6507 2. Tax Accountant: Jan Hoover Related Enity? Yes EI No Firm Name: “Arehart Associates Address 320 Federal St, Waynesboro, VA 2080-161 Phone: 540-949-0124 Fax: 340-949-0124 3. Consoltant: NIA Related Entity? Yes [j No Firm Name: Re Address: Phone: Fax 4. Management Entity (Contact): David Mark Koogler Related Entity? Yes C] No Firm Nome: Mark-Dana Managemert, LLC Address: 26302 Oak Ridge Dr, Suite 100, Spring, TX 77380 Phone 281-292-1958 Fax 281-119-1991 5. Contractor (Contact): David M. Koogler Related Entity? Yes C] No Firm Name: Koogler Construction Colne. Adaress: 26302 Oak Ridge Dr, Suite 100, Spring, TX 7580 Phone: 1-292-1940) Fax: 281-419-1991, 6. Architect: Jim Snowa Related Entity? 2 Yes ©) No Firm Name: “Edward 17. Winks & James D, Snowa, Architects, PC Address 2119 East Franklin Street, Richmond, Va, 23223 Phone: 804-643-6196 Fas 804-643-6190 7. Real Estate Attorney: Hugh T. Harrison IL Related Entity? Yes (1 No Firm Name: Willams Mullen" = Address: 200 South [0th Street, Suite T600,Richmond, VA 2232119 Phone: 304-420-6451 Fax 804-120-6507 8. Mortgage Banker: Related Entity? 1 yes 1] No Firm Name: Address: Phone: Fax 9. Other (Contact): Related Entity? Yes (No Firm Name: Role Address: Phone: Fax vi.1.2011 Page 5 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation D. Nonprofit Involvement: [Applications For 8% Credus - Must be completed in order to comipete in the nonprofit lax ereait pool ‘all Applicants - Must be completed for points for nonpreftinvovement under the ranking system, ‘Tax Credit Nonprotit Pool Applicants To qualify the nonprofit pool, an organization described in IRC Sesion 301 (63) 0301 (6X4) and exerpt ram taxation uoder IRC Section $01 (a, whose purposes inelude the fostering of low-income housing ust “materi atcpt inthe develope and operon of he projet ough he compliance prod ‘Must ownall general parinersti interes inthe velopment Must ot eas with or contol by 2 opt organization, "Mus not have Bsn formed fo the pine pupote of competition inthe nonprofi poo. n8 Mast not ave any snfmerber, of mete fhe nope esead of deta mater pci ha props project ssalorot ey All Applicants: To quality fr points under the renking system, the nonprofits involvement need not necessy ‘satis al ofthe requirements fr participation inte nonprofit x cet po. 1 Nonprofit involvement (A Appicans) Iethere is no nonprofit volvement in his development, please indkse by checking here: (7 and go ot pa 2 Mandatory Questionnaire [Where nonprofie nvlvemes, you must complete the Non-Profit Qestomnaie [Questionaire atached (Mandatory TAB E) “Typeofinvalvement TE] Nonpeostmeets eligibility requirement for pois only, not pool or 7 Nonprofit meets iia requirement for nonprofit poo an points, 4 entiy of Nonprofi (AN nonprofit applica “The nonprofit erganization involved m his developmen is ‘he Over ‘Sithe Applicant (i dierent rom Owner) Gotker ‘Vusinia United Methodist Housing Development Corporation Jolivs Maizowski 20 Laurel Set Culpeper va ‘2701 or any '540925.7688, Pires Tar Percentage of Nonprofit Oership (Al onpesit aplicanis) Specify the onproit entiy’s percentage oimership af the general partnership interest Ag20 Page 6 ove Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation IL. DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION A. Structure and Units: 1, Total number of all units in development 44 Yotal number of rental units in development TH bedrooms __ 69 ‘Number of low-income rental units "THT bedrooms 67 Percentage of rental units designated low-income 1.00% | he development’s structural features are (check all that apply): Row House/fownhouse ] Detached Single-tamily a TE] Garden Apartments Detached Two-family Slab on Grade Basement ZI Crawl space Age of Structure: 21 (1 Elevator Number of stories: 7a&3 3. Number of new units 0 bedrooms o ‘Number of adaptive reuse units TF bedrooms ——T Number of rehab units =F bedrooms oF 4, Total Floor Area For The Entire Development 40,938.20 oy 0 Unneated Foor Area (Breezeways, Balconies, Storage) 0.00 55 6. Nonresidential Commercial Floor Area 0.00 wea (Nor eligible fr funding) ~ 7. Total Usable Residential Heated Area _ 40,938.20 as 8. Number of Buildings (cont ‘ning rental units) 4 9. Commercial Area Intended Use: 10. Project consists primarily of a building(s) which is (are) (CHOOSE ONLY ONE) Low-Rise (I-5 stories with any structural elements made of wood) [1 Mid-Rise (5-7 stories with no structural elements made of wood) (High-Rise (8 or more stories with no structural elements made of wood) 11, a, Total Net Rental Square Feet 33,187.30 b. Percentage of Net Rentable Square Feet Deemed To Be New Rental Space 0.00% B. Building Systems: Please describe each ofthe following in the space provided. Community Facilities: Paved parking, management offices, Laundry, playground equipment, Enclosed carpeted hallways with HVAC, and laundry room, playground with equipment, new clubroom with k Exterior Finish: Brick with aluminum below windows and trim Heating/AC System Central air conditioning with high efficeiney heat pump Architectural Style: Garden vii2011 Page 7 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation Cc “Amel Specify the average size per unit type: (Inetuding pro rata share of heated common area) Assisted Lg 0.00 SF 1Bdm Eld 0.00 SF 3-Bdrm Gar 0.00 SF L-Sty-EfFEM = 0.00 SF -2BdmEld. 0.00 SF 4-BdimGar_ 0.00 SF [Sty IBREld 000 SF EfGar_—— 000 SF 248ty 28R TH 0.00 SF L-Sty2BR-Eld O.00 SF -Bdrm Gar 855.30 SP 2+Sty 3BR TH 0.007 SF BAREI TOT SF Bdrm Gar. PRFSO'SF 2+Sty ABR TH 0.00 SF 2, Total gross usable, heated square feet for the entire project less nonresidential commercial area: 40,938.20 [2] Documentation attached (LAB F) Mandatory Tan NOTE; All developments must meet VHDA's Minimum Design and Construction Requirements By signing and submitting the Application For Reservation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits the applicant certifies that the proposed project budget, plans & specifications and work write-ups incorporate all necessary elements to fulfill these requirements. 3. Check the following items which apply to the proposed project: (=) Documentation attached (TAB F Architect Certification) Mandatory For any project, upon completion of construction/rehabilitation: (Optional Point items) __0% a(1) Percentage of 2-bedroom units that have 1.5 bathrooms 0% a(2) Percentage of 3 or more bedroom units that have 2 bathrooms [B.A community/meeting room with a minimum of 749 square feet is provided _77.00% c. Percentage of exterior walls covered by brick (excluding triangular gable ends, doors and windows) EE] d_Allkitchen and laundry appliances meet the EPA's Energy Star qualified program requirements [2] e._All;windows meet the EPA's Energy Star qualified program requirements 2] f. Every unit in the development is heated and cooled with either (i) heat pump equipment with both a SEER rating of 15.0 or more and a HSPF rating of 8.5 or more , or (ii) air conditioning equipment with a SEER rating of 15.0 or more, combined with gas furnaces with an AFUE rating of 90% or ‘more conthly bill) Each bathroom consists only of low-flow faucets (2.2 gpm max.) and showerheads (2.Sgpm max.) Water expense is sub-metered (the tenant will pay monthly or Z| i, Provide necessary infrastructure in all units for high speed cable, DSL or wireless internet sevice, j. All water heaters meet the EPA's Energy Star qualified program requirements. k, Every unit in the development will be heated and cooled with a geothermal heat pump that meets EPA Energy Star qualified program requirements. (J L. The development will have a solar electric system that will remain unshaded year round, be oriented to within 15 degrees of true south, and be angled horizontally within 15 degrees of latitude. lExpected Total Electrical Load (kilowatt hours per month) 0 Percent of Expected Load Offset By Solar Electric System: (0.00% vL.1.2011 Page 8 wt2onn Low Income Hossng Tax Creit Apptcation For Reservation Fora projects exclave serving ery anor handicapped tenants, pon completion tconstuction/ebabiation "pina in net) C1 ® Allcookngsangs wil ave ror conte 7).% Alas withave an mergsny ll sytem Tle Allbatwoons wil have a independent or seplomenal eat source © 4 Allentance dors have ta ee vers one a8" athe oer a standard ihe For at rehabilitation and adaptive reuse projets upon completion of eonseusian or or rhabiiati (Opstona ot ters) 2 Thesetue ise inviduly inthe National Reiter o store Paes ors looted ina esas hsnc dst ana ected y the Secreta of he een 5 ego hr Sgteacs othe dic an he eaten lB competed {sich manner tf belie fer historic emiston #5 Acessbiley (ek sone ote tolowng point separ. 5 apreepiae [2 Foran mma popery ov ay lisse per i which the preter of Sor 1M&ofthe unis il be bjt {oft rj det us eave aan ne en eeupency by extrem fnenca pesos. tnd) Re reef as or 1M nei il confor to HUD regs nen aecasly egucenes ot Sesto $0 of he Raha Act. ant estes market to people Wh pil mods eaccnance Wh ln said {srt ofte pation (Alf he unis esbed (6) doe mat nlode al showers nl andr nr at ent orl frau anes ares oy fe uot toh pean’ abso fap) (50 pom) Foray ae pope, ay ee haison propery, nich the ei of Sor 10% ote unis hve es ‘his HUD's ess Choce Vouter HCY") parent snl i) costo a HUD epltins ween mee ‘emery of cbn st of he Rebbiabon At a(t) we ace) mht peop witb ree, tntuing HCV bdr, maxes Wh alan sibite spa oe Apso 30 pts) Foc ans none propry, any ell ehbitston propery in which eas fur prem (6) of he units cota {oil regan erring acess reqaremert of econ 504 fhe Rebtaon Act and seal {haleed people wath obit impinnenem asodance wih pln submed pro he Apc. (1S pn) artheraftor LEED Development Cerise [Apps ares to Goan ater oe LEED cricsbon pet iyanee of RS Form 8609 Archit {eis ne Achst Ceeson tha te developments design wit he ie for sth eesti (1 Poin) 1D LEED Sher Certifeaton artheratCeifeaton- new cosrution évelopoen Wil be 1% more enry efi thay 2004 1ECC o ( arteef Cercation etait develope wil e304 ore rye pos-haiiton (20Po) LEED Gold Cereation arshrat Certification -newconsuton developer wil be 20% more envy ee han 3008 TECC [aritera Certfetoneuiitnan developmen wl be 4% ore nt een pot tsiiaon ooo (asPoins) [LEED Platinum Ceres arheraft Cereation pes ons vlopmet wb 258 me energy ffi han 2004 IEC artheraftCetneaton-ehbtaedesorment wile SMG moe rz fie postscabiiaon soo 1 selang ay poms asoeea with LEB or Lara seinen, ath aPFopnatecacucaton at TAI # ‘versa eign Unis ecg Une Dag Stands 4. The arciet ofiecrd cers that wits al be constructed eat VHON's Unisessal Design standards Be No in Yes tach prope cocunenaton TAB 'b Number ef Benn Unis consraced to met VDA’ Univeral Desin stands: Uae te ViIDA Cried Property Management Agent Onrerageet use a VEDA Corfied ope Managenen Agent o manage he open Dive Oe Cl Yes No EIN/A_The masts uni amenities ar substi que ooo he Tow-inceme uns fan, explain derences: Paseo Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation IV. TENANT INFORMATION AL Set-Aside Blection: UNITS SELECTED BELOW IN BOTH COLUMNS DETERMINE, POINTS FOR THE BONUS POINT CATEGORY. (Note: in order to qually for any fx eredis, @ development must meet one of two minimum thresholG occupancy tests, Either () atleast 20%| ofthe units must be rer-resticted and occupied by persons whose incomes are 50% or less ofthe area median income adjusted for family Size (this is caled the 20150 test) or i) atleast 40% of the units must be reniesticted and occupied by persons whose Incomes are 60% of less of the area median income adjusted for family size (his is called the 40160 test, all as described in Section 42 of the IRC. Rent-and income-restrcted units are known as low-income units. If you have more lowincome units thar required. you quali for more credits. Ifyou ‘ser lower incomes than required, you receive more points under the ranking system, Units Provided Per Household Type: income Levels Rent Levels [Fo Units —% of Units of Unis 5 11.36% 40% Area Median 11.36% 40% Area Median [35 RRGAT 502% Area Median Te 50% Area Median [oT THU 60% Area Median [o_O 60% Area Median fr 0.00” Non-LMT Units [=o 7“ Won-LNAT Units 10 Total (a 00 Total B. Special Housing Needs/Leasing Preference: 1 1f100% of the low-income units wil be oxcupied by either or both ofthe following special needs ‘groups as defined bythe United Sates Fair Housing Act, so indicate: LD Yes Edery (age $5 or above) O Yes Physically or mentally disable persons (must met the requirements ofthe federal “Americans with Disabilities Act) Specify the number of low-income units that will serve individuals and families with children by providing three or more bedrooms: 0_Number of units 0% of otal low-income units 3. Ifthe development has existing tenants, VHDA policy requires that the impact of economic and/or physical displacement on those tenants be minimized, in which Owners agree to abide by the Authority's Relocation Guidelines for LIHTC properties. ©] Relocation Plan Documentation attached (TAB G) 4. If leasing preference will be given to applicants on public housing waiting list and/or Section 8 ‘waiting is, s0 indicate: @ Yes O No 1 Locality has no such waiting list; If yes, provide the following information: Organization which holds such waiting lis: Harrisonburg Redevelopment and Housing Authority Contact person (Name and Title) Mr, Michael. Wong Phone Number 540-434-7386 ____=) Required documentation attached (TAB H) 5. Ifleasing preference will be given to individuals and families with children, Less than or equal to 20% of the units must have 1 or less bedrooms). Ol Yes No vi12011 Page 10 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation v. LOCAL NEEDS AND SUPPORT (Note: Biease reer to the Application Manual for specific instructions and deadlines Tor pertaining Toca | ~notiffeation of proposed Low income Housing Tax Credit developments Provide the name and the address ofthe chief execute officer (City Manager, Town Manager, or ‘County Administrator) of the pottical jurisdiction in whic the development will be located: Chet Executive Officers Name Reid A. Wodicka Chiet Executive Ofer Tite “Town Manager See Adicess 173 West Spotswood Avenue Fine 10398-5860 iy Ellon aE VE Zip “2277 ‘Name and title of local official you have discussed this profet with who coulJ answer questions forthe Jocal CEO: Reid A. Wodica, Town Manager If the property overlaps another jurisdiction please filin the following: (Chief Executive Officers Name Chief Exceutive Officer's Tile Street Adéress Toren iy eng Se em ‘Name and tie of local offical you have discussed this project with who could answer questions fr the local CEO: Project Schedule ACTUAL OR NAME OF ACTIVITY ANTICIPATED PERSON DATE RESPONSIBLE, si sie Toa enan Option Contrast 711 [David M Koger Sie Acquisiuon nT [Davie MKoogier Zoning Approval Per [David M Kooper Site Pian Approval Baw David M-Koogler Financing = vo Av Construction Loan ‘Loan Application [David M_Koogler Conditional Commaiment [Bavig M_Koogler Fim Conaninest [David M-Koopier Permanent Loan = First Lew Loan Application David M. Kooper Conte Con Sir peau Ras Tecoma mar Dahl Rie C. Permanent Loan-Second Lien co nese oan Appleton asi Ca So caer Ban one Fen Coon itt Brad Kg DOr Lone & Ga Lea sy Sous iw Sineaa Dm Kear ea Caie aaM Resi Foraiionet Ome par aida Kose TRS po oops Cin TaN a Pape Ta Daan RSE as na pees Wee Dw ans hase Hsing Pern Tue y La Govan str a KOO Sart Conraias bi bad Ro nas ae rr DaudM Kear Conte Cant oer isi baa age! ae ra bmM- Rai rei Placed in Service DA 13us [David M_Koogler S og) = Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation SUTE CONTROL, jole!_Site contol by the Owner Wentifed herein Is 8 mandatory precondition of review of tis application. Documentary fence of i, in the form of eter a ceed, option, purchase contact, or lease for aterm longer than the period of tme the| property will be subject to occupancy restrictions must De Includes herewith, (9% Competitive Credits - An option of| ‘contract must extend beyond the application deadline by a minimum of four months.) 'Warning: Site control by an entity other than the Owner, even if ts a closely related party, is not sulclent. Anticipated] future transfers to tne Owner ate not suffcient. The Owner, as Identified in Subpart IIA, must have site contro atthe} time this Application is submitted, INOTE: | the Owner receives a reservation of credits, the property must be titled in the name of or leased by (pursuant to a| long-term lease) tre Owner before the alocation ofcreits is made ths year |Contact us before you submit ths application i you have any questions about ths requirement, A. Type of Site Control by Owner: Applicant controls site by (select one and attach document - Mandatory UAB K) 1 Deed - attached Long-term Lease «attached (expiration date: ) Option - attached (expiration date: 104i ) 1 Purchase Contract - attached (expiration date: ) If more than one site forthe development and moze than one form of site contro. please so indicate 1D and attach a separate sheet specifying each site, number of exiting buildings on the site, ifany, {ype of contral of ezch site, and applicable expiration date of form of site contol. A site control dgeument is required for each site Most recent property tax assessment - Mandatory TAB K B. Timing of Acquisition by Owner: Select one! ‘Owner already controls site by ether deed or long-term lease or Owner isto acquire property by deed (or lease for period no shorter than period property will be subject to occupancy restrictions) no ater than 11/04/11 | more than one site forthe development and more than one expected date of acquisition by ‘Owner, please so indicate) and attach separate sheet specifying each site, number of existing buildings on the site, if any, and expeeted date of acquisition of each site by the Owner. ©. Market Study Data: ‘Obtain the following information from the Market Study conducted in connection with his tax credit application and enter below: Project Wide Capture Rate ~ LIHTC Units 9.64% Project Wide Caprure Rate - Market Units 0.008% Projeet Wide Capture Rate - Al Units 9.68% Project Wide Absorption Period (Months) 6 vi3.2011 Page 12 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation 2. SiteDeserpsion 1 Exaet rea ofsitein ares s.000 2. Hs locality approved final ste pan or pan of development Yes No [Required documentation form attached (TAB L) 3. Insite ropery zed forte proposed development? Yes (Ne Required documentation form attached (TABS) the proposal sek to quit for points esovstd with proximity to public transportation? Yes No Required documentation form attached (TAB A) 1D. Plans and Speciieations “Minimum submission requirements for al properties (new constuction, rehabilitation and adaptive reuse) |. A location map with propery clearly defined 2 Sketch plan ofthe ste showing overall dimension of main bulding(), major site elemens (ee, puking lots and location of existing unites, ad water, sewer, electric, ‘8 in the sess adjacent the site). Contour ines and elevation are not equied 5. Sketch plans of main buiding() reflecting ovetall dimensions of 4. Typical Moor plan's) showing apartment pes and placement 6 Ground flor plans) showing common areas Sketch Nec plans of piel dwetling unit): 4. Typical wall section(s) showing footing foundsion, wall and Mor srt "Now must indicat asie materials tute, Noor and exterior Finish 4. Required documentation for rebabiltation properties: A unit-by-unit work write-up. via20nt Page 13 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation VIL_OPERATING BUDGET Rental Assistance 1, Do or will any low-income units reosive rental assistance? (yes 1 No 2. yes indicate type of rental assistance: Section 8 New Construction Substantial Rebailitation CO Seeson # Moderate Rebabiltaton section # Ceticates Section 8 Project Based sistance [BRD SIS Renal Assistance Ly Seetion 8 Vouchers state Assistance othe: 3. Number of units receiving assistance “a Number of years in renal assistance eontract Expiration date of contract: _Project based, renews annual ©) Contract or other agreement arlached (TAB Q) 1. Monthly Utility Allowance Calculations Coe 2. Source of Uily Allowance Calculation (Attach Documentation TAB Q) oO wu (_Ustiy Company (Estimate) _Usty Company (Actual Survey) vii2011 Local PHA other: Rural Development & VEDA Pape 14 11201 come Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation Revenue Tne the ett marth iso he Ln eats ent eam Eisen Unie zi Testo Unie 2 seo 2 seaom Us FS snAs) 3 Redo Unie ° 0 {Belem Unde o so Toa usr fT Cre OS a as Oe icone Sse) es nny, cable 12 uals Total Monthy oom Tele Moras 1 Yaeaney Alloce 20%) geals Annual Eetve Gross Income (EGIL Taco Tats RT eae tetanus ithe woos | 2. nett eit ly acme forte vk Rae Un Tonto cma ae rit Type Maka ts Reva Income Tien Ue 7 = Beton Unis ° so 3 Bedroom Unis so Toa Naber of Makers Pas Other come Soe is) uae Tt! Moly em ‘lke Month us Anal Gres oti Tome Les Vaciny Allowance om Equals Anna Eetve Gros lasome (EGI)- Market Rate Units Documentation in Support of Opersting Budge stashed (FAB R) List number of units by type TOTAL UNITS Taonecm |) sapneoan |] sa0mNOME Seen [Tsay | TanerAn enrena Sete Pan be suet ere ber fein the te ao zone cgr. Woy sid ner o8 it umber of nls by type: TAN EREDIP UNITS Toy ere | 1aepteRe |) Tsay zaReD ja a i _ [ae a Unite” NetRensne Mmm Rent, re pemTemeing © Munbartn ‘Sua Pectnt ‘Mon es epeonr-aow [ees : | fee) 40% ° vii2on cony 4056 Een cc) = €05| EMcenoy 40% neon A0% tise 40% ene = <0% fcieney 0% EMiiony 40% cere -s0% Enceney 0% Eficeney- 50% tency - 80% Een) 50% | egy 50% Enieny 50% EMcany + 50% Eriany £05 ermenoy 0% Eman -£0% Eten 80% Eilon) - 60% Emon 60% sey “0% Exe) 605 eene/-£0% Enseney- 60% fen = 80% mieey 60% eee) 60% eeney- 60% eaten ‘eticeny- ate eeney- aie tency Wart ‘ony Marke exfioey eat cercy- Matte, een Manet cmiiency- Maret eency- Mart erecy- Mert Eency Markt lelele[o el] PTT TT lee |el@ fell) /1 | 5 F co otal Monty Page 15 vi2o11 1 BR-40% = 676.70. i 430 fee [Se eter = re st oe ot tere oe 1 8R 0% ee seme sn 00x mE tence ao Eh inten of near ot 3 —F s—r ist oh 1 oe sj = ot eo oe ceo 200, i 34 ae IE oe it io a 3 h— oe Cen ieee | ieee eh eet eC ‘once 3 +— iota toh ice ne SH ae = eet oe ‘cue 2 eeu t aa i ct ttn 5 200 5 5 5 5 : 5 : 5 5 2 5 : 5 5 ‘ 20 5 5 5 : 5 5 5 : 5 5 : a : 5 : Page 15 vii2on Berta 28R-40% 2BR-40%, 20R-40% 20R- 40% 2BR 40% 2BR- 40% 2eR-a0% 2BR-40% PBR 0% 20R- 20% 26R- FX 20R- 60% 2a 20% 2aR eh 2BR 60% 29R- 40% 208 £0 2R- 60% 26R-con 20R-com 2aR-20% 26R-40% 29R-60% 2aR-60% 20R-c0% 2at-co% 20-60% 2aR- 60% 208 Marat 26R-Mertat 2BR- Meret PBR Maret mbes a Sau Ft 2c. ‘300 ‘000 00 on 200, 200 tt | remy Rent 00 | | Dae, om [eos 900 | Tier 28 12550 Page 15 20R-Maket 2 eR atwaet ° PBR Manet 2 2aR- Marat PR Manat 000 ements 2aRManetRent _§ ota 2.08 Ue: Pa esizennen $ _13880 3aR-40% 38R- 0% 3 0R-40% 38R-A0% 3 BR 40% 3eR 40% 3 eR-40% 36k A0% BR -20% SUR. 3eR-60% 38R-50% SBR 50% BR. som sare 3eR-s0% 308-50" BR. 40% SBR. 20% pat so% 3BR-s0% 3 0R-60% 38R- 6% 38R- 60% 3BR- 60% 30R- 60% 3BR-40% eRe, e308 Toa ee ‘en ert Ute 200 ‘ox cre et ry 2 : same : : avec 5 Sonat 5 aon : omen : eta ‘ sonar! 5 BR strat 5 : sect $ ae aleat $ sete ° ooo ws ety sonnet § A TS aa ie ‘Ronse Moy Ren "la ‘est Taeina Sasser dena, 200 seas 203 eR 10% 300 prams 309 aan_aon 300 n= ao% 08 ston 380 tena 300 toa aox 309 sens a pres om tons 300 “eR so% 300 ser son 300 aR. 50% 200 ton 300 sono 308 ten, 200 +8R- 50% 209 sea 20% 200 498-20% (2s tenon a0 48m c0% 08 on s, 308 en 198-0 co} [00 age 1S vot 498-00 48R-<0% 08-60%, 5 5 5 : 5 5 488 Marat 488 rat BR iat ABR Marat 8% aro BR uae 08 Maat g ‘om wont Teta vate a NetRenenlese: Tone saaur30 es Unt a0 ramiwesr: — __s36730__ Tioor Space Fastin Page 15 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation D. __ Operating Expenses Terni sam ome aes 4 Ors fortnee = 2 Messen =e Team wo oreo Tae ma 9 Sart ore = : —— 5 —— 1, Doping Ts —— 41, Telephowe & Answering Service i 12 farcuns ene oo 13, Miscellaneous Administrative —s Tea sdmisrnne eer rato 0 1S Bao ——ae oon SF 18 Sue = rot ay za 1 merci ot 2 ‘5 monocytes —+ 21 irene Cnet —— 2: bum ——F 2 Ten ——— 2 fey Porton —— 3 Sins ra —— 3 Grants ——— 2 Grameen ——— 3 Neuman ert za 2B Repke ————— 3 Rj Come ————— St Btw ance oa ——— 22 enntens eps Nemence = 3 parnocmne Com ———s 3 how toa —— 3 DemnatrComes sr 36 Drewmme pe —— 3 Micon ——s5 perting& Mane Tet wis sous tance ——z 3 Paypal Tee —_— 1 Ssdinons Tat koesemis a 18 opr aby ———s 2 fain od 7 eum Corpo on 1 fats mre Eo Bets str {2 Oae ums — “ont Tans & trace Taz To opesing pene soe DI. ToalOp: x Pt 59992 Toa Ope AN EI HE) ssa pene Reyes is X38 S40 ow Cot Ek ima siaaie Toran suneue vi12011 Page 16 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation F. Cash Flow (First Year) T, Annual EGI Low-Income Units from (C1) ses 12, Annual EGI Market Units (from C2) + 2 3. Total Effective Gross Income - ]4. Total Expenses (from D) 5. Net Operating Income - 6. Total Annual Debt Service (from Page 21 B2) - 7. Cash Flow Available for Distribution = F. Projections for Financial Feasibility - 18 Year Projections of Cash Flow Stabilized Yeart_| Year? Year3 | Years | Years Eff. Gross Income 263.465] 268,735] _274,109| 279,591] 285,183 Less Oper. Expenses 186,462] 192,056 197,818] ___203,752| 209,865] Net Income. 77,003 76,679 76,292 75,839] 75319} Less Debt Service 57,062] 37,062 37,062] 37,062] 37,063] Cash Flow 19,941 19,617 19,230 18,777 18,257 Debt Coverage Ratio 135 134 134 133 132 Year6 | Year? | Year® | Year9 | Yearl0 Eff. Gross Income 290,887| 296,705, 302,639] —=308,692| _—_—314,865 Less Oper. Expenses 216161] 222,645] __—_—229,325|_—-236,204| 243,291 ‘Net Income 74,726] 74,059) 73,314] 72,489] 71,575) Less Debt Service 57,062] 37,062] 57,062] 57,062] 57.062 Cash Flow 17,664 16,997 16,252 15,425 14,513] Debt Coverage Ratio 13 130 128 127 125 Yearti_| Year? | Yeari3 | Yearl4 | earls Eff. Gross Income 321,163| 327,586] 334,138] 340,820] 347,637 Less Oper. Expenses 250,580[ 258,107] ___265,850|_—-273,826| 282,041 Net Income 70,573} 9,479 68,287] 66,995} 65,596 [Less Debt Service 57,062} 57,062| 57,062) 57,062} 57,062 Cash Flow. BSu 12,417 11,226 9,933 4 Debt Coverage Ratio Tad 122 120 17 Tis Estimated Annual Percentage Increase in Revenue 2.00% (Must be < 2%) Estimated Annual Percentage Increase in Expenses 3.00% (Must be > 3%) viA2011 Page 17 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation VIIL_ PROJECT BUDGET A. CostBasis/Maximum Allowable Credit Complete cost column and basis colum(s) as appropriate through A12. Check if the following documentation is attached at TAB S: [J Executed Construction Contract 2} Executed Trade Payment Breakdown CO Appraisal 5) Other Cost Documentation ( Environmental Studies NOTE: Attorney must opine, among other things, as to correctness of the inclusion of each cost item in el basis, type of credit and numerical calculations ofthis Part Vill “Aasount aT Cow opto 100% TacodaDTe Hr Fligito Basis~Use Applicable Columns) “Ws Presem Valve Credit’ ) tiem (A) Cost By Aegan (C) Renate "70% Prse Nee Const Value Cri T. Contractor Cost A. Offsite Improvements 0 0 o ° B. Site Work T5000 0 o 125,000 Geothermal System | | — 2 2 D. Unit Stricites (New) o o 0 E. Unit Stmetures (Reha) a 0 FR F Solar Electric Sytem 0 0 o G. Asbestos Removal ——7 ° HL Demolition @ 0 1. Commercial Space Costs o a J. Strctured Parking Garage ao o KK, Sublotal A: (Sum LA.) 0 0 TL. General Requirements 0 o M. Builder's Overhead rt 2 ( 2.0% _Contrat) N. Builders Profit a 0 9.0% Contract) ©. Bonding Fee 0 0 o ° P. Other 0 2 0 2 Q Contractor Cost Subota (Sum 1K.1P) $1,205,436 so 0 3 Owner Cons ‘A. Building Permit 6,000 ° o 6,000 B, ArchJ/Engin. Design Fee 32200 o o 32,200 732 JUnit) TAR. Supervision Fee (a8 nity p. TapFees 0 0 0 a E. Soil Borings o ° @ 0 vil.2011 Page 18 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation (A) Cost Arson a Case ap tn HN Inc BTS Etgible By asistse Applicsble Column) Ta Present Value Credit iy Tay Aewuston ic) Rea "70% Present New Consrston Valve Cres F, Owner Costs Continued F. Construction Loan Origination Fee G. Construction interest, (0.0%6 for 0 months) 1H. Taxes During Coston Insurance During Construction J. Cast Cerifieation Fee K, Tile and Revording L M Legal Fees fr Closing Permanent Loan Fee {0.0% ) 1. Oder Permancnt Loan Fees ©. Cyedit Enhancement P. Mortgage Banker Q Environmental Susy R. Structural Mechanical Study S. Appraisal Fee T Market Study U. Operating Reserve Tax Credit Fee W. OTHER (SEEPAGE 194) X. Owner Cott Subtotal (Sum2A.2) Subtotal 1+2 (Owner + Contactor Costs) 3. Developer's Fees 4. Owner's Acquistion Costs Land Existing Improvements Svbiota 4 5, Total Development Costs Subotal 2+3+4 $388.980 1.594.416 363,900 o 0 2 0 0 a o faeeeeeeee eee 0 0 os 0 0 0 cee) 0 ee a a ° 0 o a o a 0 @ 0 o 472.789 o}____ 6000 20,000 11,000 7,000 R500 34,000 22,000 370,000 is $250,180, so S1A85,616 so __si.siast6_ this application seeks rehab credits ony, in which there i appraksed value or tax assessment value here: (Attach documentation at Tab K) L201 $0 10 acquisition and no change in ownership enter the greater of Land uilding Page 19 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation (A) Cost XmoutorC Eligible Basis-Use Applicable Columns): "30% Present Value Credit D) By Aeguisiion| (Rehab "70 % Present New Corswution Value Credit" W, OfMER OWNER CONTS ‘Contingency Reserve (hab or Adaptive Reuse only) LIST ADDITIONAL ITEMS ‘Const Inspection Fee TFRE 15.000 5.000 00 15,000 5,000 o 0 0 o o @ 0 0 0 0 ° 0 0 ° o o Subtotal (Other Owner Costs) $70,000 so $70,000 vi1.2011 Page 19A Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation Armaan at Cap oy TOTS TSH Te 1 Eligible Basis-Use Applicable Columns) Present Value Cre ay (D) New "70 % Present Item cay cost (B) Acquistion Conseustion Value Credit” 5% Total Development Costs Subtotal 124344 3,671,105 1.472.789 o 1,819,516] 6. Reductions in Eligible Basis Subtract the following: A, Amount of federal pran(s) used to finance 6 ° o qualifying development costs B. Amount of nonqualtied, nonrecourse financing C. Costs of nonqualifying units higher quality 0 o o (or excess portion thereof) D. Historic Tax Credit (residential portion) o o 0 7. Total Bligible Basis (S minus 6 above) 1,472,789) ° 1,819,516 8, Adjustments) to Eligible Basis (For non-acqusition cost in eligible basis) () For QCT or DDA (Eligible Basis x 30%) 0 0 (i) For Bartherat or LEED Centfiation a TESS Total Adjusted Eligible basis 0 2,001,468 9, Applicable Fraction 100.0000%% 100.0000% 100.0000% 10, Total Qualified Basis (Same as Part IX-C) 1472.78 2,00 (Bligible Basis x Applicable Fraction) 11, Applicable Percentage (Fr 201 osmosis fe Ma 2011 pb pae fo) (Fa Stemceatsne 8 cpus ete mn ey ued | ‘Maximum Allowable Credit under IRC §42 (Qualified Basis x Applicable Pereentage) {Same as Part IX-C and equal to or more than ‘credit amount requested) n vi1.2001 3.33% 0% 00% (ee SA9,044 30 ‘$180,132, Pape 20 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation B. Sources of Funds 1, Construction Financing: List individually the sources of construction financing, including any such loans financed through grant sources: Daal] Dao? Fanta Soueottunds | appiaion | Commiment unis Name of Coma esas L_VaDA, casting 5200000 ohn Hastings b sa s. sa (2 Commitments or leter(s) of intent atached (TAB) 2, Permanent Financing: List individually the sources of all permanent financing in order of lien postion Ta Tem pucot | Daeot Amount of Annu Debt Rateot o Souve otFunds | apptiavon | Commer: Funds Sere Cot oan | venus | oun (eas) 1._WHDA spare 2197 sigois] ae 2 | 2. USDA Rua Devloprent 31412790 sseur7] oon so 2a) (seamen Parmer LP em isto sof oaor| 000 ° 5 si sol oo rood fi 5 si sol ovine] 0d | a so so] oo] i009 «) Totals: $1,883,712 $57,062 {2} Commitments or letters) of intent atached (TAB T) 3, Grants: List all grants provided for the development Ducof ] Dawah “amount of Souxe funds | Appication | Commitment Funds Name of Conc Person f si a si b. sal lk so 5 x le. 0 “Total Permanent Grants: so [) Commiteents or testers) o! intent attached (TAB) vi.1.2011 Page 21 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation 4. Pontion of Syndication Proceeds Antibutable to Historie Tax Credit Amount of Federal bistorie eredits S0_ x Equity su00) so Amount of Virginia historie credits ‘SOx Equity % $0.00, 30 6. Equity that Sponsor will Fund: Cash Investment 0 Contributed LandBuilding 5 ron tt TA 9) Deferred Developer Fee 30 Other: —a a “asa 7. Total of All Sources (B2 + B3 + BA ~ BS + B6) {not including syndivation proceeds except for historic tax credits) 8. Total Development Cost $3,671,105 (From VII-AS) 9, Less Total Sources of Funds (From B7 above) $1,883,712 10, Equals equity gap to be fanded with low-income tax credit proceeds (must equal IX-D3) 1,787,393 Syndication Inform: 1. Actual or Anticipated Name of Syndicator 2. Contact Person Phone 3, Street Address city Sate Zi. 4. a. Total tobe paid by anticipated users of eredit (eg. imited partners) ». Equity Dollars Per Credit (e.g, $0.85 per dollar of eredit) S078 «Percent of ownership entity (e.g., 995 or 99.9%) WIF 4, Net credit amount anticipated by user of credits SEIS Syndication costs not included im VIU-AS (¢.., advisory fees) 30 5. Netamount which willbe used to pay for Total Development Cost (4a-4e) as listed in Part VIII-AS (same amount as Part IX-D3) $1,787,394 6, Amount of annual eredit required for above amounts (Game amount as Part IX-D6) $229,176 7. Net Equity Factor [C5 /(C6X 10)] (same amount as Part IX-D4) 799% Syndication Publi oF 2) Private Investors: 1D individual or Corporate vil2011 Page 22 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application Ror Reservation D._ Recap of Federal, State, and Local Funds/Any Credit Enhancements 1. Are any ponions ofthe sourees of funds described abave for the development financed directly or indirectly ‘with Federal, State, o Local Government Funds? Ei Yes (No I'yes, then check the type and lst che amount of money involved, BJow:Market Loans Market-Rate Loans Ly Tax Exempt Bonds 17 Taxable Bonds so Eirpsis © Section 220 St (5) Section 221(493) By Section 221(433) 0 Seaton 312 Seaton 221(6,4) So O Section 236 77 Section 236 ‘si. [2 VHDA SPARCIREACH S922 Ly Section 223¢6 sr (Ci HOME Funds 30 1 Other Sw Dotter so © otter: so Grants Grants Cpe 0 Oi siate 80 Cupac 30 Local 30 other: a ‘Thismeans grants othe parmership. Ifyou received a oan financed by locality which received one ofthe ise rants, pleas ls it in the appropriate loan column as “other and describe the applicable grant program which funded it 2. Subsidized Funding: list all sources of funding for points Documentation Attached (TAB T) Sours of Funds Commimen da] Fane Ebnont Parner UP Lat Sam) s) ‘st B. i ‘) 5 Ey 3. Does any of your financing have any credit enhancement? D ys 1 No yes ist which financing and desribe the eredit enhancement: Rural Development ian is at 78% interest, Inerest Credit reduces effective rae to 10% 4, Other Subsidies Documentation Attached (TAB Q) (5) Real Estate Tax Abatement on the increase in the value ofthe development. G_ New project based subsidy from HUD or Rural Development for the greater of S or 10% of the units in the development. NOTE: Mast be new project based subsidy fiom HUD or RD to cual for points (11 Other Subsidies Is HUD approval for transfer of physical asset required? O ves E, For Transaetions Using Tax-Exempt Bonds Seeking 4% Credits: For purposes of the 50% Test, and based only on the data entered to this application, the portion of the aggregate basis of buildings and land financed with tax-exempt funds is NA vil.2011 Page 23 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation IX._ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION tended Use Restrietion NOTE: Each recipient of an allocation of credits will be required to record an extended use agreement as) required by the IRC governing the use of the development for low-income housing for at least 30 years. However, the IRC provides that, in certain circumstances, such extended use period may be terminated early. ‘This development will be subject tothe standard extended use agreement which permits early termination (after the mandatory 15-year compliance period) of the extended use period. Oo ‘This development will be subject to an extended use agreement in which the owner's right to any carly termination ofthe extended use provision is waived for 25 additional years after the 15- Year compliance period fora total of 40 years. Do not select if IX.B is checked below. [This development will be subject to an extended use agreement in which the owner's right to any early termination of the extended use provision is waived for 35 additional years after the 15- year compliance period fora total of 50 years. Do not select if IX.B is checked below. Nonprofit/Local Housing Authority Purchase Option/Right of First Refusal fier the mandatory 15-year compliance period, a qualified nonprofit as identified in the attached nonprofit questionnaire, or local housing authority wil! have the option to purchase fr the right of first refusal to acquire the development for a price not to exceed the outstanding debt and exit taxes. Do not select if extended compliance is selected in IX.A above. ©) Option or Right of First Refusal in Recordable Form Attached (TAB V) Enter name of qualified nonprofit: Virginia United Methodist Housing Development Corporation 2. CJA qualified nonprofit or local housing authority submits a homeownership plan committing to sell the units in the development after the mandatory 15-year compliance period to tenants whose incomes shall not exceed the applicable income limit at the time of their initial oveupaney Do not select if extended compliance is selected in IX.A above. =) Homeownership Plan Attached (TAB J) vLI2011 Page 24 sco hori Jun 9g wo ane i pa EPO HONS ‘DOHA Tog NOH HAD AAT hoc i tanee FESERRSES RES OREAS ws SK panna spp ays Sup oR ons 2 UO “IN DIN PING pou TORE Og NORTE REL FORO, DRO woseriea eI Hoes 3 GaaaaaaaaaaaRRR Al; TEER ES ER RRSRERS ssp Ras Spin ete woman so “IH Bug Sy [ert ATTY pO Fe THOT DOU NOT (orseoeea H] ocr SSE S SRE RE ROE R OOS g aay Pea snes: | vam ‘a pobre sas2ipp ans NSO Noss a a Satopia] va Sang 8H OY HERI WEL FORTH DOTA WOT coseomra hor vs oan 2449 90 2 PERT 10] BOHEMIA Pa) AE] SATO SO ROT a toc v8 erase | me cy = santo aoaeoge 5 PPS) SP > SAE FaBROT DwaIa ROT Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation 1D. Deteronination of Reservatinn Amaunt Needed [The following Calcuation ofthe amount of credits needed is substantially the same as the calculation which will be made by VHDA] to determine, as required by the IRC, the amount of credits which may be allocated for the development. However. VHDA at all times retains the right to substitute ‘such information and assumptions as are determined by VHDA to be reasonable for the| information and assumptions provided herein as to costs (including development fees, profts, etc), sources for funding, expectea| lequity, etc. Accordingly, ifthe development is selected by VHDA for a reservation of credits, the amount of such reservation may lifer significantly from the amount you compute below. 1. Total Development Costs (fom VII-AS, Column A page 20) 33,671,108 2. Less Total Sources of Funds (from VIIL-BT page 22) $183,712 3. Equals Equity Gap 1,787,393 4. Divided by Net Equity Factor (VIIL-CT page 22) 779% (Percent of 10jear eed expected to berated ms egity investment) 4, Equals Ten-Year Credit Amount Needed to Fund Gap $2291.759 Divided by em years 0 {6 Bouals Annual Tax Credit Required to Fund the Equity Gap $229,176 7. The Maximum Allowable Credit Amount $229,176 (Geom VII-A12-combined figure) (This amount must be equal to or more than 6 above) Se ee ees oo =a ene beers a4 a a Attorney's Opinion cy Atashet it Mandatory TAB W) 1 yo incur he emor message dat your reservation amount not equa ace the curser bo om cell V26" "Using the mouse aro, pint and click on "Tools" on the lop line and then cli an the "Geal Seek” option. box wil st withthe V2 cell sown in te tp spuce, place the cursor in the mid v11.2011 Page 26 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation F Statement of Owner The undersigned hereby acknowledges the following that, tothe best of As knowledge and belief. all factual information provided herein or in connection herewith is true and corrct, and all estimates are reasonable, ‘that it will a all imes indemnify and hold harmless VHDA and its assigns against all loses, cots, damages, VIIDA's expenses, and liabilities of any nature directly or indirectly resulting from, arising out of, oF relating te VHDA's acceptance, eonsideration, approval, or disapproval ofthis reservation request and the issuance or nonissuance of an allocation of credits, grants and/or loan funds in connection herewith. that points will be assigned ony for representations made herein for which satisfactory documentation Is submited herewith and that no revised representations may’ be made in conection with this application once the deadline for applications has passed that this application form, provided by VHA to applicants for tax credits, including all setions herein relative to basis, credit caleulations, and determination of the amount ofthe credit necessary to make the development financially feasible, is provided only forthe convenience of VHDA in reviewing reservation zequests; that completion hereof in no way guarantees eligibility forthe credits or ensures that the amount of credits applied for has been computed in avcordance with IRC requitements; and that any notations herein describing IRC requirements are offered only as general guides and not as legal authority thatthe undersigned is responsibie for ensuring that the proposed development will be comprised of {qualified low-income buildings and that it will in ll respects satsty all applicable requirements of federal tax law and any other requirements imposed upon ion, should one be issued. ‘tha, for the purposes of reviewing this application, VHA is entitled to rely upon representations of the undersigned as to the inclusion of costs in eligible basis and as to all of te figures and calculations relative to the determination of qualified basis for the development asa whole and/or each building therein individually as well asthe amounts and types of eredit applicable thereof, but thatthe issuance of a reservation based on such representation in no way warrants their correctness oF compliance with IRC requirements, ‘that VHDA may requestor require changes in the information submisted herewith, may substiut figures whieh it deems reasonable for any oral igures provided herein by the undersigned and may reserve credits, ifany, in an amount significantly different from the amount requested. ‘that reservations of erdits are nat transferable without prior written approval by VHDA at iss sole discretion. vi12011 Page 27 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Application For Reservation ¥. that the requirements for applying for the credits and the terms of any reservation or allocation thereof are subject to change at any time by federal or state law, federal, state or VHDA regulations, or other binding authority. 0. that reservations may be made subject to certain conditions to be satisfied prior to allocation ‘and shall in all cases be contingent upon the receipt of a nonrefundable application fee of $750 and a nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 7% of the annual credit amount reserved 11. that a true, exact, and complete copy of this application, including all the supporting documentation enclosed herewith, has been provided to the tax attorney who has provided the required attorney's opinion accompanying this submission, and 12. that the applicant has provided a complete list of all residential real estate developments in which the general partner(s) has (have) or had a controlling ownership interest and, in the case of those projects allocated credits under Section 42 of the IRC, complete information on the status of compliance with Section 42 and an explanation of any noncompliance. The applicant hereby authorizes the Housing Credit Agencies of states in which these projects are located to share compliance information with the Authority. 3. that the information in this application may be disseminated to others for purposes of verification ‘or other purposes consistent with the Virginia Freedom of Information Act. However, all information will be maintained, used or disseminated in accordance with the Government Data Collection and Dissemination Practices Act. The applicant may refuse to supply the information requested, however, such refusal will result in VHDA's inability to process the application. The original or copy of this application may be retained by VHDA, even if tax credits are not allocated to the applicant. In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, being authorized, has caused this document to be executed in its name on this 7th_day of March, 2011 Elkmont Manor, LLC (Chairman of Mankger (Title) v1.1.2011 Page 28 2011 LIHTC SELF SCORE SHEET: r Self Searing POE 1 is worksheet i intended to provide you with an estimate of your application score based on the selection exleria described in the IAP.” Most of the data used in the scoring process is automaticaly entered delow as you fil im the application. Other tems Jenoted Below in he green shaded cels, are tems fal are typical” evalusted by VHD staff during the application revew anc siblity analysis. For purposes of self scorn, wil be necessary for you to make certain decisions and assumplians about you sppicaton and enter the approprate responses in the green shaded cels of this score sheet. All ut twa requis yesino responses; in which case enter Y of N as appropriate. item 2» pertaining o the Loca’ CEO Letter wil requte one of he following responses. the letter indicates uncanaitional suppont N ~ the letter indicates oppostion tothe project; NC — no comment frm the loca, o lany ether response which Is nether unconditional suppor ner eppstion. tem Se requ a numerc value fo De entered. Pleas jemember that tne score is only an esimate based on the selection creria using the reservation application dala and th fesponses you've entered on ths score sheet. VHA reserves the right to change application dala andlor score sheet response ete appropriate, whien may change the fnal score. MANDATORY ITEMS: 2, Signed, completed application Yorn . Duplicate copy of application Yorn . Partnership agreement Yorn 6 SCC Cencation Yorn «. Previous paticination for Yorn Site conta! document Yorn 4. Arctitect' Cerifestion Yorn 1 Attomey’s opinion Yorn i. Nonprofi questionnaire (i NP) Y.NNA 1. READINESS: 2. Plan of development N oro ». Zoning approval y or 40 Tota 2, HOUSING NEEDS CHARACTERISTICS: {2 VHDA noificaton letter 9 CEO or-80 Local CEO letter (NON) 0.0r25 or 80 € Location ina cevitalzation area N 0.0r30 ‘4, Location in @ Qualifed Census Tract and revtalzation area, N ors: «8 See 8 of PHA wating list preference Y orto £ Subsidized funding commitments 409% —— Upto4a 9, Existing RO, HUD Section 8 or 236 program y 0.0r20 1 Tax abatement ar new project based rental subsidy (HUD or RO) y orto 1 Census tract with <10% poverty rate, no tax credit nts N 80125 j: Development listed on the Rural Development Rehab Priorty List y ors Dev, located in area wit itt or no increase in rent burdened population Upto-20 | Dev. located in area with increasing rent buréenee population Up t6 20 Tota 3, DEVELOPMENT CHARACTERISTICS ‘Uni size (See eleustons boon) Upto 100 Amenities (See calaustons Beem) Upto 70 Project sunsiies/HUO 504 access ily for § or 10% of units 00°50 ‘4. HCV payment standard/HUD 504 accessiilty fr 5 or 10% of units 00r30 or 2, HUD 504 accessibility fr 4% of units 0ort5 f. Proximity to public transportation 0, 10.020 {9 Development wil be Earthcratt or LEED certed 0153045 fh VHDA Certified Property Management Agent 0 or25 | Unis constructed to mest VHOA's Universal Design standards Upto 15 5. Developments wth les than 100 unis Upto 20 Total 4, TENANT POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS: 2. < 20% of units having 1 o less bedrooms N borts Percent of units with 3 or more bedrooms 000% = Upto 15 Tota! 5. SPONSOR CHARACTERISTICS: a. Developer experience -3 developments with 3x units or 6 developments with 1x units oors0 ‘rb, Developer experience -t development with 1 xunks corto 00-80 , Ppypipper experience - uncorrected hazard g 3 50.00 0.00 0.00 o0r-15 Oorx Oor-10 00-25 Err Tota Neos 6. Developer experience - noncompliance 61, Developer experience - did not build as represented 2. Developer experiance - termination of crits by VDA Management company rsted unsatistactory 6, EFFICIENT USE OF RESOURCES: 3, Credit per unit \FAMUA or REF! appears in the sere column ofthese point Upto 180 6828 Cost per unt categories check speling of Clon’ Ofc on pt must atch Upto 75 3232 Tota! ‘rail with the Jucition names tein the Appction Marae jo0so 7. BONUS FOINTS: ANT Sa 8, Unit wth rents ator below 40% of AR $53,300 11% Upto 10 10.00 '. Unts wit rent and income at or below 80% of AMI 100% Uptoso 50.09 cor &. Units ith ets ato” below 80% rented to tenans ator below 60% of AN 100% © Upto2s 9.00, ‘F d. Units in Low Income Jursaitions witn rents <= 50% rented to tenants with <= 60% of ARM 100% Uptos0 0.08 2. Extended compliance 0 Years 40 0r 50 0.00 or f, Nonproft or LHA purenase option y 0or80 50.00 2 9, Nonprofit or LHA Home Ourership option N ors, 0.00 Totat 72000 500 Point Threshold - 9% Crecits TOTAL SCORE: 719.89 475 Point Threshald- Tax Exempt Bond Credits Unit Size Calculations: (ease Sa Eisomr [Eason onset. /2pRa a 7 9) 7 Projet Saft 8054 ° ° « ° Percentage of ts oo oom 00% oe Ponts pr Beam ose) 2.00 0 fe) gn sqrt ont 7) i 5 7 Low S90 /908I 4| se ers 4) Proje SF. 80RI q | | 0 Perera of Unis oon ass casas 0 oon 9.80 r q cy 7 4) ow S91 90R ° 9) 4) 4| Prose 9/20 ° 4| 9) 4| Percentage at Unis oo, oons| 008 oom Pons pr Baoan ee) om oo 00 Terabe | Wereibraomw | 1eTabz mom you do ot rece a namene F Hn SqFt. 8089 3 a a ine untae ciatons, pen Lew 597/808 a ° ° neck ne aloe enters on pape roe SF, 80RW °) ° ° "have most be whois number a1 Peerage of Uns 00% 0% 04) values ely. Ale heck page Pont er Brom 200 oo) oso) the numberof une must be the staptorrehab ony. Coma, Amenities Al uns ave: 2 150°2 Batvoons 00% 000 ®. Communty Room 5.00 Beck Was Tr00% 1540 4, Kitchen suns Apot-Eneray Star 500 (8 Wingous Energy Str 500 4 HeauAC-SEERAFUE 1000 9. Submeterod water expense 5.00 Fh Low tow taucets& showerheads 300 I High speed cabie, DSL, wireless nornet 100 |, Water nesters moet EPA Energy Sta requrements 500 Gaatharmal Heat Pump - EPA Enegy Star requirements 0.00 a eurements 80 ‘otal sea “Al else units nave: viaa0i1 2, Front-convo ranges co . Emergency eal system © Independentsupe!. heat soc 4. Two eye viewers rehab adaptive reuse uns: vitor Hisione eructre ‘ata Total amenites: oo 600 om 00 sore CHER] eters [ET eonet tet: ‘OF CONSTRUCTION -—NE=1, ADFT =jREMAD(35000 a REM (500-98, 0004, . <4 Jrten nach ne duration names + "EHABS LOCATED N BELTWAY 615800452009) S20 Bow Toten Aslestion tans [ase rerscosrsessa00 ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ananerencosrsesoc0) ° ° ° ° ° ° ° jnouser cost PER UNT ° ° 6 ° e ° . nroverenicrzonsesscon | a ° ° ° ° ° ¢ Jeseawerenjeneons-osaacy | ° « ° ° ° ° Janae TeRsneore-comr) 6 a ° 3 6 (cost pen ur Foes. 00 00 200 0 00 00 a0 FF TRE ToT TRS TRE aE Te lave uur sie ° te ° ° ° ° ° Jatauerenscosts-as00n, 6 ise S 6 5 5 £ Jsmuvererscosrseso mon ° waze ° ° ° ° ° rtaverengcosrsesocn, . hee 8 & ° 3 3 cerCOSTPER UNT . wa & 3 6 o o Jewamereryeneons-ssara) | 9 ase taza ° ° ° ° J-arsuerer oneorscssar0 6 se08 ee 6 . 6 ° 6 Jrnurenjcrcorsersocon | 0 ease waza ° ° ° ° ° Jaane Tercenears-cone 5 Ee) oe 5 ° 5 5 5 TOTAL COST PER UNIT PONTS =a ‘TOTAL CREDIT PER UNIT POINTS w11201 we: crotnssr= LEER Joona sunt Fr Seeowsraucron Ness aBPTaaenASa ode Renaw (teaw.sanopa 1¢_fnich xa ot he icon nuns “REHARS LOCATED BELTWAY (51950055000) Sue Seow ead pletion a THRE aE EET FRETS | RET Lavo ur sz ° ° ° ° ° lranauevenscoerse26en0) ° ° ° ° ° PARAMETER COSTES, 6 6 6 6 ° pasoneren costes 00 ° ° ° ° ° souect cost ex UNIT ° ° ° . ° JrazaneTeRscreonse35000 ° ° ° ° ° JraaaueTeR cReDITsasoz0) 5 6 6 ° 6 \cosr rem unr poms oso 00 00 os 20 aS a Re TRS TORT ToT THT pspaweren cOsts=35:6 ° sare ° ° ° ° « panasierentcosts50200 ° sae waz 4 ° ° ° ° parowerenyonear's Onn nee ww Article VI. Indemnification A. Indemnity of Managers . B. No Personal Liability to Members .. Article VI. Transfer of Membership Interest ... A. No Right to Resign or Withdraw B. Transfer of Interest... Article VIL. Dissolution... Events Resulting in Dissolution Conclusion of Affairs... Liquidating Distributions Order of Priority in Liquidation ‘Termination .. Required Di amoOw> ribution in Kind Under Certain Circumstances . Article IX, Administrative Provisions ... Principal Office Bank Accounts Books and Records Reports Notices ... rooe> Article X. Miscellaneous ‘Amendment .. Enfatceability Binding Effect .. Interpretation Further Assurances .. Counterparts mmoom> G. Obligation of Good Faith and Reasonableness H. Governing Law : 1. Headings ... J. Entire Agreement ELMONT MANOR, LLC Operating Agreement This Amended and Restated Operating Agreement ("Agreement") is made and entered into as of the Ist day of March, 2011, by and between MARK-DANA CORPORATION, a Virginia corporation (“Mark-Dana”), and VIRGINIA UNITED METHODIST HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Virginia nonprofit corporation (“Non-Profit Member”) (collectively. the "initial Members"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Elkmont Manor, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company (the "Company"), was formed by the filing of articles of organization (“Articles”) with the State Corporation Commission of the Commonwealth of Virginia on February 4, 2010. WHEREAS, Mark-Dana and Non-Profit Member are the only members of the Company, and have executed and entered into a certain operating agreement. WHEREAS, this Agreement is being entered into by the Members to provide for the continuation of the Company and the clarification of certain of the terms and conditions for the operation of the Company NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants and agreements made herein, the Members, intending and agreeing hereby to be legally bound, hereby certify and agree that all operating agreements of the Company, entered into prior to the Ist day March, 2011 are hereby amended and restated in theif entirety, as follows: Article I. Operating Agreement and Purpose A. Formation. The parties to this Agreement acknowledge and affirm the formation of this limited liability company by virtue of Articles of Organization filed on February 4, 2010 with the Virginia State Corporation Commission and execute and adopt this Agreement pursuant to the Virginia Limited Liability Company Act, Chapter 12, Title 13.1 of the Code of Virginia (the "Act"). B. Name, The name of the limited liability company is "Elkanont Manor, LLC" (the "Company"). C. Purpose. The primary purpose of the Company is to acquire, construct, develop. rehabilitate, redevelop, improve, invest in, hold. lease, maintain, operate and otherwise deal with certain parcel of land tocated at 101 Elkmont Dr. Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia, which is more particularly described in Exhibit 4 attached hereto. The Company shall not engage in ‘Opring Ag ARR EM 31-11 1 any other business. D. Office. The principal office of the Company is located at 26302 Oak Ridge Drive Suite 100, Spring, TX 77380, or at such other place as the Managers (as hereinafter defined) may designate. E. Term. The term of the Company shall commence on the date of certification of the initial Articles of Organization of the Company by the Virginia State Corporation Commission, and shall continue in perpetuity, unless dissolved and terminated as provided in this Agreement. Article Il, Membership Interests; Capital Contributions A. Membership Interests. The percentage interest of each Member in the Company ("Membership Interest" or "Interest") and the business and notice address of each such Member is set forth on Exhibit B. B. Member. The term "Member" shall include the Initial Members and any other contributor of capital for a Membership Interest and any assignee, transferee, successor, legatee or disposee of ail ot any part of a Membership Interest, who is admitted to the Company as a Member pursuant to Article VIL C. Capital Contributions. ‘The initial capital contribution to the Company by each Member is set forth on Exhibit B which is attached to and incorporated in this Agreement by this reference. Additional capital contributions shall only be made as agreed upon by all the Members at that time. D. Capital Accounts. Capital accounts will be maintained in accordance with Section 704 of the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and the Income Tax Regulations promulgated thereunder (the “Code”). It is the intent of the Members to comply with the purposes of these laws. Property contributions will be reflected in these accounts on the basis of fair market, value at the time of contribution, even though the tax basis to the Company may be different. E. Interest on and Return of Capital Contributions. No Member shall be entitled to interest on its capital contribution. No Member shall be entitled to withdraw any part of its Capital Contribution or its Capital Account or to receive any distribution from the Company, and there shall be no obligation to retum to any Member or withdrawn Member any part of such Member's Capital Contributions for so long as the Company continues in existence, except as specifically provided in is Agreement. F. Loans Not to be Treated as Capital Contributions, Loans or advances by any Member to the Company shall not be considered Capital Contributions and shall not increase the Capital Account balance of the lending or advancing Member. No Member shall be required under Opnng Ag ARR EM 31-11 2 any circumstances to contribute or lend any money or property to the Company, Article II. Profits and Losses; Tax Matters A. Alllocations of Net Income and Losses. The net income and net losses of the Company shall be divided among and borne by the Members in accordance with their Membership Interests. ‘Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event that the principles of Section 704(c) of the Code, require allocations of taxable income or loss of the Company in a manner different than that set forth above, the provisions of Section 704(c) of the Code shall control such allocations among the Members. B. Tax Allocations. Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreemer or the Code, the Company shall allocate its tax items in the same manner and percentages as its book items are allocated. C. Tax Year and Accounting Matters, The tax year of the Company shall be the calendar year. The Company shall adopt methods of accounting as the Managers determine upon the advice of the certified public accounting firm servicing the Company. D. Tax Elections. The Managers may cause the Company to make, refrain from making, or revoke all tax elections provided for under the Code. E. Tax Matters Member. Mark-Dana shall be the "Tax Matters Partner" as defined in Section 6231(a)(7) of the Code (if that Section is relevant to the Company) with full and complete power to act in that capacity, ¥. Tax Classification. The Members intend that the Company be classified for federal and state income tax purposes as a partnership. Furthermore, the Members agree to take all action reasonably necessary to ensure such classification; provided, that such actions do not alter the ‘economic returns and risks associated with the Company's business. Article IV. Distributions of Net Cash Available for Distribution. A. Net Cash Available for Distribution Defined. The term "Net Cash Available for Distribution" for a fiscal year or any other period of the Company shall mean revenue received from rents of the Property in excess of Company expenditures and obligations and such reserves as the Managers, in their sole discretion, shall determine to retain to provide for working capital and contingencies, The amount of any distribution will be as defined and approved by USDA-Rural Development. B. Priority of Distribution. Net Cash Available for Distribution shall be distributed among the Members in accordance with their respective Membership Interests on an annual basis or at such shorter intervals as determined by the Managers, in their sole discretion. pring Ag A&R EM 31-11 Article V. Management of the Company. A. Management of Operations. The Members hereby unanimously agree that the responsibility for managing the business and affairs of the Company shall be delegated to one or more "Managers" pursuant to Virginia Code Section 13.1-1024. Mark-Dana and Non-Profit Partner are the Managing Members of the Company. Mark-Dana shall have a 90% interest in, and Non- Profit Member shall have a 10% interest in, the Managing Membership interest of the Company during the compliance period (as defined in Section 42(i)(1) of the Code) and as required by the Virginia Housing Development Authority and the QAP (as defined in Section V.G. hereof). The Managing Members shall appoint not less than one nor more than three Managers of the Company. ‘The Managing Members hereby appoint Mark-Dana as the Manager of the Company. The Managers shall be responsible for the management, conduct and operation of all of the Company's business, In connection therewith, the Managers shall have absolute authority and discretion to take or decline to take any action on the Company's behalf without the consent of any Member, including, without limitation, the right to borrow money, encumber property as security for such borrowing, to sell interests in the Company in connection with the syndication of tax credits, and to sell all ot a portion of the property of the Company, in each instance, on such terms as the Managers consider appropriate. The Managers shall be authorized to employ from time to time such persons, firms or corporations (including. but not limited to, aschitects, attorneys, engineers, general contractors, and tax credit syndicators) for the development, construction and sale of the property of, and interests in, ‘the Company and on such terms and for such compensation as the Managers shall consider appropriate. The Managers shal] be authorized to execute all documents and to take all other action on the Company's behalf as such Managers consider appropriate. The Managers are specifically authorized to contract for and will be responsible for all aspects of the development of Elkmont Manor, to execute contracts, to purchase and/or sell real estate in furtherance of the Company's business, to borrow construction funds, to make application and contract for tax credits, to sell interests in the Company, to enter into construction loans and permanent mortgage loans, to assume and refinance any debt, and to do whatever else is legally necessary for the proper development, construction and management of the Company property. Mark-Dana shall be the Developer and, where needed, the Guarantor for the development and construction of Elkmont Manor. Mark-Dana Management, LLC or its affiliate shall be the property manager for Elkmont Manor and Koogler Construction Co., Inc. or its affiliate shall be the general contractor for Elkmont Manor. The Managers will consult with and keep the Managing Members and other Members apprised of any material development with respect to the Company. Without the written consent of the other Managing Members and other Members, the Managers shall not have the authority to: (j) do any act in contravention of this Agreement or any applicable law or regulation, or (ii) do any act that would make it impossible to carry on the ordinary business of the Company B. Duties of Members. The Members shall devote such time, effort and skill to the Company's affairs as they deem necessary and proper for the Company's welfare and success, C. Fees to Members. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement or by the pring Az ABR EM 31-11 4 unanimous consent of the Members, no Member, in its capacity as such, shall be entitled to any fees for services rendered for or on behalf of the Company; however, the Managers will be entitled to reasonable compensation for services rendered to or on behalf of the Company. D. Limitation on Liability, A Member shall not be liable, responsible or accountable to the Company or any other Member in damages or otherwise for any acts, or for any failure to act, performed in good faith; provided, however, that a Member shall not be relieved of its fiduciary Obligations to any other Member and the Company imposed by law, or liability for fraud, bad faith, or gross negligence. E. Reimbursement. All expenses incurred with respect to the organization, operation, and management of the Company shall be borne by the Company. The Managers shall be entitled to reimbursement from the Company for direct expenses incurred by it and allocable to the organization, operation, ot management of the Company. Members and Affiliates Dealing with the Company. ‘The Managers may appoint, employ, contract, or otherwise deal with any person, including individuals with whom the Members are related, and business entities which have a financial interest, for transacting Company business, including any acts or services for the Company as the Managers may approve; provided, however, that the fees or other payments and terms of contracts with such parties shall not be less favorable to the Company than would be generally obtainable from unaffiliated parties. G. Right of First Refusal. Managers axe specifically authorized to provide a right of first refusal to Non-Profit Member to purchase the proposed development at the end of the minimum 15 year compliance period for a price equal to the sum of the outstanding debt, all taxes attributable to the sale, and all expenses of the sale all on terms and conditions required by the Code, the Virginia Housing Development Authority, and the Virginia Qualified Action Plan (“QAP”) in order to maximize the scoring of Flkmont Manor for low income housing tax credits under the QAP. This right of first refuusal will be assignable by Non-Profit Member to a qualified nonprofit organization in accordance with the Code. Article VI. Indemnification. A. Indemnity of Managers. The Managers of the Company shall be indemnified by the Company under the following circumstances and in the manner and to the extent indicated: 1, Bach Manager and its directors, officers, employees, representatives, agents, and attorneys, and their respective heirs, executors and administrators (collectively, the “Indemnified Persons”), who Was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding of any kind, whether civil, criminal, administrative, arbitrative or investigative, or Was or is the subject of any claim, and whether or not by or in the right of the Company, by reason of such Indemnified Person being or having been a Mariager or acting on behalf of a Manager, or by reason of such Indemnified Party serving or having served at the request of the Opring Ag Ad EM3-1-11 3 Company as a director, officer, manager, employee or agent of another corporation, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, committee, trust or other enterprise, or at the request of the Company in any capacity that under Federal law regulating employee benefit plans would or might constitute such Indemnified Person a fiduciary with respect to any such plan, whether ot not such plan is or was for employees of the Company, shall be indemnified by the Company against expenses (including attorneys’ fees), judgments, fines, penalties, awards, costs, amounts paid in settlement and liabilities of all kinds, actually and reasonably incurred by such Indemnified Person in connection with, or resulting from, such action, suit, proceeding or claim, if such Indemnified Person acted in good faith and in the manner such Indemnified Person reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interests of the Company, and, with respect to any criminal action or proceeding, had no reasonable cause to believe such Indemnified Person’s conduct was unlawful, provided that no indemnification shall be made in respect of any claim, issue or matter as to which such Indemnified Person shal! have been adjudicated to be liable to the Company for willful misconduct or a knowing violation of the criminal law in the performance of such Indemnified Person’s duty to the Company unless, and only to the extent, the court in which such action, suit or proceeding was brought shall determine upon application that, despite the adjudication of liability but in view of all eiscumstances of the case, such Indemnified Person is fairly and reasonably entitled to indemnity. The termination of any such action, suit or proceeding by judgment, order or conviction, or upon a plea of nolo contendere or its equivalent, of by settlement, shall not of itself create a presumption that any such Indemnified Person did not act in good faith and in a manner such Indemnified Person reasonably believed to be in, or not opposed to, the best interest of the Company. 2. Expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred by or in respect of any such Indemnified Person in connection with any such action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative, arbittative or investigative, may be paid by the Company in advance of the final disposition thereof upon receipt of an undertaking by, or on behalf of, such Indemnified Person to repay such amount, unless it shall ultimately be determined that such Indemnified Person is entitled to be indemnified by the Company, in which case reimbursement shall not be required, 3 The Members acknowledge, agree and desire that the liability of amy Member oor Managers to the Company or to any of the other Members shall be eliminated, to the maximum extent possible, pursuant to Virginia Code Section 13.1-1025, as amended. The provisions of this Article are in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other right to indemnity te which any person who is or may be indemnified by or pursuant to this Article may otherwise be entitled, and to the powers otherwise accorded by law to the Company to indemnify any such person and to purchase and maintain insurance on behalf of any such person against any liability asserted against or incurred by such person in any capacity referred to in this Article or arising from such person’s status as serving or having served in any such capacity (whether or not the Company would have the power to indemnity against such liability). 4, If'any provision of this Avticle shall be adjudicated invalid or unenforceable, such adjudication shall not be deemed to invalidate or otherwise affect any other provision hereof or any power of indemnity which the Company may have under the laws of the Commonwealth of (peng Ag ARR EM S-1-11 6 Virginia, 5. Noamendment or repeal of this Section shall limit or eliminate the right to indemnification provided hereunder with respect to acts of omissions occurring prior to such amendment or repeal. B. No Personal Liability to Members, Notwithstanding any provisions of Article VI above, the indemnification provided in this Article shall in no event cause the Members to incur any liability beyond their total Capital Contributions plus their share of any undistributed profits of the Company, nor shall it result in any liability of the Members to any third party Article VII. Transfer of Membership Interest. A. No Right to Resign or Withdraw. No Member shall have any right to voluntarily resign or otherwise withdraw from the Company without the written consent of all remaining Members of the Company, except as provided by law B. Transfer of Interest. No Member shall, directly or indirectly, transfer, sell, give, encumber, assign, pledge. or otherwise deal with or dispose of all or any part of its Membership Interest now owned or subsequently acquired by it without the written consent of all remaining Members of the Company and the Virginia Housing Development Authority (“VHDA”). Any transfer in violation of and without full compliance with this Agreement shall be void and without legal effect. Article VIII. Dissolution. A. Events Resulting in Dissolution. The Company will be dissolved upon the occurrence of any of the following: 1 The unanimous written consent of all Members: 2. The sale, transfer or other disposition of substantially all of the non-cash assets of the Company; 3. The adjudication of the Company as insolvent within the meaning of insolvency in either bankruptey or equity proceedings, or the filing of an involuntary petition in bankruptcy against the Company (which is not dismissed within ninety (90) days), or the filing against the Company of a petition for reorganization under the United States Bankruptcy Code or any state statute (Which is not dismissed within ninety (90) days), ar a general assignment by the Company for the benefit of creditors, or the voluntary claim (by the Company) that it is insolvent under any provisions of the United States Bankruptcy Code (or any state insolvency statutes), or the appointment for the Company of a temporary or permanent receiver, trustee, custodian, sequestrator, and such receiver, trustee, custodian, or sequestrator is not dismissed within ninety (90) days: ‘Opring Ag A&R EM 3-1-1 7 4, Upon the death, resignation, expulsion, bankruptey (which shall mean being the subject of an order for relief under Title XI of the United States Bankruptcy Code), or dissolution of a Member, or the occurrence of any other event that terminates the continued membership of a Member in the Company unless, within 90 days of such event, all of the remaining Members agree to continue the Company. in which event the business of the Company shall be continued in accordance ith this Agreement; 5. When so determined in accordance with other specific provisions of this Agreement; or 6. Asotherwise required by the Act. B. Conclusion of Affairs. In the event of the dissolution of the Company for any reason. the Members shall promptly wind up the affairs of the Company and liquidate its assets. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Members shall continue to share distributions and tax allocations during the petiod of liquidation in the same manner as before the dissolution. The Managers, or if the Managers are unable to serve, a representative elected by a majority (the "Liquidating Representative") shall have reasonable discretion to determine the time, manner, and terms of any sale of Company property pursuant to suc’ liquidation having due regard to the general finaneial and economic conditions of the market, consistent with their fiduciary obligations to the ‘Members and if the assets of the Company are to be distributed in kind to the Members c Liquidating Distributions. After providing for the payment of all debts and liabilities of the Company and all expenses of liquidation, and subject to the right of the Managers, or the Liquidating Representative, as the case may be, to set up such reserves as it may deem reasonably necessary for any contingencies or unforeseen liabilities or obligations of the Company, the proceeds of the liquidation and any other assets of the Company shall be distributed to or for the benefit of the Members in accordance with this Agreement. No Member shall have any right to demand or receive property other than cash upon dissolution and termination of the Company; however, the Managers ot the Liquidating Representative, as the case may be, shall have the right to distribute assets in kind, valued at the then estimated fair market value of such asses, aS a liquidating distribution to the Members, then prior to such distribution, the Capital Account of each Member shall be adjusted to reflect the amount of gain, income or loss that would have been realized if such assets had been sold al fair market value. Such assets shall be distributed on the basis of their fair market value in accordance with this Section VIII C, and the Capital Account of each Member shall be adjusted to reflect the distribution of such assets as though the adjusted basis of such assets to the Company ‘were equal to the fair market value of such assets. The fair market value of assets to be distributed in kind shall be determined by an independent MAI appraiser, who shall be selected by the Managers or the Liquidating Representative, as the case may be, actively engaged in appraisal work in Virginia che Order of Priority in Liquidation. If the Company is terminated, the Managers, or the Liquidating Representative, as the case may be, will proceed with the liquidation of the Company as Opning Ap AR EM 31-11 8 provided in the previous section and the proceeds from the liquidation will be applied as follows: 1. First, to the payment of debts and Liabilities of the Company, other than loans and advances that may have been made by the Members to the Company, and the expenses of liquidation; 2. Next, the proceeds will be applied to the payment of any loans or advances that may have been made by any Member to the Company, but if the amount available for repayment is insufficient, then on a pro rata basis; 3. Any balance remaining will be distributed to those Members with positive Capital Account balances, pro rata in accordance with their respective Capital Account balances, after giving effect to all contributions, distributions and allocations for all periods. E. Termination. Within a reasonable time following the completion of the liquidation of the Company, the Managers, or the Liquidating Representative, as the case may be (with the help of the Company accountant), shall supply to each of the Members a statement which shall set forth the assets and the liabilities of the Company as of the date of complete liquidation and each Member's portion of the distributions pursuant to this Agreement. Upon completion of the liquidation of the ‘Company and the distribution of all the Company's assets, the Company shall terminate, and the Managers, of the Liquidating Representative, as the case may be, shall have the authority to execute and record a Certificate of Cancellation of the Company as well as any and all other documents required to effectuate the dissolution and termination of the Company. F. Required Distribution in Kind Under Certain Circumstances. In the event that the Company is dissolved and not continued afier an event of dissolution described in Section VIII A.4 ‘of this Agreement, then those Members who desire to continue the Company, or to continue operating its business in substantially the same manner as before such event of dissolution, shall have the right (but not the obligation) to demand that the assets of the Company be distributed in kind to them and to the successors in interest of any former Members desiring to participate in the continuation of the business, on the condition that any other person (including any Member) holding an interest in the Company is first paid for its interest in the Company, in cash, in an amount equal to the cash such Member would have received if all assets were sold for its fair market value (as determined in Section VIII C), and the proceeds were distributed in accordance with this Agreement. Article IX. Administrative Provisions, A. Principal Office. 1. The initial principal place of business and principal office of the Company shall be at 26302 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 100, Spring, TX 77380. The Company may relocate the principal place of business and principal office and have such additional offices as the Managers may deem advisable. 2. The Managers shall have the power, on behalf of the Company, to designate, where requited, a registered agent (or other agent for receipt of service of process) in each state or other jurisdiction in which the Company transacts business and to designate, to the extent required, an office, place of business, or mailing address, within or without that state or other jurisdiction for such purpose. The initial registered office of the Company in Virginia shall be 623 Tivoli Passage, Alexandria, VA 22314, and the initial agent at such address shall be Dana R. Koogler, an officer of the corporation that is the Manager. B. Bank Accounts. 1. Funds of the Company shall be deposited in such account or accounts as the ‘Managers shall determine. Funds may be withdrawn from such accounts only for bona fide and legitimate Company purposes. Company funds may from time to time be invested in such securities, money market funds, certificates of deposit, or other liquid assets as the Managers deems appropriate. 2. Members shall not be accountable or liable for any loss of Company funds resulting from failure of insolvency of the depository institution, so long as the deposit of such funds was in compliance with this Agreement. C. Books and Records, Atall times during the term of the Company, the Managers shall keep, of cause to be kept, full and faithful books of account, records and supporting documents, which shall reflect, completely, accurately and in reasonable detail, each transaction of the Company (including, without limitation, transactions with the Members). The books of account, records, and all documents and other writings of the Company shall be kept and maintained at the principal office of the Company. Each Member or its designated representative shall, upon reasonable notice to the ‘Managers, have access to such financial books, records, and documents during reasonable business. hours and may inspect and make copies of any of them at its own expense. The Managers shall cause the Company to keep at its principal office the following: 1. Current list of the full name and iast know business address of each Member, in alphabetical order; A copy of the Articles of Organization and the Certificate of Organization. and all Articles of Amendment and Certificates of Amendment thereto; 3. Copies of the Company's federal, state, and local income tax returns and reports, if any, for the three most recent years; and 4. Copies of the Operating Agreement, as amended, and of any financial statements of the Company for the three most recent years, png Ag ARR EM3-1-U1 10 D. Reports. The Managers shall send the Members annual financial statements or reports promptly after receipt of same from the Company's accountants, E, __Norices. Unless otherwise provided herein, any offer, acceptance, election, approval, consent, certification, request, waiver, notice or other communication required or permitted to be given hereunder (hereinafter collectively referred to as a "Notice"), shall be given by enclosing the same in an envelope addressed to the Member to whom the Notice is to be given at the appropriate address set forth on the attached Exhibit B or at such other address as any Member hereafter may designate to the others in accordance with the provisions of this Section IX D, and delivered in person or deposited in the U.S. Mail, postage prepaid. In addition, any other Members shall be sent a copy of all such Notices, by delivery in person or by U.S. Mail, postage prepaid, Article X. Miscellaneous. A, Amendment, This Agreement may only be modified or amended by signed written instrument, Except as otherwise required by law, such amendment may only be made in accordance with the unanimous approval of all the Members. The parties further agree to execute any amendment to this Agreement as may be considered necessary by legal counsel to the Company in order for it t0 be treated as a partnership for federal and state income tax purposes. B. __Enforceability. ‘The waiver by any party to this Agreement of a breach of any provision of this Agreement will not operate or be construed as a waiver of any subsequent breach by any party, The invalidity or unenforceability of any particular provision of this Agreement shall not affect the other provisions, and this Agreement shall be construed in all respects as if such invalid and unenforceable provision were omitted. C. Binding Effect. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties to this Agreement, their successors, heirs, personal representatives and assigns. D. Interpretation. Whenever the context may require, any noun of pronoun used herein shall include the corresponding masculine, feminine or neuter forms. The singular form of nouns, pronouns and verbs shall include the plural and vice versa. E. Further Assurances, Each Member hereby agrees that it shall hereafter execute and deliver such further instruments, provide all information and take or forbear such further acts and things as may be reasonably required or useful to carry out the intent and purpose of this Agreement and as are not inconsistent with the terms hereof. F. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be an original but all of which together will constitute one instrument, binding upon all parties hereto, notwithstanding that all of such parties may not have executed the same counterpart. (opring Ag ARR EM 3-1-1) uN G. Obligation of Good Faith and Reasonableness. The Members agree to exercise ‘200d faith and reasonableness in the interpretation and implementation of the provisions of this Agreement. H. Governing Law, This Agreement shall be construed, governed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, without reference to the conflicts of laws rules of the Commonwealth of Virginia or any other juri 1. Headings. ‘The headings, subheadings and other captions in this Agreement are for convenience and reference only and shall not be used in interpreting, constraing or enforcing any of the provisions of this Agreement. J Entire Agreemett. This Agreement contains the entire understanding between the Members and supersedes any prior written or oral agreements between them respecting the subject matter within. There are no representations, agreements, arrangements or understandings, oral or written, between the Members relating to the subject matter of this Agreement, which are not fully expressed herein. ‘The undersigned, being all the Members of the Company, hereby agree. acknowledge and certify that the foregoing Operating Agreement, including the attached schedules and exhibits, constitutes the sole and entire Operating Agreement of the Company, adopted as of the date first above written, [REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK] pring Ag ARR EM 3-1-1 12 Witness, the following duly authorized signatures. Date: March 7, 2011 MARK-DANA CORPORATION Date: March __, 2011 VIRGINIA UNITED METHODIST HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION By: Name: Title: STATE OF TEXAS ) anf WANS oR feos “SavCommission Expos COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY) January 23,2013 The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 day of March, 2011, by David Mark Koogler. as President of Mark-Dana Corporation, a Virginia corporation, on behalf of the corporation, My Commission expires: // zx) COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA) ) TO-WIT: CITY/COUNTY OF ) instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of March, 2011, by 2as __ of Virginia United ‘Methodist Housing Development Corporation, on behalf of the corporation. The foregois My Commission expires: Notary Public pring Ag ABR EM 361-11 3 ‘Witness, the following duly authorized signatures Date: March _, 2011 MARK-DANA CORPORATION By David Mark Koogler, President Date: March 2011 VIRGINIA UNITED METHODIST HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION STATE OF TEXAS ) ) TO-wrr: COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY) ‘The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ day of March. 2011. bv David Mark Koogler. as President of Mark-Dana Corporation, a Virginia corporation. on behalf of the corporation My Commission expires Notary Public COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA) ) TOwIT crrvicounty oF Culpyos oth 1, The foregoing insyrument was acknowledged before me ths ")'dis of March. 2011, by elincrysl as Restvektatl of Virginia United Methodist Housing Development Corporation. on behalf of the corporation Fiend 19 Coos) Karn sy commission epics, Q/2F/2C12 ‘Notary Public Opting Ag ARR EW 1-1 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain property located in Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia, at address 101 Elkmont Drive, Elkton. Virginia, described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of real estate with improvements thereon and all rights, privileges and appurtenants thereto belonging, situate in the town of Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia, on the western side of Route 340, and more particularly described as containing 3.00 acres, more or less, as shown upon certain plat of Survey dated March 23, 1988, made by Bobby L. Owens, Land Surveyor. (See attached metes and bounds.) Being that certain parcel acquired by Elkmont Partners, L.P. from Ashby R. Lam on May 18, 1989 of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 974, at page 0477. Opring Ag AR EM 3-1-1] ia EXHIBIT B CAPITAL CONTRIBUTIONS Member Initial Capital Contribution Membership Interest Mark-Dana Corporation $90.00 90% 26302 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 100 Spring, TX 77380 Virginia United Methodist $10.00 10% Housing Development Corporation 220 Laurel St. Culpeper, VA 22701 Oprng Ag ABR EM Jt! 15 O77 owe quo %100 % 86°66 sequieyy BuBeuew je1oeds %600 OSL tuoneiodieg Jequiow BuiBeueyy seqwen Jo1senuy ruauidojanac) Bu uoneiodiog evedueW sipourew peu wopIseid uoneiodiog eued wen JO} WeYD dryset. PySMOUIEW (EN) Tt peysene 82s, cHeYD JauMOCjUeoIddy souvled [es8us5, ojerodsog eueg-weW %LOLL 000 °B uapIsag Ja(fo0y yew pina K8esz [ HOLSe w93'y ‘Ke19109S 8 dA oa9 8 uewuIeuD dh 98x3, 421600 “4 eUEG J21600y, Ww PINE 221600919 Arse sMeug diysieumo UONeIods0D eueg-yeW TAB C (VA SCC Certification) Commontuealtho Virginia State Corporation Counission I Certify the Following from the Records of the Commission: A certificate of organization was issued by the Commission to Elmont Manor, LLC, a limited liability company formed under the laws of VIRGINIA, effective as of February 04, 2010. As of the date below, articles of cancellation have not been filed in this office by Eikmont Manor, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, Nothing more is hereby certified. Signed and Sealed at Richmond on this Date: February 3, 2011 ( Joel H. Peck, Clerk of the Commission cisos02 State CorPoRATION Commission i Richmond, February 4, 2010 ‘This is to certify that the certificate of organization of Elkmont Manor, LLC was this day issued and admitted to record in this office and that the said limited liability company is authorized to transact its business subject to all Virginia laws applicable to the company and tts business. Effective date: February 4, 2010 State Corporation Commission Attest: —{ Clerk of the Commission crso328 TAB D (Principal’s Previous Participation Certification) rnc Previous Participation Certification VHDA Development Name: fkenen Manet Nome of Appicent ‘fener ongciie CControting General Penner ‘Mok Dano Coporaian INSTRUCTIONS: | This cenificotion mut be signed By on incvicual who is ors thorized to ect on behot of the Controling Genera! Portner ff LF] or Managing member [LLC] of the Appicant, as designated in ihe Application. VHOA wil accept an ‘uthorization document, which gives signaary authorization fo ign on benalt ofthe principa’. 2. Alloch a resume for each principal ofthe general porinetsrip (SPI er Kmiec Sabily compary [LLCand on ‘organization chart for ne lriled partnership [LP} ana LLC. 3 ASchedule Ais required forevery individual that makes up the GP or Managing Member 3°25 not oppiy to principals (of publicly raded corporations. 4. For ench property sted as "non-compliance founds," please ciltach o detailed explanation of the nalure of tne non compliance, stating whether or not it hs been resoved, 5 NBWIList only tox crea development experience for ine pos! 15 years (l=. since 1994) & The dote of this certification must be ne more than 30 days porto submission othe APBiicction DEFINMONS: For the purpose ofthis Cetification, the folowing defritions shall apply: Development shall mean the proposed mutilamiy rental housing development identified above. Particinants shall mean the principots who wil participate in tne ownership of the develonment Principe! sna mean any person (including any incvicual, join venture, porinership,fnited lbiily company, corporation, ‘nonprofit e:ganizaton, ust, or any other public cr pxvate entity) that {} with respect 10 the proposed develooment, wil ‘own oF partcinate in the ownership of the proposed development o [with fespec! fo an existing mutifamly rental "Bilect, has owned cr participated in ine ownership of such project, all os nore fuly described hereinbelow. The person Whois the owner of the proposed development or multilamily rental projec considered o principal. In determining “whether any other person fc principal, the folowing guidelines sholl govern: 1. In the case of @ parinershio which a grincipal whether as tae owner or olherwis). cll genercl partners are aiso Considered principals, regards ofthe percentage inleres! ofthe genesal partner 2. Inthe cose of 6 pubic or private corporation or organization or governmental entity that sa principal (whether asthe ‘owner ar otherwise), princibas als include the president, vice president. secretary. ond treasurer and other clicers who ore directly responsibie to the board of drectots or any equivalent govering body, as well as cl dectors or ther members of the governing body and any slockholser having @ 25% cr more interes 3. Inthe case of elimited abitly company (LLC) that # @ princina’ [whether os the owner or otherwise), ol members ore ko Considered princina’s, regardless of ne percentage interest of he member: 4, Inthe cose of aus thats @ principal [whether os the owner cr cinerwse oll persons having @ 25% or more Deneficol ownership interest in the assots of such ts; 5, nthe cose of any other person thal sa principal [whether as the Owner or otherwise, of persons having @ 25% or ‘more ownership interest in such other person ore also considered principais: ong {4. Any person that dlecty rinctecty controls, orhas the power to control. principal shot oko be considered a princinat CERTIFICATIONS: | hereby cerfy nat al he stotements made by me ore true. complete cnd conect to the best of my knowledge and belief and ore made in. geod lath including the date contained in Schedule A.and cny statements atfached f0 this certification, 1. further certiy that for the period beginning 10 years prior to he date of this Certitication: 8. During any time that ony of the parlciponts were pincipats in any mulifomily rental project, no project hes been foreclosed upon, in default or assigned fo the morgage insur [governmental or private: nor has mortgage relief by the mortgagee been given: 'b. Dusting ony time thot any ofthe particioants were principas in any mutifomly renlal projec, there hos not been ‘any breach by the owner of any agreements reiting 1 tne constuction or rencbiataton, use, operation, mangement or disposition of the projec, including removal fom a partners: €. uring an time that enyol the portcipan's wore princi in any mutfaniy rental proiect sai prncips were WB requis 19 tun ina propery fo he investor: GL To the best of my knowledge, there are no unresolved findings rated os @ result of state or federal auc management reviews or alhar governmental investigations concerning any muliforsiy ental projec in which any (of the participants were princinals 12. During any time that any of the pexticipan's were principals in any multfemsy rental project, there hos not been & suspension or fermination of payments under any stale or federal assistance contract for ne project: |, None ofthe poticipants has been convicted of felony and isnot presently, to my nowiedge, the subject ofa Complain or indictment cnerging felon felony is dined os cry offense punishable by iprsonment foro fem exceeding one very, ou! does nat heluce any afenseclasiied os 4 miemecnor under the lows ofa tote cond punishaele by imprisonment of ho years oa 1. None of the pottcioants has been suspended, debated or otherwise resticted by any federal crstate goveimental envy rom doing business with such governmental entity: and Fh. None of he portcipants has detanited on an abigation coveredt by a surely or performance bond and has not ‘been the subject of @ claim under an employee fideily bond. 2. _urher cerity that none of the partcinants isa Veginia Housing Development Autholy (VHDA] employes or member of tho immediate hausehoid Of any ofits employees. 3. further cet that none of the paricipanl is paticipating inthe ownership of @ mulifamay rental housing project {5 of is date on which constuction nas soppod for @ period in excess of 20 days or fin the case of o rallifany rental housing project asssled by any federal er state governmental entiy| which has been substantially completed for more than 90 days but for which vague documents fo closng, uch as he final cost certification, have not been fled with such governmental enty, 4. further cetiy that none of the participents hos been found by ony federal or state governmental ently or cour! to be in noncompliance wih any applicable civirights. equal employment opportuni or foi housing laws ot regulations 5. further cerliy that none of ine participants was a principal in any mutifary rental project which has been found by any fecera cr state governmental entity ar cout o have faied to comply with Section 42 of the intemal Revenue Code of 1786, 0s amended, during the period of fime in which ine participant was @ principal in such Project. 6. Statements above [i any) fo which | cannot cerliy have been deleted by sing trough the words. Inthe cose fof any such deletion, [have attached o tue and accurate sisioment to explain the relevant facts and fereumstonces {0 disciote information ebout propetios which have been found to be out of compliance or any material mis ction f an applicetion and pohiition agoins! ule applications avian toogter Gonawe Printed Nome Shifn {ote must bene mote than 20 deys pir fo submission ofthe Ampleation) Bate ‘Schedule A: Us of Alex Crest Developments fr Each Principal ths Cection Complete te fotewing. sing seperate noel as needed. tor each rncina. Leta developments hat have Contoling 6.2. of Popone Project? etsbenaCoorton = contra en ome tOmesintntyone] famsot | Bact [Tecate | Pacaain | cagyune| fovnar ve omvsupren nametecoon|""*‘meenuncer” | "wnt _| mm |r” [swvcecel bate” | fonon eo wertcoinawaret | wit Coun wren we | 288° | vanes Woranton, VA "281-252-1840 ~ “e r 433/00 fans rotoes ta Tox if T wr room agaimens [Cctsrtingestamenne| Slee een oe a oie more atoae wero va) Wrariomeemue Ty | gs |e | viarano | znamr | 8 t Goieminearens |Goreenimearamanel > | xq | m | winam | eum | w Groton vA 281-292-1940 = Carma ios , Joann ‘ocai] Commatoumauc | | sy | so | aznaam | rue |v neconactverr Ration | accomoamemne | y | 92 | w | seam | ome] w ‘ ‘mrnawe Meionenarcrionomn | ronnsionaee® [vy] un | im \nnwao| wa | 6 wea wore wemuesie | | w | © |weam| saw | w Buena Visto, VA 281-292-1940 mii 7 Goniyene panes | commcammvesoni® | —y | w | wm | narom | oamw [ceo mom age Be va | Momaeintamren® | ow | oe | ae | onus | wine | w se ee " yneia Tait, Magnofa, Magnosa Tal, UF YH a Pending NIA N egret Mog wages | | @ | pes t Tate or 0 excerorat) 981 ose sox, ‘Toit TG ESS CHRON Se OTE TE COTO Seton Previous Participation Certification VHDA Development Nome: amon! Mane Nome of Appicant “kment ares 6 Conitoting Genera Partner: ‘Man Oana Ceroraten INSTRUCTIONS: 1 This cerifcation must be signed by an individual who i, or authorized fo oct on bshalt of the Controling General Partner [LF or Managing Member (F LLC] of the Applicant, as designated in the Appicotion. VHDA willaccept an ‘authorization document, which gives Sgnatery Qutnorzation to sign on behat of he principak. 2 Attach eresume for e0ch principal the general partnership [GP] or lirited labilly company {LLChandan ‘organization chart forthe limited porinershio (WP) ond LLC. 3A Schedule Ais required foreveryindividval that makes up the GP or Managing Member docs not apaly 10 principa’s (of publicly traded comorations 4. foreach property Isled os non-compliance found.” please attach a detailed explanation ofthe nature of he non- Ccompitance, slang whether or not ir has been resoived. 5 NEWILis only 10x cecil development experience forthe past 15 yeos fie. since 1996) {6 The date ofthis certiction must be no mare than 30 days por fo submission of the Appicaton, DERINIONS: For the purpose of his Certication, the folowing definitions shot cpply Development shall mean the proposed mulitamry rental housing development identifed above. Paxicipantssnallmean the principals who wit partclpate f the ownership of the development. Eancioa! shat mean ony person fincluging any individual, joint venture, partnership, ried tbity company, corporation, ‘Ronpreft ganization ust or any other pubic or prvate eniy| that [wilh respect fo the proposed develooment, will ‘own oF participate in the ownershio of the proposed development or [wih respect to on existing mutiny rental Project, has owned o paricipated in the ownership o such project, all as more fuly deseribed nerenbelow, The person ‘whos the owner of tne proposed development cr mutton rental project is considered c principal. In determining ‘whetner any other person Is0 princpa. the folowing guidelines shall govern: 1. Inne case of partnership which s a principal {whether os the owner or otherwise} all general partners are aso considered pencioa’s, regorciess of the percentage interest of the general parner 2. Inthe case of o public or private corporation or erganization or governmental enfy thats @ principal (whether os the ‘owner or otherwise), principals alo include the presigent, vice presigert, secretary and treasurer and other olficers ‘who ore directly responsibie to the board of directers or ony equivalent govering body, a: wel os ol directors oF ‘oiner members of the governing Sody and any stockholder having a 25% or more interes: 3, In ne cose ofc evted liability company {LLC} thats a principe! (whether os the owner or otherwise, al members ore Oko considered principals, regards of the percentage Mteres! of the member: 4, Inthe case of o rust thot is principal {whether asthe owner ex otherwise, ol persons having @ 25% or mere ‘beneficial ownership interes in the asses of such trust: 5. inthe case of any other person that sa principal (whether asthe owner or otherwise cll persons having @ 25% or ‘mare ownership interes! in such other person are ao considered erincipass: and 4. Any person that directly or inlrectly controls, or has the power to contrat a grincioal shall ako be considered a princioal CCERTIICAMONS: IInereby corily that al he statements made by me are fre, complete and corect 10 the bes! of my knowlesge anc belief andl are made in good feth,inciuding ihe cata contained in Schedule A andiany statements cttached to ts ceriication, 1. IHurtner cert that forthe petioa lbeginning 10 years prior to the date of his Certiiction ©. During any time that any of the participants were principals any mutta rental project, no project hos been foreclosed upon, in default or assigned to tne morigage insurer (goverment or private): nor has mortgage refet by the mortgagee been given: 'b, During any ime thot any of the partcioants were erincioo's in any rutfariy rental projec, here has no! beon eny ‘breach by the owner of any egreements relating fo the construction orreheilition, use, Operation. management or _dspoxiion ofthe projectincivding removal fom o porinershix uring ay me hat ony of ne pariciboats were xncoak in any mutton rental project, soa pincioa were AS requres 9 umins propery fe ne mechan 4. To the best of my knowledge, there are no unresolved findings rated as ¢ res of stale or federal aucts ‘management reviews or othe: governmental vestigations conceming ony muller rental project in which any of the paticipants were princions: ‘@, During any tine tha! any of the participants were principals in any mutton rental erojec here has nol been © suspension of ferination of poyments under any state o federal assistance contrac forthe prefect; ‘None ofthe participents has been convicted ofa felony and's not preseniy. to my knowledge, the subject of complaint «indictment charging @ felony. felony & defined as any offense punishable by imprisonment foro term fexceeding one yeor, but does not include any offense classed as ¢ misdemeanor under the laws ofa state ond punishable by imprisonment of wo years cr ess 19. None ofthe participants has been suspended, debared or otherwise restrctedby ony federal x stale governmental ‘enity rom doing business with such governmental ently; ond hh. None ofthe participants has defaulted on an obligation covered by a surety or performance bond ond nas no! been the subject of a claim under an employee fleity bond. | urther certify hat none of the participants i 0 Veginis Housing Development Autnosy [VHDAj employee oro ‘member ofthe immediate household of any of emoioyees. 3. [further certly hat none of the partisans participating inthe ownership of ¢ mull rental housing project os lf ths date on which construction has stooped for a period hn excess of 20 days of (inthe case of o mutfary rental housing project asssted by any federal or state governmental ent’) which has been substantaly comleted for more than 96 days bul for which requisite documen's for closing, such as the tho cost cerffication, nave not been fied with such governmental ent. 4. further cerity that none of the porticioants has been found by any federal or state governmental entity or Court to be in noncompliance with any applicable cviights, quai employment opportunity or Tak housing as oF reguations 5, _furher cory that none of the partcioanis was @ princi in any muiifamty rental prec which hos been found by Cony federal state government eniy or cout 10 have fale fo comply with Section 42 ofthe Internal Revenue (Code of 1986, as amended, during the Period of me in which the particisant was o penal in such project. 6, Statements above [it any] 10 which leanne! centty have been deleted by stiking rough the worcs. In the cose of ‘ony such deletion, Inave attached tre and accute statement ta explain the relevant facts ond ckcumstances, ‘ale fo dislote Information abou properties which have been found o be out of comptonce or any maleia misepresentatons allon and poniion against hire applicaons. ov. Koosar Prinied Name Date [date mut bene more than 29 days eer fo submission ofthe Appicaion Schedule A: Us! of Al Tax Crett evelopment or Each Fincinelto this Ceiication Complete the foto, using soporte pagele os needed foreach ptrcina, Ut of developments hat howe skool Contig 6. rponed lett) connatng “en Sona | tots |totttow comics arectowumiasnsvend| Femet | Ser ‘icons Focegin | ecpeine | fount omvomert Nenetoeson| ‘nen aber Wnt tas_| “Sm” [sence “ote | fan want coin uence | wintconiymvesen.t? | way | 56 2750 | anya | ¥en Warrenton, VA ‘261-292-1940 ‘a _ 4113/00 " ‘attachment 7 Gtottoes il Apartments Tcionees a unsted enenti ie Siotoen va et vm pe | aie | ee | * T camve Vitge i Beers, VA ‘Wega Realty, LUC no “ “ aoe | ” a Spurs Gercertapatmens [Srotoosuumiedtatresre] yin | ag | ze | anvaow | anam | mw 7 Germonne Heights ments jocunt]__ Germana Hoving, LLC Ni st ‘eravacoa | 11/4/2008 N pratense ahve ed mys 2 é * [rccomacemanarranstey, | Accomackwaneni® | ym |g | oo | seimor | anameor a WA 281-292-1940 . aaa "2 mada a wt | Pose [reo] wa * Hecate ritewstwaner ie | wy | ap | am | asics | myn " comipersresirens | commcamrceseny | war | om | vs | snare | wanon [Yoga "Ranges Faen 1 sor wae rmnevn | Marentaten® | ww | ae | a | nam | wn [8 ‘ebeh vie. KW. 1 wopenncae, wen fra ray | amar | nia s ve ageism epretevate womata me] Magna wr [| | ronan | wa ™ o 5 u 2 { Z UHC 2s ot rwraceror, 981) 99 98%, Toll Uns 20 | TERSRGT BSTE og GAT Tooge SSD SBS NEGO TS ICT OT OSH TV [San Comraion Moctwniensne containg oF each of Sand va Koo Norse C, Kooper ond Dane Seog Sa Dav an TaoGth oN CREE ROG SS HOTIGT ftcxcdona capeaion Ml wnch ihe cowanng Ge Rol however ne owe Max fonder wo! hon chee seco & arctan ene ot devcprat th preeh 3» |B Devan Koger whe Manogna Nebr of ara MUay C Kenge a PaToW a Hise Dovaopres IC ARERU NESGR fronoer othacrea none 1 Foon of Oats Kooper nergy © Kooper Sonat Kong ane Ua WOK Kongo oer crete sndimaehstan ci morons Cameroon nb) wien fw caclsper Mele nt Cans Wa Koop none MDE ot 12 fileecsoped and by css Bs vtcpran’ nd Cotten Co, RCC) Dov Mt Kooga was Ganea Fata & ZTE cwaer TOCC| | soercta Crvn Consunncomeea Ct ans Save uikccglrs TO nn one eset oak claw Teva Sora oop ons Bova avgur estan oer recto er snrevacer oh 12 | tment ove teeta mega © ooper Dona Taegan Sd DOV Wa TOSGA 3 BT OER, ST TS PANGS TDS tiers ine sow narers ne common ce Sate Previous Parlicipation Certification VHDA evelopment Nome: tment Maree Nome of Applicant: Ehren Mane. iC Controting Genera! Pariner: ‘Mave bana Compaction INSTRUCTIONS: 1 Ths cerfiication must be signed by an indviduct wh ari authorized to act on behalf ofthe Controling General Pastner [if LP] or Managing Membe: [i LLC] 0! the Appiicant, as designated in the Application. VHDA wil accept an ‘authorization document, which gives signelory authorization fo sign on behalf ofthe principal. 2 Attach a resume for each principal of the general porinership {GP} orliited tabiliy company (LLCand an Cergenization chart forthe limited partnership (LP) nd LLC. 3A Schedule 4 Is required forevery Individual that makes up the GP or Managing Member does not apply 10 principals Cf pubich traded corporations. 4 Foreach property Istec as ‘non-compfance found." please allach a detalled explanation of he nature ofthe non compliance, slating whether or not ithas boen resolved. 5 NEWILs! onl fox cect! development exnerience forthe past '5 yeas (I=. since 1996) {5 The date ofthis certfcation mus} be na more than 30 days por fo submision of the AppIication. DEFINITIONS: For the purpose of this Certification, the fofowing definitions shall apply: evelooment shall mean the proposed multifamily rental housing development Kentiied above, articigants shall mean the principals who wil participate in the ownership of the development, rincipal shall mean any person (including ony inclvidual, joint venture. porinership, lied fabily company, corporation, Ronproft organization, ust, r any other pubic oF private enki) thal I] with respect fo the proposed deveronment, wll ‘wn oF participate inthe ownership of the proposed development or (i with respect to an exising multiamiy rental Project, has owned or participated in the ownership of such project al as more fully described hereinbeiow. The person ‘who the owner othe proposed development or mutitamy rental paject & considered a princiool, In determining “whether any cther person's @ principal the folowing guidelines shall gover: |. In the cose of a porinershio which &« principal (whether os the owner or otherwise). cll general partners are also “considered grincipa's regardless of the percentage interest of the generol pariner 2. Inthe cose of a pubic or private corporation or organization er governmental eniy that is a principal whether as ne ‘owner or otherwise), ptincipais alo include the president, vice president, secretary, ond reasutor Gnd other officers who are direcily responsible fo the board of directors oF any equivalan! governing body, cs wel as al drectors oF ‘other members of he governing body and any stockholder having a 25% or more interest 3. In he cose ofa tinted fabity company (LLC) that sa principal (whether os the owner or otherwise). cl members are ‘also considered princioal, regarles of the percentage interes! of the member: 4. Inthe case of a tus thats 4 principal whether as the owner or otherwise). ol persons having © 25% or more bbenefciol ownership interes inthe assets of such Must: 5, Inthe case of ony other person that is @ principal (whether as the owner or otherwise, cll persons having @ 25% or ‘mote ownership inlerest in such other person ore also considered erincipals: ond 6. Any person that direct orindrectly contol, or has the power to contol, a principal shall aso be considered & principal (CERTFACATIONS: | hereby ceriy thot al the statements made by me ore tus, comple!e and correct to the best of my knowledge and bbelet ana are mode in good feh.ncuaing the data cantainedin Schedule & ond any statements attocned 19 ths certiicatin. 1. LItcther cently that forthe perio beginning 10 years pio tothe cote of ths Cortifcation: (@. During eny ime that any of the Partcipants were principa’ in eny muitlamily rental project. no project nas been {orectosed ypon, in default or assigned to the mortgage insurer (Governmental or private}; nor has mortgage relt by the mortgagee been given: During eny time that ony ofthe participants were principats in any mulitamy rental project, here has not been ony breach by the owner of any agreements retaing tothe construction or renabiftaton, vse, operation, management oF spostion of he projecl.includng removal roma parinersig ‘¢. Duting any time that any of the partcinants were peincpals in any muttiomilyrentol project. soi principals were: AKT requited to tun in a property fo ne investr 4. To the best of my knowledge. thers are no unresolved fincings raised 0s a resut of ste or federal aucts, management reviews or other governmental investigations concerning any mulitarly rental project in which ony of tne pticipants were principals {2 During ony fene that any of the particioants were principals in any muliferay rentol project there has nol been & suspension or termination of payments under any state or federal assstance conirac! fo ihe project: f. None of the participants hos been convictes of a felony ands nol presently. to my knoweedge, the subject of complaint o”ingictment charging a felony. felony i defined os any offense punishable by impcsonment fora term ‘exceeding one year. Bu! Goes no! include any offense cassiied as @ misdemeanor under the lows ofa stale and unishabie by Imprsonment of two Years or less (9, Néne of the participants hos been suspended, dabavedtor otherwise restictecby any federal or stale governmental entity from doing business with such governmental ently: and fh. None ofthe participants has defautted on an obigation covered by a surely or performance bond and has not been the subject of a claim under an employee fidelity bane, turner cerlly that none of the portciponis isa Veginia Housing Develepment Auihoriy VHOA] employes ora member of the immediate household of any of employers. 3, further certiy thot none of the particioonis s paricipating inthe ownership ct @ musilamly rental housing project os Of this dote on which construction has stopped for period ln excess of 20 days or inthe case of a mutifamiy rental housing project assisted by ony federaicr state governmental ent] which has Deen substantially completed for ‘meee than 99 days bu! for whien requste documents for closing, such as ihe final cost cercotion, nave not been fled with such governmental ently. 4. futher cortly that none of the participants has been found by any federal or state govemmenta' entity or cout 10 be innoncomptonce with any epplicable cWvilrights, equal employment oppertunity ofa ousing laws or reguiations. 5. {farther certiy thot none ofthe participants was a princioalin ony muititomiy rental project which has been found by ‘any federal cr slate governmental ent oF cour To Nave failed to comply wth Section 420! the Interna’ Revenue Cage of 1986, as amended, during the perlod of ime in which ine poricipant was @ principe in such projec 6. Statements ebove ff any] to which | cannot certty have besn deleted by siding through the words. in the cose of ‘ony Such deletion, Ihave atlached a true andl accurate statement fo explain the relevant facts and ckcumstances. Foire fo dlciose Information about properties which have been found tobe out of compliance or any material mi-representation® ‘re grounds for rejecon of en application and proton agains! uke applications, Dargo C Ig Lon erg toot Sonoiee Prrteg Nome 31Pl Go 1p Pol date [cote must be no more than 20 days por fo submision of he Appicaton) Schedule A: Us of All Tx Credit Develepmentsfor Each Principal lo this Cetication Corel he folowing. una seperate nega) as need, or each principal. Ist i davelocments thot have arg ¢ ood contain 6. etropored Pel? ND ] contatng Non. Sono | tots [ttt conetirce are ctomeniptitiyend] Farmer | be. |'scene| neceain | serine) amare oevetopner saraftocston "ene ‘int | Gon | “Oar [sacs ate} “oa” | enon ten veicrminene: | Macgrmimntonir | wg | x | os | ee | mm | ateers 2 TL rotonst apartments | Gotoes Mune Print| ] no 4 ae ew | ato | an | ow Sion rns sown 7 ‘Veginia Reaty. Li sino vingentmenval rorionmerinc [ny | a | a | vam] arm | 4 [ Colcmtapatment: [orioes tunics Pomnenhe] wy eva eae A Grotioes vA, BB128R 1°40 2) a vagca | 4/20 pporimons ocus} Semenstowingec yey | gy | so | evzrmooe | ruse | Grove. vh 4 | pesomoarsanorrosow, | _Aecorctneren Wo > | swam | wan Ma mecha wa | 2 |e | senoy | anvanr sapanatio iowa | mencctoneme™ | win | mt | tm [avano| wm ' (iter anes cs nat wer | @ | © |ranmmme| ona | 9 * | cemnycue apotmenn | Cont. cimneaion i | we aman | vane [ones ane Caren ve Timo wor [7 [os | visnme | sane [Soper 2° ‘Nerthompton Partners. tmere vlogs. tare va | Nethomplan a wi fae | | onanms | ver | ua 4 1 i | 4 "1 recnvtcon tonne | pete’ | min [vee | m | aazen | wa " wogrofa tor moana me] Mogeta | we | # | © | tonto | wa 8 ie z = t 2 i ® ware anne Forno EL ieee alana 10 | ease naw ea aC Hain BSE aR, SA OST TOSSES SA TRC TS TSS TT Ibis copocton uoctwent ie conaatcr TS Each oD aoa any Coo, ard Dara ¥ Fong ADS a oars B SCS TT SOS OT STO JeSbve caperanon ttl micrn ne corto GF tase honever et Dont en ioober ns noon tee oc freenosera nee ceva see 25 | Baad Roope he aon mabe 9 aa apy © RSCG To RATES re BOT TE WEN MaRS Jae tert wana ice,Eacvc Dons Roeser cxsenC tong Danek ceoger ove Gand ak tage taxon ctce Iter arasscencom snore bara Conus fabel wath ire deer Role el Sala teens enews TNE ot se SDSL SRO id Bothipnant one Catuaion Co KECK] Bane Kanga we Gene Pane, EER Gwa RCE ioe roger Conran Cons tecractos KEG ene Bone loop le onan nonson Fours mapere Tonper borat tee eve Bosak rocaeranctos enc tector enon ot sa [seen aT anS Tong Mega C Yoo Dans Kooi Srl Dove NON ESOS HON SPER, Se TOOT MET [ich inesoe rence hecomono se Previous Participation Certification Development Name: anon ana Name of Applicant: mon! Wane ‘Controling General Partner: ‘Mark Dana Corpora INSTRUCTIONS: 1 his cetication mast be signed by an incivdval who bor uthoized fo act on bea ofthe Contoting General Partner iL er Managing Member {LLC} of the Appicant as designated in the Appication. VHDA wil accept an ‘authorization document, which gives Sonatory authorization fo sign on behat ofthe princibas 2. Attach a resume fo each principal of the general parinership [GP] or fried fabiity compary {LLCand an ‘xgarizaton chor forthe lmited parnership (LP) ond LLC. 3A Schedule Als required forgvary indvidval hat makes up the GP or Managing Member does not appl fo princioa’s of pebicry Faded eorperations 4 foreach property lated as nomcompfonce found." please attach a detaied expianation of the nature ofthe non: ‘compliance, stating whether or no! ithas been fesoved. 5 NEWUst oniy fax crecit development experience forthe past 15 years (ie. since 1996) 6. The date of his certfication mus! be ne more than 30 dors prior fo submission of the Appcaton DEFINITIONS: For the purpose ofthis Certification the folowing definitions shal apply: Development shall mean the proposed mutilamily rent housing development ideniiied above. aaticioants shall mecn the principals who wil participate in the ownership ofthe development incipa shall mean any person (inching any individual, join! vontute, parinetship, filed Faby company, corporation, ‘Ronprofi organization, ust, orany olher Pubic or private entity) that i] with respect fo Ihe proposed devetopment wil ‘own oF participate in the avinership of the proposed development or (3] with respect existing mutilamly ent project, has owned or parlicipaled in the ownership of such project, allas more fly descrbedthereinbelow. The person ‘who isthe owner of the proposed development or mulfomy rental project i considered a principal. In deterrining ‘whether any other person isa principal the fofowing guidelines shal gover: In the cose of a partnership which i @ principal jvhethner as the owner or otherwise). all general partners are Oo Considered princina’s, regarcess of the percentoge interes ol the general partner: 2. Inthe case of « public o private corporation or orgonization ox govemmentolentily thats pencipal whelher as the ‘owner oF otherwise, principals aso include the president, vice eresident, secrelary, ond treasurer and other officers who are dtectly responsible fo the board of director or any equivalent governing body, as wel as al cectors other members of he governing body anc cry slockholder having @ 25% or more intores: 3._ In the case ofa imited tabily company (LLC) that sa incjpal (whether as the owner or otherwise, cil members cre ‘so considered principats, regards ofthe percentage interes! of the member: 4. nthe case of tus thal sa principal (whether as the owner or otherwise). a persons having a 25% or more beneficial ownership intrest in the ossets of such tus 5. Inthe case of any other person that « principal (whether as the owner or otherwise), all persons having o 25% or ‘move ownership interest in such other person are aso considered principal: anc 6. Any person that dectly or inrectly conto, or has the power 10 contol a principal shall ako be considered a principal, CERTIFICATIONS: [hereby cory thal cll the slolements made by me are tue, complete ond corect lo the bes! of my knowledge and bole and ate made in good faith, including the data contained in Schedule A and any statements attached fo this ceriication. | trther certily tha! forthe period beginning 10 years prior to the date ofthis Certication: ‘0._Dusing ony time that any othe partcipants were principasin any muttomay rental project no project has been {foreciosed upon. in defoult oF assigned fo the mortgage insurer [governmental cr rivate): hor has mortgage relet by the morlgegee beon alven: ». During any fme that any of the porticiaonts were principas in any multifamily rental project. there hes not boen any breach by the owner of ony agreements relating fo the construction of rehabilitation, vse, operation. managemen! or sposton of the project. including removal fam o parineshict, During ony time that ony ofthe participants were principal in ony ruliforiy rental proect, said principals wer required to tun inc property tothe invest, wer @. To the best of my knowledge, there ore no unresolved ndings raised 0s 6 resull of state or federal cudis, management reviews or olher governmental investigations conceming cry mufilamily rental project in which any of the particioanis were principal fe. During any time that eny ofthe particinans wore principal in ony muliomsy enol project, there has no! been © suspension or termination of payments under any stale or federal assstance contac for the project |. None of he participants has been convicted of a felony ands nol presently, lo my knowledge. the subject of a ‘complain! oringictmen! charging a felony. A felony is defined os ony offense punishable by imprsonment for c term ‘exceeding one yeor, but does not include any olla closilied as G misdemeanor under the lows ofa stale anc punishable by impréonment of two years oles 19. None ofthe pavticinants thas been suspended, deborned cr otherwise restictedby any federal or stale governmental ‘enily torn doing business with such governmental erty: and Fh. None ot the participants has defaulted on an obigation covered by a surely or perlormance bond end has no! been ‘he subject ofa claim under an employee fidelly bona, | turther cerity that none ofthe participan'sis¢ Virginia Housing Development Autheriy (VHDA) employee or a member o! the immediate hausehod of any of ls emolovees. 3. Turther certy that none of the portic}pants i pacipating in the ownership af a mulfemiy rentol housing project os ‘of this date on which construction has lopped fore period in excess of 20 days [in the case of « mutfamly rental ‘housing project asited by any lederal or state governmental eli) which has been substentialy completed for ‘more than 90 days bu! for hich requisite documenis fer cesing, such os the final cost cerffication, hove nol been fled win such governmental entity 4, Ltyrthor certily that none of he participants has been found by any federal state governmental entity or court to be in noncompionce with any opplicabie cv ights, equal employment ooperiunily or fairhousing laws ce reguiations, 5. | futhorcertily thet none of the participants was a principal in any mutiforly rental projec! which has been found by ‘any federal cr state governmental ently or aur! to have faled 10 comply with Section 42 ofthe intemal Revenue Cove of 1986, es amended, duzing the period of time in which the pertcinan! was a principalin such proiech 6. _Slalemants above ff cry? to which I cannot cerlly have been deleted by sirking thvough the words, In the cose of ‘ony such deletion, Ihave otfoched a true and accurcle statement fo expiain the relevant facts ona ckcumstances. “Printed Nome {date mus! be ne more than 30 days par te submission o he ApriicoFon) ‘Schedule A: Us of AlTax Crect Developments for Each Picipal to ths Certication 2 B 8 eat ase evr then i ‘Contrating ] Nore ore of Owens ety ond| Sarre? | ben |ecome| pecan |sanave| fet ine evelopment narafccahon| “hereto” "| “Tar | ons_| “on™ ceoua| cute" | (ootenten ‘hacen Baie thas ‘octet wa Gotten [omega alee eee sire trove veonen eon ve| — weamaneatn ee vm | as | ca | waa | arm | parla Ts na | a |e | ermoe | avaanee ® 7 Comers ts vou poonments tect) Semgnarowsing tt | wy Fs | so | azrrane | riya ® AccomectmencrFoniy, |€ | wig | 2 | 90 | sew | ava | 6 vonranarerionone| woaaroveaet | ww | am | wm Ivano) wa . ™ ‘21292-1958 I a eres wane Vicret Maner uc | Tl: ya ae cere wo | © | © | wna) mm | comecuregirom | commeesnrern” | nm | w | w | vsnew | one [eon ‘amore vaooeemerava | Twig [| ag | ae | aims | vas | ow “eboh vag oy seh age wn [om [om [amon | we ‘i SS io | | a | peor | ws T t we aot mrscrrone| sl] _ 99 sxe] “Mba lareacn otoana wKeogir wargav © Keoaiat Dana ® Kosgla, and Dav Won OSGI oon GTRCRT Bier ONS TROSHOISe MOR Dana Cerpaaton 3c} which she convolng GP [i] Fach of Davis Coogi Margen © Koogir, and Dana B Kaager avd David War Faogiai a few draco’ cod sarerotda oT Hane Sona Corporton [uOC) whichis he conoling GP ker, however not Davis Wore Laeger was nos en ffcer eco ot [a}Dove mt Rooaierb me Managing Member ond wargey © Roogar ta mente’ ot Rlcrel Davoren IG wien B WORSEN ember of ses anor Lc. Foc! Dold, Kooglet Margery © Koon Oava ® Kaoglet, and Dovs Mat Keogier bos otter rece enasnerar strana cepearon ibe] whic e reper. ae ht Dove Mon Kool war noice eT MOE a is Develcbed and ol by Koger DevelopTnel ana Commcion Ca ROCG], Dana Keogi’ was Genes Porm RSE ower KECC] Jenow toornrCorccton Company Incemoraed (CC) and Bava Mh Kooga 10k ownat ond Present Eaen ot worger€.Koogle, Joana koogler. one boa Mat Ratlar snot on oer, caro or haronokter of ROS. 5 Fae Daven Koco Margery. Kaoair Cana KKaogir oa Dave Mo fogeré@ oh eG, SSC GRE POONA MOS fnncnistne ssl mamserorihe coral Previous Participation Certification Development Name: Amant wonee Nome of Applicant: “skmont Mener IIS CControting Genera! Partner: ‘Mark Dene Corporation INSTRUCTIONS: 1 This certifcation must be signed by an individual who is, 0 uthoraed to act on behatf ofthe Controling General Partner (LF or Managing Member LLC) of the Agpicont. os designated in the Application. VHDA wit accept on ‘authorization document, which giv signatary authoreation to sign on oehalt ol the pxneipat 2_Attach e resume for e0cn principa’ of the general partnerstio (GP) or ieited billy company {ULCland on Cergonization chart forthe nites partnership {LP and LLC. 3A Schedule Ais required forevery individual that makes up the GP or Managing Member does nat copiy to princioals of pubic roded corporations 4 For each property listed as on-complionce founa." please ottach 9 detalled exclanation of the nature of the non- compliance, stating whether or no! nas been reselved, NEW List only tax creait development exoerience forthe post 1§ years [le. since 1996) & The dote of hs cerification must ba ne mare than 30 days porte suamision of ihe Apalication. DEFINITIONS: ‘ne Durpos8 of this Certitcation, the folowing defirtions shal app Davelooment shall mean the proposed mulifomly rental housing develooment identified above. Partciaan shal mean the principals who wil participate in the ownership of the develoomernt Princoa! shell mean ony person linclucing any incividual. joint venture, partnership, kmted lobity comoany. corperation, Ronorofit organization, tus, or cay other public o° private ently) that [| with respect to the proposed development, wil ‘own cr participate in the ownership ofthe roposed development orf with respect to an éxisting mutitemiy contol Droject, nas owned or participated in the ownership of such project. al as more fuly described nereinbslow. The person ‘who is the owner of he axonosed development or motion rental projects consioered c pencpa.. In determing ‘whether any other person i @ pncipal, he following guidelines shal gover: In the cose of @ partnership which i @ principal whether asthe owner or otherwise), cil general pextners cre a0 Cconiicered princioals, regarcless of the percentage interest o! the general partner 2. Inthe case of« pubic er private coxperotion or erganization er governmental entity thot is 2 pincipal whether os the owner or otherwise), princioas iso include the present. vice president, secretary ond treosurer and other offcers who ore cirecty responsibe 10 the boord of directors or any equivatent governing body, as wellas all drectors or ‘other members of the governing Body ona any sloeknolser having o 25% Or ore interae: 3, Inthe coie of lied tobilty company (LLC) that is @ princiaa! [whether of the owner or otherwise. all members re (80 conscered principal, regardless of the percentage interest of the member: 4. Inthe case of 2 trust that sa principal whether as the owner cr otherwise, ll persons having 0 25% or more Denefcial ownership interest in the assets of such rust: ln the case of any other person that is@ principal {whetner of the owner or otherwise). oll persons having 0 25% oF rmoce ownership interestin sycn other person ore also consicered principas ano {8 Any person that Gtectiy or inrecty control, or has the power to contrl. a prine'pel shall obo be considered a pineal, ‘CERTIACATIONS: {hereby cerity thot all the slatements mode by me ore ite. complete and comect othe best of my knowledge and belief andl cre made in good foil nclucing the date contained in Schedule A and! cny statements attached to this certiication. 1. Hurther centty that for the period beginning 10 years prior o the dale of this Certification: 12. _Duting any time that any of the poricipants were principat In any mullifariy rental project, no project has been foreclosed! upon, in default or asignedi 1 Ihe morigage insurer (governmental or prwale); nar hos Merlgage reli! by the merigagee been giver: 'b, Bung any ie that any of the participants wore principals in any malfamly rental project, there has not been any breach by the owner of any agreements relating fo the construction orrehabilfaion, use, operclion, management or 5 37218.00 {5 ths baling spar ofa muti bllng pole, ener tha numberof bllngs in the project » 3 7. Total numberof reigentia! units ints uléing ... ee » 70 b Total numberof oyrincame unt in his bling. > (4 ¢ Total numberof residential unt tis butng determina to have noneempkanes sues » 1 4 Toll numberof units reviewecs by agoey 98 structions) : » 3 ain bulng cose o cong wih to lower on ra prov ons) VED c 10072009 9 Date noncompliance corected (i applisable) (09 instructions) (MMDDYYYY) a |e 40142009 >o Check this Box you ar fling only to show cocrection ofa previously reported ronesmpliance problem Olen Csen 44 hook the box(es) that appt: comptarce "Comet ‘a Household income above income limit upon initial occupancy a al 1 Onno fated to cow complete or document tenant’ annus income receitaton ao ao ‘€ Violation(s) of the UPCS or local inspection standards (see instructions) {attach explanation) a & 4 Owner falc to prove annua certieatlons or provid incomplete or accurate cetieaions o o @ Changes in Eligible Basis or the Applicable Percentage (see instructions). Qa a 1 Project failed to meet minimum set-aside requirement (20/50, 40/60 test} (see instructions) Q a 1 Gross rat) excond tax coc ts a o fr Projet not aval tothe general pubic (0 stations) aac explanation o Q 4 Violation(s) of the Available Unit Rule under section 42(g)(2NDXi) Q oO J Violation) ofthe Vacane Unit Ru undo Fg. 1.42018). a o Owner fall to execute and record extended-use agreement within time proscribed by ssction 42mw6K) Qo Q | Low-income units occupied by Nonqualified full-time students: a a 1m Qn did not property calculate uty alowance a a ‘8 Oumer has fallad to respond to agency requests for monitoring reviews oO oO © Lowincome units used ona ranslant basis tach explanaton) o o PBuikting Is no Jonger in compliance nor participating in the section 42 program (attach ‘explanation Q 9 Ctfrer noncompliance issues (attach explanation) a oO 12.” Adana ifonatio for any am above. Altach expansion and cick box +a 18a Bulg dspostion by [] Sa [] Forecinure [) Destucton " C] Otho ata vpn) 'b Date of aisposition (MMODYYYY) —] I d New owner's taxpayer identification number © Now ovine’ nam 14 Name of contact parson Brenda Hawkins ]15Tetapnone number of Santas peson —__|_(804) 43-8763, ex. Brenda Hawkins, ¥ Puudag Mla.) a Shane of airy ofc For Paperwork Reruction Aot Notice, S68 Matructons ‘Cat No PD ‘Seat adress ‘iy er town, Hate, and ZIP cade paar poration ol pay, | dock Wat va waned Wis ropon Feary BSE ex, 19-208) ANNEX A TO PREVIOUS PARTICIPATION CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE A DEVELOPMENT: COUNTRY CLUB APARTMENTS A fire occurred at Country Club Apartments in September 2008 affecting 18 units (see attached 8823 and related correction 8823). The affected units have been re-constructed and construction was completed in June 2009. [Lows sss-sa0¢ Low-income Housing Credit Agencies | check har if tis s an “sm 8823 | ° ae nieeee fon 88 3 Report of Noncompliance or Building Disposition Soar | terrace mats iracnty etksoratstgernritimion | earinant E 2 eg re Ton nana as an Fn PLT] atone, vass12202 oe j ‘Sret adress 4601 LAKESIDE AVENUE Gity oF town, state, and ZIP code Richmond, VA 23223, 2 Bullng sentcaion nombar IN) VAS6Ta701 {8 Owner's ane, Check f hem S aifre Fern Form e609 TT Country Club investors, LP. ‘Seroet aasress ~~] 49 Sitverstrand Place _-. iy oF town, site, an ZIP cod The Woodlands, 1X 77384 “S Gumers twxpayerIestcaion nome ‘ | Rew O ssw . > o_o 2 949013289 Total erect allocated to tis IN... oe 8 this butting spar ota tipo bung polet, ante the numberof tacigs in the proect > 47) 1a Total numberof residortal units in this busing Poa5 'b Total numberof tow-inoome unks this busing « a4 » ¢ Total ruber of rsdenal uns his bang cetermnas ta hive aonconptance asves | IL! 6 Tota nurber oF are ravine by agency seolnauclons} sss es es bly Dale bokang onasedt camo wi ee towsame hovel cred prcdonsfve ston) NMEDTTY) Fa 2 9 Date eencorotence conected ( ppt) (oe nazuctons) MMDDYYY) «= 10. Check this box if you are filing only to show comection of a previously reported faoncomeliance protien ae +O Oger neongance 1 Check he bie) nt sp hile ED 2 Household come abo income Brit pon tis oceveeney «ew ee G 1 Onner tale t comely comple coment tenant's anual nome eeeitcaion |. ss 1 1. O a Walang) ofthe UPCS cal Mspection stantarés eve insnaons) tach explanation) ©... o Qo 4 une aed to provide ann eeticatons or proved comple or nau cerita o a ‘© Changes In Eligible Basis or the Applicable Percentage (see instructions). 2. ~ oe : Oo a 1 Project led fo meet minum set-aside reuters 2050, 40/0 te fe tts) iilig a a Goss ran) anceed tac ctedP HOS ee ee ee a 1b Project not vate tothe geraral punt (oe Insivetona atc comabe, 8 Q 1 Vato) othe Ava Unt Fe ender socton 2G) Bee a 3 Violstion(s) of the Vacant Unit Rule under Reg. 1.42-5(cX1\) . a a & Owner failed to execute and record extenced-use agreement within time, ‘proscribed by section 2m) oo Qo 1 Lowhoome nts eccuped by noiginlifad tutte sudonts ve ss ws ws ew io a im Owner dd net propery lao uty stowance. ss boobs snes 9 q 18 Owner has falied to respond to agency requasts for monitaring reviews: . Qa Oo fo Lowencome units usad on a trvisent basis (attach expianctiod) . f)ig a Poet eo kngerin compliance ror parsing in the seton 2 progr un sainaton 2 - 5 pee oO Qa bit cr) Other noncompliance issues (attach explanation). 42 Adctonal formic for any item shove Attach Sxplanation and nck box o Cy Desmuctin’ "CP Gincr Gren exptation) 38.3 Builng cpeation ty] ‘Orie of disposition (MNOOYYYY) © Now Owner's Name Waar wna xp roan Rambo | Gen Bi ssw Fad Nana oF coat panan a ‘See! aaaress ‘Cay fawn, wate and ZIP Code F76Teeptone nuribar cf contact parson (a5) 5 Te Tak avo anode apr, SURG weBaRBN Snls OE Scales, a ote Gato Frans ad BS Brenda D Hawkins ) Program Htanager dp og bs feeo 8 Cat a, 128080 Foam BB2S few. 10-2005) For Paparwork Reduotion Act Notice, seo Instuctions, TeCRGhTARCL wae VUMUE AAG. UA CRS = FURIE 68.29 KEYUIL Page 1 of2 From: To: ‘Get ‘Subject: Re: CCA FIRE - FORM 8823 REPORT ate: Mon, 29 Sep 2008 8:12 pm Attachments: CCA FIRE _FORW_8828 pa 05K) Somy about thet. Lat’ ty again. There isan eror in hat there were 18 uns damaged, not 20. We wil have this comacted. Dave Ina messane dated 9/29/2008 9:20:22 A.M. Central Daylight Time, wits | David, You forgot the attachment. i. From: [] ‘Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 12:57 PM ‘To: Dave Carforo Subject: CCA FIRE - FORM 8823 REPORT FYI. IRS report re Country Club Apartments fie. | [ac } ava Mi. Keogter | chairman & GEC Mark-Dana Corp. 28 Silverstrand Place Texas 77381 281-449-1994 Fx 284-363-4211 ‘ooking for simple solutions to your reali financial challenges? Check oui _awS and information, tips and calcuiaiors. . it WalleiPop for the fatest { I PRIVILEGED AND CONFIDENTIAL: acne) gan? "0 “1Mw “uttp://wohrnail.go§ orn /3915S/aol/en-us/Mail/PrintMeyrceesz nie: wwwa viii VHDA. December 1, 2008 Mr. David M. Koogler Country Club Investors, L.P. 19 Silverstand Place The Woodlands, TX. 77381 RE: Country Club Apartments Dear Mr. Koogler: Attached is an amended Form 8823 sent in to the Intenal Revenue Service today as aresult of the casualty Joss due to the fire on September 13, 2008. Please notify me once the units are again habitable, If you should have any questions, please contact me at 804-343-5577 or by email ia.thomas@ at Beli Sincerely, Stet Mont, Felicia M. Thomas Compliance Team Leader Enclosures cc: IRS Brenda D. Hawkins, VEIDA Carolyn Lambert, Mark Dana Management Tax Credit/Loan Files VIRGINIA HOUSING DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 601 SOUTH BELVIDERE STREET | RICHMOND VIRGINIA 25220 | PHONE:877/VHDAT23 | TDD:604/783-6705 | WWWAVHDA.COM TERGARLODSY VA YAYW = MAENEL BOOT 'R ‘AWM 68: cam 8823 | Low-Income Housing Credit Agencies [01s Wo 155-1906 a Report of Noncompliance or Building Disposition | creoc nae emis isan - amended tum > ! Fer et 2005} Bermontcfow renuy | NOM: FBasapeats Farm 29 far ese bung tat copes fer ees cto eamptaee. TAF ee Only Buliog are fray Ock Har as fom Form 6508 >I | 4 Country Club Apartments Ti 1604 Lakeside Avenue Cty oF town, state, andl ZIP code 1 Richmond, VA_23228 2_Bulingldriticalon curibar np VAgeTI07 ‘8 Owner's name. Check i tar 3 cers om Form 8609 CD Country Club investors, LP. Sie across 19 Siverstrana piace =| ‘City oF town, state, and ZIP code = “The Woodlands, TX 77294 4 Owner's taxpayer isencaion narber 541813289 | Ben cissy | % Tots owstalooacewmesN. a © tts bugle pa of a mupto baking projet, eater tha manber ot Bung nthe project | cee | 7a Total number of residential units in this building ee em Ai Tera numberof low-income uit ntl bung © |. ee es eeaeere| © Total mumbo of reisental it nti bung determined wo havm aoncomotanee ieuee | |] ]] ] )) Le aa ¢ Tot surser of uns reeves by spec feo nations) n= Lill Lee al {8 Des bung enmed to cmp wi the lowincome rut ces yovons (a tacion) avoorney .. [————efe2008) 9 Date nancomplisnce corrected (#t applicable) {see insiructions) (MMDOYYYY) . 6 ee ee ee ee bee 10 Check tis bok you are Ning only to show coracton of a prvityrapeted noncompliance prose |, = sw net, manplance 11 check the boxes that apo tion “OES 2 Household income above heeme i ypon inal ceeupeney eee g 1 Owner aled wo eorecty complete or decent tanar's ann Room reoetoaion | |) gq a © Volon() of 2 UPCS o cal pecton scar to Hens) e8aenexpration) io Q 4 Ove fas te provide annua semistons oF prose nent or nacre carthoations eo o f Ghanges in Efgbie Sask or he Appcale Parentage (ee nnetions). Pll lil g@ 5 £ Prjet fad to mest minknum eet aside requirement (2160, 40100 te eo atesons) a a 9 Gros rei) exceed tax code mts... : a o b Project not avalabie to the general publ (ae inctnctions attach explanation). ra Qo o 1 Motions oftnpAvalable Unt le uncer eecion AGEN. v= ss ws Se a | Violation(e) of the Vacant Unit Rule under Reg. 1.425(e)(TXie) we .. O a Omer tale to exeovto ard recor eiense-use agreument wit Se oxoscbed by eaten sap. OD 3 1 Lowincome unis cccipied by nonguaiied tubdima agents ee ee o m Owner dis not hearty eatste uly alowance. owe a a 1 Ounar has taled to rospaad to ageray aquest for monitoring wows | 1) o o © Lowincome unis Used on avansient basis (attach exparation) - . .. : o o Project isn longer in corpence nor partrpting In he secon 42 rogram tach explanation) | a Other sanoornpianc fstuesfatach expanatea) ae a o 12 Addtonaletermaton for any tem above, aaon exianation ang check bos Te 18. butting ctspestion ‘Sa. fForeconure ~~) Desvucien ” (} Star ttacnexiaain) B_Dae of cepestbon CUDDY 1 © Wow Owners Nave 1 a aw aro pap een ma | | Dew Oss raat [Nas oreo Ben Bronda D. Hawkins Cay are, als, TAP code "5 Telepone numberof oor pea | (aos) 343-5768 ee gee hve arn GSH, eR Rina eave Sd vd, So Ba Bat mY MIS DT, in ae » Paves 0 deewhance a ae - eins an Sirs at manor ead aperwork Reduction AA Note, ees nsinietione, Cat Was ERO PEERABTADSS YNYA YYW © -WADOSL KANE 'D Brenda D. Hawkins > rlorecoe ee | Low-Income Housing Credit Agencies ” rom, (Re, Janay 1000) Report of Noncompliance or Building Disposition: .|0¥8 ta54ss08 © tmentof ie Treasury Note: ita sepatetono 0 tarenchbulig thats ne Cups 8m Mtge checrton are eifer emis Fo .al Revenue Sante auillding oame (if any). Check ifitem 1 difers fram Form6609 J [] Tay (Ounces name. Check item 2 difers fom Fo 8609 PE] Country Ciub Apartments Fovis Dhue ds ae Country Club Investors, LP. Street address _Z ; Continuation 160% Lakaside Avenue (101-412) net Ciyor own, state, and 21P code ‘Sect address Firma 9 Sivertand Place a Richmond, VA 23228 Y iy or own, stale, and ZP code “The Woodlands, TX 77381 7 ‘Owners taxpayer identifoaton number [elas] 8[t[3] 2/810 Ban Oissn ‘3. Building identification number (BIN) vals] si112/2[o]4] If this building is part of a muline bulging prot, enter the number offullangs nthe project 6a Total number of residential rental nits inthis building bb Total number of lowincome units inthis buldina ¢¢ Tole! number of residential units i hs Burling determined to have non Total number of units reviewed by agency (see instrucions) Date buldia c2ased to comoly withthe ksrincome housina ere roiion (se instuctons\MMDDYYYY) 8 Date noncompliance corrected if apoicable) (see instructions) 2 Check this box you ae fing only o show coecton of previously reported nancomance problem ) Check the box{es) that apply: Household income above income tnit upon inital occupancy ‘Major vioations of heat, safety, and bufcing codes (see instuctons) ‘ol mor olen of hea fey, a bt oes (08 ebtons) ‘i .9r falled to submit annual cortficaton -oanges in eligble bests (see instructions) Project fated fo moet minimum set-aside requirement (2050, £069 fest (see instructions)" Gross renlfs) exceed laxecredit ims. . Project not available to the general publi (See instrucfions) |. Household income increased above incame limit and en available unit was rented fo market rate tenant Projects n longer in compliance ands no lnger paricpang inte low-income housing tx credit roam. . « COhner fad to execute and record exindediuse agreement wihintime prescribed by section 44n}6\a) . < . « Lowinceme units occupied by nonqualiiedfil-ime students. ee ee tet une aed to maintain or provide tenant income coriicaton and documentation (une did not property calculate ufity allowance COnner has fled fo respond to agency request fr monitoring reviews er fees, Lowinoome units used ona bansin! bass Ciernoncomplance issues (attach exlanafor) ‘Adee roma br ny trbom, Asch emanation and) shea here Bulking disposition CO Forecosire (atendment © destuaton @ O0ome9 oooooooD oo. C1 otter (attach explanation) ‘pate fling gpoion YYYY] Dail Building disposed of by: _[_] Sale Nae” LLB ; of Conthwation “New owners (axpayer onion Humber <> = Fry TtTitt try Ben “ch sou Street address 1 48.: , Stale housing agency employer idenfification number: (s[4]-Jols}2tifaletal TEA. ¥4. Kame and telephone number of contact person. Xtyor town, slate, and ZIP code Cara. A Wallo _(Bd4) 343-5640 and compete. oo ahozing offcal arworkReducion Act Wien, 386 BGK oT. Cora A. Walo, Ta ‘ia and Be an, ave etn op a accpanyg stern and chee, soe Be ony ge aT, cred compince nase y(t Oe aes a Ne OR Fain B73 (Res 138) Low-Income Housing Credit Agencies Report of Noncompliance or Building Disposition Note: Fi. seprate Foon 8823 or ach bling thats topos for goos tof comphanee. 2 Oumer’s name. Checkiilem 2 afer fam Fom &60s Ey c_ 8823 (Rev. January 1999) | OMB Mo, 1545-1204 “tnont of the Treasury Lai Revende Senice .__-atllding name (if any). Cheok iftem 1 difers fom Form 860° [C] Country Club Apariments Country Club investors, L-P. Stet add Yj, Continsaion 1601 Lakeside Avenue (501-812) Giyortown, state, and 1P code Streot adress ‘Richmond, VA 23228 19 Siverstrand Place GY City or town, state, and ZIP code. The Woodlands, TX 77381 3 Building identification number (BIN) Owner's taxpayer Kentificalion number ~ [vJafsTe] +f 2[2tof2] (s[4TiTeftts[2[sy9] ew Ossw 5 fftis building is part of a muitole bulking prise enter The numberof buldnas inthe prviect 5a Total number of residential rental unisin thisuidng ss. ’b Total numberof lowsinceme units inthis bina «Tota numberof resicental units inthis bulging determined i have noncompliance issues. di Tole numberof unis reviewed by agency see instructions) Date builtin ceased to comply with he low-income housina credit provisions (see instructonsMMODYYYY) . 8 Date noncompliance corrected {i apofcabe) (se instrucons) 4 Check hs box you ar ling ano show caecon of previous reported noncomplance problem 9” Check he box(es) that apply: 3 Household income above income limit upon inal occupancy... . ao > Major violations of heath, safety, and building codes (see instuctions) ©)... sof miner voles of heath sly anblng cies cee stone) « © nee failed to submit annual cefiication ~ ~*anges in eigible basis (See instrucfons)—. Project failed fo meet minimum set-aside requirement ato, 40180 tel (se instructions) oO 5 a A Gross rent{s} exceed iaxcreditfimits —. . ae » Oo oO QO 8 5 Projet not avatablo to te general publi (se instucns) Household income increased above income limit and an avaiable unt was rented to market rate tenant | Projects no onger in compliance and sno longer petcipatig inthe lowncome housing tax crt program - Ome oe seul and read oxenatse Sarena! wn resco by son AON. « « Lomincome units occupied by nonqualifed fulime students... ere ‘Owner failed to maintain or provide tenant Income certification and documentation (Ouner cd not property calouate utity allowance (Oamer has fled fo respond to agenay requests for meng reviews end fees Lowincome units used ona transienttasis. Other noncompliance issues (attach expenation} . ‘Adonal formation fr any tem above. Atach explanation and cieck hee Building disposition Baking Sproat TD Sale) Foreclosure) Abandonment @ Oooeoo cocoenoo} 1 Destucion J Other (tach exptanation) rr oe LLL, ateot tng depetion Ca Now overs payer inten mat LTT LI en Cssw Salado 72 Sale housing agensyenplye Geneaion number (staf Tol stays [sre/2| . abn sae, ad Pade 7 Rame ad eephon umber of oat ean Cara Wale (24) 43.5610 ai | il ae TH a, FG Ae lve etches TS HS Da RTGS ITT ea p CaeA Wolo, Tax Credit Conpiance Manca ye (2117/00) 2 of authorizing offical ‘Print name and ttle Dale f SST aaa a 15H) work Reaation At Notice, es back orm MARK-DANA CORPORATION 26302 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 100 Spring, Texas 77380 (713) 906-4460 (281) 419-1991 Fax A RESUME OF THE COMPANY Mark-Dana Corp. (MDC) is a family owned Virginia corporation, qualified to do business in Texas, which develops, builds, owns, and manages apartment complexes. MDC is currently working on: * Magnolia Trails, an 80 unit affordable housing development for seniors in Magnolia, Texas. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs approved 2010 round 9% LIHTC for Magnolia Trails. MOC currently has under construction. * Trebah Village, a 129 unit affordable housing development for seniors in Harris County, Texas (near Katy). The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs approved 2009 round 9% LIHTC for Trebah Village. Trebah Village utilized the Exchange Program to close its financing in March 2010. Construction completion is expected in the first quarter of 2011 * Highland Manor, a 141 unit affordable housing development for seniors in La Marque, Texas. The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs approved 2008 round 9% LIHTC for Highland Manor. Highland Manor utilized the Exchange Program to close its financing in February 2010. Construction completion is expected in the first quarter of 2011 Following is a partial listing of projects we have completed as Developer, Contractor (Koogler Construction Co., Inc.), Owner (or General Partner), and/or operated as Manager (through Mark-Dana Management or Koogler Management) © Hillcrest Manor (formerly known as Oak Hill), a 40 unit USDA-RD 515 property in Buena Vista, Virginia, originally built in 1988, acquired in 2007 in partnership with a non-profit entity and underwent complete rehab using 2007 round 9% LIHTC Britany Village, 232 units in Pasadena, Texas; purchased at auction from HUD in 2002, completely renovated, owned and operated by MDC affiliates. Accomack Manor, a 92 unit LIHTC senior housing multi-family apartment complex in Parksley, Virginia (90 affordable units and 2 units for manager and maintenance); new construction completed and developed by MDC in partnership with a non-profit entity formed by the local housing authority Enoch George, MDC (through Koogler Construction Co., Inc.) built a 60 unit senior housing LIHTC project for a non-profit owner in Fredericksburg, Virginia Germanna Heights, a 51 unit LIHTC senior housing multi-family apartment complex in Orange County, Virginia; new construction developed by MDC in partnership with a non-profit entity in Locust Grove, Virginia. Belle Courts, a 154 unit LIHTC multi-family apartment complex in Culpeper, Virginia, renovated by MDC (through Koogler Construction Co., Inc.) in 2004 for a partnership comprised of a non-profit entity and for profit entities. Grottoes 106 units developed by MDC 1990 - 2002 in Grottoes, Virginia © The Grottoes, a 46 unit RD (FmHA) 515 and LIHTC multi-family apartment complex (Phase !). © Grottoes Il, a 34 unit LIHTC multi-family apartment complex (Phase I) Grottoes iil, a 26 unit LIHTC multi-family apartment complex (Phase ub. Peter Cartwright Manor, a 46 unit HUD 202 multi-family apartment complex built by MDC (through Koogler Construction Co., Inc.) in 2001 for a non-profit entity in Exmore, Virginia. Hunt Country Manor, a 56 unit VHDA financed LIHTC multi-family apartment complex acquired in 2001, renovated 46 units and constructed 10 new units in Warrenton, Virginia. Exmore Village | and Il, 101 units built in 1995 and 2000 in Exmore, Virginia: © Exmore Village, a 36 unit RD (FmHA) 515 and LIHTC senior housing multi-family four-plexes. o Exmore Il, a 65 unit RD (FMHA)IVHDA and LIHTC senior housing project multi-family apartment complex. Country Club Apartments, a 97 unit VHDA financed LIHTC multi-family apartment complex acquired from HUD and renovated in 1997 (92 rehab, 5 new) in Richmond, Virginia. (A non-profit entity has a Right of First Refusal to purchase this property at the end of the compliance period.) Craigmont II, a 44 unit RD (FmHA) 515 and LiHTC multi-family apartment complex built in 1990 in Craigsville, Virginia Elkmont, a 44 unit RD (FmHA) 515 and LIHTC multifamily apartment complex built in 1990 in Elkton, Virginia Willow Lake, a 23 unit RD (FmHA) 515 and LINTC multi-family apartment complex built in 1989 in Raphine, Virginia, Springhiii Village, a 108 unit HUD 236 multifamily apartment complex in Staunton, Virginia. (Now owned by the Springhill Village Neighborhood Corporation, a non profit entity). $6 million + full service, 86 room hotel facility with dining rooms, state of the art kitchen, conference rooms, swimming pool and exercise room, at Raphine, Virginia, (Sold, after 10+ years, to a third party,) Coal preparation and cleaning plant at Ferrelsburg, West Virginia. (Sold as David Koogler, Chairman and CEO of MDC, retired from the mining business.) MARK-DANA CORPORATION 26302 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 100 Spring, Texas 77380 Mark-Dana Corporation (MDC) is headquartered in Spring, Texas. The principals of MDC have been involved in developing, building and managing affordable housing for more than 40 years, MDC and its affiliates have developed, built and managed multi-family housing in both Texas and Virginia MDC primarily develops (through acquisition/rehabilitation and new construction) multi- family housing and builds good quality, easily maintained developments. MDC has developed and built projects for itself, in partnership with non-profit entities, and for non- brofit entities. MDC has built and or renovated 260 units of affordable housing for the Virginia United Methodist Housing Development Corporation. MDC owns and manages @ 232-unit multi-family property in Texas and owns and manages numerous multi-family properties in Virginia for a total of just under 1,000 units. In addition, MDC has two multifamily affordable housing properties under construction in Texas (141 units in La Marque expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2011 and 129 units near Katy also expected to be completed in first quarter of 201) David M. Koogler (Dave Koogler) is the founder and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MDC. Dave Koogler is retired from international mining management, Executive Vice President, Natural Resources, Guif + Western Industries (now Paramount), is a graduate of Virginia Tech (BSIE), has a Masters of Business Administration from Drexel University, and is a registered Professional Engineer. David Mark Koogler (David Koogler) is the President and Chief Operating Officer of MDC. Prior to joining MDC, David Koogler was Vice President, Corporate Development - Legal for Enron Corporation (post-bankruptcy David Koogler handled PUHCA compliance and the disposition of assets such as a wind turbine business and Portland General Electric Company), and a Partner in the Corporate/Finance Sections of Haynes and Boone, LLP and Butler & Binion, LLP. David Koogler graduated from Lehigh University (BSIE) and Washington & Lee University School of Law (JD) Margery C. Koogler is an Executive Vice President of MDC. Margery Koogler holds an inactive real estate license in Virginia and graduated from Salem College (BS) and Bowman Grey Medical School (Wake Forest) with a degree in Medical Technology. Dana R. Koogler is a Vice President of MDC. Dana Koogler is @ sales management and business development professional with over 20 years of experience selling complex products and services for companies such as Juliska, Global Exchange Services, Inc., General Electric Information Services, and Sprint Corporation. Dana Koogler has completed real estate license courses and graduated from Bucknell University (BS Economics). MDC affiliates, Koogler Construction of Texas, LLC, Mark-Dana Management of Texas, LLC, Koogler Construction Co. Inc. which holds a Class A Builders License in Virginia, and Mark-Dana Management, LLC handle construction and management operations. MDC also holds a Real Estate Brokerage license in Virginia (Dave Koogler is the Principal Broker). MDC is over 63% owned by women. Previous Participation Certification Development Name: ekmen! Manoe Nome of Appicant: men! Mane Conttoling Genatal Parner: Mak bare Comparten INsTRUCTIONS: 1 This certification mus! be signed by an individual who is ris authorised #o act on behaff of the Controlling Genera} Paria 18} oF Managing Member (FLUC of the Applicant, os designated in hie Appicolion, VHDA wil accept ‘an authexization document, which gives signatory authorization fo sgn on behalf of the principals, 2. Attach a resume for each principal ofthe general partnership (GP) er limited libilty cormpany (LLC) and on ‘organization chart forthe Enited| parinrship (LP) and LLC. 3 ASchedule A is requited fr every incvidval that mokes up the GP of Managing Member - does nat copy to Principat of publicly traded corporations. 4 Foreach property listed as "non-compioncs found,” please oltech @ detailed explanation of the nature of he non compiionee, slong wheiner of not has besn resolved. 5 NEWI stony tax cleat develorment experience for he post 1S years Ie. since 1994) The cote al Ins ceriication mus! be no mote han 30 dav ror To Submision of the Apelication. DEFINITIONS Fer the purpose ofthis Ceriication. the folowing defritions shal opoh: _Bevelooment shall mean the proposed multifamily ental housing development identified above, Parliciganis shall mean the principals who will participate in the ownership of tne development Bincigal shall mean any person finclucing ony individual, joint venture, partnership, evited fablty company, ‘corporation, nongrett organization, fut. or any other public or erivale enily] that ji with respect fo the proposed evelopment, wil own of participate in the ownership ofthe proposed development or i) with respect lo an exiting ‘multifamily rerio project, has owned or paticipated in the ownership of such projec. all as more fully described hereinbelow. The person whois he owner ofthe proposed development or mutifamily ent project fs considered © pPencipal. In determining whether any other parson & @ Psncipal, he folowing guidelines shox gover: 1. In he cose of a parinetship which so principal [whether the owner orthenaise. al generat partners ore Oko considered princica’, regarcless of the percentage inlees! ofthe general pariner 2. Inthe case of a public or private corporation or ergarization or governmental ently that I @ principal whether as ‘he owner or otherwise, principals aso include the president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer ond other oficers who are deci response fo the board of dress or any equivalent governing bad, cs well as rectors or other members of the governing bady and ony stockholder having 0 25% or mors inleres; 3, Inthe case of ated labilly company [U.C) thats a principal whether as the owner cx otherwise}, allmembers fe otto consdered pneinals regardless of the percentage interes! of he member, 4, Inthe case ofa tus! that isa pring! (whether as he owner er otherwise, oll persons having @ 25% or mote ‘benefciol ownership interest inthe asses of such Fst 5. Inthe case of any olher perion thats @ pxincipal [whether Os tne owner or othenwis, cll beson: having 9 25% or more cwmership interes! 9 such offer person are aio considered pincipats: and 4. Any petion that clrecty or indirectly contol. or has he power fo control. @ principal sol olko be considered a principal teen Previous Participation Certification VHDA — Development Name: Emon a Nome of Applicant: “Eumnt anor CControling Generel Ratner: af Sana Comoran INSTRUCTIONS: This cerifcation must be signed by an indnicual who is, ors autnorzad fo act on behalf et the Conkling General Poriner If LP] or Managing Mamber (FLiC] of the Applicant. as designated inthe Application. VEDA wil accept {on authorization document, which gives signalery eutharlaaion fo sign on behalf of the principals 2. alach o resume for each principal of he general parinershin (GP] a: rited tabilly company (LLC) and on ‘xgonization chart for the imiled partnership {LP] and LLC. 3 A Schedule Ais requted for every indlviduel thal makes vp Ihe GP or Managing Member does nol opoiy 10 Principals of publely Kaded eerneratians, 4 Foreach property listed as non-compliance found," pleote allach 9 detailed explanation of he nature of he non- ‘compliance, stating whether or not thas been resolved, ‘5 NEW stanly tox eect develooment exoerience forthe past |5 year Le. since 1996) 6 The date of this Certfication must be no more Than 30 davs prox 10 submission of the Anolcation. EFINTIONS: For the purpose o! this Crfficatin, the fellowing detinions shall oop: ‘Devetooment shall mean the proposed muliflamiy rental housing development identifed above. axlcioants shall mean the principal who wil paricipote in he ownership of the development Prncioal shall mean any person (including any indivicua} joint venture, partnership, lniteclibiliy company, corparation, nonprofit orgenization, ust or any other public or private anti) tha i wih spect to the proposed development, will own or participate in the awnasshio ofthe proposed development or fi with respect fo an existing ‘mlfariy renicl project, has owned or patcipated in the ewnersip of such projec, cll as more fully described hereinbelow. The person wha is he owner of the proposed develooment or mulifemiy rental project is considered @ Principal. In determining whether ony other person sa piincipdl the folowing guidelines sha gover: In the cose of @ partnership which is @ principal whether cs the owner or otherwite), cll general parines ore oi50 considered principais,regorcless af he percentage interest ofthe general pariner 2. Inthe case of « pubic or private corporation er ergonization or governmental entity hati @ pencil {whether os the owner or olnenwso) principals ato include the president, vice president, secretary, and reoswrer and other officers who are dtectly responsible to the booed of directors or ny equivalent gaverring body. 0s wel as all recto’ or other memes ofthe goverming body and ony stockholder having «25% or mare interes 3. Inthe cose of limited iabity company LLC) that ita pxincipa!fwhalher of the owner or otherwise}, oll members ate also considered princical,regarsiess of ihe percentage interest o! the member: 4, Inthe cose of a ust thats @ principal [whether os the omner ar otherwise all persons having @ 25% or move Dbeneticiol ownership interest in he assets oF such to 5. Inthe cose of any other person that so principal whether as he owner otherwise}, al persons having © 25% oF ‘mote ownership interest in such other peson ore clio consigered principal: nd 4. Any person that cirectly or indirectly canto or has the power to contol. a principal shal also be considered principal (CERHIACATIONS: fe good faith, including the data conta slatemenis made by me ors rue, compiate ond corsct to the bast of my knowledge ang dh Schecule A Gnd ary stalements attached te ins, | urtnar cerity inc forthe pared beginning 10 years ator to the date of this Certifeaton: During cny time that any of the partctoants ware princiogsin cry multiomily rental project. no erojact nas been foreclosed upon, in defauit or assigned ia the morgage insurer [governmental cr private}; nor has mortgage ralet by ine morigages been given: uring ony time inet any of ine porticipants ware principals in ory mutfomiy rental project, here hos not been any breach by the owner of ory ogreemenis relating fo the constuction or rehabiiction, uss, operation, management or Gspostion ofthe project. incucing removai fom « partnersirs During eny time thet any of he paxticigants were exincipcs in ony muitfamiy rental project, ssid erincioas were WOT fo the es! of my knowledge, neve ore ne unresolved fncings raised cs result of state o federal cutis, manegament reviews or her governmental Investigations cancarning any rrulifomiy ranta projactn which eny of the paticicants were princioos of the oaricipants were prnciocis in ony mutitomiy rental projec there hes note: "ce contrac! forthe project: 2. During any ime that or suspersien or termination o! payments under any sie or federal esis 1. None of the paricieants has been convicted of felony and isnot presently, to my knowlecge, he subject of ‘complaint orindiciment charting ¢ felony. A felony is defined &s any offense ounishable by meconment for @ fem ‘exceechg one yaar, out 409s not incuce any offense classited as @ misdemeanor uncer Ine ews fa sate and punishable by imedsonment of Wo yeas or iss: None ofthe particioan's hos been suspended, debared or otherwise resticiecby ony federal or state governmental lenity fam doing Business with such govermentol ently: end - None of the pavicipenis hos defautad enon obligation cavarad by a suely or perlarmanes bend and her net Been ‘ne subject of Clcim uns’ on employee Saely bore, turner eerily rat cone of Ine poricioants's ¢ Véginia Kousing Develoement 4uthorly (VEDA) employes ore memoere! he mmacicte housenold of any ote emoIovess uriher cerify that none of the peticioants's parcioaring in ine ownersrip ofa multlemly rentar nousing project as ff this date an whicn carsiuction has sioaped far @ peMod in excess of 20 days cr {in the case of e mutfamiy rental owing araject asisied by cry teceraior state government enliy) wricn Nas been substentialy completed for smote thon 99 days out for whier requis documents for closing, such othe final cas! carificaion, have no! been lec with such govemmenralentty !urhercertiy that none cf the participants has been found! by cny federal or state governmental eniy oF court fo 'be in noneompiiance with any applicable cv igns, equal emoloyment opportunity or far housing lows or equations 5. further cory thet none of the partciconts wos @ eracoelin any muttitamly rental oject which hes been found by Cony federal or state governmenia! entity or cour! fo have failed lo comply wih Secon 42 ofthe Iniemel Revenue Code of1986, os omenciea, during the period of fme In which the paricipant was piincfectin sich project 6 Statements above {i any) to which I cannot cerily hove been deleted by srking trough ihe words. Inthe cose of ny such deietion, Inave aticched o ive ona accurate statement fo exciain the relevant facts ane ckoumstances, J. halinowea Presiaant of Gonacel Forint Prinied Name Schedule A: list of AlTax Creuit Developments for Each Principal to this Certificalion Complete the following, using separate pogs(s) as needed, for each principal. List all developments thot have. received allocations of tox credits under Section 42 of the IRC. Vieginio United Methodst Nouslon Os Auncipals Name: sloprer Controlling G. ?, of Prapesed Project? NL ¥ Controting Non General | Total |Totci Low| compliance Name of Ownership Entity | Parine? | Dev. | income | Plocedin | 8609(3} ksue | Found? Y/N Development Name/location| and Phone Number (7s}__|_Unis_| Units [Service Date| Date _| [Explain Yes) Mary Hardesty Howse | Berryville United Methodist | Y © | 2 | 12fss8 Housing, LP. anngse_|N Benyvilie, VA SAEIE 5996 ‘Germanna Heights |Oronge United Methodist y | @ 0 \ Crecite ] Locust Grove.vA [Housing L P>. Retuned va [540-090-5996 ‘Echo Mountain ApIS Lora Mountain Woousiock, VA luimited Pornershia N 30 30 | arense | 12/7999 WN Cronés Meadows Apts [Crones weadows: N a ane | 12/1997 IN Chareston, WV limited Portnershigs VANE, [703-777-8320 | janes MeGdows IIABIS_|Cranes Meadows (aeen © 50 | anise | inne |n Charleston. WV, lumited Porinershio, Washington Mews |Sivermoriin 50 N % 50 | 12711999 Marinsbug. WV (lmited Porinership Courthouse Seniors |Fore Courhouie N 8 56 |Yeor2001 | Year 2001_ |W ‘Apariments [Seniors 1. F> i Chesterfield, VA [202-965-1224 i WitiariWatters [WilomWoriersHouse,Le> TY a 90_| Yearsoe? | Year 2007 |W House 540-693-5996 Sterling, VA T Belle Court Culpeper House iP N 1s 354 | Yeors004 | Year 2004 |¥ Culpeper, VA [301-507-6660 Madison House Madison House Assoc IP N 300 | Year 2004 | Year 2005 [y Leesburg, VA [302-707-6660 MilParkTerece [wit Pork IP w 1291 | Year 2004 | Year 2004 |W Fredericksburg, VA [301-907-6660 Fotomac Woods |Potemac Woods N a 84 | Yeara0o1 | Yes 2002} Woodbridge, VA |\imited Partnership [301-907-b660 ‘Germanna Heights |odeDana Lc N 0 50] “Yeer2003 | “Year2004 [Nv Locust Grove, VA |281-36.4210 THC aT VSHPAGETOTAL 1,000 997 100% Total Units Previous Participation Ceriification continued —_ oe ] Non | Nome of Ownestip | Contoting low | complionce | efi cnc Aho Gere! | rotor |income| procedin | na VIN unis | Unis |serice cote} 609 Cale 150_| 180] 6/1/2008 _|_ 4/4/2007 Deveioprnent Nomertocction nena! [Besrore ris) Measotbrook Apis | Iynehburg Uned Method [Now Wesley Apis) [outing F> lynchburg. V [se0-679-5996 = ‘ohn Early Aparments _[Bediors United Methosis]¥ shinee | ansra0%6 | Beford, VA Movsing. LP [540.993.5906 __ Eench George Mone: asbuy/be ng enlargement or change to Site Plan. LOCAL CERTIFICATION: (To be completed by the appropriate local official) Check one of the following as appropriate: Oo Xx The proposed development described above fas an approved final plan of development or site plan (as applicable (o the site). No further plan of development or site plan approval is required before issuance of a building permit. The proposed development is an existing development with proposed renovations and no additional plan of development approval is needed. The above plan of development approval is in effect until: so Paulie Lda ppeart Printed Name: Charlotte Shiflett Title: Zoning Administrator Phone:_540-298-2152 va: eB jp- Doth NOTE TO LOCALITY: 1. 2. Return this certification to the developer for inclusion in the tax credit application package. Any change in this form may result in a reduction of points under the scoring system, If you have any questions, please call Jim Chandler at VHDA (804) 343-5786. ELKMONT MANOR. LLC LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain property located in Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia at address 101 Elkmont Drive, Elkton, Virginia, described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of real estate with improvements thereon and all tights, privileges and appurtenants thereto belonging, situate in the town of Elkton Rockingham County, Virginia, on the western side of Route 340, and more particularly described as containing 3.00 acres, more or less, as shown upon a certain plat of Survey dated March 23, 1988, made by Bobby L. Owens, Land Surveyor. (See altached metes and bounds.) Being that certain parcel acquired by Eikmont Partners, L.P. from Ashby R. Lam on May 18, 1989 of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 974, at page 0477. TAB M (Zoning Certification Letter) TOWN OF ELKTON 173 WEST SPOTSWOOD AVENUE ELKTON, VIRGINIA 22827 (540) 298-1951 Zoning Certification DATE: TO: — Virginis Housing Development Authority 601 South Belvidere Street Richmond, Virginia 23220 Attention: Jim Chandler RE: ZONING CERTIFICATION Name of Development: Elkmont Manor, LLC ‘Name of Owner/Applicant: “Eikmont Manor, LLC Name of Seller/Current Owner: The above-referenced Owner/Applicant has asked this office to complete this form letter regarding the zoning of the proposed Development (more fully described below). ‘This certification is rendered solely for the purpose of confirming proper zoning for the site of the Development. It is understood that this letter will be used by the Virginia Housing Development Authority solely for the purpose of determining whether the Development qualifies for points available under VHDA’s Qualified Allocation Plan for housing tax credits. DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION: Development Address: (Should correspond to 1.A.2 on page 1 of the application) || Bikmont Dr. a Elkton, VA 22827 Legal Description): “Please see attached Legal Description) : Proposed Improvements (New Construction: # Units # Buildings Total Gross Floor Area 1) Adaptive Reuse: # UnitgNCORPORATEMIIBOgS ‘Total Gross Floor Area X Rehabilitation: 44 #Units 4 # Buildings 40938 Total Gross Floor Area Zoning Certification, Cont'd B L allowing a density of and the following other applicable condi (Other Descriptive Informatio Property, now known as Elkmont Apartments, was built in 1989-90 with proper Zoning, and permits. Planned renovation is only to renew and upgrade existing facilities, with no enlargement or change in Site Plan. Acquisition and renovation of the 44 unit Eikmont Apartments. Planned renovation inckides paving, new windows, cabinets, new central air conditioning with high efficiency heat pump, doors, floor covering, a club room with kitchenette, and Energy Star appliances. LOCAL CERTIFICATION: Check one of the following as appropriate: KX] The zoning for the proposed development described above is proper for the proposed residential development. To the best of my knowledge, there are presently no zoning violations outstanding on this property. No further zoning approvals and/or special use permits are required. (a ‘The development described above is an approved non-conforming use. To the knowledge, there are pre zoning approvals and/or spi st of my tly no zoning violations outstanding on this property. No further use permits are required. (Signatute) Charlotte Shifftett (Printed Name) Zoning Administrator — (Title of Local Official or Civil Engineer) oe _ Lh /p- Qo 1. Retura this certification to the developer for inclusion in the tax credit appiication package. 2. Any change in this form may result in a reduction of points under the scoring system, If you have ‘any questions, please call Jim Chandler at VHDA (804) 343-5786. Date: ELKMONT MANOR. LLC LEGAL DESCRIPTION Allthat certain property located in Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia at address 101 Elkmont Drive, Elkton, Virginia, described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of real estate with improvements thereon and all rights, privileges and appurtenants thereto belonging, situate in the town of Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia, on the western side of Route 340, and more particularly described as containing 3.00 acres, more or less, as shown upon a certain plat of Survey dated March 23, 1988, made by Bobby L. Owens, Land Surveyor. (See attached metes and bounds.) Being that certain parcel acquired by Elkmont Partners, L.P. from Ashby R. Lam on May 18, 1989 of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 974, at page 0477, TABN (Copies of 8609's To Certify Developer Experience) Low-Income Housing Credit Allocation Certification ‘OMG No. 1545-0088 SEs ocston roma Great: CJ Addon to Gualifed Basis Amended Form 1 Aas fbn note 0. 9 mins) | & Navel ans onsng wa ager 26463 Notompiin Road | vurpinie sousing Development he Eitkeuey, wh det SLs aolvidere sereet Hanaied 1A 9220°6504 © Name, adcras, and TW af bulleing ewmer rears locaton Aeconack Manor, IEC Place m™ 77361 E _Enployer Henan nubar of =pen2y 54-0921882, jing rcadon nomber 3) Va TM» Te-t7a7589 3 670,880 7 Noinon a eetatrans owe | ta Dalecfalocain . » 12/8/08 2 Meum apicabe credit pecantage alowabie 3a Madmun qualied bass coe o ib agile basis used inthe computation olin 3e was inreased, check he applicable bax and entarhepscentage o which tho eg was inceasd (se insrctns) C7 Buicng located in the Ca Oppestnty (0) Zona, ta GO Zone, or Wma GO Zone BE Secon £21915) high ost area provisions Parcontage ote aggregate bass faced by tacaxempt bands. (200, enler=0.) . eta huldog aed in sero » 5/8/07 Check he boxes that describe te allocation fr fhe bud (check eas hat apy © £3 estes lng Ey Nowiy coistucted and federal subscized bf) Newly consiuctod and not federal subsiczed © Sec. 422) retabitation expendtures federal substized «@ L)Sec. 42) ehabiltaton expanures not ederaly subsictzed 2 Wottadaraty susicted by reason of 40-50 ula under sex 4212S) gC) Afccatin subject to nongeft se-aste under geo. 42K ‘Signature of Authorized Housing Credit Agency Official ~ Comleted by Houshg Crecit Agency Only Crdar foals of pSfuy, declare tate alocafon made Is a complance wih he requranatis of secon 2 ofthe Inemal Raverua Coe snd inavsexapiec bis ory Of my ioulege a bee, ba eratin is tm, cone and colle JAMES MW. CHANDLER » » AUTHORIZED OFFICER » Sf3-e Sa feu - Tine peas pera = DUN Fis vee cacao aton Corte by Bang Our wth ape re el Vea oe Cre Poo 7 Elgbl bas filing (eee istics) «vss cv ve vnse : z 2 4a Cigna quad basis of he bung closet yar fe pat IB THE. b Are you treating this bullding as-part of a mullite bulidirss project for gurposes of section 42 (see Hnstchong)?.- eee ee eee eee ere Cl ves Si No Ja ox aortorédis choot, d you sist to rece fe ass una section 2248)? O vs O wo Fer marta unk above the arage qu sandr aflwnco tn inte bln, do you bt ‘rece etgiebaisay copoporonse eae ctnonicwlpc unis ander scion 414/910)? «.... EJ Yap ED Wo 1 Chak he appepate bax fr eth eden: Cion: Onc made te foowing acon 7 revocable 1 la begi crt por the st year afr the hung is lacd in saree (secton 421) vs O tw 2} Beetnotio bea age patnorshi as tpayereson 28), 3 ll Boyes Elect minimum set-aside requirement (section 42(q)} (see instructions) (] 20.0 BW we FF aN. ony Elect deep rent skewed project (section 142(q)(4\3) (see Instructions) E1640 “Foe dala int he above Bune conthues equal ar apart alfiag noone bana ele and rest he eauramars ioral = (igen oom an! abet ane Yen won ant Brae, mea cago. > 227-34-9/02 > 2fwleg ‘Snat Taxpayer rnumber — Tete dans [9 Konus Boop ah ea ee et a —————— MARK DANA MANAGEMENT 19:87 5402455 | Low-Income Housing Credit | ova tc { Allocation Certification sll ey — ieee sone | > Do not fe septa. The bling onnr ut mach For Se, | nso orm 6, an ened Far B50) oh Feder oa a ret Seren 36 ee 4 Allocation of Greit - Completed by Housing Credit Agency Only hocks CJ Adinib uatéed Bass) ArandedFom Name and aca of houzing ere agency : Vazganta 1g Development Au 603 5, Belvidere street Richnond, VA 23220-6504 Employer rian eur f gency | Accs ct buting fc nat use P. 0, bx) sea hebuene) 1601 iakeside Avenue (101412) Richnond, VA 23258 ‘Nam, goes, and TWN of Bulg owner reching alocatan | Country clu Le? '54-0921892 : Pince L jo Woodlands, Texas 7736 Ina Mean ‘TIN + 5472613289 va9612201, NA 1b Waxman housng cre cota amount alowebla te | # 26,798 48 Date of allocation * 2 Morar spocte i paraniaga towabo « bictteees 2 3.6% Ja Noxinum suisse a [sa] S742 188 > Check here * C) ithe elighle basis used in tte ceompueten cline Savas erased near te tig ext area provisions of section 42{qN5XC). Enter the percentage oie the eligible besis was increased (9e0 inetuctions) .. 2. eee ee Peanage of be snragat ba hanced by tncxartbonds. (ze exter 0+) i @ building placed In service. nackte bx tha denarbas be sown fr th tung bel ae aC] Nenty constructed and federally subsidized > C] Newly constructed and not federady subsidized ¢ CI Existing building 4 BE sec; 42) titan eran ioderalysbstad 1} Sen (eration genes nlieeralysutsdzed er eras fyi death lator ec corse hp mean losin aR Co, al noe reed Inf tm aro etsy noc ard bub ance aun orton oop JAMES M. CHANDLER »__ Abtitedting SeHcea > LB. aed Fata lease ee TED First-vear certiication - Completed by Building Owner for First Year of Gredit Period Only Date bullng plaeedinaries ? 0) /is/ag._ ‘6 Eig base of buldng (cee etuciens) 2. Criginal qualified bass of he bung at cose cf ist yer c rect period ot q =a Tsthe bung pat ofa multe uling jee? vy eve ee ese E50 boca orb checked oyu lect sree eg bass unc section (20218)? « Yes Hi] No ‘oye elect to reduce fie bass by deproporionate costs of nansow-ncorno unis (secon 423)? Yes EI Ne (Check he sept box or each elect: ecto begin edt pred te fs year ater the igi plzedn seni (sac 421) : ves 1 No Elec nt fo Fest age parnerstip a taxpayer (secon 42K). Beans Yes ‘Elect minimum set-aside requirement (section 42(q)) (see structions) Oo ws 080 25-80 (N.C. ony} 1540 ict deaprontskoned ple (onion t4244)5) (es stucions) se eee i Sehedale A (Form 8609), Annval Statement Tor euch Bul Hist bo Wasted 13 Tho Corresponding Fam A sopar ach year of the YE-yeer compliance period Jan: the lstueions under Signature (90 4) before signing this par. ste fata, ear hate shove baling condos ts quay 2 pat quid noo nosy projet ard mes ne egdesmerts cf Isr Revenue noon 42 es that te une pale he bug has * CT has not EZ] coceased frie taxyar have cxarines is for andatechans, ano he best of ny “™,23-2039572 ore Fakpayet Renta ber ..FOR MARK-DANA CORPORATION, GENERAL PARTNER ; al rm 8609 | Low-Income Housing Credit eieired eee ahs | cae eons a | Allocation Certification iy _ seperate > Tubs oe cach Form #0 (~ Atatmet cease : tae etre [oer BEEBE stccston orcreci cheek CO) Adon Quad Bass Tl Amented Form . ot use P.O box (see insiructens) { & Were od adit of housing erect agency Varginia Housing Development Authority 601s. Belviders serect _| Bichnand, Va 25220-8504 | Enpoyerienifialon number c gency nna fleights Drive 2) VA 22508 Nf belcing owner eng slaceion Housing Luc s4-0s21892 verstrand Place The Woodsands, TX 77362 [be na ab BD TH resoste5e Ale vR0216001, 12/26/02 Maximum bdusng ert dolar smart alouatie. [th | $ 243,000 18 Datecfallocaton > 2 Meximum appicabe rect prcantage alow 2 | 8.20% $2 Maximum qualifed basis eocong seccseseees [Sar] 92,587, 808 Check here > [7] ifthe eligible basis used in he: he cinpuaien tine Se wes increased under eto eer fect M6150). Erte pecetige oi i basis was incréasd (see isiucéons) .:-.. ‘i 4 ote carga bas raced ytevempl bands. zt ener-O) 5 Date bung plscedin sence. 8/27/08 8 Chock the bes tht des a £ eraloalon fr 2 ae j check those that angi Newy constructed and not federally subsidized . © 1) Exsting building CiSeo. 42) ehshittaon excenctues not fecealysubsaized TAlscation subec to nangroft set-aside undet sat, <215) Cy Newiy consyucted and federally subsidized [ites aghast ecendes ry bind 7) Not federally subsidized by reason of 40-50 rule under sec. <22VE) Signature of Authorized Housing Credit Agency Official - Completed by Housing Crédit Agency Only ‘Under penates of perjury, I dclare lhe alocaUon made isin compan wih the requirments of section 42 of he Inforal Revenue Coce, and fat have examined Part of tis omg and othe Dest of my krcwtode aed belle, the infomation i tus, coréct ang commit, JAMES M. CHBNDLER, » > Wand Bi pe ora) tae EBB sear coniticaton ~ completes by Butcing Ounare wii respect to theft Year ofthe Credit Period 1 eigdbbass Toby as honcion)< TT] anenbod $4 Ofshlgvtledbas tt tng ose et ear cp : (es 2.987.905 1b Aroyesteatng is bldg a8 prof a mull blg eect er pups of secon 42 (c6e incon)? CO vs @ w 2a MboeSacrboxédichcte oyu ae! aduceeghe bats uncer econ ALTOS? a we 4 Onyou doctorate ee basis by dsproprtonse cats of naow.ncono ands (secien 205)? CY x © 10 Checkthe appropiate ex fo ach election: 2 Gecttobogn cel peed test year ater the bln i placedin servic (escon 211). D vs @ fb Cectnolloteatlaye panei taxpayer (scfon A205)... feeteteees Yes € Geckninivum saaterequtamenteecion 4) cosinscioney’ E2350. neo | BANRNY.C.S 1 Elect eoprentstewed proj (enn 42{d 628 sstes) % 77% gaa "ai, Tor each Bulldlag mual Be atlached Io the eattazpondiig Pom ase isle A [eprm 903), Aan 5 7 compliance pastes Tseparile Sch sor each year af the 16: az Papesvonk Radian Pat We, banat = Soe ET Fam 6608 foe tarterss 1439 1B 703 943 0853 KooaLer const eo +O Pepa ren BEOD Low-noome Housing Credit | caine ger bean Allocation Certification 7 Taney Tobe pitarhad aratuinot building ewe ‘1 peapastoonon an Pintonbeae ene iiewaparaay Reporte 36 FEM Attocation of Credit—To 82 Completed by Housing Credit Agoney Addition fo 7 od Bua Amended Fata Faaamanrrmore a Tsar oa virginda Housing Development Authority 601 8. Belvidere street Richmond, VA 23220 1S Venere est Teg 54-092~1892 Keeani nom wT 69VA30304 Ba 105 Elkmont prive Elkton, VA 22827 “Wha a sai MATT RTT Blkment Partners, bP. Route 1, Box 510 Pishersville, VA 22939 19 Date of adecation > 4.2:.2RBLEA... b Houelrg cred dof ammunteleeated sk wv yw 2 Maximum appleabie crac parcantage alcetied ye ee ee ee PR 4 ¥ Maximus quatieg basa eee tents agate bans iisycedtby iecanemol bonds |e ge) a % sa stn 42 Of ue inten verse C2, A al rat aloe in mad ln epansy lhe ot my krewiedgrand ble, ty slormeton tue, eotecl and compile, roby Suan Owner for Firat VeRrOr Crea dan 8 lgebascfetdrg ee avulone) [JB] BERLE ae Origa quand basis of te buldng wt ceo is je ofereditpalod vy ye ee ARR b nthe building patt ofa mullite buloing project? wy ee ve ee aie Dine 3 Check the bor thet cescribes the allocation for the bulifing (check onw only): 1D Newly consttucted and not Faderaliy ubytetred © [) Eating butcing 2 EF Newiy constrvcted and Feduraly eubstzized ‘Sec, 42(e)ohebltation axponditores Federly subsidzad « C) See, 42(a)rehebiltetion expenditures nol ede aiid tee, BF ho «OD 4a bord ar bor3d ia ehectad, ds you elec a reduct epi baci unde section A2IEXEY «we ss & De you steel toraduce elie basis by disproportionate cout of nonirinceme units (section 42¢ey3))? CJ Yea 5 Checkthe approprite box or esch isction: fects exact pnicta tyearatrta bagi aed inate ton A200) « «+B Yes 2 Elect net treat Inge partnership as taxpayer avcton A20XED) «so Buel nino ate enema elon egy a hatte) «Ch 120 D)'z60 fp alse caste quv.c.onp Notes A sepecate Schedate & (Form 8609), Annus! Statement, must be altsched to Form 8609 for exch yeat ofthe 1Syesr compliance Dn period ater 1989, auton: Rend th artlns under -Sgtae” page ely ging spat Under wenatine ot pry | Calo tnt (1 toe abore bung contuns Lo quay'98 a pa of x quale lerinome hooting patel wn gages of tan Roeraue Coe stelion AZ (2x iting bens of epg na) fom nok PE ceeane fox ayaa ans (8) 10% inet claiming any relief ftom the postive loté cules Of section 502 of Ure Tax Reform Act of 1965 for this properly, | have examined this form and scenmpunylagvthadule, and (otha best of my knowledge and bolt, ts tue, erect, and rompete, 49322 313/92 eae gffdcer v or Construction Gapaty, nev. Bonerad Pavener Fer Paperwork Reduction Act Notte, ave Instructions. Foon 8609 caz00) r= 8609 Low-Income Housing Credit Serta Allocation Certification ove na cones resco Allocation of Odie Amended Form Check tt TC] Adon to Cuan Basic [A Address of buldng (do ot use P.O. bos (se rsruors) 1400 spruce Avene ~ a1a3. A Buena Vista, VA 244l5 © Nara, aoe and TW of bling awnercaing locaton Hillerest Manor, LUC ay Silverstrand Place The Woodlands, TE 7738 Name and adds ofhousing creit agency Virginia Housing Development Authority 601 8. Belvidere street Richsond, VA 25220-5504 Employer igenticaion number of sgenay s4-0921082 Bulcng Wentezton number (IN) egvaoz00: TN > 44-2235258 aur housing credit dofer amount alowabie, | 4b | $ 33,683 4a Datectalocaion 32/24/07 2. Maxinum sppicabl cre percentage afowcble . 3a Maximum quali basis ce eee bass wsdn te cruiatn o ie2a wasinzeose, chek te aaa box ad enter th percentage to which te elgbe was heeased (Se instucfors) ... Bult nate in tre Gut Opportunity (60) Zone, Fiz GO Zone, or Wim GO Zone 2) Secton42(6}(0 igh cost rea provisions 4 Percantagec the aggregate basis Maced by tae bonds. (ier, ener)...» 5 Date bung pao in service. . > 12/27/08 6 heckti bes at dese te sortn te un heck howe hat pt 2 C7 Neviy constucted and federal subst b L] Nowy onsite and not ederalysbsicted —¢ sting bling Cy Sex 42()rehabitation expenditiesfderaly subse’ 1 Bl Sec 42) attain expences not faeralysubscad £7 Notieeray subsiized by reason o 1.50 nie unr see. 42/N2NE) 9] Aiocation sbjct to nonprofit set-asite under sec. 42(H5) ‘Signature of Aithorized Housing Credit Agency Oficial - Completed by Housing Credit Agency Only 2 | s.00% $440,922 Under penalties of peru, [declare thal the alonain nade's in oxipiance win te requemanis of sacion (Zot te intemal Revenue Code, > AUTHORIZED OFFICER aah aan ibm naghapanigiawe uaa rations eterno » WL-08 ‘Name (please ‘yoe or print) ‘Date AMES M. CHANDLER MEBMIIN First-Year Coraication — Gomploted by Building Owners with respect o the fst Yaar ofthe Gredit Pared . .. Ut [#40 ¢22 7 Eligible basis of bullting (ses instructions}... . 6.6.65 Ba ial uo tas ofthe ung aces ser fered . aa 44o, G22 » smut ihre ig ctr pm 2m instrucions)? BW Ys O wo boxe orboxed chested, do you elt dice ee bats under section (28? O ve O w 1b Formatetale nts above the average qualy standards clowincome uns nh ulin, co you ect to reduce eligible basis by disproportionate costs of nor-iow income units under section 42(4)'3)(8)? O ve Ol No 10 Check he appropri xfer each loco: Caution: Once mse, fe flew aboons a rewcebla, 4 Blectio hein cet ere he rst year aftr th binge placd in sre (secon 421) W Yes O to ‘b Blech notio teal ne prersp as taxpayer coon 42095). «eevee nese) ED Yes Elect hmm sxe requirement (echo 421) 0 instucfons) ws" BY 4oe0 CJ 2580(uy.c. ont) <4 _Ecc deep rent stewed poet (secon 142/418) (68 instutons)- a O80 “rales ope, [Sore ath ator alchg rts Ula parts quale’ hasme ois proj ad ness He eaukerows oad jh om gpa atime, and fo the best of my knowledge and belle.they are rue, comect, and complete. eae ghgiga/nfog "Faraajer lerieion urbe = er | | Taser cy Fa 659 Re ED i Tae eas ype or) Far Fay Rata Papert Ret At Nas, Se8 RIE r= 8609 | Lowdncome Housing Credit amen Allocation Certification naa acre ay ‘ara ine * Dont pants. Te beg ouner mux ich Fam E88, Fars tba Seto A Fore S60 os Fal ce ‘soqunen Na 28 PME] Atiocation of Credit - Complated by Housing Credit Agancy Only Get Adsense {Bh Aad Fora -comeson der (2 19END ‘A. ket Sling (6 a ne P,0. bet (os cos) 1B Ree rd acresct ounng mc gery Virginia Housing Development Authorsty 522 Kinchaster street - Bldg. A Warrenton, VA. 20186, 601 2, Belvidere Street Richnond, VA 24220-6506 D npper ert kero 9guey Naa, alo, and Te beng oar oy Soc Hunt Comtry Investors, L. Ps ‘540922852 19 Silveratrand place The Woodlands, TX 77382 T hig lato TH? seman 'vass10703, oes 1b axiram housing uct dakar aroun alowable 2 cima applicable crc percents aowabie 2a Masia quod baie Chacko * C] etc bat et We conn oe as nce felis etana prs sin AC), Sere renin ih gla sesises earn! ners) + - é 4 Pacaogicte megan orcad exeert tds (m0 ee) 5 pasting pcan con. - » 3857/00" 5 Check io bonthat desotbas fe accion fata ang (heck mh: 2 Newly cnsmated acon sbsosd —& [] Newtycontuced and ct coty sions C] Exit bg 40h Sex leebtaten pando sibind w L] Sen Ol) cin vpendre ot fay ibid Ti porate oper at te stone ngs vba mica cn 2 of Pe ara Reve Cnt al ie eid Patt hen be tty tos dle tn Fm acon coe HERETIN cirtt-Year Certification - Complated by Bullting Owner for First Year of Crecit Period Only 7a Odobulingphcedinsardce ? {75102 Sai ba bag a etc) Th gal ud bas of ebay tee cy fret pea : 237,772 estoy bling pat ts te tng pe ec 2 Hw om 9a RooxGs or tae le chock, do you lato ice bles under econ U2IHEN? « + T Ye Bf te 1 Doyousiect nti ag ks by Saprmeionai cass of renfoelonne nis son ORS? =e No 10 check apropriae breech elector 1 Siac begin cre prio the ie yar aftr the but x placod in sarvice (section 4241)). Bove O w 1b Gactnata toate parnanth area 205) « cane O ve © Geeta setae reqaieret (coco a} (wensmncions) C] 0 PS aoa Of amr oO 0 4 _Gretdeaprnt stowed project (econ ADH) (se nstucfons) Woie: A saperata Sehedute A (Farm Feed), Antual Stalamoat, for each Dullding must ba attached to thu cavtespaadlig Fam 50 {for such yest ofthe 1S-your compliance perid. ‘Caution: Read the instructions under Slgnature (page 4 before signing tis part ‘Under panes pry, Sct that he awe bug cords Quy ar 2 part fa quod fowncare housing pret and moots he regdrmces of tpmal Rovense Code scion 42 ad ht te quod bai of tha bung has * C1 has oot ? ED cecresced ria tx ‘and be best ofmy knowedge and bait ey ae re, corect and compet. Zs-Beosrs7=z. _ + 2//23 ‘is ar) TABQ (Documentation of Rental Assistance) United states Department of Agriculture Rural Development Virginia State Office March 4, 2011 Mr. James Chandler Director of Low Income Housing Tax Credits Program Virginia Housing Development Authority 601 S. Belvidere Street Richmond, Virginia 23220 RE: Status of Rural Development Properties Seeking LIHTC Reservations Dear Mr, Chandler ‘The purpose of this etter is to make you aware of the status of Rural Development (RD) processing of the application for Project Reservation for approval of additional rental assistance under our Prepayment Program. It is our understanding that this property managed by Mark-Dana Corporation is seeking LIHTC for 2011 and that having additional rental assistance units is crucial in scoring forthe award ofthe tax credits they are seeking. The properties in process are: Total Present RA Anticipated Total RA After Units Units ‘Incentive RA Units Incentive Award Elkmont! Apartments 44 4 40 44 ‘The Grottoes Apartments 46 1 45 46 Craigmont Apartments 4 7 44 ‘Willow Lake Apartments 2B 17 6 B We have eceived and ae processing the aplication forthe above listed property fo the adtional units of rental sistance to preserve the properties in our portfolio. As inthe past, our agency processing does not Synchronize with the LIH'TC process, Our slate has been very successful in being awarded additonal rental assistance fo properties under the prepaynent process lo preserve these properties as affordable hourng. Ik is because ofthat reason that we afe confident that these properties will be sucessful in being awarded the units that hey have requested to bring these properties upto 100% rental assistance ‘As always, your consideration inthis matter is highly appreciated. Please feel free to contact me should {you have ary questions or need to discuss this matter, BYRON W. WATERS Director, Housing Programs CC: Mark-Dana Corporation 1606 Santa Ross Road « Sule 28 -Pichmond, VA 23228-6014 Phone (804) 287-1850 » TOO (004) 287-1753 (fot earing tmpaived) FAX (004) 287-1764 rude usa goviva Conia tne treo rt communes, USDA san equal oportuty prove, employ ad lence. ‘Tota complain ot ucmnaton ne USOA, Ovetor Offeso Civi figs, Room 228-W, when Buln, "and independence Avene, SW, Wagon, DC 20280-2470 or ca (80) 7082272 ee 0” 202) 204382 (10D) aoa United states Department of agriculture ‘ural Development Marrizonburg November 30, 2010 Carolyn S Lambert Mark Dana Management 709 Augusta Avenue Grottoes, VA 24444 RE: NOTICE OF APPROVED RENT AND UTILITY ALLOWANCE ‘You are hereby notified that Rural Development has reviewed the budget for shelter costs for the Elkmont Apariments, and considered all justifications provided by project management and comments provided by tenants. The Rural Development has approved the following rent and/or utility allowance rates fisted below, ‘The rates for all units will remain in effect on 1/1/2011 ‘The approved changes are as follows: Unit Size Present Rent Approved Rent Basie Note Rate Basie Note Rate 390 52 390 52 2-Bedroom 25 630 25 630 ‘The approved utility allowance changes are as follows: Unit Size Present Utility Allowaace | Approved Utility Allowance 1-Bedroom 109 109 2-Bedroom 123 123 Should you have any questions or concerns, you may contact our office. ‘You must notify the tenants of Rural Development's approval ofthe rent and utility allowance changes by posting this letter in the same manner as the "NOTICE TO TENANTS OR PROPOSED RENT (OCCUPANCY CHARGE) AND UTILITY ALLOWANCE CHANGE," This notification must be posted in a conspicuous place and cannot be substituted for the usual written notice to each individual tenant, This approval does not authorize you to violate the terms of any lease you currently have with your tenants For those tenants receiving rental assistance (RA); their costs for rent and utilities will continue tobe Based on the higher of 30 percent oftheir adjusted monthly income or 10 percent of ross monthly income or ifthe household is receiving payments for public assistance from a publi agency, the portion of such payments ‘which is specfially designated by that agency to meet the househokds shelter cost. Iftenans are receiving Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section 8 subsidy assistance, ther costs for rent and utilities will be determined by the current HUD formula. ‘You may file an appeal regarding the rate and utility allowance change as approved. An appeal must be received in the Regional Office no later than 30 calendar days after receipt of the adverse decision. The appeal +934 Doyerl Ave, Su 0 - Harsonburg, VA. 22001 PHONE: se0a-a6 om = FAK SARE TOP TOD. 8042871753 furl Developments an Equal Opporunty Lender Prove, ona Employer. Campana of icrmination shoultbo santo USDA, Otecter, (Ofc of Ci Rights, Wlashigion,C. 20250.8410 should state what agency decision is being appealed and should include, if possible, a copy of the adverse decision and a brief statement of why the decision is wrong. A copy of the appeal request should be sent tothe agency ‘You must inform the tenants of their right to request an explanation ofthe rate and utility allowance change approval decision within 45 days of the date ofthis notice by writing to Rural Development, 1606 Santa Rosa Road, Suite 238, Richmond, VA 23229-5014. All tenants are required to pay the changed amount of rent as indicated in the notice of approval, ‘Any tenant who does not wish to pay the Rural Development approved rent changes may give the owner @30- day notice that they will vacate. The tenant will suffer no penalty as a result of this decision to vacate, and Will not be required to pay the changed rent. However, if the tenant later decides to remain in the unit the tenant will be required to pay the changed rent from the effective date ofthe changed rent. Cad ack, FER LIZ WALKER ELIZABETH A, WALKER Area Director EAW/dam Attachment FemRD356027 cnt aus buanntr or once en : onAL Devaar oe subat Housing sevice OMBNO 05750189 “She YEAR RENTAL ASSISTANCE AGREEMENT a ae 55-003-094093 1328 PROIECT NO O18 ‘This Agreement is effective on the Yet day of. February ue between Elkmont Partners Limited Partnership "borrower" ands sucoesvors andthe Unlied States of Americ acting through the Rival Housing Service ("the Government”) pursuant to section 521(aX2MA) of Tite Vof the Housing Actof 1949. covenants set forth, the prties agree as follows; Inconelderation ofthe rat 14 regulations for Section 1 The Government agrees 10 provide rental assistance in accordance with is governing rules the mumber of units of housing provided according to the atached Form RD 3960-51 (Past I), *Muliple Housing ‘Obligation-Fund Analysis” or RD 3560-55, “Multiple Family Housing Transfer of Rental Assistance,” for the project located Etkmont Drive, Eton, VA 22827. at aon Etkmont Apartments consisting of 44 units. The Goverament will pay the dilfeence between the Government approved shelter cost or the project and ihe monty tenant contribution as calculated and certified for each tenant household on Form RD 3560-8, “Tenant Certification” Additional attachments ‘of For 3560-51 (Parl) or Form RD 3560:85 may besradeto, ond shall become part of, this Agreement when propely identified by ease rnumiber, project number, dated, an duly executed by both parties. ‘Section 2 The borrower agrees to abide by the present and fature regulations of the Government inthe administration of ths program. Sestion.3 Borrower agrees to use due diligence inthe verification and certification of tenants incomes. ‘Section 4 In the event thal any tant sutfers a hardship because rental assistance may nt be avallable i he project because ofthe limitations onthe numb of unt from the Government the borawer may request aional units. Ifthe Government provides ational units, then copies ofthe obligation sercens wil be etiached by the Government fo, and become a part of, this Agreement ‘Scction § Borrower agrees to comply with Government pririties for selecting tenant that receive rental asistance, Scstioné revisions Anolicabeifthe Borrower isa Conperative- ‘When the Borcower is a Cooperative The term “household contribution” or “rent” will (2) The term “tenant or occupant” will include a member ofa cooper llude the charges under the oceupancy agreement between the member amd the cooperative. (6) A member of « cooperative spproved for rental assistance shall agree tha upon a sele of their membership, any equity sntibutable o supplemental ret payments willbe pald to the Government through the cooperative. “Tig ipa eon Tera TR, yy si aa de Pn Bn Tedd 6 ae TRS wa TA SEP cw nt Te vd Cl ant see rr apermotncten n B5S T te ope ep sean cen eect Seog staf apce inn hse fring nee song ea sere oye any he dN oe soe et Pritee? Section? Kenseoit ation, Test, Termination - (2) Theprovidon ofthe Agreement may bemotie, amended, or tmnnaled yon wren agement ofthe pies (8) tf the boroverdetials on any provision ofthe lon artement,recliion, noe nee eect egeement,secuty insament oor supplementary a elstd agreement las my prop glean, ten he Govern Mayan Termnate ti Apecmet ona pected telling the dot (©, the Gcbeinen dimines ta et ascance nits are ot bring usd ser al en-up or arnt sed bese ofa eokofeigble tena hn, te hy tay te anteed fo anther pect Section 8 Tamm of Aeresment and Condition for Termination - (@) This Agreement and ts attachments, and any ational rena assis nce will expire autematioaispastotabditbarsment rats erminaled e.ending voreditabreninsessiososathebeecanerisgncout eceationrobi Agroeent ©) ___Thesttachments, Farm RD 3560-51 (Part I or RD 3560-55, to this Agreement ave ot renewable, If additional rental assistance needed the bertower may submita*Request for Rental Assstnce*on Form RD 3560-7 (Budge) atanytime. ifaditioal or feplacement unis are provided, a copy of the AMAS Sereen MBI willbe atached to and became part this Agreement, Section? Soaciai Conditions - The borrawer agrees that RD may attach a duly executed Form RD 3560-51 (Pax Hl} or ‘RD 3560-85 otis Agreement and ha it becomes apart hereof, and may be identified in section 1D below _ Etkmont Partners JJmited Parinershp Barve] RURAL HOUsmiG SERVICE ‘By Elizabeth A Water, Area rector ate = Seton 10 Record of AtachientsFor RDSS6USI(Partifjor RD3S6085 AGREEMENT # unms (9124 sLbeyrereie acneewenT # ons Li | 5 ! [AGREEMENT # wns Lit] sLitpi tii AGREEMENT # uns LLL sLiLij tidy Acreenen # ums LL sLisgititl AoEEMENT # ows LLL sLiipitiel AGREENENT # uws LIL . sLLtyt AGREEMENT # onns LiL! s poneewen # wns LL sLELpi il AGREEMENT 4 onms Ld slits} usps MULTIPLE FAMILY HOUSING Form RD 356051 OBLIGATION- FUND ANALYSIS 208 PARTI = STEROL CATON OF RENTAL ASISTANCE HF CASENTNEEY 15, BORROWER NAMEPROIECT NAME 5 ELKMONT PARTNERS LP eee | = ELKMONT APARTMENTS ¥ WA AGREEMENT NUMBE? % ROTECT NOWEER a TyPE OF [i TYPEOFACTION eae units z mee [B [ERE] 1 CONFLETEFOK on GaTIOROFRA : ‘OF UNITS TO RECEIVE RENTAL ASSISTANCE 31 AMOUNTOF RA OBLIGATION F z = Se eZ zi sigso0 [EE OOF A $5. AMOUNT OF DEOBLIGATION uio100_[ 3D NOMBER OF U i_REMARKS Replaces RA Agreement Numbers 40931328 Pr] Nbr: 016 Clas St: 55. Srv Off: 603. Cnty: 003 Borr I Borr Name: Elkmont Partners LP Project Name: élkmont Apartments Project Identifier: 090011037 Project Revenue Unit Count: <2” RA Unit Count: « Display All Agreements ES e | s9,912.00) $3,209.25) g602.75[110100 1 [090200/09/22/2009| 0 _|s15,648.001615,479.00| $169.00[110200 J 110300! owte/z013| 8 16,560.00 goodsiesc.oq iv 4 —L peste l i I ‘Total RA Units| al t ‘5. THAVE REVIEWED TIE BORROWERS REQUEST FOR RENTAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE PROJECT AND REQUEST OBLIGATION OR DEOBLIGATION OF RENTAL ASSISTANCE FOR THE ABOVE, DATE OF APPROVAL: January 19, 2011 DATE OF OBLIGATION: January 19, 2011 TAB R (Documentation of Operating Budget) Report: Pame0o Mules-Pomily Ingareation System (NPIS) pace: 11/30/2010 Proponsd Budget Page: bof 20 Project Wane ERO ARTMERTS Borrower Hane RORMGHT PARTNERS LF Borrower 1D and Project Wo. aaosaisae ~O1-e ‘Date of Operation 06/13/1590 ‘Teaa/Tranafer Raownt? Tore Fate Peynent Te Payment Bales Reporeing Budget Type Project Renal protic ype siete full Profi Annet — rogues Report i rentay X uintzea protic — Querterty Rent cnange — kiaesty, ven: Protie — enemy = — congregate —_orner servicing — Group ome Mined ut Thereby request unite of PA, Ccortent number of RA unite _ [The following utilities are _pieserteity — accruat ‘Gorrover Recounting Wethoe Sensitive but Unclasyi¢ted/Sensitive Securtty Information - Di jeninate ox @ Need-To-Knew Basie Only ‘noport:'Fma000 uits-Fantly Information system (NPIS) pate: 11/30/2030 ‘propoaed Budge Page Dot 10 Project Nene: ELRIONT APARTNENTS state: 55. Servicing Office: 609 aunty: 3 Borrower Kane: ELEM PARNER Le Sore 2D: 940921228 Fj Mrs 01-6 paid Code: active Clasaificetion: © Fiscal Year: 2011 Vereen: 03-02-2011 APEROVED Tatala: By Project analyzed: ¥ = care Pragaeed =e Budget ctu budsee EEfective Satee: 03/03/2018 | _03/03/3030 23/03/2038 Ending Dates iframe | _ 12/1/2010 32/31/2001 Fant i CASH FLOW STATEMENT ‘Operational Cash Sources 1. Rental Income Tie 420.09 Tie, 420.89 2. RAS Rental Resist, Racelved 3. Application Fee Received Laundry And Vending 3,100.29 2 000.) 5. Tacerset_Iatone 5,100.09 5,200.of ©. Tenant cherses 4,800.09 2,000. oo] 7. ether ~ project Sources i 7,700.0 3, 500.00) APPLEGATION FBS « CARD B teas_Weney @ Catgney AW) 4,326.40 a3. 99 a. ues agney Rpeva Tacent) 2.00) 2-0) 302 eubovt? UG thru 7)- (60917 EES way. Non-Operational Cash Sources 11, Cash - Non Project = Ta4 a, Autharizes Loan (les RIS) @ 09 aa, seanefer Prom Reserve T 35,976. 5,560.09) 34, Sub-Toted G1 Ebru 13) I 36,378 35, Fee. 0| 35, Total Gaal dources GQovia) | 354,567 a5, 355.69) operational Cash Uses 26. TE1 Om Bap (Prom Part 370 ee SET 165,979 09] 17. RAS Bebe Payment T 35.37.03 3a, 97.04 18. ms Faynent_(overasel 19, RAS Payment (Late Fee) 30, Reductn in Prier Yr bysiea Bh. Tenant Oesiiey Payronta Fa, Sranafor to Reserve 14,316.09 36,516, 09 23. aI Omez/iP Reset SC Fe 3a 3,8. 09 24. sub-total (06 thre 23) 327,307 cof Sera] 292,653.00 Won-Operational Cash Vasa 135. huthad Debt Fysnt (Nonna) 3.64 Toa] 26. caphtel Bedget (EE 4-6) BE. 35 a of 27. Miecelianeous 3.0 2.09] 28. Sub-total (25 thru 7) Te F76-0 35,564.09) 38. Total Gash Wass (24s20) 354,365.01 30a, 357-08) 30. Net (Deficit) (15-29) I FOR 3o88- a] Gash Balance 3h. Beginning cask Balance sea 1208.4] 32. Acoruah To Cash Adjustment (33. nding Gash Bal_ (00032002) 3,202.94 2,239.44 Senaitive but Unclassified/tensitive security Information - Disseminate on a Need-To-Rnow pate: 11/30/2010 Multi-Family Information Syston (WrrS) Page: 3 of 10 Report, Pnm000 Proposed Budget 85 Servicing office: 603 County: 3 Project Mane: ELIMONT APARTMENTS state Pej brs 01-6 Paid Code: Aetive Borrower Name: ELAMONT PARTNERS LP Bore 1D: 940852928 Claasificarion: ¢ Fiscal Year: 2011 Version: 01-01-2011 APPROWD Tetale: By Project Analyzed: ¥ en Careat Preponed ‘Budget actuat Budget Effective bates ox/ex/aar_| 02/03/2010 01/02/2034 Ending Date aana/a00 32/22/2010, 12/3/2002 PART 71 - Oem EXPENSE SCHEDULE 1, Maing. @ Repairs Payroll 22,600.00 32,600.09 2. Maine. @ Repairs Supply ©, 608.09] 000-00] 3. Maint. @ Repaira Contract 7,300.06] #, 000,00) Painting 700.09} 200.09 Snow Renova 350.04 300.09 Elevator Wine /eonerace 3-09 2.07 round 7,500. 0 7,700.00) 8. Services 3,000.09 3,350.09] 5. ope Bge part ¥ operating) 300.09 300-09 30, Other Operating Expenses: 2.09 3.09) 21. Sub-7¥ oom (2 thru 10) 37,350.01 3a 350.0 3a. Blecerieity 4,600.00 3,800.09 a Rater Te, 300.0 78,500.00 3.0 8.0 a5. Fuel_(0ii/coai/cas) 0-00 6. Garbage @ Trash Renoval 5,700. 0 7,500. 0 37. Other Ubsiieiee 150.09 350.00) CABLE « HWTERNET SuRVIE 36, Sub-TEl ges. (22 thru 17) 36,950.00} 7a, 950,09) 35. Site Mabagenent Payroll 600.0 22, 600-0 20. Nanagenene Fee. 2456-0 28, 52-0 21, Project auditing Expense 600.04) 5,300.00 22, Proj. Sookkeeping/Acentang 060.09) 5,050, 00) 23, legel Expenses 200.09 200.09 1,300.0] ¥, 000. al 2,509.09 2,000.00 700.0 708.09 8. Training Expense 7200.09} 3,500.00 9. WIth Tas. @ Other Senefite 74,000.09 70,500.00 0. Payroll Taxes 3,500.00 4,700. 00 iL Norimans Conpensation 3,400.09 2,750, 00 2. Other Adnin, arpenses 5,800.0 7,000.00] GAEDTR & GRIWINAL REPGR 3. Gub-Tel Adain (19 ehrw 32) 34, 536.0 a, 522.00) a. Real Estate Taxes 34, 000.0 34,600. 0 5. Special Assqnanent= 0.09 Teo. 9 750.00] VORA BURS, _ WONTTORING 24 Advortiving 25. Phone @ Answering Service 6. office Supplies "1. Office Furniture @ Bqulp. 16. Deny Tax0s, Lenses, Permte "7. Property @ Liability Ina. ja. Fidelity Coverage Ins 9. Other Insurance 0. Sub-Tel Ta/Ta (34 thew 397 31, 250.0 35, 150.09) Sensieive but Unclassified/sensitive security tnformation - Dieseminate on 4 Need-To-Rnow Basta only Report: Fim000 mules-Panily tnforsation eystem (NETS) Proposed Budge bate: 32/30/2010 age vot te Project vanes BURIONT APARIVENTS Stave: 55. Servicing Office: 60s county: 3 Borcower Sane: ELIONT PARMIERS Lb Bore 1D: 940931328 Pr} Nor 01-6 Pata code: Active Classification: @ Finesl Yesr: 202i Version: 01-01-2012 aPeROVED Total: By Project Annlysed: ¥ = Budget Actual Budget a Eeractive Daven 03/03/2010 | _ex/oi/aoia | _oa/ox/a0u8 Ending baton 33/33/2030 | 32/93/2030 32/23/2038 Fei oe Bape ane) Tie RET ves, 972- oo] [lurber Sf Applicants or the Waleing Lise] O]eserve hoot. Rea. Balance e786] aber Sf Applicence weeding 8A I @[ aacunt_ akead/Behiaa aeaa.05] Senaitive bat Unel {t1ed/senaitive Security Information - Dlareninate on a Naed-To-Know Baaie Only Reports PINa000 Muiei-Faeity tformation systen (PIS) Proposed Budget 21/30/2010, 5 0f 19 Page: Project Mame: ELKMONT APARIMENTS Fiscal Year: 2011, classification: © Garren Badge: 01/03/2030 12/33/2010 Tee Befective bates: nding Dates! PARE Iii - Acct BupGea/szaTUS Resezve Account Eeginning Balance 2, Tranefer co Reserve ‘Transfer From Reserve ~ Operating Deficit 38 pe Bee 36,976.00 Building @ Equip Repair 0.00) (Othe Non-Operating Expenses) 3.06 Fora] (3 thru 6) 36, 976.0 Ending Balance (202) 360, 434.09 jeneral Operating Account Beginning Balance ‘ading Balance jeal Estate Tax And Ina Eacrow Beginning Balance ‘Bading Salance fenant Security Deposit Acct Beginning Balance Ending Balance Ftv Fesezve) Sensitive but Unclassitied/Sensitive Security Information - Dlaseninate on a Need-To-Rnow version: 01-01-2011 APPROVED actval 03/01/2030 32/32/2010 Servicing office: 603 County: 3 01-6 Pata Code: active Analyzed: ¥ Prj br Totals: By Project ‘Proposed ‘Badges 03/02/2013 ae/si/ant 2560 357,766 2 omy Report: Fiviaoo mules-Pemily Information system IMIS) bates 12/30/2020 roponea Busser Page: 6 of 10 Project Name: ELINONT APARTMENTS State: 55 Servicing office: 603 county: 3 Borvower Nene: ELEMONT PARTHERS LP Berr 1D: 940931328 Pr Nbr: 01-6 ald code: Active Classification: © Péecal Year: 2011 Version: 1-01-2012 APPROVED Totals: By Froject Analyzed: ¥ 1 GORRR ApPROvED ARVTS/OTTLGAY ALLGWIGH #1707700 ‘vale Description ental Fates TRotential Yncone fron Fach Rate | Oeliiny Type [Size [jie [Rev Unit] Wonber | waste [vote Rare | WO | Basic wove Rate | up| Allowance » pw. 1 [wp [sv @ [eaaeo mass | 108 he as ae a 327500388000 | i EC a “aa une 103 ] ‘cunnawe Rnr TeTAES[ause70|sisaé[o aw TapeCaive BAGH GF Waa/aniLGRY RELOWANOR ——03703/2030 Unie Description Deriiey Tybee Tyee | size | ne] ev | Unie Het | css | water | sever | trash | other | Tors] Allow e E ® z ae) a a oe 108 [2 pe aa |e ® a @ 8 133 7 PRGPOSED CDNGE TO RATS/OTTERTY AELORONCR: jeription ental Face Potential incon een ach Rate] Welty HC [fev Unit [umber | waaie [vote ate | WD asic | Hote Fete | muy) Allowance c é a ep @ @ GRANT Rat TOTALS @ a a fenaitive but Unclasnitied/Sensitive Security Information ~ 34) joninate in a Naed-To-Rnow Basta Oly Repore: PINL000 MuLes-Family Information System Q&FzS) pate: 13/30/2010 proposes Budget Page oe se Stare: 45 Servicing office: 603 county: 3 Pr} Nor: 01-€ Paid Code: Active Clesaigscation: € Fiscal Year: 2011 Versions 01-01-2011 APPROVED Totals: BY Project Analyzedr ¥ se Froponed | #roposed | ~Aetval | Propored | Actual ] Actual | — Total munber | from | from | from | fron | Total | Actual uaize/isanal_t e om ine/teens. Bifective bate cafex/at | an/oufai_| on/oa/a0 | ax/oayai | on/on/s0 | oi7ou7io | en/0%/t0, Ending Dae na/ai/a1[aa/aahia [aa/sa/0 | aafsafss | a2/aa/ae | 22/33/n0 | 32/3 ANNUAL CAPITAL BUDGET = Appliances i [pppiisnces — Range 3] zeae] 0.00] ape [0.00] a0 a| 2ppliances Refrigerator 3) aee-00] 0.00 a.00.| 0.00 00 n auplisnses — Range Hood 3] 360.00, 0.00 a.0_| e.00] 0.00 n Appliances —Wasnere «Dryers 3 2 cco] 0,00] 0.00] 0.00 2 appliances — Orhee ol 0-80 0.001 0.001 0000.00 A carpet end Vinyl = ‘carpet @ Vinyl = 1 BE a] aso] aeo] ara] 00 a carpet @ Vioy! 2 Br alan 0.00[ a.00.| a.0] 0.00] A Carpet @ Vinyl = 3 Br @| 0.20] 8.00] -00 | o-00| 2:09 H Carpet @ Vinyl = 4 BE al 0.0 0-001 »-00.| 800-00 H Carpet 6 Vinyl = Other A o00[ 0.00. | 0.00] 0:00 A (cabinets = cabinaes — Sanchens a|_—o:00] e001 $00 | —s.00] a. z cabinets — Eathroom e.a0| 9-00 | —s.00| 6.00 a [cabinets = Orner e001 e.00| 9.00. 0.00 0.00 A Doors Doors = Interior of .00| 0.40.) 9:00 0.00 A Doors obher 0 ao] _e.00[ 0.00 | 0.00 9.00 A Window Coverings index Coverings - Detail 2a] sao] 0-80] 308.85] 0,20] oa z Window Coverings ~ othe ol e.g 6.00] 0.08. | ~-00| 0.001 3 Heat and Air Conditioning ‘est @ Ar = Hating a ooo] _s.00,| neo 0-00 z Hest @ Air = Aly conditioning 2 a 00] 0,00" ——»-00| 6:00 3 Heat a Air Other | 0.60| .00[ 2.00 [0-00 0.00 2 Plumbing Plunbing = Water Noster 2] si0.00| 0-00] 0.08. | rsa] 00 3 Planbieg ~ Bath Binks a) 0.0] 0.00 | 0.00} 0.00) 0.00 2 Plumbing ~ Kitchen sia a]. 2.008.001 0.90] 0.00 a Plunbing = Faurets: o[0-09| 6.00] 0-00. [00 0.00. a Plumbing = Toilets sen oan} asa Feast) A Major Electrical “| Major Electrics! otal @[__s-ao] a.00] —a.00. | —a.00] o-00] a ninjor Electeical = other ‘a|_-v.00,.00| 0.00] 0.00] 20 “i seracture: structures — Windovs o|_—sr00] 0:00] ——o.60 | ana] —as08 a Structures ~ sereeh ‘ol 1.09] 0.00 0-08 | 0:00] 0.00 n Structures "Walle ° eco] 9.001 9.90] 0.00 n Struocuren Roofing ol 0:99.00] 0-00. | 40] 0.00 a seesctures = Siain a 9:00] 0.00. | 0.00] 8.08 n Structures » Exterior painting ale 9.00] 0.00] 0.00, 8.00 A seructures other: oi e-00) 0.00] 0.00] ~»:a0| 2.08 ° Senascive bat Unclagsitied/Sensitive Security Information - Dieeeninate on a Report: Frnno00 Multi-Panéiy Ingosmation system (NFts) Proposed Budget s1/30/2010 Borrover Nase: ELEMONT FARTWERS LP Servicing office: Prj Mors 01-6 Palé Code: Active ciassificacion: ¢ Pineal Year: 2011 Yerelon: 01-01-2011 APPROVED Totals: By Project Analyzed: Y ew Proposed] Propssed | Actual ] Propcaed ] Actual | Actual | Torat Munber een tson | from ‘from | Total | Actual tnits/ttens|_2e 2 perabing if fective Dave 02/03/33.) 08/03/31 | ex/oasa0 | e3/02/a8 | e2/an/a0 | oa7oa/a0 | 01/0/10 ‘Ending Dates azn | aa/sasan | az/aifio | a2/a/ua | aa/aaao | 22/31/10 | 2/0 Paving Paving = Rephale al o.00] 3.00 08) 300] 0.08 a Paving ~ Concrsta 2.00 0:00) 2-00, 0-00 a [Paving - seal ang Stripe i ‘of 9-00] 0.00) 9:00 2.00[ v.00 a, paving = Osher ol 9.00 0.00 000 2.00|~0.00 | Zandscape and Grounds indsepscrnds - Landscaping | 3) a0a] o.00] 9.00 3.00] 9.00) al [anascpacenés — Lavn Bquipeent 0] o.00| 9.00 0-00 9.00| 0-00) 2 indacpaGrae ~ Fencin o| 9.00 2.00 0-00 0,00] 0.00 2 ‘EndscpaGrads - Recreation Area | 0.00 0:00 a-09| 0.00 Lndeepecrnde - signs of 00] 0.00 2.00 9.00] 000 4 ‘ndscpecrnés = Other ol o.00] 0.00 0.00 9,00] 0.00 o Accessibility Feature: Decegsinilécy Fostures Decal 2 2 o00 2.00 aco] 0.00 a “aoceasibi ity Peatutes “Other ‘ol 200000 0.00 0:00 900) 0-00 0 wutomation Equipment ‘Automation quip. -Site Mage. o] 8.00 2.00, ee 22s] 0.09) a ‘Automation quip. Common area 0, 0.00] 0.00 0.00 2.09] 0.00 a] Rutonst ion Equip. Other | 9.201 0.00 0.00 2.00 0-00 ° other bist: > ol e.g] 0.00] o-08 ‘Se0[ 8-00) 2 iets? © 1 2.00 9.00) 0-00| 0.00 © List? © oo 0-00 0:00 9-00, 0.00] o “Forel capital Spon 0 25564.00 9.00 380.00 0-00) 0.00) ° Senaitive but Onell pace: 12/30/2020 Multi-Family Information system (MPI8) Report: FI000 ‘Proposes Budge 58 Servicing office: 603. couty: 3 940931328 Prj Nr: 01-6 Paid Code: Active Project Name: SLINONT APARTMENTS Borrower Nave: ELIMDXT GARTERS 2P Bors IDs Classification: ¢ Pigcal Year: 2011 Version: Ci-01-2011 APPROVED Totals: sy Project Analyzed: ¥ PART VI - SIGNATURES, DATES AND COMMENTS ‘Geccicr 1901 of Title 18, Ualted Seater Code provides: “Whoever, In aay watter within che Jerindiation of any department or agency of the United States knowingly and willfully of device 2 material fact, or makes any shall be fined under this title ox imprisoned not more than five years, or both. {HAVE READ THE ABOVE MARUING STATEMENT AND I NERERY CERTIFY THAT THE FOREGOING TNFORNATYON 18 COMPLETE AND ACCUR 08/24/2010 NARK-DRNA. CORP mao73439 {Bate Submicted) (anagesent Agency! wae) (ated (Signature of Borrower ex Borzewer!e Reproventative) — iniele 21/30/2010 (wate) Ageney Approval (Rural Developsont Approval OFfighs}) Sensitive but Unclassified/Seneitive Security Information - Diasesinate on a Need-To-Rnow Basis Only bate: 13/30/2030 Multi-Family Information syeten (MFIs) Page: 10 ef 10 Proposed Suagee Project Mane; ELENOWT APARTMENTS state; 55 Servicing Office: 60) county. 2 ocrower Nane: ELKMONT PARTNGRS LP Borr 1D; 940932328 Prj Nbr: 01-6 Paid Code: Active laseificacion: © Fiscal Year: 2013 Version: 01-02-2021 APPROVED Totale: By Project analyzed: ¥ Batonea/ 1 092320 narrative: am enailing the utility allowances, five year eapital neete lan and the eignsture sheets compliance reviews at Elkmont in the past year but the apartments are in good physical condition financial standing of the complex Le good with the Occupancy for the year being over 39 percent. Me avenegetiated with many of cur vendors and have lowered the cost of many gervices in an atteapt to Keep rents own.We have changed the following areas on the budget By move than 20 pereant.Part Ihine 4-Reflecte aversce taundry income for this year,Line 6-Tenant caused damages have Deen lover thie year.Part 11Line 2-Retlects average apant thie year on maintenance supplies Line a-liesting © cooling are getting elder needing mere work. Line S-le have Budgeted higher because of last winter.Line 7-Reflacte actual anounte spent this year. Line f-Me now treat exch unit each month for pest, Line 12-Reflecte average electric billing for this year Dine 16-86 negotiated with provider for better ratee.Line 24-Reflacte actus] cost for thie year bine 25-Raflects average spent this year for phane and ansvering service Line 26-Reflects amounts spent for office supplies we have tried to conserve. Line 26-Reflects actual expenditures tor training. line 29-Health Insurance has decreased Decause we chose a higher deductible.Line 30-W20 under budgeted last year-Line 12-Reflecte actual cost .uine 32- We nave nad ese turn avers, therefore fever credit & criminal checks.uine 36-Reflaccs actual ‘There pave been no ‘me Sensitive but Unelasssfied/Seneitive security Information - Dlgseminate on a Need-To-Know Baate Only TABS (Documentation of Project Budget) REQUISTION NO. CONTRACTOR'S REQUISITION snot FR ASAT Rano Moench elisa fe Capa senate eames [oa Compe] XE Tse seas | "tosiein| “Ragusa [tobe] corgiee [eet cae sco ts sop oe i a 3 3 = a foantonet 0 $e a Soe} Pee eee sit = = a io a a a ae eee 7 : 4 FD foe a = $ a. eae ae 4 3 Seer aaa Sa s o oe ooo fe sat 2 a {ee eer aa nie snoot a = et Sante a # # See Sauetbeamg a = a on eae a i a ott ae Sore = = = St eae sae = = Setar fen ea i = -- ae sae = = See = Sooo = = se} Misco He s50 = = a Sons comnce ecTome| — sso = a a eae a = = oe ioe sas = = Sato Se arco anne 4 a so} peas east = Set 9s [aes ae | . 2 oF feat Stee ae 2 = et oe ba fer ne 2 o_o Se a a oe Be a sate 2 = Seta Se a = # a foe ee So Tae = 3 Soot pee a 5 7. ee ae = = Sow fae — sa = $125,000, 0. ‘30. $0. 0% $125,000 eerie 7 = = Socom [ata ouaecuaeene = = = Settee eae ea = = Sot tee ot as 2 2 St eee — = so stom] carat : a a a Foratvonmmaor amour F~ECREASE = a Sorat aoa NET CHANGE ORDERS (1) 5 | $0.00 a aa @ 3 = fen SoTeT Wea — FARE = # a Tae raat Eo = et a 3 Ce aaa eaaemN 2 3 hq oxpeas as arraciee CONTRACTOR: Roeder Consmuionco,ina BY ome Sheu ce aa Cainy Rectan My Coniston expires SUPERVISORY ARCHITECT'S CERTIFICATE! corty thst on tis date have visted he development to determine the ‘basis of cost pon whieh | cet ts Applosion for esbursement uth coy tat ll pro work ani the workin place to be pals {or under ts aplcaton for asbursement are sasfaciory and conform tothe Contact Documents wes noted atervise ine Archies fed reper, The Contractor has entementto the requested payment (S ARCHITECT: _Winks Snows Arhiscts _6Y: DATE: Tn Snowe sia01t 1255 Pu TABT (Documentation of Financing Sources) Elkmont Partners, LP 26302 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 100 Spring, Texas 77380 281-292-1940 Fx -281-419-1991 Cell 713-542-5699 March 1, 2011 Elkmont Manor, LLC 26302 Oak Ridge Drive Suite 100 Spring, Tx 77380 This letter is to confirm our proposal and offer to contribute $150,000.00 (One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars) as an incentive for you to purchase our property known as Elkmont apartments. This offer is conditioned on your obtaining adequate LIH Tax Credits and all necessary approvals and financing to proceed with and complete the acquisition and planned rehabilitation. Approved by: Elkmont Partners, LP Shenandoah Valley Properties, LP By Koogler Construction Co. Inc. by Mark-Dana Corporation its General Partner Its General Partner TAB U (Documentation — include any as applicable to development:) * To Request Exception To Restriction-Pools With Little/No Increase In Rent Burdened Population * Of site location in an urban development area as defined in §15, Code of Virginia * Of the development participating in a locally adopted affordable housing dwelling unit program area as described in either §15.2-2304 or §15.2-2305 of the Code of Virginia 2223.1 of the TAB V (Nonprofit or LHA Purchase Option or Right of First Refusal) Parcel Identification Number Prepared by: Williams, Mullen P, 0, Box 1320 Richmond, VA 23218-1320 RI AT OF FIRST REFUSAL AG THIS RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL AGREEMENT (this "Agreement"), made and entered into as of March _7, 2011, by and between ELKMONT MANOR, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company ("Seller"), and VIRGINIA UNITED METHODIST HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Virginia nonprofit corporation ("Purchaser"), provides as follows: RECITALS Seller is the owner of, or has agreed to purchase, the “Property” (as hereafter defined), B. Subject to the terms and conditions hereafter set forth, Seller desires to grant to Purchaser, and Purchaser desires to obtain from Seller, the exclusive right and right of first refusal to purchase the Property, on the terms as hereafter provided. A MI NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, premises, conditions and undertakings herein set forth, Ten and No/100 Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which the parties hereby acknowledge and covenant and agree as follows 1, DEFINITIONS. tn addition to any other terms defined elsewhere in this Agreement, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the context requires otherwise: A. “Property” shall mean that certain piece or parcel of real estate located at 101 Elkmont Dr., Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia, which is more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto, together with all appurtenances, rights, privileges and easements in any way benefiting, belonging, or appertaining to the Property, together with all buildings and improvements located on the Property, including, without limitation, the multi-family apartment building to be known as “Elkmont Manor”, containing 44 residential units (the “Improvements”), together with all mechanical systems, fixtures, equipment, compressors, engines, elevators and escalators, all electrical systems, fixtures and equipment, heating fixtures, systems and equipment, air conditioning fixtures, systems and equipment and plumbing fixtures, systems and equipment, B. “Settlement” shall mean the closing of the purchase and sale of the Property pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement, which shall occur on the Settlement Date. C, “Settlement Date” shall mean that certain date thirty (30) days after the exercise of the Refusal Right, or such extended date as may be agreed in writing by Seller and Purchaser (but not before the expiration of the Compliance Period). D. “Compliance Period” shal] mean the “compliance period” set forth in the Rules and Regulations for Allocation of Low-Income Housing Tax Credits, 13 VAC 10-180 ct sea, as published in the Virginia Housing Development Authority, Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program, 2011 Application Manual, including al] amendments thereto and clarifications thereof (the “Regulations”), and as set forth in the Seller’ application for a reservation of a low-income housing tax credits pursuant to the Regulations. 2. _ GRANT OF RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL. In the event that the Seller receives a bona fide offer to purchase the Property, which offer the Seller intends to accept, Purchaser shall have a right of first refusal to purchase the Property (the “Refusal Right”) on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement and subject to the conditions precedent to exercise of the Refusal Right specified herein, In addition to all other applicable conditions set forth in this Agreement, the foregoing grant of the Refusal Right shall be effective only if Purchaser is currently and remains at all times hereafter. until the Refusal Right has been exercised and the resulting purchase and sale has been closed, a qualified nonprofit organization, as defined in Section 42(h)(5)(C) of the Internal Revenue Code. Prior to accepting any such bona fide offer to purchase the Property, the Seller shal] notify Purchaser of such offer and deliver to it a copy thereof (the “Refusal Exercise Notice”). The Seller shall not accept any such offer unless and until the Refusal Right has expired without exercise by Purchaser under the terms hereof. A. Term of Refusal Right. The term of the Refusal Right shall commence on the first day of the year immediately preceding the expiration of the Compliance Period for the Property. and shall expire upon the earlier of (i) consummation of the sale of the Property after the ‘Compliance Period to a person other than the Purchaser after the Purchaser has failed to exercise its Refusal Right in accordance with this Agreement, or (ii) one year after the last day of the year in which the Compliance Period for the Property expires (the “Refusal Right Term’). B. Purchase Price Under Refusal Right. The purchase price for the Property pursuant to the Refusal Right shall be equal to the “Purchase Price”, as defined hereafter. a EXERCISE OF THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL. The Refusal Right may be exercised by Purchaser by (a) giving written notice of se the Refusal Right to the Seller in compliance with the requirements hereof, and (b) complying with the contract and closing requirements hereof. Any such notice of exercise of the Refusal Right shall be given within fifteen (15) days after Purchaser has received the Seller’s Refusal Exercise Notice pursuant to Paragraph 2 hereof. The notice of intent shall specify a Settlement Date within thirty (30) days immediately following the date of exercise. If the Purchaser exercises the Refusal Right but fails to consummate the acquisition of the Property pursant hereto for any reason other than a breach of this Agreement by the Seller. the Refusal Right shall terminate, and neither party hereto shall have further rights or obligations to the other with respect to this Agreement. 4, PURCHASE AND SALE OF THE PROPERTY. If the Refuusal Right is exercised as provided herein, then, upot the terms and conditions hereafter set forth, Seller hereby agrees to sell and convey the Property to Purchaser, and Purchaser hereby agrees to acquire and purchase the Property from Seller. 5. PURCHASE PRI A Amount of Purchase Price. The purchase price (the “Purchase Price”) to be paid by Purchaser to Seller for the Property shall be an amount equal to the sum of (i) the principal amount of outstanding indebtedness secured by the Property (but not including any indebtedness incurred within the five (5) year period ending on the Settlement Date, except indebtedness incurred for capital improvements, repair, replacement ot maintenance to the Property) (the “Indebtedness”), and (ii) the Exit Taxes. For purposes of this Agreement, “Exit Taxes” shall mean al] Federal, state and local taxes attributable to such sale. Seller shall provide Purchaser with satisfactory evidence, including a propes accounting, of the amounts of the Indebtedness and Exit Taxes for the purpose of calculating the Purchase Price. B. Payment of Purchase Price. The Purchase Price shall be payable at the Settlement in cash, by wire transfer or by cashier’s or certified check. 6. SETTLEMENT. Settlement shall occur on the Settlement Date in the offices of Seller's attorney, or at such other place as the parties may agree in writing. Possession of the Property shall be given to Purchaser at Settlement. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, Purchaser agrees to accept the Property at Settlement in “as is” condition. 7. TITLE. Within ten (10) days after the effective exercise of the Refusal Right, Purchaser shall, at its expense, cause an examination of title to the Property to be made and shall advise Seller of those exceptions to title to the Property that render suck title unmarketable. Any exceptions to title to the Property that do not render such title unmarketable, or of which Purchaser does not so notify Seller, shall hereaiter be referred to as “Permitted Exceptions”. Within ten (10) days after receiving such notice from Purchaser, Seller shall notify Pureha Seller's election (i) to cure such exceptions, in which event Seller shall cure such exceptions promptly and at its expense, or (ii) not to cure such exceptions, in which event Purchaser shall either waive such condition and proceed to purchase the Property as provided herein or terminate this Agreement. If Purchaser so elects to terminate, this Agreement shall be of no further force and effect and the parties shal! have no further rights or obligations hereunder. If Seller elects to remove, or cause the removal of, title exceptions as provided herein, the Settlement Date shall, if agreed by Purchaser, be extended for such time as Seller and Purchaser may agree. Unless Seller expressly agrees to do so, Seller shall have no obligation to cure or remove any title exceptions. of, 8 DUE DILIGENCE. A. Purchaser's Tests and inspections. Purchaser shall have the right during the period from the exercise of the Refusal Right until the Settlement Date, and upon 24 hours prior notice to Seller (which notice may be oral or written) to enter upon the Property and to perform, at its expense, economic, engineering, topographic, environmental, survey and marketing tests or any other studies, tests and due diligence as Purchaser elects. During such period, Seller agrees to make available to Purchaser for inspection any and all engineering studies and surveys relating to the Property that are in Seller’s possession and control. Purchaser agrees to indemnify against, and hold Seller harmless from any claims, demands, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, and expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, arising from entry upon the Property by Purchaser, or any agents, contractors, or employees of Purchaser, Purchaser, at its own expens shall promptly repair any damage to the Property caused by Purchaser's tests, surveys, studies and due diligence. B. Copies of Tests and Studies. Purchaser shall deliver to Seller copies of the written results of such tests, surveys, studies and due diligence obtained pursuant to Paragraph 8(A) above. C. Survey. Purchaser, at Purchaser's option and expense, may arrange for the preparation of a survey of the Property (the “Survey”) prior to Settlement. 9. SETTLEMENT DELIVERIES. A. Scller’s Deliveries. At Settlement, Seller shall deliver to Purchaser all of the following documents and instruments each of which shall have been duly executed on behalf of Seller, where appropriate, 1. A general warranty deed (the “Deed”) dated as of the Settlement Date conveying fee simple title to the Property free and clear of any monetary liens on the Property but subject to the Permitted Exceptions. 2. Appropriate resolutions or other consents of the Seller, authorizing (a) the execution of this Agreement on behalf of Seller and all other documents and instruments to be executed by Seller hereunder, and (b) the performance by Seller of Seller's obligations hereunder and under cach of the other documents and instruments referred to herein, 3. A Contfication of Non-Foreign Status pursuant to Section 1445 of the Intemal Revenue Code that Seller is not a foreign person, foreign corporation, foreign partnership, fereign trust, or foreign estate (as those terms are defined in the Intemal Revenue Code and related regulations), and applicable federal and state tax reporting certificates. 4. The originals of all leases affecting the Property (the “Leases” 5. Anassignment and assumption agreement dated as of the Settlement Date assigning to Purchaser the Leases and such management agreements, service contracts and other agreements relating to the Property that are not terminated by Seller on or before the Settlement Date. 6, Tenant notification letters, dated as of the Settlement Date, notifying the tenants of the Property that the Property has been sold 10 Purchaser and directing such tenants to pay rentals to Purchaser (or Purchaser's designated agent). adjustment) equal to 7, An.amount of cash (ora settlement statement ore the sum of the tenants” security deposits held by Seller. B. Purchaser's Deliveries. At Settlement, Purchaser shall pay or deliver to Seller all of the following (each of which shall have been duly executed on behalf of Purchaser, where appropriate). 1, Appropriate resolutions or cemtificates of Purchaser, authorizing (a) the execution of this Agreement on behalf of Purchaser and all other documents and instruments to be executed by Purchaser hereunder, and (b) the performance by Purchaser of Purchaser’s obligations hereunder and under each of the other documents and instruments referred to herein. 2. The Purchase Price as provided in Section 5 hereof. 10. SETTLEMENT COSTS: PRORATED JTEMS AND ADJUSTMENTS, AL Settlement Costs. Purchaser shall pay all costs of closing and transfer of the Property including the cost of the Survey, the title examination and the title insurance premium, all legal fees and all recording taxes and fees in connection with the recordation of the Deed. B. Prorations. At Settlement, the following adjustments and prorations shall be computed as of the Settiemert Date. and, as hereafter set forth, the cash portion of the Purchase Price shall be adjusted to reflect such prorations: 1, Allrents from the Property (including without limitation, any prorata payments by tenants with respect to taxes. operating expenses and utility fees) earned and attributable 10 the period prior ta and including the Settlement Date will be retained by’ Seller to the extent that such rents have been collected on or before the Settlement Date. Rents (including any such prorata payments) earned and attributable to the period after the Settlement Date will be paid to Purchaser, and, if received by Seller, will be paid by Seller promptly to Purchaser. Rents received by Purchaser within ninety (90) days after Settlement that were earned and attributable to the period prior to and including the Settlement Date will be paid promptly to Seller: provided, however, that all rents received by Purchaser shall be credited to the obligations of tenants in direct order of maturity, beginning with the first due, 2. _ At Settlement, Seller, at no expense to Purchaser, shall transfer to Purchaser (i) in cash, all security and other deposits and fees as to the Leases and all interest required by law or by the Leases to be accrued or paid thereon, and (i) all rights, to such deposits and fees owed by Tenants pursuant to the Leases but not paid to Seller. 3. Real property taxes shall be apportioned between Purchaser and Seller as of the Settlement Date based on the ratio of the number of days in the tax period for which such taxes are paid to the number of days in such period (a) before and including the Settlement Date (with respect to which Seller shall be responsible) and (b) after the Settlement Date (with respect to which Purchaser shall be responsible). All special assessments and other similar charges that have become a lien upon all or any portion of the Property as of the Settlement Date shall be apportioned as of the Settlement Date in the same manner as real property taxes. If afier Settlement any proration is determined to have been inaccurate, the parties will make the proper adjustment payment or payments. 4. All prepayments or payments made or payments due under the management, service and other agreements assumed by Purchaser shall be prorated as of the Settlement Date in the manner provided in subparagraph 3 hereof for the proration of real property taxes. 5. Allother charges and fees customarily prorated and adjusted in similar ‘ransactions shall be prorated and adjusted as of the Settlement Date in the manner provided in subparagraph 3 hereof. If accurate prorations and other adjustments cannot be made at Settlement because current bills are not obtainable, the parties shall prorate as of the Settlement Date on the best available information, subject to adjustment upon receipt of the final bills. Seller shall use its best efforts to have the uti meters read on the date preceding the Settlement Date so as to determine the proration of current utility bills. In all cases where the utility company involved will permit, charges for utilities serving the Property shall be billed separately to Seller for the period prior to and including the Settlement Date and to Purchaser for the period after the Settlemem Date. Any utility charges not so separately billed shall be prorated as of the Settlement Date. All other income and operating expenses of the Property will be prorated as of the Settlement Date. If after Settlement, any proration is determined to have been inaccurate, the parties will make the proper adjustment payment or payments, 11, | PURCHASER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. To induce Seller to enter into this Agreement and to sell the Property, Purchaser hereby makes the following representations, warranties and covenants as of the date hereof: A. Authority, Purchaser (i) is duly organized and validly existing, and (ii) has the authority (a) to execute and deliver this agreement and all other documents and instruments to be executed and delivered hereunder, and (b) to perform its obligations hereunder and under such other documerts and instruments in order to purchase the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof. Ali necessary actions have been taken by Purchaser to confer upon the persons executing this Agreement, and all documents that are contemplated hereby on Purchaser's behalf, the power and authority to do so. B. Qualified Non-Profit Organization. Purchaser is an organization described in Section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, and exempt from taxation under Section 501(1) of the Code, whose purposes include the fostering of low- ineome housing, and is a "qualified non-profit organization" as that term is defined in the Regulatio: 12. SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES. To induce Purchaser to enter into this Agreement and fo purchase the Property, Seller hereby makes the following representations, warranties and covenants as of the date hereof: A. Authe Seller (i) is a duly organized and validly existing limited liability company under the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and (ii) has the power and authority (a) to execute and deliver this Agreement and all other documents and instruments to be executed and delivered by it hereunder, and (b) to perform its obligations hereunder and under such other documents and instruments in order to sell the Property in accordance with the terms and conditions hereof, All necessary actions have been taken to confer upon the person executing this Agreement, and all documents that are contemplated hereby on Seller's behalf, the power and authority to do so. B. Compliance with Laws. Neither the execution of this Agreement nor the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereby will constitute or result in a violation or breach by Seller of any judgment, order, writ, injunction or degage-istued against or imposed upon it, or will result in a violation of any applicable statute, law, Ordinance, rule or regulation. There is no action, suit, proceeding or investigation pending or, to Seller's knowledge. overtly, threatened against Seller that would prevent the transaction contemplated by this Agreement or that would become a cloud on the title to the Property or that questions the validity or enforceability of the transaction contemplated by this Agreement or any action taken pursuant hereto. C. Conflict With Other Instruments and Agreements. Neither the execution of this Agreement by Seller nor the consummation by Seller of the transaction contemplated hereby will (i) conflict with, or result in a breach of, any provision of Seller's operating agreement or Gi) conflict with, result ina breach of any term of, or in the termination of, or accelerate any imstrument or agreement to which Seller is a party, or by which it may be bound. Seller is not a party to and is not bound by any sales contract, option agreement, right of first refusal agreement or other contract or agreement providing for the sale or other conv Property or any portion thereof. 13. CONDITIONS PRECEDE? A. Conditions for the Protection of Seller, It shall be a condition precedent to Seller's obligation to provide the Refusal Exercise Notice, sell the Property and to perform its other obligations hereunder that each and every one of the conditions set forth under this Section 13(A) shall have been satisfied at or before Settlement, and Seller agrees to use reasonable good faith efforts to obtain each of the following, 1. Seller shall have obtained an allocation of Low Income Housing Tax Credits from the Virginia Housing Development Authority in connection with the Property and in. an amount acceptable to Seller by December 31, 2011 or such later date permitted by VHDA {as hereinafter defined) and acceptable to the Company. 2, Company shall have obtained financing in an amount, and on terms, acceptable to Company for (i) the acquisition of the Property by November 4, 2011 or such later date permitted by VHDA and acceptable to the Company and (ii) the construction of the Improvements by April 30, 2012 or such later date acceptable to the ‘Company. 3. Seller shall have constructed the Improvements and the same shall be ‘occupied pursuant to duly authorized certificates of occupancy issued by the appropriate governmental authorities by December 31, 2013 or such later date permitted by VHDA and acceptable to the Company. B, _The Seller's Right to Terminate, Except as otherwise set forth above, if any condition set forth above is not satisfied within the Compliance Period, Seller shall have the right, to terminate this Agreement and its obligation te sell the Property, in which event neither party shall have any further liability or obligation hercunder. 14, CONDEMNATION AND RISK OF LOSS. A. Condemnation. In the event of condemnation or receipt of notice of condemnation of all of the Property, or any portion thereof, prior to the Settlement Date, Seller shall give written notice to Purchaser promptly after Seller receives such notice or otherwise eams of such condemnation or conveyance in lieu thereof. If all of the Property is, or is to be, condemned, this Agreement shall terminate immediately. If a material portion of the Property is, or is to be, condemned or taken, Purchaser, at its option, may elect either (a) to terminate this Agreement effective upon written notice to Seller not later than ten (10) days after receipt of notice from Seller, or (b) not to terminate this Agreement and proceed to Settlement, in which event the condemnation proceeds shall be applied as a credit to the Indebtedness. B. Risk of Loss. The risk of loss or damage to the Property afier the exercise of the Refusal Right and prior to the Settlement, by casualty, act of God or any other event, shall be upon Seller. 15. REAL ESTATE COMMISSION. Seller and Purchaser each hereby represents and warrants to the other that no broker, finder, real estate agent or other person has acted for or on its behalf in bringing about this Agreement, and each party hereby agrees to indemnify against and held the other harmless from any claims, demands, losses, damages, liabilities, suits, actions, costs and expenses, including, without limitation, attorneys’ fees, incurred in connection with a breach by the indemnifying party of the preceding representation and warranty. 16. DEFAULT. If, after the exercise of the Refusal Right and prior to Settlement, Purchaser defaults in the performance of any of its obligations under this Agreement, Seller may, at the option of Seller, give Purchaser prompt written notice of such default, and, after ten (10) days written notice thereof (if Purchaser fails to cure such default within such time), Seller shall be entitled to all remedies at Jaw and in equity with respect thereto, including, but not limited to, the right to specific performance of this Agreement and the right to recaver Seller’s attorneys” fees incurred in connection therewith. 17. GENERAL PROVISIONS. A. Completeness and Modification. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties as to the transactions contemplated herein and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous discussions, understandings and agreements between the parties. B. Assignments, Purchaser may not assign its rights hereunder without the prior written consent of Seller, in Seller’s sole discretion. Notwithstanding the above, the Purchaser's rights under this Agreement may be assigned to another “qualified non-profit organization”, as defined in Regulations, at the option of the Purchaser, with the approval of the Virginia Housing Development Authority (“VHDA”), or in the event the Purchaser goes out of existence prior to the end of the Compliance Period, at the option of and upon the approval of VEDA, C. _ Recordation, In the event the Seller receives an unconditional reservation of low- income housing tax credits from VHDA, pursuant to the Regulations, on the Property, then this Agreement shall be recorded in the Clerk’s Office of the Circuit Court of the County of Rockingham, Vinginia, at the Seller’s expense. D. Survival. Seller’s representations, warranties, covenants and agreements made in, or pursuant to, this Agreement shall not survive Settlement and shall merge with the delivery and recordation of the Deed. E. Governing Law. This Agreement and all documents and instruments referred to herein shall be governed by, and shall be construed according to, the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, FE. Severability. Li any term, covenant ot condition of this Agreement, or the application thereof to any person or circumstance, shall to any extent be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, of the application of such term, covenant or condition to other persons or cireumstances, shal] not be affected thereby, and each term, covenant or condition of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law. G. Notices. Any notice expressly provided for or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing, shall be given either manually or by mail, overnight delivery service, telegram, radiogram or cable, and shall be deemed sufficiently given when received by the party to be notified at its address set forth below, or three (3) business days afier being mailed by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, return receipt requested, addressed to such party at such address, whichever shall first occur. Any party and any representative designated below, by notice to the other party, may change its address for receiving such notices. If to Seller: Etkmont Manor, LLC 26302 Oak Ridge Drive, Suite 100 Spring, Texas 77380 Attn: David M. Koogler If to Purchaser: Virginia United Methodist Housing Development Corporation 220 Laurel Street Culpeper, VA 22701 Attn: J. “Mal” Malinowski H. Incorporation by Reference. All of the Exhibits attached or referred to herein and all documents in the nature of such Exhibits are by this reference incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. 1. Interpretation. ‘The section and paragraph headings used herein are for reference and convenience only and shall not enter into the interpretation hereof. Wherever used herein, the singular number shall include the plural and vice versa, and the use of any gender shall include all other genders, all as the context may require. J. Business Days. If any action is required under the provisions of this Agreement to ‘ovour by a date that is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, such date shall be extended to the first day thereafter that is not a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. K. Waiver. No waiver or purported waiver by Seller shall be valid against Sellee unless it is in writing and signed by Seller. [Signature Pages to Follow] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first written above, SELLE ELKMONT MANOR, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company BY: MARK-DANA CORPORATION, a Virginia corporation, its Manager STATE of TEXAS COUNTY of MONTGOMERY, to-wit; ‘The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 7 *day of March, 2011, by David M. Koogler, who is personally know to me, as President of Mark-Dana Corporation, a Virginia corporation, the Manager of Elkmont Manor, LLC, a Virginia limited liability company, on behalf of the company. __1O8 wants Notary F of lotary Publi State ot Toxos My commiddon expires: _//ea/hs Gi.J-MyCommission Expires _“sonuary 23,2013. Registration Number: PURCHASER: VIRGINIA UNITED METHODIST HOUSING DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a Virginia nonprofit cergoration By - Lheilee Fa won ialinowski, President COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGNIIA CITY/COUNTY of Cu to-wit if ‘The foregoing instrumem was acknowledged before me this “)” day of March. 201, by J. Malinowski, who is personally know to me, as Presideat of Virginia United Methodist Housing Corporation, a Virginis corporation, on behalf ofthe corporation p behalf 7 Franola Oo Hen) Fomb Noy Public a My commission expires: Dias Registration Number: 3. RS Ps ei cat, 2 EXHIBIT A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION All that certain property located in Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia, at address 101 Elkmont Drive, Elkton, Virginia, described as follows: All that certain tract or parcel of real estate with improvements thereon and all rights, privileges and appurtenants thereto belonging, situate in the town of Elkton, Rockingham County, Virginia, on the western side of Route 340, and more particularly described as containing 3.00 acres, more or less, as shown upon a certain plat of Survey dated March 23, 1988, made by Bobby L. Owens, Land Surveyor. (See attached metes and bounds.) Being that certain parcel acquired by Elkmont Partners, L.P. from Ashby R. Lam on May 18, 1989 of record in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Rockingham County, Virginia, in Deed Book 974, at page 0477 TAB W (Original Attorney’s Opinion) WILLIAMS MULLEN Die Disk 6044206451 Mareh 7, 2011 TO: Virginia Housing Development Authority 601 South Belvidere Street Richmond, VA 23220 RE: 2011 Tax Credit Reservation Request Name of Development: _Elkmont Manor Name of Owner: Eikmont Manor, LEC Gentiemen: ‘This undersigned firm represents the above-referenced Owner as its counsel. It has received a copy of and has ceviewed the completed application package dated March 7, 2011 (of which this opinion is apart) (the “Application”) submitted to you for the purpose of requesting, in connection with the captioned Development, a reservation of low income housing tax eredits (“Credits”) available under Section 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code"). It has also reviewed Section 42 of the Code, the regulations issued pursuant thereto and such other binding authority as it believes to be applicable to the issuance hereof (the regulations and binding authority hereinafter collectively referred (0 as the “Regulations Based upon the foregoing reviews and upon due investigation of such matters as it deems necessary in order to render this opinion, but without expressing any opinion as to ether the reasonableness of the estimated or projected figures or the veracity or accuracy of the factual representations set forth in the Application, the undersigned is of the opinion that: }, its more likely than not that the inclusion in eligible basis of the Development of such cost items or portions thereof, as set forth in Parts VIII and IX of the Application form, complies with all applicable requirements of the Code and Regulations. 2, The calculations (a) of the Maximum Allowable Credit available under the Code with respect to the Development in Part VIII of the Application form and (b) of the Estimated Qualified Basis of each building in the Development in Part IX of the Application form comply with all applicable requirements of the Code and regulations, including the selection of credit type implicit in such calculations. 3. ‘The appropriate type(s) of allocation(s) have been requested in Subpart ED of the Application form. 4, The information set forth in Subpart VII-C of the Application form as to proposed rents satisfies all applicable requirements of the Code and Regulations. A Profesional Corporation NORTH CAKOLINA + VIRGINIA © WASHINGTON, D.C. + Loxvow 200 South 10* See. Suite 1600 (23219) P.O. Box 1320. Richmond, VA25218-1320 Tel: 804.420.6000 Fax: 804.420.6507 ‘wore wlliamemullenscom March 7, 2011 Page? WILLIAMS MULLEN The site of the captioned Development is controlled by the Owner, as identified in Subpart II- A of the Application, for a period of not Jess than four (4) months beyond the application deadline. ‘The type of the nonprofit organization involved in the Development is an organization described in Code Section 501(c)G) or $01(¢)(4) and exempt from taxation under Code Section 501(a), whose purposes include the fostering of low-income housing. It is more likely than not that the representations made under Sutpart LF of the Application form as to the Development's compliance with or exception to the Code’s minimum expenditure requirements for rehabilitation projecis are correct. ‘After reasonable investigation, the undersigned has no reason to believe that the representations made under Subpart IE of the Application form as to the Development's compliance with or eligibility for exception to the ten-year “look-back rule” requirement of Code §42(d)(2\(B) are not correct. Finally, the undersigned is of the opinion that, if all information and representations contained in the Application and all current law were to remain unchanged, upen compliance by the Owner with the requirements of Code Section 42(hY(1\(E), the Owner would be eligible under the applicable provisions of the Code and the Regulations to an allocation of Credits in the amount(s) requested in the Application. This opinion is rendered solely for the purpose of inducing the Virgin Housing Development Authority (“VHA”) to issue a reservation of Credits to the Owner. Accordingly, it may be relied upon only by VHDA and may not be relied upon by any other party for any other purpose. This opinion was not prepared in accordance with the requirements of Treasury Department Circular No. 230. Accordingly, it may not be relied upon for the purpose of avoiding U.S. Federal tax penalties or to support the promotion or marketing of the transaction or matters addressed herein. Its) Stockholder TAB Y (Marketing Plan for units meeting accessibility requirements of HUD section 504) Taay ‘THE ELKMONT MANOR APARTMENTS 101 Elkmont Drive Elkton, VA 22827 ‘Telephone (540) 298-8349 Fax (540) 249-9332 0 (00) 828.1120 ‘Viena Ray 712 RE: MARKETING OF SECTION 504 HANDICAP UNITS ur newly remodeled community has five units that were specially designed to meet section 504 regulations. These units will only be rented to individuals for whom they were designed. We intend to take the following steps to ensure effective communication with applicants, beneficiaries, and members of the public. This will include, advertising in the following local news papers: (a sample advertisement is attached) Dally News Record Valley Banner P. O.Box 193 P.O. Box 196 Harrisonburg, VA 22802 Elkton, VA 22827 Phone: (540)574-6258 Phone: (540)298-9444 We intend to conduct outreach in @ manner that will each persons with disabilities. We are attaching a sample ofa letter that will be sent regularly to organizations and community outreach program leaders ‘who work with individuals that might need our special units. | am attaching a list of the organizations wwe plan to contact. We also have flyers that will be distributed at local doctor's offices, veterans clinics, rehabilitation centers and social services offices. ur intentions are to reach as many individuals as possible who need these amenities and as we learn of new contacts they will be added to our outreach program. Come See What's New !!! At Elkmont Manor Located In The Elkton Area Five Newly Renovated Handicapped Units Meets ait S04 Regulations Kitchen & Bath Have All New Handicapped F Spacious Floor Plans Hurry !!! Won’t Last Long Call 540-298-8349 or 540-249-3060 ‘THE ELKMONT MANOR APARTMENTS. 101 ELKMONT DRIVE TELEPHONE (540) 298-8349 MANAGER'S OFFICE FAX (540) 249-9332 ELKTON, VA 22827 T.D.D (800) 828-1120 (VA RELAY-711) Date: Dear Sir or Madam: We woul like to inform you of the Elkmont Manor Apartments, located in Elkton, Virginia. The apartment community has five specially designed handicapped units. Within a two mile radius you will find East Rockingham Medical Center, Elkton Family Medical Office, ‘two dentist offices, Elkton Pharmacy, Rite Aid Pharmacy as well as a full ine grocery store and several small convenience stores. You can reach the newly built RMH Health Care Center which serves a seven, ‘county area in only twenty minutes. This hospital has the most up to date equipment and offers many comprehensive programs such as: Rehab Services-Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapy (both inpatient and outpatient? Cancer Center Center for Sleep Medicine Heart end Vascular Center Home Health Care Services Hospice Services Orthopedics-surgical & non surgical treatments Wellness Center MH and the Rockingham County Community Resource Center have many support groups and educational programs that meet on a regular basis for patients with diabetes, cancer, brain inj many other illnesses and disabilities. A list of these services, dates and times can be accessed online. ‘There are also several organizations in the area that will provide transportation to medical appoint ments such as Custom Transportation 1* Choice, togistiCare and Rockingham County Transportation Program. We have contact information upon request to assist individuals who may need these services or programs. ss and For Veterans who receive their medical care through the Department of Veterans Affairs, there is @ Contract Outpatient Ciinicin Harrisonburg, Virginia (less than a 30 minute drive). The Harrisonburg clinic offers preventive health care and screening, annual physicals, cancer screening, immunizations, management of chronic illnesses, health education and prevention and post hospital follow ups. If more advanced treatment is required at the Martinsburg Medical Center, transportation is provided from Elkton (Monday thru Friday). ‘We are pledged to the letter and the spirit of the United States and the Virginia policy for achievement ‘of Equal Housing Opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familia status, national origin, or eldertiness. We would appreciate any referrals you may have to our community, If we can be of any service to you or answer any questions, please call. If you have the opportunity, we would like to show you our apartments, of which we are very proud. ‘Thank you for your time and consideration ofthis information. Sincerely, Manager CONTACT LIST FOR ELKMONT MANOR ELKTON AREA UNITED SERVICES 20 BOX 383 ELKTON, VA 22827 CONTACT: MARSHA DEAVERS ~ MANAGER PHONE: 540-298-8685 OR 540-298-2900 NAACP PO BOX 1740 ALEXANDRIA, VA 22313 CONTACT: JOHN TAYLOR CHAPMAN - ALEXANDRIA BRANCH PRESIDENT PHONE: 703-684-6190 EMAIL: NAACPALX@EROLS.COM WAYNESBORO HOUSING AUTHORITY PO BOX 1138 WAYNESBORO, VA 22980 CONTACT: JAYNE FREED ~ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT. PHONE: 540-946-9230 EMAIL: J_FREED@WRHA.ORG THE ARC OF HARRISONBURG & ROCKINGHAM 620 SIMMS AVENUE HARRISONBURG, VA 22802 CONTACT: MARY ELLEN CHEWNING — PHONE: 540-437-9214 X 131 FAX: 840-437-9217 ECUTIVE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF REHABILITATIVE SERVICES (DRS) 1909 B EAST MARKET STREET HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 CONTACT: GEORGE DRUMMOND - PRIMARY OFFICE CONTACT PHONE: 540-434-3981 FAX: 540-434-8193 EMAIL: GEORGE.DRUMMOND@DRS.VIRGINIA.GOV PLEASANT VIEW, INC PO BOX 426 BROADWAY, VA 22815 CONTACT: NANCY HOPKINS-GARRISS - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PHONE: 540-896-8255 VALLEY ASSOCIATES FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING, INC (VAIL) 205-B LIBERTY STR! HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 CONTACT: HOLLY PROCHASKA PHONE: 540-433-6513 FAX: 540-433-6313 EMAIL: HOLLY@GOVAIL-ORG DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS 146 NORTH RIVER ROAD MOUNT SOLON, VA 22843 PHONE: 540-350-2208 SALVATION ARMY 185 ASHBY AVE HARRISONBURG, VA 22802 CONTACT: CAPTAIN DUANE BUREEIGH. PHONE: 540-434-4854 FAX: 540-434-1262 EMAIL: DUANE_BURLEIGH@USS.SALVATIONARMY.ORG FRIENDSHIP INDUSTRIES 801 FRIENDSHIP DRIVE HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 CONTACT: PAUL McFARLAND - DIRECTOR OF REHABILITATIVE SERVICES PHONE: 540-434-9586 EMAIL: PAULMCF ARLAND@FRIENDSHIP-INDUSTRIES.COM HARRISONBURG REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY PO BOX 1071 HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 CONTACT; MICHAEL WONG ~ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PHONE: 540-434-7386 FAX: 540-432-1113 EMAIL: WONGWAY@HARRISONBURGRHA.COM COMMUNITY SERVICE BOARD 1241 N. MAIN STREET. HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 CONTACT: LACY WHITMORE - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PHONE: 540-434-1941 FAX: 540-434-1791 FIRST STEP 129 FRANKLIN STREET HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 CONTACT: CANDY PHILLIPS ~ DIRECTOR PHONE: 540-434-0295 HARRISONBURG SOCIAL SERVICES PO BOX 809 HARRISONBURG, VA 22803 CONTACT: DONALD DRIVER, JR~ DIRECTOR PHONE: 540-574-5100 EMAIL: DON.DRIVER@DSS. VIRGINIA.GOV MERCY HOUSE PO BOX 1478 HARRISONBURG, VA 22802 CONTACT: TWILA LEE - EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR PHONE: 540-432-1812 FAX: 540-564-0325 EMAIL: TWILA@THEMERCYHOUSE.ORG STAUNTON REDEVELOPMENT AND HOUSING AUTHORITY PO BOX 1369 STAUNTON, VA 24402 CONTACT: WANDA STEVENS ~ DIRECTOR PHONE: 540-885-2914

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