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Chapter 17 Review

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_a___ 1. According to the theory of ______, all changes to the earth's surface have occurred by sudden, violent
geologic processes.
a. catastrophism
b. uniformity
c. inheritance of acquired characteristics
d. evolution by natural selection
_c___ 2. The systematic study of similarities and differences in the body plans of animal groups is known as
a. comparative biochemistry.
b. biogeography.
c. comparative morphology.
d. ecology.
_d___ 3. According to the theory of evolution by natural selection
a. individuals of all populations have the capacity to produce more offspring than the
environment can support.
b. individuals vary in their traits and some of this variation is heritable.
c. when some form of a trait is adaptive and has a heritable basis, its bearers will tend to
survive and reproduce more frequently than other individuals.
d. all of the choices
_b___ 4. In an attempt to reconcile his religious beliefs with the evidence from the fossil record, Georges Cuvier
proposed that
a. humans had descended from ancestors with tails.
b. multiple catastrophes had destroyed many of the world's species.
c. there had been multiple creations in different parts of the world.
d. none of the above.
__d__ 5. A population is at genetic equilibrium if
a. there is no mutation.
b. there is no immigration.
c. there is no selection.
d. all of the choices are true.
_c___ 6. In ______, forms at both ends of the range of variation are favored and intermediate forms are selected
a. stabilizing selection
b. sexual selection
c. disruptive selection
d. directional selection
_c___ 7. The allele responsible for sickle-cell hemoglobin is maintained in populations in Africa by
a. sexual selection
b. directional selection.
c. balancing selection.
d. stabilizing selection.
_e___ 8. Microevolution is the result of
a. chance variation.
b. change in gene frequency.
c. mutation.
d. natural selection.
e. all of these
_b___ 9. The study of the distribution of plants and animals around the world is
a. diversity.
b. biogeography.
c. ecology.
d. natural history.
e. environmentalism.
_c___ 10. Lamarck's contribution to the theory of evolution was the concept of
a. natural selection.
b. catastrophism.
c. inheritance of acquired characteristics.
d. mutation.
__b__ 11. Natural selection operates to produce changes in
a. individuals.
b. populations.
c. races.
d. phyla.
e. animals only.
_b___ 12. Which of the following is NOT a factor involved in the theory of evolution?
a. All organisms reproduce beyond the limits of the environment that supports them.
b. Food supplies keep pace with the growth of populations feeding upon them.
c. Populations of organisms tend to remain relatively stable through time.
d. There is much variation in the characteristics of organisms making up a population.
__c__ 13. The genetic equilibrium of a population can be upset by all but which of the following?
a. Mutations
b. Migration
c. random mating
d. genetic drift
__b__ 14. Which of the following is NOT a major process of microevolution?
a. Mutation
b. Divergence
c. genetic drift
d. gene flow
e. natural selection
__b__ 15. New genes arise from
a. genetic drift.
b. mutation.
c. gene flow.
d. recombination.
e. natural selection.
_b___ 16. When DDT was first introduced, insects were very susceptible to it. The development of resistance to
DDT by insects was the result of
a. special creation.
b. natural selection of forms that expressed genes for resistance.
c. the high biotic potential of insects.
d. a naturally occurring example of inheritance of acquired characteristics.
_e___ 17. As the trees in England become less sooty due to pollution controls on factories, which of the following
should occur?
a. Fewer dark moths should survive.
b. Numbers of dark and light moths won't change due to stabilizing selection.
c. Genetic mutations will be reversed.
d. More light-gray moths should survive.
e. Fewer dark moths should survive; and More light-gray moths should survive.
_c___ 18. Male northern sea lions are nearly twice the size of females because
a. males live longer than females.
b. predators of the sea lions favor males.
c. males compete to mate with females.
d. each male must protect the one female with which he mates.
_c___ 19. The sharp reduction of the gene pool and the numbers of a population through a severe epidemic is an
example of
a. natural selection.
b. genetic isolation.
c. the bottleneck effect.
d. the founder principle.
e. all of these
__c__ 20. Four of the five answers listed below are portions of the theory of natural selection. Select the exception.
a. Variation is heritable.
b. Heritable traits vary in adaptability.
c. More organisms are produced than can survive.
d. The largest and strongest always contribute more genes to the next generation.
e. Natural selection is the result of differential reproduction.
Chapter 18 Review

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_a___ 1. Genetic divergence of two populations can be countered by

a. gene flow.
b. genetic drift.
c. different selection pressures.
d. all of the above.
__b__ 2. Horses and donkeys remain separate species because of
a. zygotic mortality.
b. hybrid infertility.
c. temporal isolation.
d. mechanical isolation.
_a___ 3. In ______, interbreeding individuals produce offspring in a hybrid zone.
a. parapatric speciation
b. allopatric speciation
c. sympatric speciation
_a___ 4. Sympatric speciation appears to have occurred among the
a. lake cichlids in Cameroon, West Africa.
b. wrasses on either side of the Isthmus of Panama.
c. orioles of the American Midwest.
d. Hawaiian honeycreeepers.
_b___ 5. Polyploidy
a. has been implicated in some allopatric speciations.
b. is rare in animals.
c. is a change in chromosome shape.
d. none of the above
__c__ 6. No matter how extensive the phenotypic variation is in the population of one species, individuals remain
members of the same species as long as their ___ remain(s) the same.
a. morphological characteristics
b. behavioral features
c. ability to interbreed
d. physiology
_b___ 7. The periodic cicadas are insects that exhibit a classical example of ____ isolation.
a. postzygotic
b. temporal
c. mechanical
d. ecological
__c__ 8. In the biological species concept of Ernst Mayer, what aspect of a population is critical to determining a
a. physical appearance
b. similar behavior patterns
c. interbreeding capabilities
d. polyploidy
e. similar genotypes
_a___ 9. Speciation occurs
a. after populations become reproductively isolated and diverge.
b. when mutations generate observable differences.
c. when transitional forms develop between different populations.
d. when natural selection pressures reach their maximum.
e. when humans intervene and establish new breeds.
__b__ 10. Which of the following is NOT an example of an isolating mechanism?
a. species-specific courtship rituals
b. Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
c. incompatible reproductive structures
d. earthquakes and floods
_b___ 11. Isolating mechanisms that take effect before or during fertilization are termed
a. hybridizing.
b. prezygotic.
c. genetically divergent.
d. postzygotic.
e. persistent.
__b__ 12. Allopatric speciation requires
a. gradual evolutionary changes.
b. geographic isolation.
c. polyploidy.
d. adaptive radiation.
_c___ 13. Which is NOT necessary for sympatric speciation?
a. organisms living together in same location
b. "same homeland"
c. geographical barriers
d. existing interbreeding population
__d__ 14. Which of the following is accurate concerning polyploidy?
a. It is more common in animals than plants.
b. It is the result of mitotic irregularities.
c. It cannot be passed on to offspring.
d. It often arises due to nondisjunction.
e. It is limited to no more than three sets of chromosomes.
_e___ 15. Four of the five answers listed below can function to isolate populations. Select the exception.
a. geography
b. behavior
c. time
d. gametes
e. external fertilization
Chapter 19 Review

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

__a__ 1. A shark's fin resembles a penguin's flipper as a result of

a. morphological convergence.
b. cladogenesis.
c. morphological divergence.
d. the accumulation of neutral mutations.
_b___ 2. The scientific name of an organism consists of the names of which two levels of classification?
a. phylum and species
b. genus and species
c. family and order
d. kingdom and phylum
__b__ 3. The early embryos of vertebrates strongly resemble one another because
a. selection does not affect embryonic traits.
b. they have inherited the same plan for development.
c. their genes are identical.
d. all mutations affecting developmental programs are neutral.
_c___ 4. Most fossils are found in
a. igneous rock.
b. metamorphic rock.
c. sedimentary rock.
d. all of the choices
__d__ 5. Which is the probable explanation for the difference in the adult skulls of humans and chimpanzees?
a. Mutations accumulate as humans mature.
b. The diets of the adults differ dramatically.
c. The number of genes that the two groups share decreases as they mature.
d. Mutations in the genes that affect growth patterns arose in the human lineage after the two
lineages diverged.
_b___ 6. Which of the following features of Archaeopteryx is characteristically avian?
a. long, bony tail
b. possession of feathers
c. bipedal locomotion
d. a mouth with teeth
__d__ 7. Which of the following habitats is most likely to be rich in fossils?
a. eroding hillsides
b. deserts
c. polar ice caps
d. bed of former shallow sea
e. rocky plateau
_d___ 8. The idea that geologic processes have formed the Earth's surface by repeating the same actions over and
over is known as
a. theory of catastrophism.
b. plate tectonics.
c. continental drift.
d. theory of uniformity.
e. theory of relativity.
__b__ 9. Phylogenetic relationships, when determined solely by the study of comparative morphology, may be
incorrect due to
a. morphological divergence.
b. morphological convergence.
c. adaptive radiation.
d. extinction.
e. homology
_c___ 10. The study of comparative embryology has revealed the conservative nature of the genes responsible for
a. food procurement.
b. reproductive behavior.
c. embryonic development.
d. size.
e. intelligence
__a__ 11. Neutral mutations
a. are not subjected to selection.
b. occur at different rates at different times during evolution.
c. confer a disadvantage.
d. do not occur; either a gene enhances survival or it does not.
e. account for the difference between hemoglobin in normal blood and that found in sickle-
cell anemia.
_e___ 12. The higher taxa are groupings of
a. orders.
b. classes.
c. families.
d. phyla.
e. all of these
__a__ 13. Organisms "X" and "Y" are suspected to be the same species. Which of the following will provide the
ultimate proof?
a. interbreeding
b. anatomy
c. physiology
d. ecology
e. behavior
_d___ 14. Which of the following is written correctly?
a. Felis domestica
b. Felis Domestica
c. felis domestica
d. Felis domestica
e. felis Domestica
__b__ 15. Which of the following includes all the others?
a. family
b. phylum
c. species
d. class
e. order
_c___ 16. Which of the following is the least inclusive category?
a. family
b. order
c. species
d. kingdom
e. genus
_e___ 17. The branch of biology called systematics deals with
a. taxonomy.
b. classification.
c. evolution.
d. phylogeny.
e. all of these
__b__ 18. Which kingdom includes single-celled organisms with a true nucleus?
a. Monera.
b. Protista.
c. Animalia.
d. Fungi.
e. Plantae.
_c___ 19. Archaeopteryx was a transitional form between
a. birds and mammals.
b. reptiles and mammals.
c. birds and reptiles.
d. fish and amphibians.
e. amphibians and reptiles.
__c__ 20. Four of the five answers below are taxonomic categories. Select the exception.
a. species
b. class
c. taxon
d. order
e. phylum
Chapter 20 Review

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_b___ 1. The first organisms were

a. photosynthetic.
b. prokaryotic heterotrophs.
c. aerobic bacteria.
d. primitive eukaryotes.
__c__ 2. The accumulation of oxygen in the atmosphere was the result of
a. the evolution of cyclic pathways of photosynthesis.
b. the evolution of eukaryotic cells.
c. the evolution of the noncyclic pathway of photosynthesis.
d. the big bang.
_d___ 3. The earth was formed about ______ years ago.
a. 45,000
b. 4.5 million
c. 4.5 trillion
d. 4.5 billion
__c__ 4. Life originated about ______ years ago.
a. 38,000
b. 3.8 trillion
c. 3.8 billion
d. 3.8 million
_d___ 5. Which of the following occurred most recently?
a. evolution of the aerobic pathway of respiration.
b. evolution of the cyclic pathway of photosynthesis.
c. evolution of the non-cyclic pathway of photosynthesis.
d. evolution of eukaryotes.
__c__ 6. Evidence suggests that a mass extinction at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary was triggered by
a. El Nino.
b. a global epidemic.
c. an asteroid impact.
d. glaciation.
_e___ 7. The earth is able to maintain water in a liquid state on the surface by virtue of
a. insufficient life to use up the available water.
b. the distance of the earth from the sun.
c. the availability of oxygen in the atmosphere.
d. the size of the earth.
e. the distance of the earth from the sun and the size of the earth.
__c__ 8. Organic compounds break down spontaneously in the presence of __________; hence, life probably
never would have emerged if the ancient atmosphere had been the same as the present one.
a. carbon dioxide
b. hydrogen
c. oxygen
d. nitrogen
e. silica
_b___ 9. Experiments like those first performed by Stanley Miller in 1953 demonstrated that
a. DNA forms readily and reproduces itself.
b. many of the lipids, carbohydrates, proteins, and nucleotides required for life can form
under abiotic conditions.
c. complete, functioning prokaryotic cells are formed after approximately three months.
d. a lipid-protein film will eventually be formed by thermal convection.
e. all of these
__c__ 10. The first templates for protein synthesis were
a. complex carbohydrates.
b. mineral crystals.
c. layers of clay.
d. sheets of layered minerals such as mica.
e. multiple oil liposomes or micelles.
_c___ 11. Which of the following is the strongest evidence for the hypothesis that present-day eukaryotic aerobes
are the descendants of the successful symbiotic association of anaerobes and mitochondria?
a. Mitochondria can produce ATP.
b. A mitochondrion can survive indefinitely when removed from a eukaryotic cell.
c. A mitochondrion has its own set of DNA molecules.
d. Fossilized mitochondria are older than the oldest fossilized eukaryotes.
__b__ 12. Which Paleozoic geologic period is the most recent?
a. Carboniferous
b. Permian
c. Cambrian
d. Devonian
e. Ordovician
_c___ 13. The great burst of diversification in metazoan families, especially those with marine representatives,
occurred during which geologic period?
a. Silurian
b. Devonian
c. Ordovician
d. Carboniferous
__a__ 14. Spore-bearing plants became dominant during which period?
a. Carboniferous
b. Devonian
c. Silurian
d. Ordovician
e. Cambrian
_b___ 15. The largest extinction the world has ever known occurred at the end of which period?
a. Cretaceous
b. Permian
c. Triassic
d. Jurassic
e. Tertiary
__d__ 16. Which of the following events did not take place during the Mesozoic?
a. an asteroid impact and the extinction of the dinosaurs
b. origination of mammals and gymnosperms as the dominant plants
c. breakup of Pangea and evolution of angiosperms
d. first land vertebrates, the amphibians, arise; adaptive radiation of the fishes
e. the Age of the Dinosaurs
_c___ 17. Which of the following plants are the most complex and evolved last?
a. conifers
b. cycads
c. angiosperms
d. ginkgos
e. gymnosperms
__a__ 18. The flowering plants appeared during which period?
a. Cretaceous
b. Permian
c. Triassic
d. Jurassic
e. Tertiary
_a___ 19. The dinosaurs disappeared at the end of which period?
a. Cretaceous
b. Permian
c. Triassic
d. Jurassic
e. Tertiary
__a__ 20. Which geologic era is the most recent?
a. Cenozoic
b. Mesozoic
c. Proterozoic
d. Archean
e. Paleozoic
Chapter 45 Review

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_c___ 1. Biotic potential is

a. the maximum number of individuals of a population that a habitat can sustain
b. the average number of children born to women during their reproductive years
c. the maximum rate of increase per individual under ideal conditions
d. any essential resource that is in short supply
__c__ 2. Assuming that resources are unlimited, exponential growth will continue as long as
a. the number of births is balanced by the number of deaths
b. there is no mortality
c. per capita birth rate is greater than per capita death rate
d. per capita death rate is greater than per capita birth rate
_d___ 3. The size a population will be some time in the future can be calculated from current population size and
a. the life history curve
b. the per capita death rate
c. the per capita birth rate
d. the net reproduction per individual per unit of time
__c__ 4. The survivorship curve for humans is most similar to that of
a. sea stars
b. songbirds
c. elephants
d. oak trees
_b___ 5. An age structure diagram that is shaped like a pyramid (very broad at the base and narrow at the top) is
typical of a population that is undergoing
a. zero growth
b. rapid growth
c. slow growth
d. negative growth
__a__ 6. Populations grow exponentially when ________.
a. population size expands by ever increasing increments through successive time intervals
b. size of low-density population increases slowly, then quickly, then levels off once carrying
capacity is reached
c. Both a and b are characteristic of exponential growth.
_d___ 7. Resource competition, disease, and predation are ________ controls on population growth rates.
a. density-independent
b. population-sustaining
c. age-specific
d. density-dependent
__a__ 8. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that control the dispersion of organisms in nature?
a. Most environmental resources are randomly distributed.
b. Biological conditions tend to be patchy.
c. Dispersal of seeds and young organisms is often limited or controlled by environmental
d. The development of societies in some populations controls distribution.
e. Physical features in the environment are not generally uniform.
_a___ 9. The distribution of the human population in the United States is
a. clumped.
b. random.
c. uniform.
d. constant.
__d__ 10. Seasonal bird migrations could be cited as an example of
a. clumped dispersion.
b. uniform distribution.
c. random dispersion.
d. distribution over time.
e. distribution based on age structure.
_d___ 11. The rate of increase for a population (r) refers to what kind of relationship between birth rate and death
a. their sum
b. their product
c. the doubling time between them
d. the difference between them
e. reduction in each of them
__b__ 12. Which characteristic of a population is a convenient way to express the rate of change within a
a. size
b. growth
c. density
d. carrying capacity
e. age
_d___ 13. If K for a population is 1,200 and r = 0.1, which of the following populations will show the greatest
increase over the course of one year?
a. N = 100
b. N = 200
c. N = 300
d. N = 700
e. N = 900
__d__ 14. In a population growing exponentially,
a. the number of individuals added to the population next year is greater than the number
added this year.
b. the population growth rate increases year after year.
c. net reproduction per individual increases year after year.
d. the number of individuals added to the population next year is greater than the number
added this year and the population growth rate increases year after year.
e. the number of individuals added to the population next year is greater than the number
added this year, the population growth rate increases year after year, and net reproduction
per individual increases year after year.
_c___ 15. A J-shaped growth curve is converted to an S-shaped one
a. when the parents are past reproductive age.
b. if the data are plotted in reverse.
c. when the carrying capacity is reached.
d. if reproduction stops.
e. only for fast-growing populations such as bacteria.
_e___ 16. Carrying capacity of an environment is increased by
a. pollution.
b. predation.
c. disease.
d. population growth.
e. none of these
__b__ 17. A change in a population that is NOT related strictly to the size of the population is best described as
a. density-dependent.
b. density-independent.
c. intrinsic.
d. an S-shaped curve.
e. a J-shaped curve.
_c___ 18. Which density-dependent factor controls the size of a population?
a. wind velocity
b. light intensity
c. nutrient supply
d. rainfall
e. wave action in an intertidal zone
__e__ 19. Life tables provide data concerning
a. expected life span.
b. reproductive age.
c. death rate.
d. birth rate.
e. all of these
_d___ 20. Which of the following is NOT a factor that has led to the dramatic increase in the human population?
a. increase of carrying capacity
b. removal of several limiting factors
c. human invasion of new habitats and climatic zones
d. an increase in the levels of pollution in the world
e. the development of public health and the germ theory of disease
Chapter 47 Review

Multiple Choice
Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

_c___ 1. Which of the following is not a type of symbiosis?

a. mutualism
b. parasitism
c. competition
d. commensalism
__c__ 2. The relationship between the yucca plant and the yucca moth is an example of
a. a commensalism.
b. endosymbiosis.
c. an obligatory mutualism.
d. interspecific competition.
_c___ 3. G. Gause's experiments with two species of Paramecium demonstrated
a. obligatory mutualism.
b. Batesian mimicry.
c. competitive exclusion.
d. resource partitioning.
__c__ 4. Which of the following is a pioneer species?
a. a corn plant
b. an aspen tree
c. a lichen
d. a redwood
_d___ 5. The sea star Pisaster and the periwinkle Littorina littorea are both
a. introduced species.
b. obligate mutualists.
c. parasitoids.
d. keystone species.
__e__ 6. A niche ________.
a. is the sum of activities and relationships in a community by which individuals of a species
secure and use resources
b. is unvarying for a given species
c. shifts in large and small ways
d. both a and b
e. both a and c
_d___ 7. Two species in one habitat can coexist when they ________.
a. differ in their use of resources
b. share the same resource in different ways
c. use the same resource at different times
d. all of the above
__d__ 8. In ________ , a disturbed site in a community recovers and moves again toward the climax state.
a. the area effect
b. the distance effect
c. primary succession
d. secondary succession
_d___ 9. In the food chain, grass rabbit eagle, the relationship between the grass and eagle is
a. predation.
b. commensalism.
c. competition.
d. neutral.
e. mutualism.
__c__ 10. The interaction in which one species benefits and the second species is neither harmed nor benefited is
a. mutualism.
b. parasitism.
c. commensalism.
d. competition.
e. predation.
_a___ 11. An interaction between two species in which both species benefit is known as
a. mutualism.
b. parasitism.
c. commensalism.
d. competition.
e. predation.
__c__ 12. Niche overlap initially leads to
a. mutualism.
b. commensalism.
c. competition.
d. predation.
e. parasitism.
_b___ 13. A goat eating by pulling a plant out of the ground is an example of
a. parasitism.
b. predation.
c. competition.
d. commensalism.
e. mutualism.
__e__ 14. Which is NOT an example of coevolution?
a. insect and flower
b. predator and prey
c. host and parasite
d. model and mimic
e. sharks and dolphins
_a___ 15. Hover flies like to drop in at outdoor picnics to sample the sweets, but the reaction of the humans is to
flee the scene because of the flies' uncanny resemblance to bees. Thus, the survival of the hover fly is
enhanced by
a. mimicry.
b. display behavior.
c. warning coloration.
d. chemical defenses.
e. camouflage.
__c__ 16. Which of the following does NOT apply to parasitoids?
a. insects
b. kill animals on which they feed
c. host usually survives
d. smaller in size than prey
e. effective biocontrol agents
_e___ 17. Secondary succession is likely to occur in
a. a deciduous forest.
b. a shallow lake.
c. an abandoned field.
d. a deciduous forest and a shallow lake.
e. a deciduous forest; a shallow lake; and an abandoned field.
__d__ 18. Pioneer plant species are usually characterized by
a. small size.
b. efficient dispersal mechanisms.
c. slow maturation.
d. small size and efficient dispersal mechanisms.
e. small size, efficient dispersal mechanisms, and slow maturation.
_b___ 19. Which of the following represent an early stage in primary succession?
a. pine trees
b. moss and lichens on bare rock
c. weedy annual plants in an open field
d. climax species in succession
__a__ 20. In the United States, the number of breeding bird species increases from
a. Minnesota to Texas.
b. mainland Florida to the Florida Keys.
c. low mountain altitudes to high mountain altitudes.
d. Minnesota to Texas and from mainland Florida to the Florida Keys.
e. Minnesota to Texas, from mainland Florida to the Florida Keys, and from low mountain
altitudes to high mountain altitudes.

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