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2011 Read Through the Bible - First Quarter Bracket

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1 - Moses (Exodus) 1 Pharaoh (Exodus)

16 - Hannah (I Samuel 1-2) 16 Aaron (Exodus 32 & Numbers 12)

5 - Joseph (Genesis 37-47) 5 Goliath (I Samuel 17)

12 - Ruth/Boaz (Ruth 1-4) 12 Esau (Genesis 27)

3 - David (I Samuel 16-17) 3 Ten spies Who Said 'No' (Numbers 13)

14 - Deborah (Judges 4) 14 Korah (Number 16)

7 Issac (Genesis 24) 7 People of Soddom/Gomorrah (Genesis 18-19)

10 Caleb (Numbers 13) 10 Saul (I Samuel 15)

4 Joshua (Joshua 1-8) 4 Cain (Genesis 4)

13 Gideon (Judges 6-7) 13 Deliah (Judges 16)

8 Jacob (Genesis 28) 8 Lot (Genesis 13,14)

9 Samuel (I Samuel 1-7) 9 Post Exodus Israelites (Exodus/Deuteronomy)

6 Noah (Genesis 6-9) 6 Eli/Hophni/Phinehas (I Samuel 4-5)

11 Samson (Judges 13-16) 11 Ishmael (Genesis 25)

2 - Abraham (Genesis 11-21) 2 Joseph's Brothers (Genesis 37-47)

15 - Jonathan (I Samuel 14) 15 Achan (Joshua 7)

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