3rd AGM Agenda

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PERSATUAN PENDUDUK BANDAR PUTERI PUCHONG 12, SELANGOR (0179-08-SEL) NOTICE OF 3rd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF PUCHONG BANDAR PUTERI 12 RESIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION 215" March 2011 To, All the members, Dear Sir/Madam, Re: 3rd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TO BE HELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PUTERI 12 R.A. CONSTITUTION ARTICLE 8.3 & 8.4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 3rd Annual General Meeting of Puchong Bandar Puteri 12 Residential Association to be held as follow: Date Sunday, 27th March 2014 Time 6.00 pm Venue : Vista Playground As Puteri 12 RA member it is important that you attend the AGM so that you can obtain the latest information pertaining to the RA’s operational and management issues as well as to participate in the election of new committee members for year 2011/2012 session. Your participation is much appreciated By Order of R.A. Committee Chairperson Session 2010/2011 a ao PERSATUAN PENDUDUK BANDAR PUTERI PUCHONG 12, SELANGOR (0179-08-SEL) PROGRAM 6.00 pm - Registration 6.30 pm - Establishment of Quorum of the 3rd AGM 7.00pm : - 3rd Annual General Meeting commences AGENDA 1. Opening remarks by present Chairperson 2. To receive and adopt the minutes of the EGM on 14" November 2010 3. To receive and adopt the Audited Accounts ended 31 December 2010 4. To determine the number of members to elect returning officers, and to elect new committee members for the year 2011/2012 session; 5. Any other matters We enclose the minutes of the EGM on 14 November 2010 together with the Audited accounts for you attention Si SFCHANG & CO.w ima ‘Chartered Accountants ‘nobar fof lyin iene of Accountants REPORT OF THE AUDITORS TO THE MEMBERS OF PERSATUAN PENDUDUK BANDAR PUTERI 12 PUCHONG, SELANGOR We have audited the financial statements set out on pages 3 to 7. These financial statements are the responsibility of the committee members. Our responsibility isto express an independent opinion, based ‘on our audit, on those financial statements and to report our opinion to you, as a member and for no other Purposes. We do not assume responsibility towards any other person for the content of this report. We conducted our audit in accordance with approved standards on auditing in Malaysia, Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial Statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence Supporting the amounts and disclosures inthe financial statements. An audit also includes asscasing the sovounting principles used and significant estimates made by the committee members, as well as evaluating the overall financial statements presentation, We believe that our audit provides 2 reasonable basis for our opinion, In our opinion, the financial statements have been properly drawn up in accordance with the applicable Approved Accounting Standards in Malaysia so as to exhibit a true and fair view of the state of fairs of PERSATUAN PENDUDUK BANDAR PUTERI I2 PUCHONG, SELANGOR as at 31 December 2010 and ofits results and receipts and payments for the financial year ended on that date. eS, F CHANG & CO, a “CHANG SIEW FOONG [Firm Number: AF 1384 Approved Number: 2199/11/11@) Chartered Accountants KUALA LUMPUR Date: 18 MAR 2011 rt 5A ah lor Wisma TCT, 5161, 3d Mile elon poh, 51200 Kula Lumpur. Maa Tel: +6 03,4042 1602 Faxi+603.40420796 Email crangSs= 2 Puchong, Selangor Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2010 2010 2009 Notes RM RM. lAssets Receivables 2 2821200 44,430.00 [Cash at bank 64,031.06 52,148.32 |Cash in hand 500.00 ‘500.00 92,743.06 97,078.32 Less: Liabilities Accrual and payables 3 (1,900.00) (15,565.10) wue48.06 6151522, lFuncied by: Members funds Balance brought forward Net surplus for the year Balance carried forward 4 Persatuan Penduduk Bandar Puteri 12 Puchong, Selangor Income and Expenditure Statement for the year ended 34 December 2010 Install CCTV at guard house - 309,688.16 NET SURPLUS FOR THE YEAR 9,329.84 2010 2009 Notes RM RM = INCOME Collection from member 272,860.00 257,150.00 Teichi class collection 380.00 41,300.00 Cat Sticker 848.00 100.00 Membership feo 450.00 430.00 Donation from YB Lau 2,000.00 : ‘Sponsor from 101 4 10,000.00 : ‘Access card 4 28,950.00 : Receipt from Mooncake Party 5 3,850.00 - Receipts from Countdown Party s 40,401.00 —S18018.00 799,58,00_ LESS: EXPENDITURE Security fees and allowances 215,648.00 163,250.40 Allowance for Secretary 13,000.00 412,000.00 Allowance for member fees collectors 3120000 28,800.00 Allowance for guard manager 1,500.00 - Telephone expenses 1,000.00 805.00 Printing and stationery 3,252.57 2,241.14 Bank charges 87.00 148.00 Dinner expenses 4,400.00 786.00 Upkeep and maintenance of RA12 area 6 3,441.20 5,347.50 ‘Meeting expenses 7 41,755.10 41,208.80 Donation, gift, hamper & condolences 2408.70 1650.00 ‘Auditor fee 1.175.00 1585.00 Printing of banner 320.00 150.00 Expenses for Countdown Party 2011 1800.00 - Accounting fee 3,000.00 - Expenses for Chinese New Year Party 320.00 : Install boomgate system 4 18,202.00 : Purchase of access card 6,100.00 - Repair barrel arm 4 1,440.00 - ‘Water charges at guard house 329.40 - Electricity charges at guard house 819.69 : Expenses for Mooncake Party 5 2,767.50 : ‘Sponsor for Police Fun Walk Campaign 325.00 - Expenses for Countdown Party 2010 - 37,137.60 Maintenance of RA12 basketball court - 150.00 Refreshment expenses : 200.00 Printing car sticker RA2 - 2,400.00 6,750.00 287 50544 36,771.66 Persatuan Penduduk Bandar Puteri 12 Puchong, Selangor RECEIPTS AND PAYMENTS. STATEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2010 2010 2008 RM RM. Receipts. Members fee collection 246,548.00 222,500.00 ‘Access card 28,950.00 : Receivables 44,430.00 33,603.20 Car Sticker 848.00 80.00 Membership fee 450,00 360.00 Taichi class collection 360.00 1,300.00 Donation from YB Lau 2,000.00, - ‘Sponsor from 10} 10,000.00 : Receipts from Countdown Party - 33,099.50 Collection from Mooneake Party 4,332.50, - 357,018.50. 200,942.70 Less: Payments Security fees and allowances 215,648.00 165 250.40 Allowance for Secretary 13,000.00 42,000.00 Allowance for member fees collectors 31,200.00 28,800.00 Allowance for guard manager 4,500.00, < Telephone expenses 4,000.00 805.00 Printing and stationery 3,252.57 2218.14 Bank charges 87.00 148,00 Dinner expenses 1,400.00, 786.00 Upkeep and maintenance of RA12 area 3,441.20 5,347.50 Meeting expenses 4,755.40 1,208.80 Girt, hamper & condolences 2/105.70 1650.00 Auditor fee 4:175.00 585.00 Printing of banner 320.00 150.00 Expenses for Countdown Party 2010 15,565.10 23,961.00 Expenses for Countdown Party 2011 '500.00 : Accounting fee 3,000.00 : Expenses for Chinese New Year Party 320.00 - Install boomgate system 18,202.00 - Purchase of access card 6,100.00, - Repair barrel arm 4,440.00 - ‘Water charges at guard house 329.40 : Electricity charges at guard house 819.69 : Payment for Mooncake Party 3,550.00 : ‘Sponsor for Police Fun Walk Campaign 325,00 Refreshment expenses - 200.00 Maintenance of RA12 basketball court - 150.00 Printing car sticker RA12 - 2,400.00 Install CCTV at guard house - 6750.00 BEETS SAR Surplus for the year 11,882.74 44,532.86 Balance of cash bif 52,648.32 14,418.46 Balance of cash eff 84 537.06 52,648.32 Persatuan Penduduk Bandar Puteri 12 Puchong Selangor NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 1 Significant accounting policies {(@) Basis of accounting ‘The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention unless ‘otherwise stated in the significant accounting policies and comply with applicable Approved ‘Accounting Standards in Malaysia, (b) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in hand and bank balances, demand deposits which are Subject fo an insignificant risk of changes in value 2010 2009 RM. RM 2 Receivables Collectors 28,212.00 Edward Skading - Countdown party ticket aw 3. Accrual and payables ‘Members’ feos in advance 1,900.00 : Countdown party expenses - 2010 15,565.10 7900 4 Members’ Funds. Boomgate Operating maintenance funds funds Total RM RM RM Balance bit 81,613.22 2 81,513.22 (@efici)/Surplus for the year (9,978.16) 19,308.00 __9,329.84 Balance off 71,535.06 19,308.00 90,843.06, During the year, the Commitee has approved the setting up of a fund o be uilised for the installation of a boomgete system at the main entrance and any future maintenance or upgrading works. Analysis of the Boomoat= maintenance funds: RM Access card 28,950.00, ‘Sponsor from 10! 40,000.00 (18,202.00) Less: Installation c* > Less: Repair b= Net surplus for the vex $0.00) 49,308.00 Persatuan Penduduk Bandar Puteri 12 Puchong Selangor NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS 5 Mooncake festival gathering Income ‘Member contribution and donation Less: Expenses Food cost Rental of canopy, chairs and tables and prizes PA system Printing banner Lion dance performance First aid boys Net surplus 6 Upkeep and maintenance of RA12 area Signato at guardhouse Painting road tine Building road humps Road inproverent Upkeep guardhouse Purchase of traffic com and plastic chain Installing fluorecent light tube al playground Letter box & suggestion box Instaling yellow light for survetionce motorbike Building lower arm 7 Mecting expenses Light refreshment Rental sound and PA system Rental of canopy Banner Photocopy 2010 3,650.00 802.50 800.00 405.00 250.00 160.00 00.00 60,00 3767.50 782.50 aaa 269.60 300.00 41,080.00 70.00 55,50 2009 RM 535.00 300.00 3,560.00 31.50 158.00 622.00 150,00 TST SO 258.80 200.00 600.00 160.00 ae @ og” i PERSATUAN PENDUDUK BANDAR PUTERI PUCHONG 12, SELANGOR (0179-08-SEL) Puteri 12 Residential Association EGM Date: 14" November 2010 Venue: Vista playground Chairperson: Ms Betty Yap Record (Assistant secretary): Mr. Ho Yew Kee Minutes of the EGM : Minute El Matter Action 1.0 [Over a hundred Puteri 12 residents attended the meeting, The air was thick with enthusiasm and concern. for information TT [Among the attendees was a representative from the neighbouring Puteri 11 which intended to cooperate with | for information us in the security affair. Another attendee was a PDRM sergeam who advised the Puteri 12 Resident to work closely with police to maintain the security in this area. 2.0 | The meeting started at 6.50 pm, with the opening speech by Chairperson Ms Betty Yap. Chairperson 2.1 | She welcomed the presence of all the aitendees despite the impending rain, and thanked their concern over the security matter in Puteri 12 22 | She said the purpose of the meeting was to have an open dialogue with the residents regarding the formation of a new committee (o replace the just resigned one. 2.3 | She reiterated t knew the RA is aregistered association. and cannot simply be closed. The decision of n was a collective one. The ike 10 take over the resigned committee. jumerous postings on the chat box of | riticizing the committee and wanted to mittee, i take over the © 24 She wanted the attendees to read the treasury report, and air their views about it. A copy of the treasury report had been put up on a board and several copies were circulated among the attendees. 25 She said all the expenses were firstly approved by the committee members (8 members) in meeting, only then checks were issued, signed by three appointees who were the chairperson, the secretary and the treasurer. She said in the past, a lot of problems arose from the security guards so much so that four times they were dismissed and replaced by others. The RA committee tried their best to manage the security system to the extent of employing a supervisor (paid RM 1000.00 per month) to oversee the security works carried out by the guards. 27 ‘At present 10 members declined to pay fee next year because of disapproval of the RM2.00 pass for non- members. She admitted that she was frustrated and let down by their decision. She also said that she wanted to quit because of her family commitment which made her quite difficult to spare time for running RA. She condescendingly said that as a woman she was ‘not competent’ enough to carry out her duty as a chairperson. 28 She said RA could not force everybody to pay. Right then, RA collected a fee of RMS0 from each of the 511 members, not only for the maintenance of the present security system but also for any contingencies that might crop up. 29 She asked that Mr. Heng to come forward to run the meeting. But after calling for three times, there were no appearance of him. She further asked any willing members to come forward to form a new committee, but no one came forward 2.10 She asked the attendees whether they wanted the security. All agreed to have security, only a few disagreed citing the fact that many refused to pay the security fee. A member, Eugene, came forward and suggested present committee stop tendering resignation their tenure until the expiry of the mandate on Mazch next year. In other words continue their job for the % months. committee 4.0 ‘A member speaking in mandarin told th some Chinese non-members harbour parasitic mentalicy: practically letting down the RA. for information 5.0 ‘A member, Mr. John Lock, exhorted the attendees to support the security system. residents 60 Two members, Mr. Allan Ng and Mr. Victor, criticized the lackadaisical working attitudes of the security guards and wanted them to improve. seourity guards 7.0 ‘A committee member, Ms Tan Sook Ha, complained about the unbecoming words rained on her by some residents while asking them to join RA during night visits. residents 80 Beity again called for new people to volunteer their service and to replace the resigned commitiee, but to no avail. Instead the resigned committee was urged by majority of the attendees to continue serving until the next AGM on 31.3. 2011 committee 9.0 They wanted the security system to be improved. They also agreed to the demand of wage hike of RMO.50, ie from the present RM4.00 per hour to 4.50 per hour, by the security guards, who had been servicing us for the past 3 years without any revision of rate. committee 10.0 They also wanted the RM2.00 Non-member Pass to be abolished immediately. Non-members have to go through the Visitor Lane and queue up accordingly while the guards are registering the visitors. committee 11.0 They agreed (o assist RA to encourage their neighbours to join RA. Betty and Lim Mui Ling will continue their collection of monthly security fee till the next AGM on 31.3. 2011 Betty Yap and Lim Mui Ling The resigned committee agreed to cancel its resignation and continue its tenure til] 31 March 2011. committee Betiy Yap told the attendees thai this year’s Countdown Party would not be carried out due to shortage of time to look for sponsorship and organizing the event. for information She and other committee members thanked all attendees | for their support and encouragement to continue the security services. for information The attendees were informed that the secretary Mr. | Edward Skading had tendered his resignation on 5" Nov 2010. A new secretary needed to be appointed. Mr. John proposed Mr. Allan Ng Min Fatt to be appointed as the new secretary. The proposal was accepted by majority of | the attendees. Allan Ng Min Fatt ‘The EGM dismissed at 8.15 pm. Recorded by, Endorsed by, eltece — +e} A fo Yew Kee) (Betty Yap Present In-Atlendance 1. Khooi Chu Boon 2, Lam Peng Fatt 3.LeeBongSin 4. Sam Yew Mein 5.NgChee Chuan 6, Tham Wai Kuen 7. Ho YewKee 8, Betty Yap 9. Yan Wai Kuen 10. Ann Lee 11. KK Tang 12. Tan 13, Ng Ah Sing 14. Jansen 15, Sharon Wong 16. Ang 17, William Chang 18. Chong Kwai Wu 19. Chen Hoong Eang 20. Siah Meng Hoh 21. Lim Tiong Heng 22. Alex Khoo 23. Kamal Leng 24, Toh Boon Wah 25.Chin Hui Min 26. Foo Yeong Seng 27. Oon Hui Sue 28, Edward Chong 29, Linda 30.LimJinFou 31. JoshuaNga 32. Chow Chuan. Soon 33. Kua Boon Haw 34, Chong Too Hwa 35. Dickwong. 36. May Ne 37. Mrs Chan 38. Chan Kok Woh 39. Foong Wai Meng 40. YK Tan 41. Loh 42, Eugene 43. David Ng 44, Chua Leong Hoo 45. Khor Meng Cheng 46. Tan Sook Ha 47. Tang Enya Kong 48.HoCheeKe 49. Andy Gan 50. May Tan 51.Chay Yiow Yin 52. George Lau 53. Nellie Khoo 54, John Lok 55, Chang Man Long 56. Eng Swee Peng 57. Chong Chiu Nyek 58. Tam 59, Ayamany 60. George Ewe 61.Ong YeeSeng 62. Hee Yong Soo 63. Lee Sow Chan 64, Chen Chit Han 65. Saw Li Poh 66. Tan Ek Heng 67. Ong Kean Keng 68. Erin 69. Jenny 70. Geh Yur Boon 71. Khong Shy Yunn 72. Lim Yok Liong 73. Thomas Tok 74. B.S. Lau 75, Jimmy Seow 76, See Eng Peng 77. Yong Yow Chuan_ 78, Chen Li Fie 79. Loo Wai Yee 80. Dato’ Mahsun 81. Lim Mooi Leng —_ 82. Cheong Kong. Leong 83. Bill Lee 84. Annie Chin 85. Carol Ng 86. Allan Ne 87. CH Lee 88. Siew YewChoy 89, Lee Chua Seng 90. Michael Leong 91. Blaine Tan 92. Choo Leng Leng 93. Dylan Cheng 94. Tan Kong Kee _95. Law Thien Loy 96. Tan Siew Mei 97. Khaw Yee Meng 98. Vitor Liew 99.EaChooGuan 100. Alex Chan 101.Desmond Cho 102. Thong Teck Kui 103, Hoh Cheng Hoong 104, Ong San Poh 105, Koo Seng Cheng 106. Kwong Ngai Hemg 107. TK Low 108. Chia Hong Hooi 109. Wong Tze Chen 110. Lee Ken Sung 111, Soa Fuak Loong 112. Carol Lee

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