2.3 Research Questions

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1. Introduction.
1.1 Structure.
2. Research Overview.
2.1 Area Of Research.
2.2 Aim & Objectives.
2.3 Research Questions.
2.4 Significance of the Research.
2.5 Implications for Organizations.
3. Critical Literature Review.
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 Mapping of the Literature Review.
3.3 Area to be Reviewed.
3.4 Critical Analysis of Theoretical Framework.
3.5 Definitions and Scope

3.6 Related Terms

3.7 The Indian Context

3.8 Characteristics of the Industry

3.8.1 Infrastructure Characteristics

3.8.2 Economic Importance

3.9 Business Theories on Network Industry Management

3.9.1 Ex Ante Approach versus Post Ante Approach
3.9.2 Market Failures
3.9.3 Market Forces
3.10 Likely Issues Affecting the Indian Mobile Industry

3.10.1 Competitive Structure

3.10.2 Technology
3.10.3 Regulation and Government Bodies
3.11 Summary & Conclusion
4. Research Methodology
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Research Proposition
4.3 Research Design
4.3.1 Research Approach
4.4 Data Sources and Collection
4.5 Methodology
4.6 Objectives, Hypothesis and Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 General Scenario
5.3 Competitions and Technology
5.3.1 Competition - Technology – Regulation
5.3.2 Rural Penetration
5.4.1 Liberalization
5.4.2 Factors to consider for liberalization
5.4.3 How to Liberalize
5.5 Future Developments in the Industry
5.6 Conclusion
6. Appendix 1
7. Appendix 2

8. Biblography.

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