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Table of Contents

S.N Teacher’s
o Program Page No.
1. Program to find out that a number is Even or Odd. 1
2. Program to find out Factorial of a number. 3
3. Program to make an Application Form. 5
4. Program to find out Total and Average of three numbers. 10
5. Program to use InputBox() and MsgBox() function. 12
6. Program to make Simple Calculator. 14
Program to find the Sum of 20 elements in Array & find the
7. 17
8. Program to make Fibonacci Series. 19
9. Program to Call a Function by Value. 21
10. Program to Call a Function by Reference. 23
11. Program to enter 10 elements in Array & print them in a List. 25
12. Program to implement ComboBox & ListBox functions. 27
13. Program to implement Horizontal Scrolls & Vertical Scrolls. 29
14. Program to implement CheckBox & OptionBox controls. 31
15. Program to implement MDI Form. 35
16. Program to check the given number is Palindrome or not. 37
17. Program to find out Sum, Average and Division of a Student. 39
Program to add the items of First to Second ListBox and from
18. 42
Second to First ListBost
19. Program to Swap three numbers. 45
20. Program to take a Pizza Order. 47
Table of Contents

S.N Teacher’s
o Program Page No.
1. Program to find out that a number is Even or Odd. 1
2. Program to find out Factorial of a number. 3
3. Program to make an Application Form. 5
4. Program to find out Total and Average of three numbers. 10
5. Program to use InputBox() and MsgBox() function. 12
6. Program to make Simple Calculator. 14
Program to find the Sum of 20 elements in Array & find the
7. 17
8. Program to make Fibonacci Series. 19
9. Program to Call a Function by Value. 21
10. Program to Call a Function by Reference. 23
11. Program to enter 10 elements in Array & print them in a List. 25
12. Program to implement ComboBox & ListBox functions. 27
13. Program to implement Horizontal Scrolls & Vertical Scrolls. 29
14. Program to implement CheckBox & OptionBox controls. 31
15. Program to implement MDI Form. 35
16. Program to check the given number is Palindrome or not. 37
17. Program to find out Sum, Average and Division of a Student. 39
Program to add the items of First to Second ListBox and from
18. 42
Second to First ListBost
19. Program to Swap three numbers. 45
20. Program to take a Pizza Order. 47

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