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Questions to Analyze….

Denotation /connotation  Lifestyle choices (shops /

restaurants / magazines / films etc)
 The way the model is standing ?
 Their facial expression?
 The location for the adverts ?
 The storyline ?
 The Costume (or lack of!) on the Advert Appeal
models ?
 Advertising appeal used :
 Any props in the adverts ?
 Advertising persuasion technique:
 The colours used ?
Magic ingredients / snob appeal etc
 The name of the product?
 The slogan ? choice of language?
 The font used ? Representation of Gender:
 Camera Shot + angle?
 How are Men and Women shown in
Target Audience Profile: your advert campaign ?
 Who is this product mainly aimed at  Body positions
?  Facial Expressions
 Gender / Age / Ethnicity  Jobs or role in the adverts
 Jobs / Income  Who is control or position of
 Social Class power?
 Is it stereotypical or unconventional

 Demographics (DINKYS, YUPPIES, CHAVS)

 Maslow audience type: (Aspirer , succeeder, etc )

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