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Cover focus plus ow would you like to hand out advice and |p Your resuene just by cane et paid for A? Or bulk eeting-with people online? Well, now you can, Because being a life coach anda social media marketer are just tn of the many unconventional career options avallalale led. The changing marker scenario has ed to a slew af new industien than YOU! parents never dreamed of. IF you fee! like you need ach ige, thea perhaps 1S time to ake a shit to aspanbing new industry Jus take your pick, MARKETING AND ADVERTISING Brand nev branch: ‘Social media marketer TEyou spend mast of yourtime online surfing Facebok, Teitter, YouTube etc, then you might as will eam alfiving from i, Companies ny knelia have on ly jst peslised rhe innportance oF Having a peesenc sntine ard ave using inkeraesive snedia to build their brats, ‘The need 6F the hou ate peaple with excelent technical skills, 1 build online adhvrts and also socal skills to nope people in, with one-click Think bark to the covert ad on: the tight-hand Siclew! your FB home: page wherw yor ‘licked the ike burton, Sucker! a Land it Fechna-commercial skills ate the pre-requisites for entry into this red hot sector. While no ferinal ‘courses are-available in Incl, in depth knowledge of marketing, the Interne Se it cote and ¢ ato Rs ALTERNATIVE HEALTH Brand new branch: Wellness guide Feed yous health obsession, become: wellness coach. In ap age where mst of us are secking healthier lifestyle, chis fle has already comig ‘long. way In act, even corporate Nonsess have realised the iinportance (of cellness plan and many have itch to a brand new industry, Here's u never heard of, By Kiran Mehta bhived inch employees make healthier choices, consultants w help Fron pickings the right foods w (motivating tem Wo slay in exerciwe programmes, Land es nutrition, ilness, physiology is Ht: Avvateness oF topirs such required, A degree in medicine is an adiled advantage. You necd sharp leadership skill, and a pleasing petsonality goes along way Pay ange: Salaries start. at Rs 25,000 3 FINANCE Brandnew branch Personal banker Remember walking into your parents bank where thu clerk greeted you by name? that familiar face disappeared ftorn the equation when inteenacional bariks entered Anca, Thanks to the new vange of facilities, anany of us were eager sr shife ome Favals, but ye sil ele chested in exras io service, Thae's when personal bankers eame to the rescue, & personal banker isa clients point of contact for any service they reine from the hank. They help Inanage fands, Lanslate financial jaugon or simply call a client from time to tne to lel. thea know abort tse latest sehioenes. Landit: Expertise in banking and finance coupled with excellent public relations skills will be requiteel Pay range: Salaries star at Bs 25,000 per month, LAW Brand new branch: Cyber law Fancy yourself asa bit of an online sleuth? Then fighting cyber crime might justbe the job for you. A eyber law expert uunderstanesthe techiiealitios involved in nahbing ate on line criminal and the beyal jaxgon involved in bringing chew to task. As a cyber lage professinial, you may not be able flan the black Flowing woal but you can he a less stodgy parcof the justice system. have realised the inaporianice nf having cyber celisin addition to jeveral companies ‘nlormation secavity clivisions 10 come down on hackers ned other eyber eviminals Landit: There are several courses available in eyber lw, fiom law colleges across Ini, Some crash eaurses lst just four weeks, others span months. You cnald also take up a correspondence onsse to equip yoursell Pay range: You would probaly start at Rs 15,000 per month but the soon tis felt is tremondous FASHION Brand new branch: Personal shopper You're paid ta go sopping: bat you don’t get 19 keep the goodies: White in previous gears personal shoppers were the hasury of the sich anit laminas, now everybody unlerstancls the importance of being well tweed cout, And thar gives this field a lot It you like to heli people prick the perkect outfits, area proat pickings tp on the latest trends, ke sa loos gv on diferent body types and ave tuned into the latest deals in town, them this is the jab for you, As a personal shopper youll get 10 hey soneone-change their image and boost setl-esteem wife shopping. Its what you've always dreamed cal wor peace Harough real Landit: could belp, but more than your course in fashion design qualifications. 4 your sige quatient that wil help yes ave Pay range: Get paid by Une hou Expect tomake Rs 2,500 (oF 60 minutes of your time, TECHNOLOGY Brand new branch: 3D expert LF youlve fnscinaved by this added dimension, then a sebole mew world nf possibilities just opened up for gio with Avaae,"The: Holly wecd blockbuster brought abour a 31) revaltion, Suddenly, se have theatres playing cricket magches in 3D, Bollywood films announced in the Format. 3 television sexs encerinygour homes, aed finally news of 3D Internet statel tn cake over be ‘our compugerss The inchustey is only sec to yet higger and the demand for professionals acho understand the technology sill only increase, Landit: Several institutes currently coffer courses in 3D animation ail sterascopie courses, lasting from, 4 ese montis ta 90 yeas A creative bent of sind is essential Pay range: Initial salaries are in the range of Rs 7000 to R5:10,000 par ‘month, Greztive guys can expect more tian triple that amount, MENTAL HEALTH Brand new branch: Life coach Ave your always rhe one people come to for help and autvice during trying, times? You could give peaple ashonlder to lean on art 1 symnpathetic ear’ for a living, A Tile coach helps clients deal with any aspect nflile, sanging from Youcan'tgo wrong with entertainment and technology ‘relationship iasues to caver crises. sentially. life coach helps people got unstuck avd build better lives Candits run yourself with degiee ppoychology and eoumselling. Or opt for x certificate coaching progeatmntc wich lasts uaa ew mona Pay range: Payment ison an hourly basis, starting at Rs 5,000. TRAVEL AND TOURISM Brand new branch: Eco-tourism guide ofoxe you hop an aflight, do you calculate your carbon tootpatnt? I you love i travel but are concerned about the planet; then this isthe petfece career for you. Guide peopte though the island of Tuwahn, wick nay no longer be then iin a few ang Or closer home, sieer 4 group oF years, thanks to global people throug the tea plartatibss in ‘Maman wich the Ward Bank has recently helped revive. Landit Any 11V.A eestiieate helps, bu isn't nocessany IE you gor job with an ece-toatsm em that arages ternational tours, youll travel around the world with tourists and get paid for it! Payrange: Sniaries for boginness are in the range of Rs 10,000 to Rs 15,000. GOVERNMENT Brand new branch: Youth political worker ‘With most of Indias population being an ineveasings need for political parties we connect with this vote batik, Parties are therefore reerutinyg the youth 0 inthe uneler-30 age bnseket, ther parlicipace actively it the political process, Infact, recently an NGO scouted colleges for interns willing to work with MPs. A peiene example of a uceessful uducated political worker with no family connections tw plies is Prodyit Bora, an IHM-Ahnnedabadl irate wha joined the BJP in 2004, Hever, uness you have saves, iis best to have a vegglarjob while you purstx’ any political ambitious, because the fest fow years will have ye interning for te patty of your chwige or working for an independent outfie with political clout, for no pay. Land it: A degree in olivia science nay help, Apars fron thai you'll need lo be gemuiiely intesestod m thee political and governmental soikings sof th: countey, Good nratory skill re diplomacy will go a long waye shen you are iv dealing with some larger tbatrlife personalities ay range: Salaries forinterns range from Rs 10000 to Rs 12.000. » ‘education, information technology and BSF sectors.) Editor's letter For all future applicants to Femina’s writing team, here's the first lesson in getting a job with us—PLEASE LEARN TO WRITE YOUR RESUME RIGHT! ‘The amount of hugh I haveekerived from the simple exercise of perusing vt | ysl i oul) “yoy CVeiswell, not funiy The latest ina long pile af innocent job applications with serious sexual innuendos says this (and I quote): "I will give you and your team so much pleasure, we will deliver a good product!” Damn right, you will—yon already have provided howlarions pleasure! Another one [ ean recall fiom an earlter submission was: “Vililarial stwouth Csic}s Eawlish erin and eatching spelling errors There's a classic, of course, sitting somewhere with our HR department that states: “I'm excellent at pubic (I spaaktng? Since rosnceie wviting (s uiaet thateven | haven't perfected, I suggest actually spending some time writing tlown real job-related abilities rather than mentioning hobbies like Shaving fun, drinking and steeping” (another gem from the resames I get), And speaking of CVs, even the interview stage isa slippery one. $0 all chose of you who think making statements like ‘l can’t work late hours even though it's a day and/or night shift profile or worse ‘Can f get amonth off immediately after | joie? will help your ease in any wary, you're bang. on, Youll be spared the trouble of being (ive niontl Lulor by simply not being hired at the outset So why did you just get this fund of career advice from ine? Because this is our career special, And theres loads to know on how you can bea!) f)) 5 7) within minutes...go get the boss! “The countey’siggest achievers tel yu how to be a supertweman atthe workplace, Psy alookat the newest careers inthe market

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