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The target audience I would be aiming my

magazine at are both males and females

between ages of 16-25. The type of person I
would target would be very outgoing, cool, My target audience can range from
confident, and they may tend to be urban students at 6 form, college, and
and single. By this I mean that they like to university or in a job that is practical and
socialise for example go out to a club or bar high class earning good amounts of
to meet new people and enjoy themselves. money. This means they would fit into
They will have some sought of passion for such social grades of, E (students), D
house or dance music. (working class) and C2 (skilled manual
workers). They would be likely to live in
urban areas, like London, Birmingham,
Manchester or nearby where a lot is
happening. They may still live with their
parents if they are students or renting
With the money they earn they would property like flats or standard housing.
spend it on going out socialising and on They may even have bought and live in
events like the dance music festival, their own property.
Creamfields, also on lively holidays to
Ibiza for example. Also would be very
interested in fashion and would be likely
to shop in, Topman, All saints, Choice and
many others. They would be likely to be
up to date with the latest fashion, music
and events. My target audience would
watch little T.V especially on the
weekend, as they would be out
socialising, being active (gym or football)
or possibly at events.

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